1,529 research outputs found

    Management of non-native tree species in forests of the Alpine space

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    This guide was prepared within the framework of the project ALPTREES (code ASP791), which is co-funded by the European Commission through the INTERREG Alpine Space financial mechanism. The INTERREG Alpine Space programme is a European transnational cooperation programme for the Alpine region. It provides a framework for facilitating cooperation between key economic, social, and environmental players in seven Alpine countries, as well as between various institutional levels. The programme is financed through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as well as through national public and private co-funding in the Partner States

    Clinical and Demographic Predictors of Interdisciplinary Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program Treatment Response

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    © 2019 the American Pain Society Patients treated in interdisciplinary chronic pain rehabilitation programs show long-term improvements in symptoms; however, outcomes may vary across heterogenous patient subpopulations. This longitudinal retrospective study characterizes the influence of opioids, mood, patient characteristics, and baseline symptoms on pain and functional impairment (FI) in 1,681 patients 6-months to 12-months post-treatment in an interdisciplinary chronic pain rehabilitation program incorporating opioid weaning. Linear mixed models showed immediate and durable treatment benefits with nonuniform worsening at follow up which slowed over time. Latent class growth analysis identified three post-treatment trajectories of pain and FI: mild symptoms and durable benefits, moderate symptoms and durable benefits, and intractable symptoms. A fourth pain trajectory showed immediate post-treatment improvement and worsening at follow up. Whether a patient was weaned from opioids was not predictive of treatment trajectory. Racial ethnic minority status, higher levels of post-treatment depression, and lower perceived treatment response were associated with less resolution (moderate symptoms) or intractable symptoms. Not having a college education was predictive of intractable or worsening pain and a moderate course of FI. Older age and male gender was associated with intractable FI. Treatment outcomes may be improved by the development of targeted interventions for patients at risk of poor recovery and/or deteriorating long-term course. Perspective: This study examined predictors of treatment response in 1,681 patients treated in an interdisciplinary chronic pain rehabilitation program incorporating opioid weaning. Opioid weaning did not predict outcome. Higher levels of symptoms, lower levels of education, and being a racial-ethnic minority were associated with a less salubrious long-term treatment response

    Calculating partial expected value of perfect information via Monte Carlo sampling algorithms

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    Partial expected value of perfect information (EVPI) calculations can quantify the value of learning about particular subsets of uncertain parameters in decision models. Published case studies have used different computational approaches. This article examines the computation of partial EVPI estimates via Monte Carlo sampling algorithms. The mathematical definition shows 2 nested expectations, which must be evaluated separately because of the need to compute a maximum between them. A generalized Monte Carlo sampling algorithm uses nested simulation with an outer loop to sample parameters of interest and, conditional upon these, an inner loop to sample remaining uncertain parameters. Alternative computation methods and shortcut algorithms are discussed and mathematical conditions for their use considered. Maxima of Monte Carlo estimates of expectations are biased upward, and the authors show that the use of small samples results in biased EVPI estimates. Three case studies illustrate 1) the bias due to maximization and also the inaccuracy of shortcut algorithms 2) when correlated variables are present and 3) when there is nonlinearity in net benefit functions. If relatively small correlation or nonlinearity is present, then the shortcut algorithm can be substantially inaccurate. Empirical investigation of the numbers of Monte Carlo samples suggests that fewer samples on the outer level and more on the inner level could be efficient and that relatively small numbers of samples can sometimes be used. Several remaining areas for methodological development are set out. A wider application of partial EVPI is recommended both for greater understanding of decision uncertainty and for analyzing research priorities

    From quantitative measurement to understanding public demand: Exploring non-survey methods in applied regional research

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    The article builds on the well-developed problem of studying trust in society towards social institutions, as well as between individuals. Currently, contact quantitative sociology faces a number of challenges, and the level of consent to participate in surveys is steadily falling. In order to reliably assess public opinion, non-contact tools for studying the digital environment are already required. The application of non-survey techniques for collecting big data using a pre-formed thesaurus allows us to select data for analysis and circumvent the problems associated with respondent recruitment. The application of SML approach to analyze digital publications of Russian-speaking users from Novosibirsk (more than 450 thousand publications) collected in 2020 has been considered. The combination of quantitative and qualitative methods allowed us to describe the audience and categorize the areas of public distrust and dissatisfaction. The application of this approach can be useful for managerial tasks aimed at increasing trust in society. Thus, the study is a valuable contribution to the development of modern sociology and its applied aspects

    Hydrogen sensors based on In2O3 thin films with bimetallic Pt/Pd catalysts on the surface and tin and dysprosium impuri-ties in the bulk

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    This paper presents the results of studying the characteristics of hydrogen sensors based on thin In2O3 films modified with tin and dysprosium with dispersed double Pt/Pd catalysts deposited on the surface. To control the content of Sn and Dy in the films, an original technology was developed, and ceramic targets were fabricated from powders of the In–Dy–O, Dy–Sn–O, and In–Dy–Sn–O systems synthesized by the sol–gel method. Films of complex composition were obtained by RF magnetron sputtering of the corresponding targets. Structural features of the obtained thin films were studied by Raman spectroscopy. It is shown that various combinations of tin and dysprosium concentrations, as well as the presence of Pt/Pd catalysts on the surface, have a significant effect on the defectiveness of the films and the density of oxygen adsorption centers. As a result, the resistance of sensors in pure air (R0), the activation energies of the temperature dependences of R0, the bending of the energy bands at the grain boundaries of the semiconductor, and the responses to the action of hydrogen in the concentration range of 20–25,000 ppm change. A unique feature of Pt/Pd/ In2O3: Sn (0.5 at%), Dy (4.95 at%) films is their high sensitivity at 20–100 ppm and the absence of signal saturation in the region of high hydrogen concentrations of 5000–25,000 ppm, allowing them to be used to detect H2 in a wide range of concentrations

    Molecular and biological characterization of low-pathogenic H9N2 influenza viruses isolated in Israel

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    All Israeli H9N2-strain viruses used in the present study were subdivided among three groups: groups A and B viruses contained – in all eight segments – 90658/00-like and 1304/03-like sequences, respectively; Group C comprised viruses isolated in 2006-2010, which contained four 1304/03-like segments and four 1525/06-like segments. Molecular analysis revealed that most of the isolates had an RSSR motif at the cleavage site of haemagglutinin. Most of the viruses had an haemagglutinin with L216 typical of humans, and internal proteins associated with the avian host specificity. The studied viruses infected the majority of the directly inoculated birds. Exposure to the virus with full8length PB1-F2 protein for 24 h caused destruction of mitochondria and cell death in cultures of human macrophages, and this effect was not associated with activation of protein p53. A virus with truncated PB1-F2 protein exhibited no destructive effect on mitochondria, but induced enhanced production of pro-apoptotic P53 proteinВсі ізраїльські віруси штаму H9N2, що використовуються в цьому дослідженні, були розділені на групи: віруси груп А і В містили відповідно - у всіх восьми сегментах - 90658/00-подібні і 1304/03-подібні послідовності; група C складалася з вірусів, виділених у 2006-2010 роках, які містили чотири 1304/03-подібних сегмента і чотири 1525/06-подібних сегмента. Молекулярний аналіз показав, що більшість штамів мали RSSR-мотив в сайті розщеплення гемаглютиніну. Більшість вірусів містили гемаглютинін з типовим для людей L216, і, крім того, внутрішні білки, характерні для птахів. Вивчені віруси заразили більшість щеплених птахів безпосередньо. Вплив вірусу з повнорозмірною PB1-F2 білка протягом 24 год викликав руйнування мітохондрій і загибель клітин в культурах людських макрофагів, і цей ефект не був пов’язаний з активацією білка р53. Вірус з усіченою ланцюгом білка PB1-F2 не чинив руйнівного впливу на мітохондрії, але індукував підвищений сінтез проапоптотического білка Р53.Всі ізраїльські віруси штаму H9N2, що використовуються в цьому дослідженні, були розділені на групи: віруси груп А і В містили відповідно - у всіх восьми сегментах - 90658/00-подібні і 1304/03-подібні послідовності; група C складалася з вірусів, виділених у 2006-2010 роках, які містили чотири 1304/03-подібних сегмента і чотири 1525/06-подібних сегмента. Молекулярний аналіз показав, що більшість штамів мали RSSR-мотив в сайті розщеплення гемаглютиніну. Більшість вірусів містили гемаглютинін з типовим для людей L216, і, крім того, внутрішні білки, характерні для птахів. Вивчені віруси заразили більшість щеплених птахів безпосередньо. Вплив вірусу з повнорозмірною PB1-F2 білка протягом 24 год викликав руйнування мітохондрій і загибель клітин в культурах людських макрофагів, і цей ефект не був пов’язаний з активацією білка р53. Вірус з усіченою ланцюгом білка PB1-F2 не чинив руйнівного впливу на мітохондрії, але індукував підвищений сінтез проапоптотического білка Р53

    History of formation and development of toxicology

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    The article reveals the general problems of the history of toxicology and its formation as a science. The periodization of toxicology is given, the peculiarities of each stage are noted, and the conclusion is made about the importance of toxicology in the development of medicine.В статье раскрываются общие проблемы истории токсикологии и её становления как науки. Даётся периодизация токсикологии, отмечаются особенности каждого этапа и делается вывод о значении токсикологии в развитии медицины

    Fast flowing populations are not well mixed

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    In evolutionary dynamics, well-mixed populations are almost always associated with all-to-all interactions; mathematical models are based on complete graphs. In most cases, these models do not predict fixation probabilities in groups of individuals mixed by flows. We propose an analytical description in the fast-flow limit. This approach is valid for processes with global and local selection, and accurately predicts the suppression of selection as competition becomes more local. It provides a modelling tool for biological or social systems with individuals in motion.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure