139 research outputs found

    Strukturänderungen der tschechoslowakischen Industrie

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    Rationalization of Company Information System

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    Import 04/07/2011Informační systémy jsou již nedílnou součástí našich životů stejně jako např. počítače, internet nebo mobilní telefony. V dnešní době se informační systémy velice rychle rozvíjejí a zvětšuje se jejich využitelnost do téměř všech oblastí činnosti společnosti. Informační systémy dnes využíváme v každém podniku, ať již jako účetní systém, nebo jako specifické informační systémy, které jsou využívány, jak státním, tak veřejným sektorem. Nejinak je tomu v oblasti stravování a pohostinství. Tato práce se zaobírá analýzou restaurace a následným návrhem racionalizace IS, hodnocení jeho přínosů a efektivnosti. Práce byla přínosem pro restauraci a pomohla rozhodnout o výběru vhodného IS.Information systems are parts of our lives as well as computers, internet or cell phones. There is a fast development and expansion to the other and other branches of business in this time. We are using information system in every company as an accounting system or some specific information systems which are used by state or public sector. Just like that is in catering. The thesis is focused on analysis of restaurant, design of rationalization of IS and also measurement of benefits and effectiveness of IS. The thesis helped to decide which IS is suitable for this restaurant.155 - Katedra aplikované informatikyvelmi dobř

    Using the Pennsylvania Language Laboratory Films

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    Unconventional manufacturing technology of flat sheet metal parts

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    Nekonvenční technologie výroby rovinných součástí z plechu patří světově mezi hojně využívané. Patří sem řezání pomocí laserovým, plazmovým a vodním paprskem a vysekávání. V literární studii jsou uvedeny popisy daných metod, používané nástroje a stroje, výhody a nevýhody uvedených metod a příklady vyráběných součástí. V závěru je uvedeno porovnání jednotlivých metod.Unconventional manufacturing technology of flat sheet metal parts is used widely all around the world. These technologies includes laser cutting, plasma cutting, waterjet cutting and punching. The study introduces descriptions of chosen methods, used tools and machines, their pros and cons and examples of manufactured components. These methods are compared in conclusion.

    Vibration monitoring from rolling bearing

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o problematice měření a diagnostiky vibrací na valivých ložiscích. První část se soustředí na vysvětlení základních pojmů, definuje co jsou vibrace, ložiska a jak v důsledku poškození ložisek vibrace vznikají. Druhá část této bakalářské práce se zabývá diagnostikou vibrací z pohledu normy ČSN ISO 10816 a popisuje základní principy a pravidla, která je nutné podle této normy dodržet. Ve třetí části se práce zabývá seznámením s instrumentací firmy IFM electronic spol. s r. o. sloužícím pro diagnostiku vibrací. Poslední část je věnována návrhu a realizaci laboratorní úlohy sloužící k praktickému seznámení s problematikou vibrací valivých ložisek.This bachelor thesis deals with problematics of vibration measurement and diagnosis of rolling bearings. The first part is focused on describing basic terms, defines what vibration and bearings are and how vibration occur as a result of ball bearing defects. The second part of this bachelor thesis deals with vibration diagnosis according to ČSN ISO 10816 standard and describes basic principles and rules, to comply with this standard. Third part of the thesis deals with instrumentation of IFM electronic company, used for vibration diagnosis. The last part is attended to design and realiyation of laboratory exercise, which is meant to familiarize with ball bearing vibration problematics.

    Fake Run-Time Selection of Template Arguments in C++

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    C++ does not support run-time resolution of template type arguments. To circumvent this restriction, we can instantiate a template for all possible combinations of type arguments at compile time and then select the proper instance at run time by evaluation of some provided conditions. However, for templates with multiple type parameters such a solution may easily result in a branching code bloat. We present a template metaprogramming algorithm called for_id that allows the user to select the proper template instance at run time with theoretical minimum sustained complexity of the branching code.Comment: Objects, Models, Components, Patterns (50th International Conference, TOOLS 2012

    Using the Pennsylvania Language Laboratory Films

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    Systemic Corruption as Empirical Research: Case Study of the Liberec City

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    Systemic corruption is not a failure of individuals, i.e. the result of their deviant behaviour, but a collective phenomenon shared mainly by public institutions as a whole. The phenomenon is based on an effort to establish a new set of corrupt norms inside such institutions affecting policymaking, administrative procedures, public procurements, and the behavior of employees etc. In spite of the fact that impacts of systemic corruption on the areas of government, civil freedoms, social cohesion, and public economy are well known, there is very little practical research involving concrete evidence of systemic corruption in particular cases. This paper attempts to clarify how to generate a set of indicators of systemic corruption and then identify and verify them in a real-life political environment – in our specific case, the administration and policymaking of Liberec City Council between 1998 and 2010. The research was based upon elaborated interviews (with politicians, public servants, prosecuting authorities etc.), document analysis (reports and papers of the city council and municipal government, contracts and invoices etc.), and political and media analysis. The results are significant, as only an understanding of how a corrupt system really works can lead to the implementation of suitable anticorruption measures.Systemic corruption is not a failure of individuals, i.e. the result of their deviant behaviour, but a collective phenomenon shared mainly by public institutions as a whole. The phenomenon is based on an effort to establish a new set of corrupt norms inside such institutions affecting policymaking, administrative procedures, public procurements, and the behavior of employees etc. In spite of the fact that impacts of systemic corruption on the areas of government, civil freedoms, social cohesion, and public economy are well known, there is very little practical research involving concrete evidence of systemic corruption in particular cases. This paper attempts to clarify how to generate a set of indicators of systemic corruption and then identify and verify them in a real-life political environment – in our specific case, the administration and policymaking of Liberec City Council between 1998 and 2010. The research was based upon elaborated interviews (with politicians, public servants, prosecuting authorities etc.), document analysis (reports and papers of the city council and municipal government, contracts and invoices etc.), and political and media analysis. The results are significant, as only an understanding of how a corrupt system really works can lead to the implementation of suitable anticorruption measures

    Solution to LASSO Using Proximal Algorithms

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