23 research outputs found

    La potencialidad de los blogs y foros de clim谩ntica en la educaci贸n para el cambio clim谩ntico

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    Se valora la experiencia de integraci贸n de bit谩coras y foros en el aula a trav茅s de los proyectos Climaeucambio y Clim谩ntica Ciencias para el Mundo Contempor谩neo. Las bit谩coras y foros act煤an como medios para el debate e instrumentos de trabajo y cooperaci贸n, facilitando la creaci贸n de comunidades de aprendizaje. La utilizaci贸n de estas herramientas ofrece posibilidades al profesorado para desarrollar iniciativas de investigaci贸n-acci贸n que promuevan una participaci贸n m谩s activa del alumno y constituyen un instrumento valioso para formar e implantar comunidades de docentes preocupados por la educaci贸n ambiental y la concienciaci贸n frente al Cambio Clim谩tico desde la escuela

    SELFIES and the future of molecular string representations

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are expanding in popularity for broad applications to challenging tasks in chemistry and materials science. Examples include the prediction of properties, the discovery of new reaction pathways, or the design of new molecules. The machine needs to read and write fluently in a chemical language for each of these tasks. Strings are a common tool to represent molecular graphs, and the most popular molecular string representation, SMILES, has powered cheminformatics since the late 1980s. However, in the context of AI and ML in chemistry, SMILES has several shortcomings -- most pertinently, most combinations of symbols lead to invalid results with no valid chemical interpretation. To overcome this issue, a new language for molecules was introduced in 2020 that guarantees 100\% robustness: SELFIES (SELF-referencIng Embedded Strings). SELFIES has since simplified and enabled numerous new applications in chemistry. In this manuscript, we look to the future and discuss molecular string representations, along with their respective opportunities and challenges. We propose 16 concrete Future Projects for robust molecular representations. These involve the extension toward new chemical domains, exciting questions at the interface of AI and robust languages and interpretability for both humans and machines. We hope that these proposals will inspire several follow-up works exploiting the full potential of molecular string representations for the future of AI in chemistry and materials science.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, comments and suggestions for additional references are welcome

    SELFIES and the future of molecular string representations

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are expanding in popularity for broad applications to challenging tasks in chemistry and materials science. Examples include the prediction of properties, the discovery of new reaction pathways, or the design of new molecules. The machine needs to read and write fluently in a chemical language for each of these tasks. Strings are a common tool to represent molecular graphs, and the most popular molecular string representation, SMILES, has powered cheminformatics since the late 1980s. However, in the context of AI and ML in chemistry, SMILES has several shortcomings -- most pertinently, most combinations of symbols lead to invalid results with no valid chemical interpretation. To overcome this issue, a new language for molecules was introduced in 2020 that guarantees 100\% robustness: SELFIES (SELF-referencIng Embedded Strings). SELFIES has since simplified and enabled numerous new applications in chemistry. In this manuscript, we look to the future and discuss molecular string representations, along with their respective opportunities and challenges. We propose 16 concrete Future Projects for robust molecular representations. These involve the extension toward new chemical domains, exciting questions at the interface of AI and robust languages and interpretability for both humans and machines. We hope that these proposals will inspire several follow-up works exploiting the full potential of molecular string representations for the future of AI in chemistry and materials science

    SELFIES and the future of molecular string representations

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are expanding in popularity for broad applications to challenging tasks in chemistry and materials science. Examples include the prediction of properties, the discovery of new reaction pathways, or the design of new molecules. The machine needs to read and write fluently in a chemical language for each of these tasks. Strings are a common tool to represent molecular graphs, and the most popular molecular string representation, Smiles, has powered cheminformatics since the late 1980s. However, in the context of AI and ML in chemistry, Smiles has several shortcomings鈥攎ost pertinently, most combinations of symbols lead to invalid results with no valid chemical interpretation. To overcome this issue, a new language for molecules was introduced in 2020 that guarantees 100% robustness: SELF-referencing embedded string (Selfies). Selfies has since simplified and enabled numerous new applications in chemistry. In this perspective, we look to the future and discuss molecular string representations, along with their respective opportunities and challenges. We propose 16 concrete future projects for robust molecular representations. These involve the extension toward new chemical domains, exciting questions at the interface of AI and robust languages, and interpretability for both humans and machines. We hope that these proposals will inspire several follow-up works exploiting the full potential of molecular string representations for the future of AI in chemistry and materials science

    La potencialidad de los blogs y foros de clim谩ntica en la educaci贸n para el cambio clim谩ntico

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    Se valora la experiencia de integraci贸n de bit谩coras y foros en el aula a trav茅s de los proyectos Climaeucambio y Clim谩ntica Ciencias para el Mundo Contempor谩neo. Las bit谩coras y foros act煤an como medios para el debate e instrumentos de trabajo y cooperaci贸n, facilitando la creaci贸n de comunidades de aprendizaje. La utilizaci贸n de estas herramientas ofrece posibilidades al profesorado para desarrollar iniciativas de investigaci贸n-acci贸n que promuevan una participaci贸n m谩s activa del alumno y constituyen un instrumento valioso para formar e implantar comunidades de docentes preocupados por la educaci贸n ambiental y la concienciaci贸n frente al Cambio Clim谩tico desde la escuela

    Prevalencia de la infecci贸n nosocomial en Navarra. Resultados agregados del estudio EPINE 2005

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    La infecci贸n nosocomial es un problema de importante trascendencia en t茅rminos de morbi-mortalidad, que seg煤n los datos nacionales de prevalencia del a帽o 2003, afect贸 al 6,5-7% de los pacientes ingresados en los hospitales espa帽oles. Nuestro objetivo es conocer la prevalencia de la infecci贸n nosocomial en Navarra a partir de los datos aportados por cada centro participante en el estudio EPINE del a帽o 2005, analizar las caracter铆sticas de las infecciones nosocomiales y compararlas con los datos globales de los hospitales espa帽oles. La prevalencia de pacientes con infecci贸n nosocomial fue de 5,6% y la prevalencia de pacientes con infecci贸n comunitaria de 13,2%. La prevalencia de infecci贸n nosocomial, excluidas las adquiridas en un ingreso anterior, fue del 6,2%. La prevalencia de infecci贸n comunitaria fue del 14,2%.Nosocomial infection is a serious problem of morbidity and mortality that, according to the 2003 national prevalence data affected 6,5-7% of all the patients admitted in Spanish hospitals. Our aim is to assess the prevalence of nosocomial infection in Navarre, from the aggregated data of each participant in the EPINE (Study of Prevalence of Nosocomial Infection in Spain) in 2005, and to analyse different features of the nosocomial infections to compare them with the global data for Spain. The prevalence of patients with nosocomial infection was 5,6% and the prevalence of patients with community infection was 13,2%. The prevalence of nosocomial infection, excluding those that acquired the nosocomial infection in a previous admission to the hospital, was 6,2%. The prevalence of community infection was 14,2%

    Prevalencia de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en los trabajadores de una f谩brica de Navarra

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    Se ha comunicado una alta prevalencia de los factores de riesgo (FR) cardiovascular en Espa帽a. El objetivo del estudio es determinar la prevalencia de los principales FR de cardiopat铆a isqu茅mica (hipercolesterolemia, bajo HDL, consumo de tabaco, hipertensi贸n arterial, hiperglucemia, obesidad y sedentarismo) en poblaci贸n laboral de Navarra. El presente estudio representa la evaluaci贸n basal de un ensayo aleatorizado de intervenci贸n dirigido a la prevenci贸n primaria. La muestra estudiada fue de 790 trabajadores (742 varones y 48 mujeres). Para cada trabajador se recogi贸 informaci贸n mediante cuestionario estandarizado cumplimentado por el servicio m茅dico de empresa y se le realiz贸 una exploraci贸n f铆sica. El colesterol total y el HDL se midieron en sangre venosa por autoanalizador enzim谩tico. Se realiz贸 una descripci贸n de los datos (porcentajes de los factores de riesgo y estimaci贸n de medias de variables continuas). El 67,2% de la muestra tuvo valores de colesterol total superiores a 200 mg/dl y el 26,3% tuvo cifras de HDL inferiores a 35 mg/dl. El 37,1% eran fumadores habituales. La prevalencia de hipertensos fue del 7,6%. El 72,1% alcanz贸 un 铆ndice de masa corporal superior a 25 Kg/m2 y el 20,6% se clasific贸 como sedentarios ya que no realizaban ejercicio f铆sico en el tiempo libre. La prevalencia de hiperglucemia fue del 1,4%. S贸lo el 4,2% de los trabajadores estaban absolutamente libres de los FR estudiados. Se detect贸 una elevada prevalencia de hipercolesterolemia, consumo de tabaco y sobrepeso, que apoya la pertinencia de la implantaci贸n de programas de intervenci贸n de prevenci贸n primaria de enfermedades cardiovasculares en el medio laboral.A high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (RFs) has been reported in Spain. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of the principal RFs of coronary heart disease (hypercholesterolaemia, low HDL, smoking, arterial hypertension, hyperglycaemia, obesity and sedentary behaviour) in the working population of Navarra. The present study represents the first baseline evaluation of a randomised intervention of primary prevention. The sample under study consisted of 790 workers (742 men and 48 women). Information was gathered on each worker by means of a standardised questionnaire, by the company medical service, and a physical check up was carried out. Total cholesterol and HDL were measured in venous blood by enzymatic autoanalyser. A description was made of the data (percentages of the risk factors and estimation of means for continuous variables). 67.2% of the sample had total cholesterol values higher than 200 mg/dl and 26.3% had HDL levels below 35 mg/dl. 37.1% were regular smokers. The prevalence of high blood pressure was 7.6%. 72.1% reached a body mass index above 25 Kg/m2 and 20.6% classified themselves as sedentary as they did not participate in any physical activity during their leisure time. The prevalence of hyperglycaemia was 1.4%. Only 4.2% of the workers were free of the risk factors under study. A high prevalence of hypercholesterolaemia was detected, and overweight, which supports the pertinence of establishing intervention programs of primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases at the work-site