53 research outputs found

    Інформаційна культура й професійно-особистісний розвиток майбутнього вчителя історії

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    (uk) У статті розглядається ціннісно-мотиваційний компонент та прояв індивідуальності в структурі інформаційної культури майбутнього вчителя історії.(ru) В статье рассматривается ценностно-мотивационный компонент и проявление индивидуальности в структуре информационной культуры будущего учителя истории

    Научные основы развития экологического туризма в лесном хозяйстве

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the dynamics of management and control in collaborations with suppliers of critical technology. Design/methodology/approach – Three collaborative product development projects at a system integrator in the Telecom industry were studied. The data was collected through 22 semi-structured interviews and a workshop at the studied company and its suppliers. Findings – The paper shows that in situations of high dependence on suppliers of critical technologies, control may be pursued by complementing black box development with appropriate checks and balances in the collaboration, i.e. by using combinations of control mechanisms, disconnected development and joint problem solving, contracts and trust, and alignment efforts on project and strategic levels. Further, the paper demonstrates that this involves several trade-offs related to the advantages of increased monitoring and disadvantages of decreased levels of freedom for the supplier and consequently decreased prerequisites for supplier creativity. Research limitations/implications – The qualitative approach of the research limits generalizability. Our study is limited to three projects at one firm. Practical implications – Technological roadmaps can be used as an important tool to facilitate alignment with suppliers of critical technologies. Limited influence on project level can be supported by influencing the supplier on a strategic level. By collaborating on a strategic level, firms can gain alignment for future projects and diminish the need for direct project control within the projects. Long-term collaborations facilitate control in projects with powerful suppliers of critical technologies. Originality/value – While many studies suggest simplified responses to complex situations of supplier involvement in product development, this study provides insight into the complex responses to control suppliers of critical technologies

    On the importance of AI research beyond disciplines

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    As the impact of AI on various scientific fields is increasing, it is crucial to embrace interdisciplinary knowledge to understand the impact of technology on society. The goal is to foster a research environment beyond disciplines that values diversity and creates, critiques and develops new conceptual and theoretical frameworks. Even though research beyond disciplines is essential for understanding complex societal issues and creating positive impact it is notoriously difficult to evaluate and is often not recognized by current academic career progression. The motivation for this paper is to engage in broad discussion across disciplines and identify guiding principles fir AI research beyond disciplines in a structured and inclusive way, revealing new perspectives and contributing to societal and human wellbeing and sustainability

    Towards a Taxonomy of E-Commerce : Characterizing Content Creator-based Business Models

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    Currently, new business models can be observed in content creator-based e-commerce. The research on e-commerce has grown rapidly and new concepts have emerged such as social commerce, platforms, and user-generated content. However, no overarching perspective has yet been formulated for distinguishing new content creator-based business models within ecommerce. The aim of this paper is therefore to characterize content creator-based business models by formulating a taxonomy of e-commerce based on a structured literature review of the concepts mentioned above. The results of our study point toward eight types of content creatorbased business models. Our paper outlines theoretical and practical implications for the emerging phenomenon of content creator-based business, which we refer to as intellectual commerce. In addition, we describe 19 concepts related to Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and e-commerce

    Sourcing technology from suppliers in new product development – Purchasing’s role as a trouble shooter

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    Although the benefits of involving suppliers in new product development (NPD) under technological uncertainty are not unambiguously affirmed, many firms need to involve suppliers under these circumstances anyway as not all technological knowledge resides within the firm. Previous research argues that purchasing fulfils an important role in involving the suppliers in NPD. However, purchasing’s role under technological uncertainty has not been investigated in detail. The purpose of this paper is to explore purchasing’s role in technology selection, supplier selection and level of participation in NPD projects involving technology suppliers. Three NPD projects at one large high-tech firm are studied. It is shown that purchasing had limited influence in the technology selection process. Furthermore, the results show that purchasing fulfils an important role in the supplier selection. More importantly, this paper identifies that purchasing has a role as a trouble-shooter throughout the collaborative NPD projects. Purchasing does not necessarily need to be a member of the project team, and be involved in solving daily, routine problems, but serves as a trouble-shooter to solve major problems related to the supplier’s strategy, the relationship with the supplier and commitment issues

    The quest for combined generativity and criticality in digital-physical complex systems

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    The transformation from physical systems into digital-physical systems puts new engineering and technology management challenges at the foreground. This paper explores how industrial firms engaged in such systems simultaneously can address the seemingly disjunct properties of criticality and generativity in platform-based systems including the connected (inter)-organizational processes and related strategic choices. The in-depth embedded single case study of avionics, the electronics on aircraft, underline the importance of (1) considering organizational and technology aspects together, (2) the long-term gradual transition towards digitalization, and (3) openness in innovation including temporality and cross-industry aspects. Digital innovation appears as a double-edged sword as it enables mastering an increasingly complex system, facilitating its safe operation and maintenance, but at the same time requires new approaches to manage increased complexity during the development and evolution of systems

    Integrated solutions from a service-centered perspective : Applicability and limitations in the capital goods industry

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      Although advanced services, or so called integrated solutions, have increasingly received attention in the literature, no coherent body of literature exists, and the relational dimensions and consequences of integrated solutions are not explored in detail. Based on the emerging literature, we develop a framework identifying four different categories of integrated solutions: rental, maintenance, operational and performance offerings. We also compare and contrast the service- and the goods-centered logics with the logic of integrated solutions, and thereby show how the reciprocal interdependencies increase between customers and suppliers. We explore these interdependencies further in three case studies of firms experimenting with integrated solutions, and identify dependencies related to process knowledge, process  optimization, and process operations. The paper shows that rather than moving along a linear continuum from goods to services, firms developing integrated solutions need to balance elements of both goods- and service-logics, as well as manage the increased customer – supplier interdependencies that integrated solutions entail.Original Publication:Charlotta Windahl and Nicolette Lakemond, Integrated solutions from a service-centered perspective: Applicability and limitations in the capital goods industry, 2010, Industrial Marketing Management, (39), 8, 1278-1290.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2010.03.001Copyright: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.http://www.elsevier.com

    Governance of supplier collaboration in technologically uncertain NPD projects

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    Firms that are searching for new technologies from suppliers through collaborative new product development (NPD) need to devise effective approaches for governing the supplier relationship. Based on in-depth case studies of four collaborative NPD projects, this paper shows that in projects with a high degree of uncertainty (1) firms achieve governance by simultaneously limiting supplier involvement and allowing for high levels of collaboration, (2) transactional and relational governance have distinct roles in achieving limited supplier involvement and establishing high levels of collaboration, and (3) transactional and relational governance are organizationally separated. These findings have implications for the complementary use of relational and transactional governance, as well as for the role of purchasing and R&D in technologically uncertain NPD projects