7 research outputs found

    Impact of the implementation of best practice guidelines on nurse's evidence-based practice and on nurses' work environment: research protocol

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    Abstract Aim: To determine the impact of the Best Practice Spotlight Organization® initia- tive on nurses' perception of their work environment and their attitudes to evidence- based practice. Design: Quasi-experimental, multicentre study. The intervention is the participation in Best Prectice Spotilight Organizations to implement Best Practice Guidelines. Methods: The study will include seven centres in the interventional group and 10 in the non-equivalent control group, all of them belonging to the Spanish national health system. The Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index, and the Health Sciences Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire will be administered to a sample of 1,572 nurses at the beginning of the programme and at 1 year. This 3-year study started in April 2018 and will continue until December 2021. Statistical analy- ses will be carried out using the SPSS 25.0. This project was approved by the Drug Research Ethics Committee of the Parc de Salut Mar and registered in Clinical Trials. Discussion: The study findings will show the current state of nurses' perception of their work environment and attitudes to evidence-based practice, and possible changes in these parameters due to the programme. Impact: The findings could provide a strong argument for health policymakers to scale up the Best Practice Spotlight Organization® initiative in the Spanish national health system

    Validación de la versión española: Expectativas y conocimiento recibido del paciente hospitalizado

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    Objetivo: evaluar la validez y la fiabilidad de la versión española del instrumento Expectativas y conocimiento recibido del paciente hospitalizado (ECPH/CRPH) en pacientes con osteoartritis intervenidos de artroplastia total de rodilla. Material y métodos: El proceso de validación siguió las recomendaciones internacionales: validez de contenido, validez de constructo, validez de criterio y fiabilidad. Un total de 248 pacientes que debían intervenirse de artroplastia total de rodilla en 5 hospitales públicos españoles contestaron la ECPH antes de ser hospitalizados y 220 pacientes contestaron el CRPH al darles el alta hospitalaria. Resultados: el análisis factorial confirmó las dimensiones de la escala original para el conocimiento recibido pero no en la escala para las expectativas. La correlación de las dimensiones de la ECPH con la Escala de Opinión de la Salud de Krantz (KHOS) y la correlación de las dimensiones de la CRPH con la Escala de Acceso a la Información (AKS) indicaron la validez de criterio mostrando unas relaciones positivas. Los resultados señalaron buena fiabilidad con valores de alfa Cronbach elevados. Conclusión: el proceso de validación indica que la versión española del ECPH/CRPH es un instrumento válido y fiable para medir las expectativas y el conocimiento recibido en pacientes quirúrgicos en el contexto español.    doi: 10.5294/aqui.2017.17.3.6

    Validação da versão espanhola do instrumento Expectativa e Conhecimento Recebido do Paciente Hospitalizado

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    Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of Expectations and Received Knowledge in the Hospitalized Patient (ECPH / CRPH), specifically among patients with osteoarthritis who are undergoing total knee ar- throplasty. Material and methods: The validation process followed international recommendations in terms of content validity, construct validity, criterion validity and reliability. A total of 248 patients who were about to undergo total knee arthroplasty at five (5) Spanish public hospitals answered the ECPH before being hospitalized and 220 patients answered the CRPH when they were discharged. Results: Factor analysis confirmed the dimensions of the original scale for the knowledge received, but not with respect to the scale for expectations. The correlation of the ECPH dimensions with the Krantz Health Opinion Scale (KHOS) and the correlation of the CRPH dimensions with the Information Access Scale (AKS) indicated criterion validity, showing positive relationships. The results suggested good reliability with high Cronbach alpha values. Conclusion: The validation process showed the Spanish version of ECPH / CRPH is a valid and reliable instrument to measure the expectations and knowledge received in surgical patients in the Spanish context. Objetivo: evaluar la validez y la fiabilidad de la versión española del instrumento Expectativas y conocimiento recibido del paciente hospitalizado (ECPH/CRPH) en pacientes con osteoartritis intervenidos de artroplastia total de rodilla. Material y métodos: El proceso de validación siguió las recomendaciones internacionales: validez de contenido, validez de constructo, validez de criterio y fiabilidad. Un total de 248 pacientes que debían intervenirse de artroplastia total de rodilla en 5 hospitales públicos españoles contestaron la ECPH antes de ser hospitalizados y 220 pacientes contestaron el CRPH al darles el alta hospitalaria. Resultados: el análisis factorial confirmó las dimensiones de la escala original para el conocimiento recibido pero no en la escala para las expectativas. La correlación de las dimensiones de la ECPH con la Escala de Opinión de la Salud de Krantz (KHOS) y la correlación de las dimensiones de la CRPH con la Escala de Acceso a la Información (AKS) indicaron la validez de criterio mostrando unas relaciones positivas. Los resultados señalaron buena fiabilidad con valores de alfa Cronbach elevados. Conclusión: el proceso de validación indica que la versión española del ECPH/CRPH es un instrumento válido y fiable para medir las expectativas y el conocimiento recibido en pacientes quirúrgicos en el contexto español.  doi: 10.5294/aqui.2017.17.3.6 Objetivo: avaliar a validade e a confiabilidade da versão espanhola do instrumento Expectativa e Conhecimento Recebido do Paciente Hospitalizado (ECPH/CRPH) em pacientes com osteoartrite submetidos à artroplastia total de joelho. Métodos: o processo de validação seguiu as recomendações internacionais: validade de conteúdo, validade de construto, validade de critério e confiabilidade. 248 pacientes que devem ser submetidos à artroplastia total de joelho em cinco hospitais públicos espanhóis responderam ao ECPH antes de serem hospitalizados, e 220 pacientes responderam ao CRPH ao ganharem alta. Resultados: a análise fatorial confirmou as dimensões da es- cala original para o conhecimento recebido, mas não na escala para as expectativas. A correlação das dimensões do ECPH com a Escala de Opinião da Saúde de Krantz (KHOS) e a correlação das dimensões do CRPH com a Escala de Acesso à Informação (AKS) indicaram a validade de critério e mostraram umas relações positivas. Os resultados indicam boa confiabilidade com valores de alfa Cronbach eleva- dos. Conclusões: o processo de validação indica que a versão espanhola do ECPH/CRPH é um instrumento válido e confiável para medir as expectativas e o conhecimento recebido em pacientes em regime de internamento no contexto espanhol.

    Validación de la versión española: Expectativas y conocimiento recibido del paciente hospitalizado

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    Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of Expectations and Received Knowledge in the Hospitalized Patient (ECPH / CRPH), specifically among patients with osteoarthritis who are undergoing total knee ar- throplasty. Material and methods: The validation process followed international recommendations in terms of content validity, construct validity, criterion validity and reliability. A total of 248 patients who were about to undergo total knee arthroplasty at five (5) Spanish public hospitals answered the ECPH before being hospitalized and 220 patients answered the CRPH when they were discharged. Results: Factor analysis confirmed the dimensions of the original scale for the knowledge received, but not with respect to the scale for expectations. The correlation of the ECPH dimensions with the Krantz Health Opinion Scale (KHOS) and the correlation of the CRPH dimensions with the Information Access Scale (AKS) indicated criterion validity, showing positive relationships. The results suggested good reliability with high Cronbach alpha values. Conclusion: The validation process showed the Spanish version of ECPH / CRPH is a valid and reliable instrument to measure the expectations and knowledge received in surgical patients in the Spanish context. Objetivo: avaliar a validade e a confiabilidade da versão espanhola do instrumento Expectativa e Conhecimento Recebido do Paciente Hospitalizado (ECPH/CRPH) em pacientes com osteoartrite submetidos à artroplastia total de joelho. Métodos: o processo de validação seguiu as recomendações internacionais: validade de conteúdo, validade de construto, validade de critério e confiabilidade. 248 pacientes que devem ser submetidos à artroplastia total de joelho em cinco hospitais públicos espanhóis responderam ao ECPH antes de serem hospitalizados, e 220 pacientes responderam ao CRPH ao ganharem alta. Resultados: a análise fatorial confirmou as dimensões da es- cala original para o conhecimento recebido, mas não na escala para as expectativas. A correlação das dimensões do ECPH com a Escala de Opinião da Saúde de Krantz (KHOS) e a correlação das dimensões do CRPH com a Escala de Acesso à Informação (AKS) indicaram a validade de critério e mostraram umas relações positivas. Os resultados indicam boa confiabilidade com valores de alfa Cronbach eleva- dos. Conclusões: o processo de validação indica que a versão espanhola do ECPH/CRPH é um instrumento válido e confiável para medir as expectativas e o conhecimento recebido em pacientes em regime de internamento no contexto espanhol. Objetivo: evaluar la validez y la fiabilidad de la versión española del instrumento Expectativas y conocimiento recibido del paciente hospitalizado (ECPH/CRPH) en pacientes con osteoartritis intervenidos de artroplastia total de rodilla. Material y métodos: El proceso de validación siguió las recomendaciones internacionales: validez de contenido, validez de constructo, validez de criterio y fiabilidad. Un total de 248 pacientes que debían intervenirse de artroplastia total de rodilla en 5 hospitales públicos españoles contestaron la ECPH antes de ser hospitalizados y 220 pacientes contestaron el CRPH al darles el alta hospitalaria. Resultados: el análisis factorial confirmó las dimensiones de la escala original para el conocimiento recibido pero no en la escala para las expectativas. La correlación de las dimensiones de la ECPH con la Escala de Opinión de la Salud de Krantz (KHOS) y la correlación de las dimensiones de la CRPH con la Escala de Acceso a la Información (AKS) indicaron la validez de criterio mostrando unas relaciones positivas. Los resultados señalaron buena fiabilidad con valores de alfa Cronbach elevados. Conclusión: el proceso de validación indica que la versión española del ECPH/CRPH es un instrumento válido y fiable para medir las expectativas y el conocimiento recibido en pacientes quirúrgicos en el contexto español.  doi: 10.5294/aqui.2017.17.3.6

    A qualitative exploration of patient safety in a hospital setting in Spain: policy and practice recommendations on patients' and companions' participation

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    Introduction: Patients' and companions' participation in healthcare could help prevent adverse events, which are a significant cause of disease and disability. Before designing interventions to increase participation, it is first necessary to identify attitudes to patient safety. This study aimed to explore patients' and companions' perceptions, attitudes and experiences of patient safety, taking into account contextual factors, such as cultural background, which are not usually captured in the literature. Methods: We conducted a qualitative study with a theoretical sampling of 13 inpatients and 3 companions in a university hospital in Barcelona, Spain. Information was obtained from individual and triangular interviews. A descriptive thematic content analysis was conducted by four analysts and a consensus was reached within the research team on the key categories that were identified. We also conducted a card-sorting exercise. Results: All informants emphasized the role of good communication with health professionals, a calm environment and the need for patient education. Discursive positions differed by cultural background. Informants from a Pakistani-Bangladeshi background emphasized language barriers, while those from European and Latin-American backgrounds stressed health professionals' lack of time and the need for more interdisciplinary teamwork. The card-sorting exercise identified several opportunities to enhance participation: checking patient identification and medication dispensation, and maintaining personal and environmental hygiene. Conclusion: This exploration of informants' discourse on patient safety identified a wide variety of categories not usually considered from institutional perspectives. The findings of this study could enrich interventions in areas with diverse cultural backgrounds, as well as current frameworks based exclusively on institutional perspectives. Patient or public contribution: The results of the study were communicated to patients and accompanying persons via telephone or email. Similarly, a focus group was held with a patient forum to comment on the results. In the design of subsequent interventions to improve patient safety at the hospital, the proposals of patients and companions for their participation will be included together with healthcare professionals' opinions

    COVID-19 pandemic on health professionals in a third level hospital in Spain: job changes during the first wave, mental health at 4 months, and follow-up at 9 months

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    Objetivo: Determinar el impacto que ha tenido la pandemia COVID-19 en profesionales sanitarios, en términos de cambios laborales y de salud mental. Método: 1)Estudio transversal y 2) estudio longitudinal prospectivo sobre profesionales de la salud que trabajaron de forma directa con pacientes afectados por la pandemia COVID-19 durante el periodo comprendido entre marzo-junio de 2020 en un hospital de tercer nivel de Barcelona. Se recogieron datos basales (julio-noviembre de 2020) y de seguimiento (noviembre de 2020-marzo de 2021). Se recogieron datos relacionados con el puesto de trabajo y hábitos tóxicos con cuestionarios ad hoc, y de estrés percibido, estrés postraumático, depresión y ansiedad mediante cuestionarios validados. Resultados: En el grupo basal (estudio transversal) participaron 90 profesionales, 76% enfermeras. Más de un tercio estuvo de baja o tomó fármacos para gestionar el estrés. La mitad de los fumadores aumentó el consumo de tabaco, y uno de cada 5 aumentó el consumo de alcohol. Se asocia de forma significativa el cambio de turno habitual con la depresión, el perfil profesional con la ansiedad, y el estrés percibido con la edad. En el estudio longitudinal, el grupo de seguimiento (n=64) muestra niveles elevados de estrés y ansiedad, que se mantienen o incluso aumentan en el tiempo de forma significativa. Conclusiones: Los cambios estructurales acontecidos en el hospital durante la primera ola de la pandemia por la COVID-19 tuvieron un fuerte impacto en los profesionales, presentando muchos de ellos un aumento en los hábitos tóxicos, así como una salud mental alterada que se mantiene en el tiempo.Objective: To determine the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on health professionals, in terms of work changes and mental health. Method: 1) Cross-sectional study and 2) longitudinal prospective study on health professionals who worked directly with patients affected by COVID-19 pandemic during the period between March-June 2020 in a tertiary hospital in Barcelona. Baseline (July-November 2020) and follow-up (November 2020-March 2021) data were collected. Data related to the job and toxic habits were collected with ad hoc questionnaires, and data related to perceived stress, post-traumatic stress, depression, and anxiety using validated questionnaires. Results: In the baseline group (cross-sectional study), 90 professionals participated, 76% nurses. More than a third were on sick leave or took drugs to manage stress. Half of smokers increased tobacco use, and one in 5 increased alcohol consumption. Habitual shift change is significantly associated with depression, professional profile with anxiety, and perceived stress with age. In the longitudinal prospective study, the follow-up group (n = 64) shows high levels of stress and anxiety, which are maintained or even significantly increased over time. Conclusions: The structural changes that occurred in the hospital during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic had a strong impact on professionals, many of them presenting an increase in toxic habits, as well as impaired mental health that is maintained over time

    Impact of the implementation of best practice guidelines on nurse's evidence-based practice and on nurses' work environment: research protocol

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    Aim: To determine the impact of the Best Practice Spotlight Organization® initiative on nurses' perception of their work environment and their attitudes to evidence-based practice. Design: Quasi-experimental, multicentre study. The intervention is the participation in Best Prectice Spotilight Organizations to implement Best Practice Guidelines. Methods: The study will include seven centres in the interventional group and 10 in the non-equivalent control group, all of them belonging to the Spanish national health system. The Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index, and the Health Sciences Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire will be administered to a sample of 1,572 nurses at the beginning of the programme and at 1 year. This 3-year study started in April 2018 and will continue until December 2021. Statistical analyses will be carried out using the SPSS 25.0. This project was approved by the Drug Research Ethics Committee of the Parc de Salut Mar and registered in Clinical Trials. Discussion: The study findings will show the current state of nurses' perception of their work environment and attitudes to evidence-based practice, and possible changes in these parameters due to the programme. Impact: The findings could provide a strong argument for health policymakers to scale up the Best Practice Spotlight Organization® initiative in the Spanish national health system