46 research outputs found

    Rotation des cultures annuelles et travail du sol en climat nordique : quelle combinaison semble la plus profitable au Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean?

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    Au Saguenay‒Lac-Saint-Jean, les cultures annuelles prennent de plus en plus d’ampleur au dĂ©triment des cultures pĂ©rennes. Toutefois, il y a peu d’information rĂ©gionale sur les effets Ă  long terme des pratiques culturales sur les rendements et les paramĂštres de la qualitĂ© des sols. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude a donc Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©terminer les effets des rotations des cultures annuelles et du travail du sol sur les rendements et les propriĂ©tĂ©s chimiques et physiques du sol. Trouver une combinaison de rotation et de travail du sol profitable dans le contexte nordique du Saguenay‒Lac-Saint-Jean est particuliĂšrement important pour les producteurs de grandes cultures de la rĂ©gion

    Best management practices in northern agriculture : a twelve-year rotation and soil tillage study in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean

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    In the northern agroecosystem of Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, cash crops such as barley, canola, and field pea are gaining popularity over traditional perennial crops like alfalfa. However, very little information is available on the relatively long-term effect of different crop rotations and soil tillage practices on crop yields and soil quality parameters. This study was conducted at the Normandin Research Farm of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Five rotation types [1: Canola–Barley–Barley–Pea (C–B–B–P); 2: Canola–Pea–Barley–Barley (C–P–B–B); 3: Canola–Barley–Pea–Barley (C–B–P–B); 4: Pea monoculture; and 5: Barley monoculture] and two soil tillage practices [1: Chisel plough (CP) and 2: Moldboard plough (MP)] were evaluated. Canola monoculture of was not included. The study began in 1999 on a former alfalfa field and ended in 2010 after three four-year rotation cycles. Barley monoculture decreased yields by 600 kg ha−1 in the last five years, whereas field pea monoculture decreased yields by about 1000 kg ha−1 in most years. Barley monoculture did not significantly reduce grain yields compared to C–B–B–P and C–P–B–B, highlighting the importance of alternate crops every year. Soil tillage (CP versus MP) did not significantly affect yields for all crops in most years; and when it did have an effect, it showed inconsistencies by either increasing or decreasing grain yields. Soil tillage also had insignificant impact regardless of the rotation type involved. Rotation type and soil tillage had insignificant effect on soil organic matter content, whereas CP increased nitrate and phosphorus content in the 0–20 cm soil layer. Rotation type had insignificant impact on soil physical properties, whereas CP improved soil water conductivity by 0.03 cm h−1 for C–B–B–P and barley monoculture. Compared to MP, CP improved soil macro-aggregate (2–6 mm) stability to water as well as aggregate mean weight diameter by about 15% for most of the rotations

    Energy Efficiency and Performance Management of Parallel Dataflow Applications

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    International audienceParallelizing software is a popular way of achieving high energy efficiency since parallel applications can be mapped on many cores and the clock frequency can be lowered. Perfect parallelism is, however, not often reached and different program phases usually contain different levels of parallelism due to data dependencies. Applications have currently no means of expressing the level of parallelism, and the power management is mostly done based on only the workload. In this work, we provide means of expressing QoS and levels of parallelism in applications for more tight integration with the power management to obtain optimal energy efficiency in multi-core systems. We utilize the dataflow framework PREESM to create and analyze program structures and expose the parallelism in the program phases to the power management. We use the derived parameters in a NLP (NonLinear Programming) solver to determine the minimum power for allocating resources to the applications

    Lowbush blueberry fruit yield and growth response to inorganic and organic N-fertilization when competing with two common weed species

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    Inorganic N fertilizers are commonly used in commercial blueberry fields; however, this form of N can favor increased weed species’ growth, which can ultimately reduce the benefits of fertilization. We hypothesized that chipped ramial wood (CRW) compost is an effective alternative organic fertilizer for blueberry plants when weeds are present, as ericaceous shrub species are generally more efficient in utilizing organic N than herbaceous weed species. In this study, we measured the growth, fruit yield, and foliar N response of lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton) to an application of 45 kg N ha-1 in the form of organic (CRW) or inorganic N (ammonium sulfate) in two areas of a commercial field colonized by either poverty oat grass (Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv.) or sweet fern (Comptonia peregrina (L.) Coult.). We also assessed the impact of the fertilization treatments on litter decomposition rates. Contrary to our hypothesis, we found no significant increase in blueberry fruit yield or growth using CRW. By contrast, inorganic N-fertilization increased fruit yield by 70%. The effect was higher in the area colonized by D. spicata (+83%) than by C. peregrina (+45%). Blueberry fruit yield was on average twice higher in the area of the field having D. spicata than C. peregrina, suggesting a stronger competition with the latter. However, the increase in D. spicata density from 0–1 to >25 plants m-2 reduced fruit production by three-fold and strongly impacted vegetative growth in both fertilized and unfertilized plots. The impact of increased C. peregrina density was comparatively much lower, especially on vegetative growth, which was much higher in the area having C. peregrina. These patterns are likely due to a lower competition for N uptake with C. peregrina as this species can derive N from the atmosphere. Interestingly, the higher fruit yield in the area colonized by D. spicata occurred even in plots where the weeds were nearly absent (density of 0–1 plant m-2), revealing the influence of unidentified variables on blueberry fruit yield. We hypothesized that this difference resulted from over-optimal foliar N concentrations in the area colonized by C. peregrina as suggested by the significantly higher foliar N concentrations and by the negative correlation between foliar N concentrations and fruit yields in this area. The possibility of an influence of C. peregrina on flowering and pollination success, as well as of unidentified local site conditions is discussed. The tested N-fertilization treatments did not affect foliar N concentrations or litter decomposition rates. Overall, our results show that ammonium sulfate is very effective at increasing fruit yields but that both fruit yields and the efficiency of the N-fertilization treatment are decreased by increased D. spicata density, especially above 25 plants m-2. Although CRW did not significantly enhance fruit yields in the short term, this fertilizer may have a long-term beneficial effect

    Spatial dependency and independency of nitrogen in lowbush blueberry commercial fields

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    Rhizomes of wild lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton) extend horizontally, creating spatial dependency when fertilization trials are performed. Knowing this spatial dependency would help researchers to better design field studies. Here, we used labelled nitrogen (N) fertilizer (15N-(NH4)2SO4) to measure N translocation among blueberry stems for one old (56 year) and one younger (15 year) commercial field. Leaf 15N concentrations at the tip-dieback stage were used to monitor N acquisition. No difference between sites suggests no field age effect on N translocation. Spatial dependency and independency were reached for distances of ≀0.75 and ≄1.75 m from the fertilizer application point, respectively

    How management practices influence vegetative and reproductive plant traits of wild lowbush blueberry species

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    Abstract: Optimizing agricultural practices is an effective way to increase fruit productivity in commercial wild lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton; Vaccinium myrtilloides Michx) fields, but results from northern Quebec (Canada) are scarce. In this study, we assessed the effect of the main crop management practices, namely pruning method (mechanical and thermal), fungicide (with and without), and fertilization (mineral, organic, and without) on key vegetative and reproductive plant traits of both wild blueberry species. The experiment was conducted from fall 2016 to fall 2018, when the combination of pruning, fungicide, and fertilizing was applied. Results show that fertilizer application was the main management practice affecting vegetative and reproductive plant traits followed by fungicide application effects during pruning years only. Mineral fertilizer improved plant traits to a greater extent than organic fertilizer during the pruning phase only, and no significant differences in the second year after application (harvesting phase) suggest a delayed but similar final effect of organic fertilizer. Results also showed that V. myrtilloides produces taller stems with more leaves compared to V. angustifolium, whereas V. angustifolium produces more flower buds, a key reproductive plant trait. Results also highlight the fact that V. angustifolium needs both fertilizer and fungicide to keep leaves on the stem during late summer, whereas V. myrtilloides needs either fertilizers or fungicides. This study also shows that pruning method has no significant effect on any of the measured plant traits. However, we believe that long-term studies are still needed to assess the impact of pruning method over time. RĂ©sumĂ©: Optimiser les pratiques agricoles est une bonne façon d’accroĂźtre le rendement fruitier des bleuetiĂšres commerciales de bleuet Ă  feuilles Ă©troites (Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton, Vaccinium myrtilloides Michx). Malheureusement, on possĂšde peu de rĂ©sultats qui l’illustrent dans le nord du QuĂ©bec (Canada). Les auteurs ont Ă©valuĂ© les effets des principales pratiques en usage sur les principaux caractĂšres vĂ©gĂ©tatifs et reproductifs des deux espĂšces, en l’occurrence l’élagage (mĂ©canique et thermique), l’application (ou pas) d’un fongicide et celle d’un engrais (minĂ©ral, organique, aucun). L’expĂ©rience s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e de l’automne 2016 Ă  l’automne 2018, pĂ©riode durant laquelle les auteurs ont combinĂ© l’élagage Ă  l’application du fongicide et de l’engrais. Selon les rĂ©sultats obtenus, l’usage d’un engrais est la pratique qui affecte le plus les caractĂšres vĂ©gĂ©tatifs et reproductifs de la plante, suivie par l’application d’un fongicide, mais uniquement les annĂ©es oĂč il y a Ă©lagage. L’engrais minĂ©ral accentue plus les caractĂšres de la plante que l’engrais organique, mais seulement lors de l’élagage. Si on ajoute Ă  cela le fait qu’on ne relĂšve aucun Ă©cart significatif l’annĂ©e suivant celle de l’amendement (annĂ©e de la rĂ©colte), on prĂ©sume que l’engrais organique agit de façon identique, mais Ă  retardement. V. myrtilloides a des tiges plus hautes portant plus de feuilles que V. angustifolium, espĂšce qui produit plus de bourgeons floraux, un caractĂšre important pour la reproduction. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus indiquent aussi que V. angustifolium a besoin d’un engrais et d’un fongicide pour que les feuilles restent attachĂ©es Ă  leur tige Ă  la fin de l’étĂ©, alors que V. myrtilloides n’a besoin que de l’un ou de l’autre. Par ailleurs, l’étude indique que la technique d’élagage n’a aucun effet sensible sur les autres caractĂšres de la plante. Quoi qu’il en soit, les auteurs estiment qu’il faudrait entreprendre des recherches de plus longue haleine afin de mieux Ă©valuer l’impact de l’élagage dans le temps

    Limited effect of thermal pruning on wild blueberry crop and its root-associated microbiota

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    Thermal pruning was a common pruning method in the past but has progressively been replaced by mechanical pruning for economic reasons. Both practices are known to enhance and maintain high yields; however, thermal pruning was documented to have an additional sanitation effect by reducing weeds and fungal diseases outbreaks. Nevertheless, there is no clear consensus on the optimal fire intensity required to observe these outcomes. Furthermore, fire is known to alter the soil microbiome as it impacts the soil organic layer and chemistry. Thus far, no study has investigated into the effect of thermal pruning intensity on the wild blueberry microbiome in agricultural settings. This project aimed to document the effects of four gradual thermal pruning intensities on the wild blueberry performance, weeds, diseases, as well as the rhizosphere fungal and bacterial communities. A field trial was conducted using a block design where agronomic variables were documented throughout the 2-year growing period. MiSeq amplicon sequencing was used to determine the diversity as well as the structure of the bacterial and fungal communities. Overall, yield, fruit ripeness, and several other agronomical variables were not significantly impacted by the burning treatments. Soil phosphorus was the only parameter with a significant albeit temporary change (1 month after thermal pruning) for soil chemistry. Our results also showed that bacterial and fungal communities did not significantly change between burning treatments. The fungal community was dominated by ericoid mycorrhizal fungi, while the bacterial community was mainly composed of Acidobacteriales, Isosphaerales, Frankiales, and Rhizobiales. However, burning at high intensities temporarily reduced Septoria leaf spot disease in the season following thermal pruning. According to our study, thermal pruning has a limited short-term influence on the wild blueberry ecosystem but may have a potential impact on pests (notably Septoria infection), which should be explored in future studies to determine the burning frequency necessary to control this disease

    Conditioning machine learning models to adjust lowbush blueberry crop management to the local agroecosystem

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    Agroecosystem conditions limit the productivity of lowbush blueberry. Our objectives were to investigate the effects on berry yield of agroecosystem and crop management variables, then to develop a recommendation system to adjust nutrient and soil management of lowbush blueberry to given local meteorological conditions. We collected 1504 observations from N-P-K fertilizer trials conducted in Quebec, Canada. The data set, that comprised soil, tissue, and meteorological data, was processed by Bayesian mixed models, machine learning, compositional data analysis, and Markov chains. Our investigative statistical models showed that meteorological indices had the greatest impact on yield. High mean temperature at flower bud opening and after fruit maturation, and total precipitation at flowering stage showed positive effects. Low mean temperature and low total precipitation before bud opening, at flowering, and by fruit maturity, as well as number of freezing days (<−5 °C) before flower bud opening, showed negative effects. Soil and tissue tests, and N-P-K fertilization showed smaller effects. Gaussian processes predicted yields from historical weather data, soil test, fertilizer dosage, and tissue test with a root-mean-square-error of 1447 kg ha−1. An in-house Markov chain algorithm optimized yields modelled by Gaussian processes from tissue test, soil test, and fertilizer dosage as conditioned to specified historical meteorological features, potentially increasing yield by a median factor of 1.5. Machine learning, compositional data analysis, and Markov chains allowed customizing nutrient management of lowbush blueberry at local scale

    A cognitive prosthesis for complex decision-making

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    While simple heuristics can be ecologically rational and effective in naturalistic decision making contexts, complex situations require analytical decision making strategies, hypothesis-testing and learning. Sub-optimal decision strategies – using simplified as opposed to analytic decision rules – have been reported in domains such as healthcare, military operational planning, and government policy making. We investigate the potential of a computational toolkit called “IMAGE” to improve decision-making by developing structural knowledge and increasing understanding of complex situations. IMAGE is tested within the context of a complex military convoy management task through (a) interactive simulations, and (b) visualization and knowledge representation capabilities. We assess the usefulness of two versions of IMAGE (desktop and immersive) compared to a baseline. Results suggest that the prosthesis helped analysts in making better decisions, but failed to increase their structural knowledge about the situation once the cognitive prosthesis is removed

    Ulilisation d’ultrasons confocaux pour la potentialisation de chimiotherapie par cavitation ultrasonore sans agents de nuclĂ©ation extĂ©rieurs

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    Le cancer est reconnu comme l'un des principaux enjeux de santĂ© actuels. MĂȘme si de grands progrĂšs ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s dans ce domaine, les effets systĂ©miques des chimiothĂ©rapies et le caractĂšre invasif des procĂ©dures actuelles de potentialisation (agents physiques) sont autant d'Ă©lĂ©ments limitants. Les ultrasons se dĂ©marquent nĂ©anmoins par leur faible morbiditĂ©. AppliquĂ©s de façon extracorporelle, ils peuvent pĂ©nĂ©trer en profondeur dans les tissus et y induire effets thermiques et mĂ©caniques, incluant entre autres la cavitation. La cavitation peut se dĂ©finir comme la formation et l'oscillation de bulles dans le milieu de propagation. Il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© de potentiels bĂ©nĂ©fices de ce mĂ©canisme dans la potentialisation d'agents thĂ©rapeutiques. Bien que la gĂ©nĂ©ration de cavitation puisse ĂȘtre aidĂ©e par l'ajout d'agents de nuclĂ©ation extĂ©rieurs, le travail prĂ©sentĂ© ici s'en affranchit afin de rendre la procĂ©dure plus versatile. Des simulations ont montrĂ© qu'un dispositif ultrasonore basĂ© sur deux faisceaux confocaux permettait des conditions favorables Ă  l'obtention de cavitation dans ces conditions. De plus, Ă©tudes in vivo ont montrĂ© l'innocuitĂ© du phĂ©nomĂšne en regard de la stabilitĂ© de la doxorubicine, des effets histologiques sur tissus sains ainsi que sur l'Ă©ventuelle diffusion mĂ©tastatique. L'efficacitĂ© du traitement combinĂ© n'a en revanche pas pu ĂȘtre dĂ©montrĂ©e. Pour investiguer la combinaison de chimiothĂ©rapie avec de la cavitation stable, une stratĂ©gie de rĂ©gulation est mise en place. Bien que la synergie ait pu ĂȘtre dĂ©montrĂ©e in vitro, l'Ă©tude prĂ©clinique ne permet pas de conclure sur l'effet in vivo. Dans l'hypothĂšse d'un dĂ©faut de localisation du nuage de cavitation, une mĂ©thode de localisation spatiale est mise en place et validĂ©eCancer is recognized as one of the major health issues of this beginning century. Even if great achievements have been performed, chemotherapies induce systemic toxicity and combinable physical agents are invasive. Ultrasound has shown a great potential as an external physical agent. Applied extracorporeally, it can penetrate in depth in tissue and induce various biological effects, mechanical of thermal. Notably, cavitation, which is the formation and oscillatory motion of bubbles in a media, has effects providing the possibility to enhance the delivery of chemotherapeutic agents. This effect can be induced in biological tissues by using external nucleation agents such as ultrasound contrast agents. However, to avoid diffusion issues, this work focuses on cavitation without external nucleation agents. For this purpose, a particular setup based on two confocal transducers was designed. Simulations showed its advantages for cavitation applications. A developed preclinical device demonstrated the safety of using unseeded inertial cavitation for the potentiation of doxorubicin (DOX) regarding the drug stability, the effect on healthy tissues and the metastatic spreading. Unfortunately, no effect of combining inertial cavitation with DOX in could have been demonstrated in vivo. To investigate stable cavitation phenomenon, a control process was developed. It permitted to evidence in vitro the synergistic interaction between DOX and stable cavitation. Again, preclinical studies were not able to prove this synergy in vivo. To assess the correct tissue exposures to stable cavitation, a localization method was developed and validate