58 research outputs found

    Romantic relationships as shared reality defense

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    A model of meaning maintenance in relationships is proposed to explain how relationships function to regulate threats to shared systems of meaning posed by life’s capricious and unexpected events. This model assumes that people flexibility compensate for unexpected events in the world by affirming the expected in their relationship and compensate for unexpected events in the relationship by affirming the expected in the world. Supportive evidence is reviewed that reveals how people in more or less satisfying relationships flexibly maintain a sense of life’s meaning in the face of unexpected events

    Social times, reproduction and social inequality at work : contrasts and comparative perspectives between countries

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004If the focus is placed specifically on the problem of work and family, the daily life of people and their use of time are a main problem. This time is expressed in both freely available time, which is related to activities, and time of the productive and reproductive sphere. This chapter considers work in a broad sense and takes into account the sexual division of labour. Specifically, this chapter will explore transformations in time use and social inequality in unpaid work. For this purpose, a comparative analysis of time-use surveys will be used, analysing the time spent, and the time dedicated to household chores in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Spain. From an analytical viewpoint, the analysis will place social reproduction at the centre of the socio-economic system, showing that the economic crisis has affected women and men differently, and that in both Europe and Latin America the family pattern is being replaced by a dominant family model of a male provider and a double presence of women. The large-scale incorporation of women into the labour market has emphasised the role that women assume in the domestic sphere perpetuating gender segregation in employment and in domestic and care work

    Mattering Moderates the Link between Gender Ideology and Perceived Fairness of the Division of Household Labor

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    This study examines the moderational role played by the feeling of mattering to the partner in the relationship between gender ideology and perceived fairness using a sample of 141 Canadian mothers with at least one child between the ages of two to five years old. Results support the moderator model and suggest that the emotional rewards mothers receive from their romantic partner influence the way they use gender ideology to evaluate the fairness of the division of family labor in their household. The results show that egalitarian gender ideology is associated with a greater sense of unfairness only when women feel that their partner demonstrates a low level of appreciation toward them. The findings are discussed in terms of the distributive justice theory

    Mattering Moderates the Link between Gender Ideology and Perceived Fairness of the Division of Household Labor

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    This study examines the moderational role played by the feeling of mattering to the partner in the relationship between gender ideology and perceived fairness using a sample of 141 Canadian mothers with at least one child between the ages of two to five years old. Results support the moderator model and suggest that the emotional rewards mothers receive from their romantic partner influence the way they use gender ideology to evaluate the fairness of the division of family labor in their household. The results show that egalitarian gender ideology is associated with a greater sense of unfairness only when women feel that their partner demonstrates a low level of appreciation toward them. The findings are discussed in terms of the distributive justice theory

    Indicateurs de suivi de progrès en psychothérapie et en santé mentale : étude d’un modèle d’équations structurelles: English

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    Progress monitoring measures are psychometric assessments designed to monitor treatment progress by evaluating global ratings of mental health. Their use in clinical practice is related to increases in the effectiveness of therapy and decreases in negative outcomes. Yet, clinicians often report struggling with limited understanding of the differences between the numerous measures available, and only a small percentage of clinicians report using them. In order to assist clinicians in measure selection, the current study documented and compared the ability of five measures (i.e., the ORS, the OQ-45, the BASIS-24, the CORE-OM, and the TOP) to assess two aspects of mental health: psychological well-being and psychological distress. Data from a clinical sample of 53 French-speaking individuals were analyzed using structural equation modelling. Results showed strong convergent validity between the measures and indicated that they evaluated mental health accurately. Further analysis specified that, among the five measures, the OQ-45 and the CORE-OM were the best at assessing mental health.Les indicateurs de suivi de progrès sont des instruments psychométriques conçus pour mesurer le progrès thérapeutique en s’appuyant sur des évaluations globales de la santé mentale. Leur utilisation en pratique clinique est liée à des hausses de l’efficacité de la thérapie et à des diminutions des effets négatifs. Pourtant, les cliniciens rapportent qu’ils ont souvent une compréhension limitée des différences entre les nombreux indicateurs disponibles, et seul un faible pourcentage d’entre eux dit les utiliser. Afin d’aider les cliniciens à choisir parmi les indicateurs de suivi de progrès, l’étude actuelle a documenté et comparé l’aptitude de cinq instruments (c.-à-d., l’ORS, l’OQ-45, le BASIS-24, le CORE-OM, et le TOP) à mesurer deux aspects de la santé mentale : le bien-être psychologique et la détresse psychologique. Les données provenant d’un échantillon clinique de 53 francophones ont été analysées au moyen de la modélisation d’équations structurelles. Les résultats montrent une forte validité convergente entre les indicateurs et révèlent qu’ils évaluent la santé mentale avec exactitude. Une analyse plus poussée a précisé que parmi les indicateurs, l’OQ-45 et le CORE-OM étaient les meilleurs instruments pour évaluer la santé mentale

    Pleine conscience, réceptivité perçue chez le partenaire et conflit relationnel chez les couples d’adultes émergents

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    The current study examines the ways in which perceived partner responsiveness can explain the link between trait mindfulness and conflicts among emerging adult couples. Members of a total of 127 mixed-gender couples completed a series of questionnaires. Mediation analyses revealed that, for men, mindfulness was associated with fewer and less intense relational conflicts and that this association was explained partially by perceived partner responsiveness. For women, partner responsiveness was also associated negatively with reported conflicts, but mindfulness was not related directly or indirectly to relational conflicts. Our results suggest that mindfulness and responsiveness can contribute to the understanding of relational conflicts among emerging adult mixed-gender couples. Implications for counselling and psychotherapy are discussed.Cette étude analyse les façons dont la réceptivité perçue chez le partenaire permet d’expliquer le lien entre la pleine conscience dispositionnelle et les conflits chez les couples d’adultes émergents. Les membres de 127 couples hommes-femmes ont rempli une série de questionnaires. Les analyses de médiation ont révélé que, chez les hommes, la pleine conscience était associée à des conflits relationnels plus rares et moins intenses et que cette association s’expliquait partiellement par la réceptivité perçue chez le partenaire. Chez les femmes, la réceptivité du partenaire était aussi associée négativement avec des conflits rapportés, mais la pleine conscience n’était pas liée directement ou indirectement avec les conflits relationnels. Nos résultats semblent indiquer que la pleine conscience et la réceptivité peuvent contribuer à la compréhension des conflits relationnels chez les couples d’adultes émergents hommes-femmes. Le tout est suivi d’une discussion des implications pour le counseling et la psychothérapie
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