242 research outputs found

    Too shy to use the Social Web?

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    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen den Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen Introversion und Extraversion und dem Nutzungsverhalten auf der Social Network Site studiVZ untersucht. Unter Bezugnahme auf das Eysenck-Persönlichkeits-Inventar wurde die Stichprobe, welche aus 232 weiblichen und 63 männlichen Studenten bestand, in Personen mit geringen bzw. hohen Extraversionswerten unterteilt. Dieses Ergebnis diente in weiterer Folge als Grundlage für sämtliche Untersuchungen in den Bereichen Beitrittsmotivation, Nutzungshäufigkeit, sowie Nutzungsgewohnheiten. Zur theoretischen Untermauerung wurden vor allem aktuelle Studien der Social Network Site Forschung, sowie traditionelle Modelle Computervermittelter Kommunikation herangezogen. Weiters wurden Befunde aus der Persönlichkeitsforschung nach Jung und Eysenck analysiert, sowie theoretische Überlegungen im Bereich der Nutzungs- und Motivforschung (Uses and Gratifications Approach) erörtert. Hinsichtlich der Ergebnisse lässt sich sagen, dass keine signifikanten Zusammenhänge zwischen Extraversionsneigung und Nutzung der Social Network Site studiVZ festgestellt werden konnten. Es scheint, dass beide Gruppen, die Online- Community in erster Linie zur Pflege bestehender Kontakte nutzen. Die Herstellung von Beziehungen zu fremden Mitgliedern wird hingegen von einem Großteil der Probanden abgelehnt. Zusammenfassend ist zu sagen, dass sich Social Network Sites vor allem durch die verschwimmenden Grenzen realer und virtueller Kommunikation auszeichnen. Durch diese Rahmenbedingungen ergibt sich ein neuer Interaktionsraum, in dem Introvertierte und Extrovertierte in sehr ähnlicher Weise agieren und kommunizieren können

    La communauté à l’épreuve de la technologie : les groupes et centres autogérés de cinéastes au Québec et en Ontario à l’heure de la digitalisation

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    Ce mémoire propose d’étudier les conditions et les perspectives des regroupements d’artistes autogérés face aux changements provoqués par la digitalisation des facteurs de production et de diffusion. L’analyse portée sur l’évolution de ces structures est illustrée par quatre cas spécifiques : le Vidéographe et la Coop Vidéo à Montréal et le Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto et V-Tape à Toronto. D’un historique de ces organismes, au contexte social et à la pratique artistique liés à leur émergence dans les années 70, cette étude tente de mettre en lumière les transformations de ces structures par l’apparition du médium numérique et d’Internet au tournant du siècle. La recherche s’appuie ici sur une étude approfondie des archives de ces groupes, d’entretiens avec les principaux acteurs concernés et des rapports gouvernementaux permettant de faire ressortir les problématiques actuelles de ces structures autogérées et d’amorcer des réflexions autour de leur pérennité.This thesis proposes to study the conditions and the perspectives of the artist-run centers faced with the changes caused by the digitalization of the factors of production and distribution. The analysis about the evolution of these organizations is illustrated by four specific cases: le Vidéographe and la Coop Vidéo in Montreal, and the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto and V-Tape in Toronto. From a history of these groups, the social context and the artistic practices binding their emergence in the 70’s, this study highlights their transformations brought about by the arrival of the new medium and the Internet at the turn of XXIst century. The research is based on a detailed archival work of these groups and the governmental reports. Several interviews with the mains stakeholders bring out the currents issues and initiate some thought about the longevity of the artist-run centers

    Structure and mechanism of a canonical poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase

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    Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is a reversible post-translational protein modification involved in the regulation of a number of cellular processes including DNA repair, chromatin structure, mitosis, transcription, checkpoint activation, apoptosis and asexual development. The reversion of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is catalysed by poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) glycohydrolase (PARG), which specifically targets the unique PAR (1''-2') ribose-ribose bonds. Here we report the structure and mechanism of the first canonical PARG from the protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. In addition, we reveal the structure of T. thermophila PARG in a complex with a novel rhodanine-containing mammalian PARG inhibitor RBPI-3. Our data demonstrate that the protozoan PARG represents a good model for human PARG and is therefore likely to prove useful in guiding structure-based discovery of new classes of PARG inhibitors

    Visualization of poly(ADP-ribose) bound to PARG reveals inherent balance between exo- and endo-glycohydrolase activities

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    Poly-ADP-ribosylation is a post-translational modification that regulates processes involved in genome stability. Breakdown of the poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) polymer is catalysed by poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG), whose endo-glycohydrolase activity generates PAR fragments. Here we present the crystal structure of PARG incorporating the PAR substrate. The two terminal ADP-ribose units of the polymeric substrate are bound in exo-mode. Biochemical and modelling studies reveal that PARG acts predominantly as an exo-glycohydrolase. This preference is linked to Phe902 (human numbering), which is responsible for low-affinity binding of the substrate in endo-mode. Our data reveal the mechanism of poly-ADP-ribosylation reversal, with ADP-ribose as the dominant product, and suggest that the release of apoptotic PAR fragments occurs at unusual PAR/PARG ratios

    Influence de l'arrangement granulaire d'un sédiment polydisperses sur le seuil de mise en mouvement

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    La prédiction du transport d'un mélange de particules de plusieurs tailles est un point sensible d'une représentation de la dynamique sédimentaire sur de nombreux faciès en rivière ou en mer. Afin de déterminer les processus critiques qui régissent la mise en mouvement de tels mélanges et de quantifier leur contributions, des essais ont été réalisés dans un petit canal à courant. Ils ont porté sur des échantillons reconstitués, formés de sables naturels lithoclastiques bien triés ou de mélanges sableux bimodaux. L'objectif est d'observer et de quantifier les différences de comportement à l'entrainement entre un sédiment unimodal et un sédiment mélangé. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés à une sélection de formulations issues de la littérature. La série de tests a permis de mettre en évidence quelques processus particuliers du début du transport sédimentaire multiclasse dans un écoulement stationnaire. La granulométrie utilisée s'étend des sables fins aux sables très grossiers. Des paramètres du mélange tels que le rapport de taille des particules, le taux de saturation des échantillons par les grains dont la taille est la plus fine ou la porosité influent sur la modulation de la contrainte de frottement critique. Les comparaisons mesures / formules ont mis en évidence la difficulté de prédire le seuil de mise en mouvement des particules d'un mélange hétérométrique. Par conséquent, l'incertitude sur la granulométrie transportée s'accroît lorsque le frottement est proche du frottement critique d'une certaine classe de taille

    The structure and catalytic mechanism of a poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase

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    Post-translational modification of proteins by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation regulates many cellular pathways that are critical for genome stability, including DNA repair, chromatin structure, mitosis and apoptosis1. Poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) is composed of repeating ADP-ribose units linked via a unique glycosidic ribose–ribose bond, and is synthesized from NAD by PAR polymerases1, 2. PAR glycohydrolase (PARG) is the only protein capable of specific hydrolysis of the ribose–ribose bonds present in PAR chains; its deficiency leads to cell death3, 4. Here we show that filamentous fungi and a number of bacteria possess a divergent form of PARG that has all the main characteristics of the human PARG enzyme. We present the first PARG crystal structure (derived from the bacterium Thermomonospora curvata), which reveals that the PARG catalytic domain is a distant member of the ubiquitous ADP-ribose-binding macrodomain family5, 6. High-resolution structures of T. curvata PARG in complexes with ADP-ribose and the PARG inhibitor ADP-HPD, complemented by biochemical studies, allow us to propose a model for PAR binding and catalysis by PARG. The insights into the PARG structure and catalytic mechanism should greatly improve our understanding of how PARG activity controls reversible protein poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation and potentially of how the defects in this regulation are linked to human disease


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    U radu se daju rezultati istraživanja migracija u seoskom području Republike Hrvatske. Cilj je istražiti čimbenike koji utječu na iseljavanje seoskog stanovništva Republike Hrvatske. Istraživanje je provedeno 2007. godine na uzorku od 914 ispitanika dobi od 24 do 45 godina u seoskom području Republike Hrvatske. Odabir naselja i ispitanika bio je slučajan. Provedeno istraživanje pokazuje da su najveće poteškoće života u hrvatskom seoskom području gospodarske naravi, manjak zaposlenja, slaba mogućnost izbora zanimanja i niža zarada u odnosu na zaposlenje u gradu. Petina ispitanika nije zadovoljna uvjetima seoskog života i namjerava se iseliti. To je zabrinjavajući pokazatelj budući da se radi o populaciji koja je u pravilu završila proces obrazovanja i većinom osnovala obitelj. Najviše mogućih iseljenika, što je bilo i za očekivati, je iz gospodarski nerazvijenih područja Republike Hrvatske. Daljnja depopulacija hrvatskog sela bila bi pogubna, a njene najveće posljedice bile bi: prevelika urbanizacija, posebice velikih gradova, daljnji neravnomjerni razvitak Republike Hrvatske te nedovoljno iskorištenje prostornog, proizvodnog i ljudskog potencijala. S obzirom na strateški cilj ulaska Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, navedeno predstavlja bitno ograničenje njene uspješne prilagodbe europskoj ekonomskoj integraciji. Iseljavanje seoskog pučanstva može se spriječiti prvenstveno povećanjem zaposlenosti i dohotka te stvaranjem takve fizičke i društvene infrastrukture u seoskom području koja će bitno poboljšati životne uvjete seoskog pučanstva. Seoska područja, poglavito gospodarski nerazvijena, nemaju dovoljno vlastitih mogućnosti za ubrzanje razvoja odnosno za nužno smanjivanje razlika u kakvoći življenja prema gradskim područjima. Zbog toga je nužno da njihov razvojni proces više nego dosada potpomogne Država osmišljenim mjerama regionalnog razvoja, uz svekoliku potporu lokalne uprave i samouprave. U tome bi svoj znatan obol trebalo dati novo-osnovano Ministarstvo za regionalni razvoj.The paper presents results of the research study on migrations in rural areas of the Republic of Croatia. The aim was to determine factors influencing migrations of rural population in Croatia. The research was carried out in 2007 on 914 respondents from 25 to 45 years of age. The rural communities and respondents were selected on a random basis. The study results indicate that the major difficulties in rural life in Croatia are of economic nature: lack of employment opportunities, inadequate choice of profession and lower income in comparison with employment in urban areas. One fifth of the respondents is not satisfied with conditions of rural life and intends to leave villages. This is a very disturbing indicator, since it refers to population, which in general, has finished education and started a family. As we expect, the largest number of potential migrants comes from economically underdeveloped Croatian areas. Further depopulation of Croatian villages would have dramatic effects, and the worst consequences would be excessive urbanization, especially of large cities, further uneven development of the Republic of Croatia, and insufficient utilization of spatial, production and human resources. Since the strategic Croatian goal is to become a member of the European Union, this is a major obstacle to its successful adjustment to the European economic integration. The migration of rural population could be prevented primarily by increase in employment and income opportunities and creation of such physical and social infrastructure in rural areas that would considerably improve living conditions for rural population. The rural areas, particularly underdeveloped, have no adequate capacities for intensification of its development and diminishing differences in their quality of life compared to urban areas. Thus, the state support is increasingly required by introducing measures of regional development with complementary support of the local government. The newly founded Ministry of Regional Development is therefore inevitable in this process
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