1,044 research outputs found

    Analisis Wacana Kritis Program Mata Najwa “Balada Perda” Di Metrotv

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    Pada 16 Januari 2013, Mata Najwa mengangkat tema Balada Perda di tengah pemberitaan mengenai perda yang kontroversial. Mata Najwa membahas empat aturan daerah yang mengundang pro dan kontra dalam masyarakat yaitu aturan larangan mengangkang bagi kaum perempuan di Lhokseumawe; aturan nama bayi dengan ciri kedaerahan di Surabaya; inisiatif bupati mengajak pejabat daerah ke penjara di Bualemo; dan aturan wajib mengaji dan mematikan televisi di Kampar. Dalam paradigma kritis, pengunaan bahasa dalam media bersifat sengaja dan memiliki tujuan tertentu. Melihat hal ini, peneliti tertarik melihat wacana yang dibangun dalam episode tersebut.Peneliti menggunakan teknik analisis wacana kritis model Teun van Dijk dan menemukan bahwa Mata Najwa membangun wacana bahwa perda melayani kepentingan pemerintah; perda mengintervensi privasi masyarakat; dan perda mendiskriminasi kelompok tertentu. Pembentukan wacana ini sekaligus menunjukkan pendefinisian dan penempatan posisi yang dilakukan Mata Najwa terhadap partisipan produksi wacana. Mata Najwa menempatkan Najwa Shihab sebagai pihak yang dominan sehingga realitasnya bisa diterima publik sebagai kebenaran.Dengan perpaduan analisis teks, kognisi sosial dan konteks, peneliti menemukan wacana yang dibangun Mata Najwa meneguhkan pandangan bahwa perda pasca otonomi daerah mengundang pro dan kontra dalam masyarakat. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa tayangan Mata Najwa Balada Perda dipengaruhi oleh kepentingan ekonomi media Metro TV

    Majorana Zero Modes in Graphene

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    A clear demonstration of topological superconductivity (TS) and Majorana zero modes remains one of the major pending goal in the field of topological materials. One common strategy to generate TS is through the coupling of an s-wave superconductor to a helical half-metallic system. Numerous proposals for the latter have been put forward in the literature, most of them based on semiconductors or topological insulators with strong spin-orbit coupling. Here we demonstrate an alternative approach for the creation of TS in graphene/superconductor junctions without the need of spin-orbit coupling. Our prediction stems from the helicity of graphene's zero Landau level edge states in the presence of interactions, and on the possibility, experimentally demonstrated, to tune their magnetic properties with in-plane magnetic fields. We show how canted antiferromagnetic ordering in the graphene bulk close to neutrality induces TS along the junction, and gives rise to isolated, topologically protected Majorana bound states at either end. We also discuss possible strategies to detect their presence in graphene Josephson junctions through Fraunhofer pattern anomalies and Andreev spectroscopy. The latter in particular exhibits strong unambiguous signatures of the presence of the Majorana states in the form of universal zero bias anomalies. Remarkable progress has recently been reported in the fabrication of the proposed type of junctions, which offers a promising outlook for Majorana physics in graphene systems.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Included simulations of Andreev spectroscopy and mor

    Controlled complete suppression of single-atom inelastic spin and orbital cotunnelling

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    The inelastic portion of the tunnel current through an individual magnetic atom grants unique access to read out and change the atom's spin state, but it also provides a path for spontaneous relaxation and decoherence. Controlled closure of the inelastic channel would allow for the latter to be switched off at will, paving the way to coherent spin manipulation in single atoms. Here we demonstrate complete closure of the inelastic channels for both spin and orbital transitions due to a controlled geometric modification of the atom's environment, using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). The observed suppression of the excitation signal, which occurs for Co atoms assembled into chain on a Cu2_2N substrate, indicates a structural transition affecting the dz_z2^2 orbital, effectively cutting off the STM tip from the spin-flip cotunnelling path.Comment: 4 figures plus 4 supplementary figure

    Special Issue on Smart Data and Semantics in a Sensor World

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    Introduction Since its first inception in 2001, the application of the Semantic Web [1, 2] has carried out an extensive use of ontologies [3–5], reasoning, and semantics in diverse fields, such as Information Integration, Software Engineering, Bioinformatics, eGovernment, eHealth, and social networks. This widespread use of ontologies has led to an incredible advance in the development of techniques to manipulate, share, reuse, and integrate information across heterogeneous data sources. In recent years, the growth of the IoT (Internet of Things) required to face the challenges of “Big Data” [6–10]. The cost of sensors is decreasing, while their use is expanding. Moreover, the use of multiple personal smart devices is an emerging trend and all of them can embed sensors to monitor the surrounding environment. Therefore, the number of available sensors is exploding. On the one hand, the flows of sensor data are massive and continuous, and the data could be obtained in real time or with a delay of just a few seconds. Then, the volume of sensor data is increasing continuously every day. On the other hand, the variety of data being generated is also increasing, due to plenty of different devices and different measures to record. There are many kinds of structured and unstructured sensor data in diverse formats. Moreover, data veracity, which is the degree of accuracy or truthfulness of a data set, is an important aspect to consider. In the context of sensor data, it represents the trustworthiness of the data source and the processing of data. The need for more accurate and reliable data was always declared, but often overlooked for the sake of larger and cheaper..

    Correlation-induced valley topology in buckled graphene superlattices

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    Flat bands emerging in buckled monolayer graphene superlattices have been recently shown to realize correlated states analogous to those observed in twisted graphene multilayers. Here, we demonstrate the emergence of valley topology driven by competing electronic correlations in buckled graphene superlattices. We show, both by means of atomistic models and a low-energy description, that the existence of long-range electronic correlations leads to a competition between antiferromagnetic and charge density wave instabilities, that can be controlled by means of screening engineering. Interestingly, we find that the emergent charge density wave has a topologically non-trivial electronic structure, leading to a coexistent quantum valley Hall insulating state. In a similar fashion, the antiferromagnetic phase realizes a spin-polarized quantum valley-Hall insulating state. Our results put forward buckled graphene superlattices as a new platform to realize interaction-induced topological matter.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Nuevos datos sobre "Myxomycetes" presentes en la provincia de Granada (España)

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    En el presente trabajo se aportan nuevos datos sobre el conocimiento de los Myxomycetes de Granada (sur de España), citándose catorce nuevas especies, entre las que ne destacan: Comatricha alta Preusz, Diderma trevelyanii (Grev.) Fr., Diderma umbilicatum Pers., Didymium bahiense Gottsberger, Didymium difforme (Pers.) S.F. Gray, Didymium trachysporum G. Lister, Lamproderma scintillans (Berk. & Br.) Morgan, Physarum contextum (Pers.) Pers., Physarum vernum Somm. y se amplía la corologia de varias especies ya citadas en anteriores trabajos. Se comenta la distribución en la Peninsula Ibérica, confeccionándose mapas de distribución de dichos tazones basados en cuadrícula UTM de 50 Km.This article shows a study on the Myxomycetes on the province of Granada (Spain). We have found fourteen new taxa for this province. Some of these are: Comatricha alta Preusz, Diderma trevelyanii(Gres.) Fr., Diderma umbilicatum Pers., Didymium bahiense Gottsberger, Didymium difforme (Pers.) S.F. Gray, Didymium trachysporum G. Lister, Lamproderma scintillans (Berk. & Br.) Morgan, Physarum contextum (Pers.) Pers., Physarum vernum Somm. Distribution maps are given. We also included new dates about the chorology another species
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