53 research outputs found

    Human intoxication with paralytic shellfish toxins: Clinical parameters and toxin analysis in plasma and urine

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    This study reports the data recorded from four patients intoxicated with shellfish during the summer 2002, after consuming ribbed mussels (Aulacomya ater) with paralytic shellfish toxin contents of 8,066 ± 61.37 μg/ 100 gr of tissue. Data associated with clinical variables and paralytic shellfish toxins analysis in plasma and urine of the intoxicated patients are shown. For this purpose, the evolution of respiratory frequency, arterial blood pressure and heart rate of the poisoned patients were followed and recorded. The clinical treatment to reach a clinically stable condition and return to normal physiological parameters was a combination of hydration with saline solution supplemented with Dobutamine (vasoactive drug), Furosemide (diuretic) and Ranitidine (inhibitor of acid secretion). The physiological condition of patients began to improve after four hours of clinical treatment, and a stable condition was reached between 12 to 24 hours. The HPLC-FLD analysis showed only the GTX3/GTX2 epimers in the blood and urine samples. Also, these epimers were the only paralytic shellfish toxins found in the shellfish extract sample.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Os cuidados de saúde primários como reguladores do acesso às urgências hospitalares

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    Prémio de melhor poster científico.O uso dos serviços de urgência por utentes com problemas de saúde considerados não urgentes conduzem à sobrelotação destes serviços e consequente diminuição da satisfação do paciente e da qualidade dos serviços prestados. No entanto, a racionalização da utilização dos serviços de urgência depende da utilização adequada de outros serviços do sistema de saúde como os cuidados de saúde primários. Objetivo do estudo: Avaliar a importância dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários (CSP) na regulação dos serviços de urgência hospitalar.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Propuesta estratégica de mejora en la implementación de los estándares mínimos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) en la organización Roa Florhuila.

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    Frente a los interrogantes planteados por los parámetros que establece el SG-SST, se busca analizar cómo la estructura funcional de la organización Roa Flor Huila, afronta la planificación de la seguridad y salud de sus empleados en las diversas áreas productivas y desarrollo administrativo, con el fin que prevalezca el bienestar mental y físico de acuerdo con las adecuaciones de los lugares de trabajo establecidos. Para esto se debe identificar cual es el papel actual de la Organización Roa Flor Huila frente a los requerimientos planteados por el SG-SST, tomando en cuenta acciones pertinentes de la alta gerencia para dar cumplimiento legal en seguridad y salud en el trabajo y como está integra un sistema de gestión de procedimientos sin olvidar la responsabilidad del trabajador frente al SG-SST. Es fundamental establecer la respectiva documentación de los procedimientos y acciones de mejora del SG-SST que se implementan, no solo para garantizar el cumplimento legal, sino también para esclarecer cuales son los métodos que demarcan la elaboración y la puesta en marcha del plan de acción.Faced with the questions posed by the parameters established by the SG-SST, the aim is to analyze how the functional structure of the Roa Flor Huila organization deals with the planning of the safety and health of its employees in the various productive areas and administrative development, with the end that prevails the mental and physical well-being according to the adjustments of the places of work established. For this, it is necessary to identify what is the current role of the Roa Flor Huila Organization in the face of the requirements raised by the SG-SST, taking into account relevant actions of senior management to comply with the law on occupational safety and health and how it is carried out. integrates a procedure management system without forgetting the responsibility of the worker against the SG-OSH.      It is essential to establish the respective documentation of the procedures and actions to improve the OSH SG that are implemented, not only to ensure legal compliance, but also to clarify which are the methods that demarcate the preparation and implementation of the action plan

    Sand deposits reveal great earthquakes and tsunamis at Mexican Pacific Coast

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    Globally, instrumentally based assessments of tsunamigenic potential of subduction zones have underestimated the magnitude and frequency of great events because of their short time record. Historical and sediment records of large earthquakes and tsunamis have expanded the temporal data and estimated size of these events. Instrumental records suggests that the Mexican Subduction earthquakes produce relatively small tsunamis, however historical records and now geologic evidence suggest that great earthquakes and tsunamis have whipped the Pacific coast of Mexico in the past. The sediment marks of centuries old-tsunamis validate historical records and indicate that large tsunamigenic earthquakes have shaken the Guerrero-Oaxaca region in southern Mexico and had an impact on a bigger stretch of the coast than previously suspected. We present the first geologic evidence of great tsunamis near the trench of a subduction zone previously underestimated as potential source for great earthquakes and tsunamis. Two sandy tsunami deposits extend over 1.5 km inland of the coast. The youngest tsunami deposit is associated with the 1787 great earthquake, M 8.6, producing a giant tsunami that poured over the coast flooding 500 km alongshore the Mexican Pacific coast and up to 6 km inland. The oldest event from a less historically documented event occurred in 1537. The 1787 earthquake, and tsunami and a probable predecessor in 1537, suggest a plausible recurrence interval of 250 years. We prove that the common believe that great tsunamis do not occur on the Mexican Pacific coast cannot be sustained

    Microalgal blooms: A global issue with negative impact in Chile

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    Ecological and health problems posed by microalgal blooms (red tides) occurring in the Southern part of Chile are reviewed. Out of the six human illnesses provoked by microalgal toxins, paralytic shellfish poisoning is the most important, because of it high mortality rate and the high levels of phycotoxins found in contaminated molluscs. Saxitoxin and its analogues bind to a receptor in the voltage-gated sodium channel of neural membranes. The most important toxin-producer microalgae are Alexandrium catenella and Dinophysis acuta. Phycotoxins become concentrated by filter-feeding shellfish, like Mytilus chilensis. Highly sensitive methods available for detection of microalgal toxins are analyzed

    Paralytic shellfish poisoning: Post-mortem analysis of tissue and body fluid samples from human victims in the Patagonia fjords

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    In July 5, 2002 fishermen working in harvesting sea urchin (Loxechinus albus) in the Patagonia Chilean fjords were intoxicated by consumption of filter-feeder bivalve Aulacomya ater. After the ingestion of 7-9 ribbed mussel, two fishermen died 3-4 h after shellfish consumption. The forensic examination in both victims did not show pathological abnormalities with the exception of the lungs conditions, crackling to the touch, pulmonary congestion and edema. The toxic mussel sample showed a toxicity measured by mouse bioassay of 8575 microg of STX (saxitoxin) equivalent by 100 g of shellfish meat. Using post-column derivatization HPLC method with fluorescent on line detection was possible to measure mass amount of each paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin yielding individual toxin concentrations. These PSP toxins were identified in the gastric content, body fluids (urine, bile and cerebrospinal fluid) and tissue samples (liver, kidney, lung, stomach, spleen, heart, brain, adrenal glands, pancreas and thyroids glands). The toxin profiles of each body fluid and tissue samples and the amount of each PSP toxin detected are reported. The PSP toxins found in the gastric content, were STX and the gonyautoxins (GTX4, GTX1, GTX5, GTX3 and GTX2) which showed to be the major amount of PSP toxins found in the victims biological samples. The PSP toxin composition in urine and bile showed as major PSP toxins neoSaxitoxin (neoSTX) and GTX4/GTX1 epimers, both STX analogues with an hydroxyl group (-OH) in the N(1) of the tetrahydropurine nucleus. The neoSTX was not present in the gastric content sample, indicating that the oxidation of N(1) in the STX tetrahydropurine nucleus resulted neoSTX, in a similar way that GTX3/GTX2 epimers were transformed in GTX4/GTX1 epimers. Beside this metabolic transformation, also the hydrolysis of carbamoyl group from STX to form its decarbomoyl analogue decarbamoylsaxitoxin was detected in liver, kidney and lung. These two findings show that PSP toxins went under metabolic transformation during the 3-4 h of human intoxication period, in which PSP toxins showed enzymatic oxidation of N(1) in the tetrahydropurine nucleus, producing neoSTX and GTX4/GTX1 epimers starting from STX and GTX3/GTX2 epimers, respectively. This study conclude, that PSP toxins are metabolically transformed by humans and that they are removed from the body by excretion in the urine and feces like any other xenobiotic compound

    Funcionalidad familiar y automanejo de pacientes con diabetes mellitus e hipertensión arterial en el Hospital de Puente Piedra-Lima

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    La funcionalidad familiar y el automanejo son condiciones vitales que influyen en la calidad de vida de la persona que vive con alguna enfermedad crónica. Objetivo: determinar la relación entre la funcionalidad familiar y el automanejo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e hipertensión arterial en pacientes de 30-80 años, asistentes al consultorio de medicina interna en el hospital Carlos Lanfranco la Hoz de Puente Piedra-Lima. Metodología: estudio cuantitativo, diseño correlacional, de corte transversal, con una población de 100 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e hipertensión arterial; se emplearon 2 instrumentos: apgar familiar y automanejo en enfermedades crónicas. Resultados: muestran una correlación positiva entre la funcionalidad familiar y el automanejo (Rho de Spearman=0,43); además, el 54% de familias de los participantes evaluados fueron moderadamente disfuncionales y el 7% gravemente disfuncionales. El automanejo de los pacientes fue regular en un 56% e inadecuado en el 9%. Conclusiones: la funcionalidad familiar y el automanejo son variables que se encuentran asociados de forma directa, lo cual influye en los patrones del comportamiento de las personas que viven con diabetes mellitus de tipo 2 y la hipertensión arterial

    A search for endogenous modulators of the GABA receptor in different regions of the rat CNS

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    The possible existence of endogenous substances other than γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), that can also bind to rat brain GABA receptors, has been investigated in synaptic membranes derived from whole rat brain, or from cerebral cortex; as well as in isolated synaptic vesicles obtained from cerebral cortex, striatum, hypothalamus, cerebellum and spinal cord and in the superfusion fluid of electrically stimulated brain cortex slices, where a GABA-like substance is released by a calcium-dependent process. The detector used to study the presence of such presumed non-GABA endogenous ligands, were frozen and thawed rat brain synaptic membranes, that had been treated with 0.05% Triton X-100 and thoroughly washed. With this highly sensitive preparation, at least 5 pmol of GABA/ml could be detected. The extracts of the different preparations where these hypothetical ligands were looked for, were analyzed by means of gel filtration on Sephadez G-10, paper chromatography and high voltage electroph
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