168 research outputs found

    Suurten erikoiskuljetusten taivoitetieverkon verkkoselvitys : Pohjois-Savon ELY-keskus

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    Suurten erikoiskuljetusten tavoitetieverkon (SEKV) avulla pyritään varmistamaan mittojensa puolesta suurten erikoiskuljetusten liikkumisen mahdollistavat perusedellytykset Suomen tieverkolla. Samalla verkon avulla edesautetaan elinkeinoelämän kannalta elintärkeän kilpailukyvyn säilyttämistä kotimaan kuljetustarpeiden lisäksi myös ulkomaan vientiin suuntautuvien kuljetusten osalta. Suurten erikoiskuljetusten reittien varmistaminen on tärkeää erityisesti eri teollisuuden haaroille sekä rakentamiselle, jotka ovat merkittävimpiä suurten erikoiskuljetusten tarpeen synnyttäjiä. SEKV asettaa verkkoon kuuluville reiteille mitoitusvaatimukseksi kuljetuksen korkeuden ja leveyden osalta 7 m ja pituuden osalta 40 m. Suurten erikoiskuljetusten tavoitetieverkon juuret ulottuvat pitkälle viime vuosituhannen puolelle, mutta erityisesti viimeisten vuosien aikana verkkoon liittyviä kehitystöitä on viety aktiivisesti eteenpäin. 4.3.2013 Liikennevirasto teki SEKV:n uudistamispäätöksen, jonka myötä verkon laajuutta sekä sijoittumista muutettiin yhteysvälitasolla. Käsillä olevassa selvityksessä yhteysvälitasoinen verkkokuvaus täsmennettiin yksityiskohtaiseksi verkkokuvaukseksi reittien Tierekisteriin viemisen mahdollistamiseksi. Samassa yhteydessä kerättiin tietoa erikoiskuljetusten kannalta haastavista kohteista SEKV-reiteillä. Reittien parantamistoimenpidetarpeista koottiin kehittämisohjelma. Selvityksen yhteydessä tarkasteltiin myös alueen tulevia liikennehankkeita sekä niiden mahdollisia vaikutuksia erikoiskuljetusreittien sijoittumiseen tulevaisuudessa. Sekä reittimäärittelyissä että reittien parantamistoimenpidetarpeiden kartoittamisessa on käytetty apuna erikoiskuljetusluparyhmän, erikoiskuljetusalan toimijoiden sekä Pohjois-Savon ELY-keskuksen asiantuntijoiden tietämystä. Lisäksi selvityksen yhteydessä pidettiin 3 alueellista työpajaa, joihin osallistui edustajia kunnista ja kuljetusalalta. Raportin ohella työn tuloksena tuotettiin taulukko verkkokuvauksesta tieosoitevälien mukaisesti listattuna sekä erillinen listaus SEKV-reiteistä, joilla ei ole vielä tieosoitetta. Tietojen tavoitteena on helpottaa reittitiedon viemistä Tierekisteriin. Lisäksi kehittämisohjelman parantamistarpeista on laadittu taulukko, jonka kohteita voidaan mahdollisuuksien mukaan parantaa erillisinä töinä tai muiden tiehankkeiden yhteydessä pahimpien erikoiskuljetusreittien pullonkaulojen poistamiseksi

    The birth and development of clinical physiology in Finland

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    The specialty of clinical physiology was established in Finland about 20 years later than in Sweden. In the early 1960s, six physicians working mainly in preclinical departments of physiology were certified as specialists in clinical physiology. Many of the first specialists working in hospitals received specialist training in Sweden. The first hospital laboratories of clinical physiology were established in Tampere Central Hospital and Turku University Hospital in 1968. Thereafter, laboratories of clinical physiology were also established in Helsinki University Hospital and in Kuopio University Hospital and later also in most central hospitals. After clinical physiology laboratories were set up in hospitals and the number of specialists increased, the specialty gradually had more impact in clinical work. In the 1999 reform, nuclear medicine, which had previously been a subspecialty, was combined with clinical physiology. Arto Uusitalo was nominated the first professor of clinical physiology in Tampere University in 1984. The first professor in Helsinki University was Anssi Sovijarvi (1994), in Kuopio University Esko Lansimies (1998), and in Turku University Jaakko Hartiala (2003). Today, at four universities professors of clinical physiology and nuclear medicine lead research and medical education in this specialty. The hospital laboratories have modern equipment, which promotes multidisciplinary research with clinicians in fruitful collaboration. The Finnish Society of Clinical Physiology was founded in 1975. Today, it has about 160 members, about half of whom are specialists in the field. On its 40th anniversary, the Society decided to publish the history of clinical physiology in Finland.Peer reviewe

    The birth and development of clinical physiology in Finland

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    The specialty of clinical physiology was established in Finland about 20 years later than in Sweden. In the early 1960s, six physicians working mainly in preclinical departments of physiology were certified as specialists in clinical physiology. Many of the first specialists working in hospitals received specialist training in Sweden. The first hospital laboratories of clinical physiology were established in Tampere Central Hospital and Turku University Hospital in 1968. Thereafter, laboratories of clinical physiology were also established in Helsinki University Hospital and in Kuopio University Hospital and later also in most central hospitals. After clinical physiology laboratories were set up in hospitals and the number of specialists increased, the specialty gradually had more impact in clinical work. In the 1999 reform, nuclear medicine, which had previously been a subspecialty, was combined with clinical physiology. Arto Uusitalo was nominated the first professor of clinical physiology in Tampere University in 1984. The first professor in Helsinki University was Anssi Sovijarvi (1994), in Kuopio University Esko Lansimies (1998), and in Turku University Jaakko Hartiala (2003). Today, at four universities professors of clinical physiology and nuclear medicine lead research and medical education in this specialty. The hospital laboratories have modern equipment, which promotes multidisciplinary research with clinicians in fruitful collaboration. The Finnish Society of Clinical Physiology was founded in 1975. Today, it has about 160 members, about half of whom are specialists in the field. On its 40th anniversary, the Society decided to publish the history of clinical physiology in Finland

    Työeläkkeiden kustannustenjako vuonna 2017

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    Työeläkevaroja siirtyi Eläketurvakeskuksen kautta vuonna 2017 yhteensä 1,5 miljardia euroa toimijalta toiselle. Raportissa on kuvattu, miten kustannustenjako on käytännössä järjestetty ja mitä erityistä vuonna 2017 tehdyissä selvittelyissä tapahtui. Tarkasteluvuonna työn alla oli kolme eri vaiheessa olevaa kustannustenjakovuotta

    Efficient Topology Coding and Payload Partitioning Techniques for Neural Network Compression (NNC) Standard

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    A Neural Network Compression (NNC) standard aims to define a set of coding tools for efficient compression and transmission of neural networks. This paper addresses the high-level syntax (HLS) of NNC and proposes three HLS techniques for network topology coding and payload partitioning. Our first technique provides an efficient way to code prune topology information. It removes redundancy in the bitmask and thereby improves coding efficiency by 4–‍99% over existing approaches. The second technique processes bitmasks in larger chunks instead of one bit at a time. It is shown to reduce computational complexity of NNC encoding by 63% and NNC decoding by 82%. Our third technique makes use of partial data counters to partition an NNC bitstream into uniformly sized units for more efficient data transmission. Even though the smaller partition sizes introduce some overhead, our network simulations show better throughput due to lower packet retransmission rates. To our knowledge, this the first work to address the practical implementation aspects of HLS. The proposed techniques can be seen as key enabling factors for efficient adaptation and economical deployment of the NNC standard in a plurality of next-generation industrial and academic applications.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Childhood risk factors and carotid atherosclerotic plaque in adulthood : The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study

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    Background and aims: Carotid plaque is a specific sign of atherosclerosis and adults with carotid plaque are at increased risk for cardiovascular outcomes. Atherosclerosis has roots in childhood and pediatric guidelines provide cut-off values for cardiovascular risk factors. However, it is unknown whether these cut-offs predict adulthood advanced atherosclerosis. Methods: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study is a follow-up of children that begun in 1980 when 2653 participants with data for the present analyses were aged 3-18 years. In 2001 and 2007 follow-ups, in addition to adulthood cardiovascular risk factors, carotid ultrasound data was collected. Long-term burden, as the area under the curve, was evaluated for childhood (6-18 years) risk factors. To study the associations of guideline-based cut-offs with carotid plaque, both childhood and adult risk factors were classified according to clinical practice guidelines. Results: Carotid plaque, defined as a focal structure of the arterial wall protruding into lumen > 50% compared to adjacent intima-media thickness, was present in 88 (3.3%) participants. Relative risk for carotid plaque, when adjusted for age and sex, was 3.03 (95% CI, 1.76-5.21) for childhood dyslipidemia, 1.51 (95% CI, 0.99-2.32) for childhood elevated systolic blood pressure, and 1.93 (95% CI, 1.26-2.94) for childhood smoking. Childhood dyslipidemia and smoking remained independent predictors of carotid plaque in models additionally adjusted for adult risk factors and family history of coronary heart disease. Carotid plaque was present in less than 1% of adults with no childhood risk factors. Conclusions: Findings reinforce childhood prevention efforts and demonstrate the utility of guideline-based cutoffs in identifying children at increased risk for adulthood atherosclerosis.Peer reviewe
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