165 research outputs found


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    Pembangunan merupakan salah satu fungsi utama yang harus dijalankan oleh pemerintah sebagai salah satu pengambil kebijakan. Pembangunan infrastruktur diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat salah satunya adalah kesejahteraan ekonomi atau mengalami peningkatan pendapatan.Manokwari merupakan salah kabupaten yang sedang berkembang, baik di lihat dari tingkat perekonomian maupun jumlah penduduknya.Untuk mendukung kegiatan dan perkembanggan pantai pasir putih dibutuhkan infrastruktur beserta kondisinya yang baik agar tidak menghambat proses perkembanggan pantai pasir putih. Kebutuhan akan infrastruktur fisik sangat penting untuk menunjang kemudahan aksesibilitas kegiatan dan perkembangan pada pantai pasir putih. Infrastruktur fisik itu misalnya adalah jalan, saluran air minum, saluran air limbah, pembuangan sampah, jaringan listrik.Mengetahui Persepsi Wisatawan Terhadap kondisi Fasilitas Infrastruktur pada Pantai Pasir Putih dan Menganalisis Tingkat kenyamanan adalah tujuan dari penelitian ini.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan analisa menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kondisi fasilitas infrastruktur dan kenyamanan wisatawan terhadap fasilitas infrastruktur tersebut.   Kata Kunci :Persepsi, Wisatawan, Infrastruktur, Panta

    Analisis Zerumbone Dalam Zingiber Zerumbet Dan Aktivitas Penghambatannya Terhadap Bakteri Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Analysis of Zerumbone in Zingiber Zerumbet and Inhibitory Activity Against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

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    Zerumbone has been reported for their several biological activities. In our interest to this compound, we have identified and analyzed its content in Zingiber zerumbet, a medicinal plant from Indonesian traditional medicine and investigated its inhibitory activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a known infection bacteria of tuberculosis. Analysis of zerumbone was performed with densitometry to leave, rhizome, flower, and stem of Z. zerumbet which was extracted with various solvent system and extraction methods to determine the best method to isolate zerumbone from Z. zerumbet. Result showed that the highest zerumbone was in rhizome while was not observed in other part. Analysis with various solvent and extraction methods showed the highest yield of zerumbone can be extracted by n-hexane (maceration) and reflux extraction method (methanol). Furthermore, inhibitory activity of zerumbone against M. tuberculosis was tested using Lowenstein Jensen medium by counting the number of M. tuberculosis colony growth in medium. Resulted inhibitory activity of zerumbone at all test concentration (0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005%) with the growth of 10, 12, 14, 15, and 50 colonies of M. tuberculosis was observed, respectively. This is indicate that zerumbone can be used as an alternative choice for treatment tuberculosis in the future

    Launching the ARV roll-out debate into the public arena

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    Serum steroid profiling by isotopic dilution-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: comparison with current immunoassays and reference intervals in healthy adults.

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    BACKGROUND: The simultaneous, rapid and reliable measurement of a wide steroid panel is a powerful tool to unravel physiological and pathological hormone status. Clinical laboratories are currently dominated by high-throughput immunoassays, but these methods lack specificity due to cross-reactivity and matrix interferences. We developed and validated an isotopic dilution-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (ID-LC-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous measurement of cortisol, corticosterone, 11deoxycortisol, androstenedione, deoxycorticosterone (DOC), testosterone, 17OHprogesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and progesterone in serum, and compared it to routine immunoassays employed in our laboratory. We also established adult reference intervals in 416 healthy subjects. METHODS: 0.9 ml of serum were spiked with labelled internal standards (IS) and extracted on C18 cartridges. Eluate was injected into a two-dimensional LC-system, purified in a perfusion column and separated on a C8 column during a 21 min gradient run. Analytes were revealed by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) followed by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) analysis. RESULTS: Of the four immunoassays compared with the ID-LC-MS/MS method, only the results of ElecsysE170 for cortisol, testosterone in males and progesterone>1 ng/ml were in agreement with ID-LC-MS/MS. ElecsysE170 for testosterone in females and progesterone<1 ng/ml, Immulite2000 for androstenedione, DSL-9000 for DHEA and 17OHP Bridge for 17OHprogesterone, respectively, showed poor agreement. Reference intervals and steroid age and fertility related fluctuations were established. CONCLUSION: Our ID-LC-MS/MS method proved to be reliable and sensitive in revealing steroid circulating concentrations in adults and in highlighting the limits of routine immunoassays at low concentrations

    A Year of Wavefront Sensing with JWST in Flight: Cycle 1 Telescope Monitoring and Maintenance Summary

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    We summarize JWST's measured telescope performance across science Cycle 1. The stability of segments alignments is typically better than 10 nanometers RMS between measurements every two days, leading to highly stable point spread functions. The frequency of segment "tilt events" decreased significantly, and larger tilt events ceased entirely, as structures gradually equilibrated after cooldown. Mirror corrections every 1-2 months now maintain the telescope below 70 nm RMS wavefront error. Observed micrometeoroid impacts during cycle 1 had negligible effect on science performance, consistent with preflight predictions. As JWST begins Cycle 2, its optical performance and stability are equal to, and in some ways better than, the performance reported at the end of commissioning.Comment: STScI Technical Memo. 2.5 pages text, 1 figur

    Performance of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph after SM4

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    On May 17, 2009, during the fourth EVA of SM4, astronauts Michael Good and Mike Massimino replaced the failed LVPS-2 circuit board on the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), restoring this HST instrument to operation after a nearly 6 year hiatus. STIS after this 2009 repair operates in much the same way as it did during the 2001-2004 period of operations with the Side-2 electronics. Internal and external alignments of the instrument are similar to what they had been in 2004, and most changes in performance are modest. The STIS CCD detector continued to experience radiation damage during the hiatus in operations, leading to decreased charge transfer efficiency (CTE) and an increased number of hot pixels. The sensitivities for most modes are surprisingly close to what was expected from simple extrapolation of the 2003-2004 trends, although the echelle modes show somewhat more complex behavior. The biggest surprise was that the dark count rate for the NUV MAMA detector after SM4 has been much larger than had been expected; it is currently about 2.5 times bigger than it was in 2004 and is only slowly decreasing. We discuss how these changes will affect science with STIS now and in the future

    Long-Term Treatment with Aqueous Garlic and/or Tomato Suspensions Decreases Ehrlich Ascites Tumors

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    We evaluated the preventive and therapeutic effects of aqueous suspensions of garlic, tomato, and garlic + tomato in the development of experimental Ehrlich tumors in mice. The aqueous suspensions (2%) were administered over a short term for 30 days before tumor inoculation and 12 days afterward, and suspensions at 6% were administered for 180 days before inoculation and for 12 days afterward. The volume, number, and characteristics of the tumor cells and AgNOR counts were determined to compare the different treatments. Aqueous 6% suspensions of garlic, tomato, and garlic + tomato given over the long term significantly reduced tumor growth but when given over the short term, they did not alter tumor growth

    Obstetric near-miss cases among women admitted to intensive care units in Italy

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    Objective. Maternal near-miss defines a narrow category of morbidity encompassing potentially life-threatening episodes. The purpose of this study was to detect near-miss instances among women admitted to intensive care units or coronary units, analyze associated causes, and compute absolute and specific maternal morbidity rates in six Italian regions. Design. Observational retrospective study. Setting. Six Italian regions representing 49% of all resident Italian women aged 15-49 years. Population. The study population included all pregnant women aged 15-49 years admitted to intensive care units or coronary care units in the participating regions. Cases were defined as women aged 15-49 years resident in the participating regions, with one or more hospitalizations in intensive care for pregnancy or any pregnancy outcome between 2004 and 2005. Methods. Cases were identified through the Hospital Discharge Database. Enrolled cases were diagnosed according to the 9th International Classification of Diseases. Main outcome measure. Maternal near-miss rate (number of women experiencing an admission to intensive care units/all women with live or stillborn babies). Results. A total of 1259 near-miss cases were identified and the total maternal near-miss rate was 2.0/1000 deliveries. Seventy percent of the women were admitted to intensive care units or coronary units after a cesarean section. The leading associated risk factors were obstetric hemorrhage/disseminated intravascular coagulation (40%) and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (29%). Conclusions. Monitoring of near-miss morbidity in conjunction with mortality surveillance could help to identify effective preventive measures for potentially life-threatening episodes