118 research outputs found


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    At the time of South Africa’s transition to a constitutional democracy in 1994 the African National Congress (ANC) government inherited a deeply divided racially-based social welfare service system. Accordingly, the first priority of the newly elected government was to develop social policies to address the inequalities resulting from the apartheid period and to redirect resources to previously disadvantaged groups, especially black South Africans, since the white community had been the main beneficiaries of specialised professional services and institutional care (Bozalek, 1999; Follentine, 2004; Orner, 2003; Sevenhuijsen, Bozalek, Gouws & Minnaar-McDonald, 2003a; Republic of South Africa, 1997). The ANC’s election manifesto, its Reconstruction and Development (RDP) policy, had committed the government to a number of strategies to meet people’s basic needs and to alleviate poverty and inequality, among them were employment creation; a living wage for all citizens; the democratisation of state structures; housing provision; and land redistribution (Republic of South Africa, 1994). The Constitution reinforced these commitments in its recognition of socio-economic rights, including the rights to adequate housing, health care, food, water, education and social security. The Human Rights Commission and other independent bodies, such as the Gender Commission, were set up by the Constitution to monitor human rights violations. There were expectations that social services would deliver on the social and economic rights outlined in the South African Constitution (1996) within the available resource constraints (Republic of South Africa, 2006)

    Perceptions of the Role of West Virginia’s Cooperative Extension Service in Tobacco Control Coalitions

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    Despite the fact that the consequences of tobacco use are well identified and known, it remains the single most preventable cause of disease and death in the United States. In West Virginia alone, the adult prevalence of cigarette smoking is 26.8%. This study researches the perceptions of the Cooperative Extension Service’s involvement and role in county-level coalitions that address tobacco use in West Virginia. The research findings provide practical areas to increase the role of the Extension Service in these vital efforts to save lives, reduce economic hardships on families, and reduce the health-care burden on the state governmen

    A multicentre comparison of quantitative 90Y PET/CT for dosimetric purposes after radioembolization with resin microspheres

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    Purpose: To investigate and compare the quantitative accuracy of Y-90 imaging across different generation PET/CT scanners, for the purpose of dosimetry after radioembolization with resin microspheres. Methods: A strict experimental and imaging protocol was followed by 47 international sites using the NEMA 2007/IEC 2008 PET body phantom with an 8-to-1 sphere-to-background ratio of Y-90 solution. The phantom was imaged over a 7-day period (activity ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 GBq) and all reconstructed data were analysed at a core laboratory for consistent processing. Quantitative accuracy was assessed through measures of total phantom activity, activity concentration in background and hot spheres, misplaced counts in a nonradioactive insert, and background variability. Results: Of the 69 scanners assessed, 37 had both time-of-flight (ToF) and resolution recovery (RR) capability. These current generation scanners from GE, Philips and Siemens could reconstruct background concentration measures to within 10 % of true values over the evaluated range, with greater deviations on the Philips systems at low count rates, and demonstrated typical partial volume effects on hot sphere recovery, which dominated spheres of diameter 20 mm in diameter, activity concentrations were consistently underestimated by about 20 %. Non-ToF scanners from GE Healthcare and Siemens were capable of producing accurate measures, but with inferior quantitative recovery compared with ToF systems. Conclusion: Current generation ToF scanners can consistently reconstruct Y-90 activity concentrations, but they underestimate activity concentrations in small structures (a parts per thousand currency sign37 mm diameter) within a warm background due to partial volume effects and constraints of the reconstruction algorithm. At the highest count rates investigated, measures of background concentration (about 300 kBq/ml) could be estimated on average to within 1 %, 5 % and 2 % for GE Healthcare (all-pass filter, RR + ToF), Philips (4i8s ToF) and Siemens (2i21s all-pass filter, RR + ToF) ToF systems, respectively. Over the range of activities investigated, comparable performance between GE Healthcare and Siemens ToF systems suggests suitability for quantitative analysis in a scenario analogous to that of postradioembolization imaging for treatment of liver cancer

    Integrating Science and Policy: A Case Study of the Hubbard Brook Research Foundation Science Links Program

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    Scientists, related professionals, and the public have for decades called for greater interaction among scientists, policymakers, and the media to address contemporary environmental challenges. Practical examples of effective “real-world” programs designed to catalyze interactions and provide relevant science are few. Existing successful models can be used, however, to develop and expand the work of integrating, synthesizing, and communicating ecosystem science for environmental policy and natural-resource management. We provide an overview of the structure and strategies used in the Hubbard Brook Research Foundation Science Links program, now in its thirteenth year as a successful boundary-spanning organization. We detail project activities and results and share lessons and challenges for the further advancement of Science Links and other efforts to bridge the science–policy divide. Furthermore, we suggest greater emphasis in boundary-spanning programs as a part of publicly funded research initiatives and as legitimate scholarly endeavors that support the scaled coproduction of knowledge and that harness scientific research to support informed policy and environmental management

    Here one year, gone the next? Investigating persistence of frequent emergency department attendance: a retrospective study in Australia

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    Objectives Patients are presenting to emergency departments (EDs) with increasing complexity at rates beyond population growth and ageing. Intervention studies target patients with 12 months or less of frequent attendance. However, these interventions are not well targeted since most patients do not remain frequent attenders. This paper quantifies temporary and ongoing frequent attendance and contrasts risk factors for each group. Design Retrospective population-based study using 10 years of longitudinal data. Setting An Australian geographic region that includes metropolitan and rural EDs. Participants 332 100 residents visited any ED during the study period. Main outcome measure Frequent attendance was defined as seven or more visits to any ED in the region within a 12-month period. Temporary frequent attendance was defined as meeting this threshold only once, and ongoing more than once. Risk factors for temporary and ongoing frequent attenders were identified using logistic regression models for adults and children. Results Of 8577 frequent attenders, 80.1% were temporary and 19.9% ongoing (12.9% repeat, 7.1% persistent). Among adults, ongoing were more likely than temporary frequent attenders to be young to middle aged (aged 25-64 years), and less likely to be from a high socioeconomic area or be admitted. Ongoing frequent attenders had higher rates of non-injury presentations, in particular substance-related (OR=2.5, 99% CI 1.1 to 5.6) and psychiatric illness (OR=2.9, 99% CI 1.8 to 4.6). In comparison, children who were ongoing were more likely than temporary frequent attenders to be aged 5-15 years, and were not more likely to be admitted (OR=2.7, 99% CI 0.7 to 10.9). Conclusions Future intervention studies should distinguish between temporary and ongoing frequent attenders, develop specific interventions for each group and include rigorous evaluation

    Online social media tells a story of Anaselina, Paraselina, and Selivinga (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae), rare Australian pygmy grasshoppers

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    Knowledge on the pygmy grasshoppers of Australia is, despite the numerous endemics being described from this unique continent, still scarce. Of interest is the Vingselina genus group, including genera Anaselina Storozhenko, 2019, Paraselina Storozhenko, 2019, Selivinga Storozhenko, 2019 and Vingselina Sjostedt, 1921. The systematic position of this group, currently assigned to Batrachideinae (Bufonidini), is probably not correct. In this study new records are presented of Anaselina minor (Sjostedt, 1921), Paraselina brunneri (Bolivar, 1887), P trituberculata (Sjastedt, 1932), and Selivinga tribulata Storozhenko, 2019, all except A. minor the first records of the species since their original descriptions. The first photographs of living specimens of A. minor, P. brunneri, P. trituberculata and S. tribulata are provided and their habitats described. All the records were compiled by citizen scientists who use online social media, such as iNaturalist. Lastly, P. multifora (Rehn, 1952) syn. nov. represents a junior synonym of P. brunneri

    Adapting the Diabetes Prevention Program for low and middle-income countries: protocol for a cluster randomised trial to evaluate ‘Lifestyle Africa’

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Introduction Low and middle-income countries like South Africa are experiencing major increases in burden of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. However, evidence-based interventions to address behavioural factors related to these diseases are lacking. Our study aims to adapt the CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) within the context of an under-resourced urban community in Cape Town, South Africa. Methods/analysis The new intervention (Lifestyle Africa) consists of 17 weekly sessions delivered by trained community health workers (CHWs). In addition to educational and cultural adaptations of DPP content, the programme adds novel components of text messaging and CHW training in Motivational Interviewing. We will recruit overweight and obese participants (body mass index ≥25 kg/m2) who are members of 28 existing community health clubs served by CHWs. In a 2-year cluster randomised control trial, clubs will be randomly allocated to receive the intervention or usual care. After year 1, usual care participants will also receive the intervention and both groups will be followed for another year. The primary outcome analysis will compare percentage of baseline weight loss at year 1. Secondary outcomes will include diabetes and cardiovascular risk indicators (blood pressure, haemoglobin A1C, lipids), changes in self-reported medication use, diet (fat and fruit and vegetable intake), physical activity and health-related quality of life. We will also assess potential psychosocial mediators/moderators as well as cost-effectiveness of the programme. Ethics/dissemination Ethical approval was obtained from the University of Cape Town and Children’s Mercy. Results will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals and training curricula will be disseminated to local stakeholders. Trial registration number NCT03342274

    M & L Jaargang 24/1

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    Hilbrand De Vuyst, Jo De Schepper en Kathy Stevens Herbestemmen van Industrieel Erfgoed. [New destinations for industrial heritage.]De slagzin waarmee in 1975 de tentoonstelling werd aangekondigd beloofde een Ontmoeting met de Industriële -Archeologie, toen een primeur voor België en voor de monumentenzorgers-van-het-eerste-uur een ware revelatie. Een duizend industrieel-archeologische monumenten later, nu erfgoed de oude waarden heeft vervangen en herbestemming herontdekt wordt, kijken Jo De Schepper, Hilbrand De Vuyst en Kathy Stevens terug op drie decennia omgaan met aanleg-steigers tot zinkfabrieken. Een discipline waar dynamisme en geduld als moer en bout onherroepelijk op elkaar zijn aangewezen.Bernard Lambert De brouwerij Rodenbach in Roeselare. [The Rodenbach Brewery in Roeselare.]Einde 19de eeuw wellicht diende het traditioneel donker bier uit Roeselare te wijken voor het gelagerd bier met zurige smaak waar Rodenbach nog steeds voor staat. Aanvankelijk een familiebedrijf, nadien vennootschap en heden deel van een groep, bleef de brouwerij onverdroten functioneren in een nauwelijks gewijzigd gebouwenbestand. Maar wat een last leek blijkt nu een troef: selectieve sloping, reconstructie en een nieuw dienstengebouw leidden, aldus Bernard Lambert, tegelijk tot een optimaliseren van de productie en een optimaal onthaal van de bezoekers.Ignace Onraet Een nieuwe functie voor een oude kaasmakerij. [A new Role for an old Cheese Factory in Passendale.]Zoveel is zeker: Passendale staat heden voor méér dan één der meest moorddadige slagvelden van Wereldoorlog I.Opgestart in een wederopgebouwde hoeve, diende het familiale kaasbedrijf nog tijdens het interbellum uit te wijken naar een heus bedrijfsgebouw.Een nieuwe verhuizing en vele jaren later blikt Ignace Onraet terug op de Oude Kaasmakerij, voortaan een museum met hedendaagse ontsluitingsinfrastructuur.Jan Strynckx en Jan Meersman De vuurtorens Hoog Licht en Laag Licht in Knokke-Heist (Heist) en Brugge (Zeebrugge). [The Lighthouses Hoog Licht and Laag Licht (high light and low light) in Knokke-Heist (Heist) and Bruges (Zeebrugge).]Sinds de vroegste 14de-eeuwse vierboete in de duinen bij Heist, bestendigden het Hoog Licht en bijbehorend Laag Licht vanaf 1907 een niet aflatende zorg om veilige scheepvaartroutes langs de Noordzeekust.Een 70 jaar later op hun beurt onaangepast bevonden, deden beide torens nauwelijks nog moeite om de littekens te verhullen van het barre zeeklimaat. Hun jongste rehabilitatie bood Jan Strynckx en Jan Meersman tegelijk de gelegenheid om met enig ontzag op te kijken naar één der allereerste betonconstructies in Vlaanderen.Frank Philippart De Duitse commandopost in het park Den Brandt in Antwerpen. [The German command post in park De Brand in Antwerp.]Op veilige afstand van het krijgsgewoel had het hoofdkwartier van het Duitse 89ste Korps zich vanaf 1942 ingegraven in het Antwerpse park Den Brandt. Her en der verspreide commandobunkers, schuilplaatsen voor manschappen, een lazaret e.a., bleven zomer 1944 als stille maar veelzeggende getuigen achter.Frank Philippart verklaart hun reden van bestaan, organisatie en belang, doch niet zonder aandacht voor initiatieven tot ontsluiting door verknochte vrijwilligers.Summar