1,480 research outputs found

    Relation of air mass history to nucleation events in Po Valley, Italy, using back trajectories analysis

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study the transport of air masses to San Pietro Capofiume (SPC) in Po Valley, Italy, by means of back trajectories analysis. Our main aim is to investigate whether air masses originate over different regions on nucleation event days and on nonevent days, during three years when nucleation events have been continuously recorded at SPC. The results indicate that nucleation events occur frequently in air masses arriving from Central Europe, whereas event frequency is much lower in the air transported from southern directions and from the Atlantic Ocean. We also analyzed the behaviour of meteorological parameters during 96 h transport to SPC, and found that, on average, event trajectories undergo stronger subsidence during the last 12 h before the arrival at SPC than nonevent trajectories. This causes a reversal in the temperature and relative humidity (RH) differences between event and nonevent trajectories: between 96 and 12 h back time, temperature is lower and RH is higher for event than nonevent trajectories and between 12 and 0 h vice versa. Boundary layer mixing is stronger along the event trajectories compared to nonevent trajectories. The absolute humidity (AH) is similar for the event and nonevent trajectories between about 96 h and about 60 h back time, but after that, the event trajectories AH becomes lower due to stronger rain. We also studied transport of SO2 to SPC, and conclude that although sources in Po Valley most probably dominate the measured concentrations, certain Central and Eastern European sources also make a substantial contribution

    Amine-Linked Single Molecule Circuits: Systematic Trends Across Molecular Families

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    A comprehensive review is presented of single molecule junction conductance measurements across families of molecules measured while breaking a gold point contact in a solution of molecules with amine end groups. A theoretical framework unifies the picture for the amine-gold link bonding and the tunnel coupling through the junction using Density Functional Theory based calculations. The reproducible electrical characteristics and utility for many molecules is shown to result from the selective binding between the gold electrodes and amine link groups through a donor-acceptor bond to undercoordinated gold atoms. While the bond energy is modest, the maximum force sustained by the junction is comparable to, but less than, that required to break gold point contacts. The calculated tunnel coupling provides conductance trends for all 41 molecule measurements presented here, as well as insight into the variability of conductance due to the conformational changes within molecules with torsional degrees of freedom. The calculated trends agree to within a factor of two of the measured values for conductance ranging from 10-7 G0 to 10-2 G0, where G0 is the quantum of conductance (2e2/h).Comment: Invited paper for forthcoming special issue of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Electronic structure of small GaAs clusters

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    The electronic structure of small Ga_xAs_y clusters (x+y≤10) are calculated using the local density method. The calculation shows that even‐numbered clusters tend to be singlets, as opposed to odd‐numbered clusters which are open shell systems. This is in agreement with the experimental observations of even/odd alternations of the electron affinity and ionization potential. In the larger clusters, the atoms prefer an alternating bond arrangement; charge transfers are observed from Ga sites to As sites. This observation is also in agreement with recent chemisorption studies of ammonia on GaAs clusters. The close agreement between theoretical calculations and experimental results, together with the rich variation of electronic properties of GaAs clusters with composition makes GaAs clusters an ideal prototype system for the study of how electronic structure influences chemical reactivity

    Biogeophysical impacts of peatland forestation on regional climate changes in Finland

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    Land cover changes can impact the climate by influencing the surface energy and water balance. Naturally treeless or sparsely treed peatlands were extensively drained to stimulate forest growth in Finland over the second half of 20th century. The aim of this study is to investigate the biogeophysical effects of peatland forestation on regional climate in Finland. Two sets of 18-year climate simulations were done with the regional climate model REMO by using land cover data based on pre-drainage (1920s) and post-drainage (2000s) Finnish national forest inventories. In the most intensive peatland forestation area, located in the middle west of Finland, the results show a warming in April of up to 0.43 K in monthly-averaged daily mean 2 m air temperature, whereas a slight cooling from May to October of less than 0.1 K in general is found. Consequently, snow clearance days over that area are advanced up to 5 days in the mean of 15 years. No clear signal is found for precipitation. Through analysing the simulated temperature and energy balance terms, as well as snow depth over five selected subregions, a positive feedback induced by peatland forestation is found between decreased surface albedo and increased surface air temperature in the snow-melting period. Our modelled results show good qualitative agreements with the observational data. In general, decreased surface albedo in the snow-melting period and increased evapotranspiration in the growing period are the most important biogeophysical aspects induced by peatland forestation that cause changes in climate. The results from this study can be further integrally analysed with biogeochemical effects of peatland forestation to provide background information for adapting future forest management to mitigate climate warming effects. Moreover, they provide insights about the impacts of projected forestation of tundra at high latitudes due to climate change

    Connections between atmospheric sulphuric acid and new particle formation during QUEST III–IV campaigns in Heidelberg and Hyytiälä

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    This study investigates the connections between atmospheric sulphuric acid and new particle formation during QUEST III and BACCI/QUEST IV campaigns. The campaigns have been conducted in Heidelberg (2004) and Hyytiälä (2005), the first representing a polluted site surrounded by deciduous forest, and the second a rural site in a boreal forest environment. We have studied the role of sulphuric acid in particle formation and growth by determining 1) the power-law dependencies between sulphuric acid ([H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>]), and particle concentrations (<I>N</I><sub>3&ndash;6</sub>) or formation rates at 1 nm and 3 nm (<I>J</i><sub>1</sub> and <I>J</I><sub>3</sub>); 2) the time delays between [H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>] and <I>N</I><sub>3&ndash;6</sub> or <I>J</I><sub>3</sub>, and the growth rates for 1&ndash;3 nm particles; 3) the empirical nucleation coefficients <I>A</I> and <I>K</I> in relations <I>J</I><sub>1</sub>=<I>A</I>[H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>] and <I>J</I><sub>1</sub>=<I>K</I>[H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>]<sup>2</sup>, respectively; 4) theoretical predictions for <I>J</I><sub>1</sub> and <I>J</I><sub>3</sub> for the days when no significant particle formation is observed, based on the observed sulphuric acid concentrations and condensation sinks. In both environments, <I>N</I><sub>3&ndash;6</sub> or <I>J</I><sub>3</sub> and [H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>] were linked via a power-law relation with exponents typically ranging from 1 to 2. The result suggests that the cluster activation theory and kinetic nucleation have the potential to explain the observed particle formation. However, some differences between the sites existed: The nucleation coefficients were about an order of magnitude greater in Heidelberg than in Hyytiälä conditions. The time lags between <I>J</I><sub>3</sub> and [H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>] were consistently lower than the corresponding delays between <I>N</I><sub>3&ndash;6</sub> and [H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>]. The exponents in the <I>J</I><sub>3</sub>&#x221D;[H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> ]<sup>n<sub>J3</sub></sup>-connection were consistently higher than or equal to the exponents in the relation <I>N</I><sub>3&ndash;6</sub>&#x221D;[H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> ]<sup>n<sub>N36</sub></sup>. In the <I>J</I><sub>1</sub> values, no significant differences were found between the observed rates on particle formation event days and the predictions on non-event days. The <I>J</I><sub>3</sub> values predicted by the cluster activation or kinetic nucleation hypotheses, on the other hand, were considerably lower on non-event days than the rates observed on particle formation event days. This study provides clear evidence implying that the main process limiting the observable particle formation is the competition between the growth of the freshly formed particles and their loss by scavenging, rather than the initial particle production by nucleation of sulphuric acid. In general, it can be concluded that the simple models based on sulphuric acid concentrations and particle formation by cluster activation or kinetic nucleation can predict the occurence of atmospheric particle formation and growth well, if the particle scavenging is accurately accounted for

    Rotational Periods and Starspot Activity of Young Solar-Type Dwarfs in the Open Cluster IC 4665

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    We present the results of a V-band photometric monitoring survey of 15 late-type dwarfs in the young open cluster IC 4665. Low-amplitude periodic light variations are found for 8 stars and ascribed to the modulation by starspots that cover typically a few percent of the stellar disk. Periods range from 0.6 to 3.7 d, translating to equatorial velocities between 13 and 93 km/s. That no period longer than 4 d was detected suggests a relative paucity of extremely slow rotators (V(sub eq) much less than 10 km/s) among late-type dwarfs in IC 4665. The fractional number of slow rotators in IC 4665 is similar to that of Alpha Per cluster, suggesting that IC 4665 is close in age to Alpha Per (approx. 50 Myr)

    Nucleation and growth of new particles in Po Valley, Italy

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    Aerosol number distribution measurements are reported at San Pietro Capofiume (SPC) station (44&deg;39&apos; N, 11&deg;37&apos; E) for the time period 2002&ndash;2005. The station is located in Po Valley, the largest industrial, trading and agricultural area in Italy with a high population density. New particle formation was studied based on observations of the particle size distribution, meteorological and gas phase parameters. The nucleation events were classified according to the event clarity based on the particle number concentrations, and the particle formation and growth rates. Out of a total of 769 operational days from 2002 to 2005 clear events were detected on 36% of the days whilst 33% are clearly non-event days. The event frequency was high during spring and summer months with maximum values in May and July, whereas lower frequency was observed in winter and autumn months. The average particle formation and growth rates were estimated as ~6 cm<sup>&minus;3</sup> s<sup>&minus;1</sup> and ~7 nm h<sup>&minus;1</sup>, respectively. Such high growth and formation rates are typical for polluted areas. Temperature, wind speed, solar radiation, SO<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>3</sub> concentrations were on average higher on nucleation days than on non-event days, whereas relative and absolute humidity and NO<sub>2</sub> concentration were lower; however, seasonal differences were observed. Backtrajectory analysis suggests that during majority of nucleation event days, the air masses originate from northern to eastern directions. We also study previously developed nucleation event correlations with environmental variables and show that they predict Po Valley nucleation events with variable success

    Understanding Dissolution and Crystallization with Imaging: A Surface Point of View

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    The tendency for crystallization during storage and administration is the most considerable hurdle for poorly water-soluble drugs formulated in the amorphous form. There is a need to better detect often subtle and complex surface crystallization phenomena and understand their influence on the critical quality attribute of dissolution. In this study, the interplay between surface crystallization of the amorphous form during storage and dissolution testing, and its influence on dissolution behavior, is analyzed for the first time with multimodal nonlinear optical imaging (coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and sum frequency generation (SFG)). Complementary analyses are provided with scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and infrared and Raman spectroscopies. Amorphous indomethacin tablets were prepared and subjected to two different storage conditions (30 °C/23% RH and 30 °C/75% RH) for various durations and then dissolution testing using a channel flow-through device. Trace levels of surface crystallinity previously imaged with nonlinear optics after 1 or 2 days of storage did not significantly decrease dissolution and supersaturation compared to the freshly prepared amorphous tablets while more extensive crystallization after longer storage times did. Multimodal nonlinear optical imaging of the tablet surfaces after 15 min of dissolution revealed complex crystallization behavior that was affected by both storage condition and time, with up to four crystalline polymorphs simultaneously observed. In addition to the well-known α- and γ-forms, the less reported metastable ε- and η-forms were also observed, with the ε-form being widely observed in samples that had retained significant surface amorphousness during storage. This form was also prepared in the pure form and further characterized. Overall, this study demonstrates the potential value of nonlinear optical imaging, together with more established solid-state analysis methods, to understand complex surface crystallization behavior and its influence on drug dissolution during the development of amorphous drugs and dosage forms.Peer reviewe

    FLIM reveals alternative EV-mediated cellular up-take pathways of paclitaxel

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    In response to physiological and artificial stimuli, cells generate nano-scale extracellular vesicles (EVs) by encapsulating biomolecules in plasma membrane-derived phospholipid envelopes. These vesicles are released to bodily fluids, hence acting as powerful endogenous mediators in intercellular signaling. EVs provide a compelling alternative for biomarker discovery and targeted drug delivery, but their kinetics and dynamics while interacting with living cells are poorly understood. Here we introduce a novel method, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to investigate these interaction attributes. By FLIM, we show distinct cellular uptake mechanisms of different EV subtypes, exosomes and microvesicles, loaded with anti-cancer agent, paclitaxel. We demonstrate differences in intracellular behavior and drug release profiles of paclitaxel-containing EVs. Exosomes seem to deliver the drug mostly by endocytosis while microvesicles enter the cells by both endocytosis and fusion with cell membrane. This research offers a new real-time method to investigate EV kinetics with living cells, and it is a potential advancement to complement the existing techniques. The findings of this study improve the current knowledge in exploiting EVs as next-generation targeted drug delivery systems.Peer reviewe