3 research outputs found

    Navigointijärjestelmät ilmailussa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on käydä läpi eri ilmailunavigointijärjestelmiä sekä niiden historiaa, nykypäivän tilannetta ja muodostaa käsitys tulevaisuuden kehityksestä. Työssä tarkastellaan perinteistä kartta- ja laskelmasuunnistusta, radio- ja satelliittipaikannusta, navigointia lennettäessä IFR/VFR -sääntöjen mukaan sekä perusteita maapallosta. Tietoa kerätään kirjallisuudesta, pääosin ilmailun ja tietotekniikan tieteellisistä julkaisuista sekä manuaaleista. Näitä löydöksiä täydennetään haastattelemalla neljää Finnairin lentäjää sekä tulevaisuustutkijaa.Navigation systems in aviation. Abstract. The purpose of this thesis is to review the various aviation navigation systems and their history, current situation and to form an understanding of their evolution. The thesis examines traditional map navigation and dead reckoning, radio and satellite positioning, navigation when flying in accordance with IFR/VFR and the foundations of the Earth. Information is collected from literature, mainly from scientific publications and manuals in aviation and information technology. These findings are complemented by interviews with four Finnair pilots and a futures researcher

    Mobile mental wellness training for stress management:Feasibility and design implications based on a one-month field study

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    BACKGROUND: Prevention and management of work-related stress and related mental problems is a great challenge. Mobile applications are a promising way to integrate prevention strategies into the everyday lives of citizens. OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study was to study the usage, acceptance, and usefulness of a mobile mental wellness training application among working-age individuals, and to derive preliminary design implications for mobile apps for stress management. METHODS: Oiva, a mobile app based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), was designed to support active learning of skills related to mental wellness through brief ACT-based exercises in the daily life. A one-month field study with 15 working-age participants was organized to study the usage, acceptance, and usefulness of Oiva. The usage of Oiva was studied based on the usage log files of the application. Changes in wellness were measured by three validated questionnaires on stress, satisfaction with life (SWLS), and psychological flexibility (AAQ-II) at the beginning and at end of the study and by user experience questionnaires after one week’s and one month’s use. In-depth user experience interviews were conducted after one month’s use to study the acceptance and user experiences of Oiva. RESULTS: Oiva was used actively throughout the study. The average number of usage sessions was 16.8 (SD 2.4) and the total usage time per participant was 3 hours 12 minutes (SD 99 minutes). Significant pre-post improvements were obtained in stress ratings (mean 3.1 SD 0.2 vs mean 2.5 SD 0.1, P=.003) and satisfaction with life scores (mean 23.1 SD 1.3 vs mean 25.9 SD 0.8, P=.02), but not in psychological flexibility. Oiva was perceived easy to use, acceptable, and useful by the participants. A randomized controlled trial is ongoing to evaluate the effectiveness of Oiva on working-age individuals with stress problems. CONCLUSIONS: A feasibility study of Oiva mobile mental wellness training app showed good acceptability, usefulness, and engagement among the working-age participants, and provided increased understanding on the essential features of mobile apps for stress management. Five design implications were derived based on the qualitative findings: (1) provide exercises for everyday life, (2) find proper place and time for challenging content, (3) focus on self-improvement and learning instead of external rewards, (4) guide gently but do not restrict choice, and (5) provide an easy and flexible tool for self-reflection

    Genome-wide association analyses identify 44 risk variants and refine the genetic architecture of major depression

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common illness accompanied by considerable morbidity, mortality, costs, and heightened risk of suicide. We conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis based in 135,458 cases and 344,901 controls and identified 44 independent and significant loci. The genetic findings were associated with clinical features of major depression and implicated brain regions exhibiting anatomical differences in cases. Targets of antidepressant medications and genes involved in gene splicing were enriched for smaller association signal. We found important relationships of genetic risk for major depression with educational attainment, body mass, and schizophrenia: lower educational attainment and higher body mass were putatively causal, whereas major depression and schizophrenia reflected a partly shared biological etiology. All humans carry lesser or greater numbers of genetic risk factors for major depression. These findings help refine the basis of major depression and imply that a continuous measure of risk underlies the clinical phenotype