6,085 research outputs found

    A real delivery problem dealt with Monte Carlo techniques

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    [EN] In this paper we use Monte Carlo Techniques to deal with a real world delivery problem of a food company in Valencia (Spain). The problem is modeled as a set of 11 instances of the well known Vehicle Routing Problem, VRP, with additional time constraints. Given that VRP is a NP-hard problem, a heuristic algorithm, based on Monte Carlo techniques, is implemented. The solution proposed by this heuristic algorithm reaches distance and money savings of about 20% and 5% respectively.This research was partially supported by MICINN, Project MTM2013-43540-P and by UPV, Project Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo de la UPV PAID-06-12.S577181Fernández de Córdoba, P., L.M. García-Raffi and J.M. Sanchis Llopis (1998), A heuristic algorithm based on Monte Carlo methods for the Rural Postman Problem.Computers and Op. Research,25, No. 12, pp. 1097–1106, 1998.Fernández de Córdoba, P. and L.M. García-Raffi, E. Nieto and J.M. Sanchis Llopis (1999a), Aplicación de técnicas Monte Carlo a un problema real de Rutas de Vehículos.Anales de Ingeniería, Colombia. In press.Fernández de Córdoba, P., L.M. García-Raffi and J.M. Sanchis Llopis (1999b), A Constructive Parallel Algorithm based on Monte Carlo techniques for Routing Problems, Submitted toParallel Computers.Laporte, G. (1992), The Vehicle Routing Problem: an overview of exact and approximate algorithms,European Journal of Operations Research,59, 345.Laporte, G., M. Desrochers and Y. Nobert (1985), “Optimal Routing under Capacity and Distance Restrictions.Operations Research,33, pp. 1050–1073.Laporte G. and Y. Nobert (1987), Exact algorithms for The Vehicle Routing Problem,Surveys in Combinatorial Optimization (S. Martello, G. Laporte, M. Minoux and C. Ribeiro Eds.). North-HollandAmsterdamMayado, A. (1998), Organización de los itinerarios de la flota de camiones de reparto de una sociedad cooperativa. Optimización mediante técnicas de simulación Monte Carlo. Proyecto Fin de Carrera. E.T.S.I.I. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

    Dynamic routing problems with fruitful regions: models and evolutionary computation

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    We introduce the concept of fruitful regions in a dynamic routing context: regions that have a high potential of generating loads to be transported. The objective is to maximise the number of loads transported, while keeping to capacity and time constraints. Loads arrive while the problem is being solved, which makes it a real-time routing problem. The solver is a self-adaptive evolutionary algorithm that ensures feasible solutions at all times. We investigate under what conditions the exploration of fruitful regions improves the effectiveness of the evolutionary algorith

    Impacts of misalignment effects on the Muon Spectrometer Performance

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    The ATLAS detector, currently being installed at CERN, is designed to exploit the full potential of the LHC, identifying and providing highly accurate energy and momentum measurements of particles emerging from the LHC protonproton collisions with a centre-of-mass energy at 14 TeV, starting in 2007. High-momentum final-state muons are among the most promising signatures at the LHC, thanks to a high-resolution Muon Spectrometer with standalone triggering and momentum measurement. As well known, muons interact primarily trough their electromagnetic charge, but since they are 200 times more massive than the electrons they are less affected by the electric fields of the nuclei they encounter. Muons with an energy of more than a few GeV penetrate the calorimeter and can reach the Muon Spectrometer, which consists out of more than 1.200 single drift-tubes chambers. The correct alignment of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer is crucial to ensure its design performance. This note documents the first attempt at using various misaligned Muonspectrometer layouts to study their impacts Muon Spectrometer performance

    Compliance error compensation in robotic-based milling

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    The paper deals with the problem of compliance errors compensation in robotic-based milling. Contrary to previous works that assume that the forces/torques generated by the manufacturing process are constant, the interaction between the milling tool and the workpiece is modeled in details. It takes into account the tool geometry, the number of teeth, the feed rate, the spindle rotation speed and the properties of the material to be processed. Due to high level of the disturbing forces/torques, the developed compensation technique is based on the non-linear stiffness model that allows us to modify the target trajectory taking into account nonlinearities and to avoid the chattering effect. Illustrative example is presented that deals with robotic-based milling of aluminum alloy

    Multiwavelength characterisation of an ACT-selected, lensed dusty star-forming galaxy at z=2.64

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    We present \ci\,(2--1) and multi-transition 12^{12}CO observations of a dusty star-forming galaxy, ACT\,J2029+0120, which we spectroscopically confirm to lie at zz\,=\,2.64. We detect CO(3--2), CO(5--4), CO(7--6), CO(8--7), and \ci\,(2--1) at high significance, tentatively detect HCO+^{+}(4--3), and place strong upper limits on the integrated strength of dense gas tracers (HCN(4--3) and CS(7--6)). Multi-transition CO observations and dense gas tracers can provide valuable constraints on the molecular gas content and excitation conditions in high-redshift galaxies. We therefore use this unique data set to construct a CO spectral line energy distribution (SLED) of the source, which is most consistent with that of a ULIRG/Seyfert or QSO host object in the taxonomy of the \textit{Herschel} Comprehensive ULIRG Emission Survey. We employ RADEX models to fit the peak of the CO SLED, inferring a temperature of T\sim117 K and nH2105n_{\text{H}_2}\sim10^5 cm3^{-3}, most consistent with a ULIRG/QSO object and the presence of high density tracers. We also find that the velocity width of the \ci\ line is potentially larger than seen in all CO transitions for this object, and that the LCI(21)/LCO(32)L'_{\rm C\,I(2-1)}/L'_{\rm CO(3-2)} ratio is also larger than seen in other lensed and unlensed submillimeter galaxies and QSO hosts; if confirmed, this anomaly could be an effect of differential lensing of a shocked molecular outflow.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    The ALMA Frontier Fields Survey - IV. Lensing-corrected 1.1 mm number counts in Abell 2744, MACSJ0416.1-2403 and MACSJ1149.5+2223

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    [abridged] Characterizing the number counts of faint, dusty star-forming galaxies is currently a challenge even for deep, high-resolution observations in the FIR-to-mm regime. They are predicted to account for approximately half of the total extragalactic background light at those wavelengths. Searching for dusty star-forming galaxies behind massive galaxy clusters benefits from strong lensing, enhancing their measured emission while increasing spatial resolution. Derived number counts depend, however, on mass reconstruction models that properly constrain these clusters. We estimate the 1.1 mm number counts along the line of sight of three galaxy clusters, i.e. Abell 2744, MACSJ0416.1-2403 and MACSJ1149.5+2223, which are part of the ALMA Frontier Fields Survey. We perform detailed simulations to correct these counts for lensing effects. We use several publicly available lensing models for the galaxy clusters to derive the intrinsic flux densities of our sources. We perform Monte Carlo simulations of the number counts for a detailed treatment of the uncertainties in the magnifications and adopted source redshifts. We find an overall agreement among the number counts derived for the different lens models, despite their systematic variations regarding source magnifications and effective areas. Our number counts span ~2.5 dex in demagnified flux density, from several mJy down to tens of uJy. Our number counts are consistent with recent estimates from deep ALMA observations at a 3σ\sigma level. Below \approx 0.1 mJy, however, our cumulative counts are lower by \approx 1 dex, suggesting a flattening in the number counts. In our deepest ALMA mosaic, we estimate number counts for intrinsic flux densities \approx 4 times fainter than the rms level. This highlights the potential of probing the sub-10 uJy population in larger samples of galaxy cluster fields with deeper ALMA observations.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    SST-GATE: A dual mirror telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the world's first open observatory for very high energy gamma-rays. Around a hundred telescopes of different sizes will be used to detect the Cherenkov light that results from gamma-ray induced air showers in the atmosphere. Amongst them, a large number of Small Size Telescopes (SST), with a diameter of about 4 m, will assure an unprecedented coverage of the high energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum (above ~1TeV to beyond 100 TeV) and will open up a new window on the non-thermal sky. Several concepts for the SST design are currently being investigated with the aim of combining a large field of view (~9 degrees) with a good resolution of the shower images, as well as minimizing costs. These include a Davies-Cotton configuration with a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode (GAPD) based camera, as pioneered by FACT, and a novel and as yet untested design based on the Schwarzschild-Couder configuration, which uses a secondary mirror to reduce the plate-scale and to allow for a wide field of view with a light-weight camera, e.g. using GAPDs or multi-anode photomultipliers. One objective of the GATE (Gamma-ray Telescope Elements) programme is to build one of the first Schwarzschild-Couder prototypes and to evaluate its performance. The construction of the SST-GATE prototype on the campus of the Paris Observatory in Meudon is under way. We report on the current status of the project and provide details of the opto-mechanical design of the prototype, the development of its control software, and simulations of its expected performance.Comment: In Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). All CTA contributions at arXiv:1307.223

    A zeta function approach to the relation between the numbers of symmetry planes and axes of a polytope

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    A derivation of the Ces\`aro-Fedorov relation from the Selberg trace formula on an orbifolded 2-sphere is elaborated and extended to higher dimensions using the known heat-kernel coefficients for manifolds with piecewise-linear boundaries. Several results are obtained that relate the coefficients, bib_i, in the Shephard-Todd polynomial to the geometry of the fundamental domain. For the 3-sphere we show that b4b_4 is given by the ratio of the volume of the fundamental tetrahedron to its Schl\"afli reciprocal.Comment: Plain TeX, 26 pages (eqn. (86) corrected

    Unraveling the molecular mechanisms of color expression in anthocyanins

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    Anthocyanins are a broad family of natural dyes, increasingly finding application as substitutes for artificial colorants in the food industry. In spite of their importance and ubiquity, the molecular principles responsible for their extreme color variability are poorly known. We address these mechanisms by computer simulations and photoabsorption experiments of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside in water solution, as a proxy for more complex members of the family. Experimental results are presented in the range of pH 1-9, accompanied by a comprehensive systematic computational study across relevant charge states and tautomers. The computed spectra are in excellent agreement with the experiments, providing unprecedented insight into the complex behavior underlying color expression in these molecules. Besides confirming the importance of the molecule's charge state, we also unveil the hitherto unrecognized role of internal distortions in the chromophore, which affect its degree of conjugation, modulating the optical gap and in turn the color. This entanglement of structural and electronic traits is also shared by other members of the anthocyanin family (e.g. pelargonidin and delphinidin) highlighting a common mechanism for color expression across this important family of natural dyes