25 research outputs found


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    Muskmelons are currently grown in several areas of Vietnam for domestic and international consumer markets. The fruit grows well in greenhouses in soil or soilless substrate such as coconut peat. Researchers in Vietnam are investigating the growth of muskmelons in a range of organic by-products. In this study, spent mushroom substrate was recycled for use as an organic substrate and to evaluate the growth, quality, and yield of three muskmelon varieties including RZ F1, PN 128, and TL3 in greenhouses over three months. The substrate was incubated for one month before use and contained 45% spent mushroom substrate, 30% manure, 7.7% rice husks, 1.5% phosphorus, 0.2% commercial Trichoderma (Tribac), 0.1% rice bran, 15% sand, and 0.5% micronutrients and water. Following incubation, the substrate had optimal pH for the growth of muskmelon and the concentration of nutrients and beneficial microorganisms had increased significantly. The growth of RZ F1 and TL3 cultivars was significantly better than PN 128 in terms of growth, fruit quality, and yield. Specifically, RZ F1 and TL3 species took 78 days and 75 days to complete their life cycle produced 1.76 kg and 1.62 kg of fruit, had a pericarp thickness of 4.0 cm, and possessed 14.20o Brix and 14.88o Brix of soluble solid content, respectively. These findings suggest that agricultural by-products, such as spent mushroom substrate, could be a valuable resource for the culture of muskmelons in Vietnam

    Effects of hormone and fertilizers on early flower induction of Dendrobium anosmum hybrid seedlings under ex vitro condition

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    Early flowering of new orchids is important to save time for selecting valuable flowers and artificial induction of flowering is a critical consideration in the orchid production industry. In this study, a new Dendrobium anosmum hybrid was generated by cross-breeding between D. anosmum ‘Chau Nhu’ and D. anosmum ‘Di Linh’. The ancestors and hybrid seedlings from in-vitro culture were trained in the net house and their growth and flowering were evaluated under ex vivo conditions with specific fertilizers and hormones. The results suggest that the hybrid plants grew better than their parents in terms of stem height, stem diameter, and leaf number. Growth hormones were applied to stimulate early flowering in matured hybrids and it was discovered that ‘Keiki pro’, a commercial hormone product, produced the best results, with a flowering rate of 66.67% after two applications. Hybrid flowers varied in width from 36.36% (3.0-6.0 cm) to 63.64 % (more than 6.0 cm) from ancestral width in medium-sized and large-sized flowers, respectively. Also, the hybrid flower colours was mostly a combination of pink/violet (75C) and purple/pink (68A), which is different from their parents. Importantly, the dorsal sepal, petal colours, and shape of hybrid flowers varied significantly among individual hybrids, between hybrids and their progenitors. Some mutations in the lips and columns of the novel hybrid flowers were also visualized. Hence, the D. anosmum hybrid seedlings successfully induced flowers after a year of culture under optimal hormones and fertilizers conditions. The results can serve as a critical reference for the early flowering of the orchid seedlings

    How Digital Natives Learn and Thrive in the Digital Age: Evidence from an Emerging Economy

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    As a generation of ‘digital natives,’ secondary students who were born from 2002 to 2010 have various approaches to acquiring digital knowledge. Digital literacy and resilience are crucial for them to navigate the digital world as much as the real world; however, these remain under-researched subjects, especially in developing countries. In Vietnam, the education system has put considerable effort into teaching students these skills to promote quality education as part of the United Nations-defined Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4). This issue has proven especially salient amid the COVID−19 pandemic lockdowns, which had obliged most schools to switch to online forms of teaching. This study, which utilizes a dataset of 1061 Vietnamese students taken from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’s “Digital Kids Asia Pacific (DKAP)” project, employs Bayesian statistics to explore the relationship between the students’ background and their digital abilities. Results show that economic status and parents’ level of education are positively correlated with digital literacy. Students from urban schools have only a slightly higher level of digital literacy than their rural counterparts, suggesting that school location may not be a defining explanatory element in the variation of digital literacy and resilience among Vietnamese students. Students’ digital literacy and, especially resilience, also have associations with their gender. Moreover, as students are digitally literate, they are more likely to be digitally resilient. Following SDG4, i.e., Quality Education, it is advisable for schools, and especially parents, to seriously invest in creating a safe, educational environment to enhance digital literacy among students

    ExperiĂȘncia de aprendizagem de estudantes de enfermagem na prevenção e controlo de infeçÔes associadas aos cuidados de saĂșde (PC-IACS) em paĂ­ses asiĂĄticos: um estudo qualitativo exploratĂłrio

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    Background: Healthcare-associated infection prevention and control (HAI-PC) education programs in Asian countries seem limited and require improvement and support. Objective: This study explored students’ learning experiences with HAI-PC education programs in Asian countries (two Vietnamese and two Cambodian universities) to support a pedagogical model in HAI-PC. Method: A qualitative exploratory study design was employed, and inductive content analysis was conducted. Students were selected to participate in the focus group to investigate their experiences with HAI-PC using five structured questions. There were 48 nursing students in total from four universities, 28 from 2 universities in Cambodia, and 20 from two universities in Vietnam. Results: The summary results gained from the four universities were synthesized by grouping them into sub-categories and four primary categories, which were students’ HAI-PC competence, students’ current learning methods in HAI-PC Education, the HAI-PC teaching and learning environment, students’ capacity, and entrepreneurial skills in HAI-PC development. Conclusion: This study revealed evidence to improve nursing education in HAI-PC in Asian countries. The new learning method of the simulation scenario and the model fascinated the students; they were happy and more confident about their future careers in practicing HAI-PC skills in their clinical practicum and hospital practice. The current HAI-PC education faces issues related to education and healthcare systems in Asian countries, highlighting the need for improvement.Enquadramento: Os programas de educação em prevenção e controlo de infeçÔes associadas aos cuidados de saĂșde (PC-IAS) em paĂ­ses asiĂĄticos parecem ser limitados e necessitam de melhorias e apoio. Objetivo: Este estudo explorou as experiĂȘncias de aprendizagem dos estudantes com programas de educação em PC-IAS em paĂ­ses asiĂĄticos (duas universidades vietnamitas e duas universidades cambojanas) para apoiar um modelo pedagĂłgico em PC-IAS. MĂ©todo: Foi utilizado um desenho de estudo exploratĂłrio qualitativo, e foi realizada uma anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo indutiva. Os estudantes foram selecionados para participar no grupo focal para investigar as suas experiĂȘncias com PC-IAS usando cinco perguntas estruturadas. No total, participaram 48 estudantes de enfermagem de quatro universidades, sendo 28 de duas universidades no Camboja e 20 de duas universidades no Vietname. Resultados: Os resultados resumidos das quatro universidades foram sintetizados agrupando-os em subcategorias e quatro categorias principais, que eram competĂȘncia dos estudantes em PC-IAS, mĂ©todos de aprendizagem atuais dos estudantes em Educação em PC-IAS, ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem em PC-IAS, capacidade dos estudantes e habilidades empreendedoras no desenvolvimento de PC-IAS. ConclusĂŁo: Este estudo revelou evidĂȘncias para melhorar a educação em enfermagem em PC-IAS em paĂ­ses asiĂĄticos. O novo mĂ©todo de aprendizagem do cenĂĄrio de simulação e o modelo cativaram os estudantes; eles ficaram felizes e mais confiantes em relação Ă s suas futuras carreiras na prĂĄtica de habilidades em PC-IAS no estĂĄgio clĂ­nico e na prĂĄtica hospitalar. A educação atual em PC-IAS enfrenta questĂ”es relacionadas aos sistemas de educação e saĂșde em paĂ­ses asiĂĄticos, destacando a necessidade de melhorias

    Simulação como mĂ©todo de ensino na formação em enfermagem na prevenção e controlo de infeçÔes associadas aos cuidados de saĂșde em paĂ­ses asiĂĄticos: um estudo qualitativo

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    Background: Applying simulation for nursing education, especially in healthcare-associated infection prevention and control (HAI-PC) in developing countries has limited evidence. The study was conducted to explore educators’ perceptions of simulation as a teaching method for nursing education in HAI-PC in two Vietnamese and two Cambodian universities. Methods: An exploratory qualitative design was applied. A focus group of 37 educators from four universities was conducted for data collection. Inductive and deductive qualitative content analysis was applied in analysing the data. Results: The core category was constructed to reflect educators’ perception of scenario-based simulation (SBS) as a teaching method for nursing education in HAI prevention and control. This main category included three subcategories: (i) enhancing nursing competence; (ii) preparing students for simulation; and [1] promoting simulation pedagogy competence. Conclusions: The findings identified the importance and benefits of applying simulation as a teaching method in nursing education. Additionally, it emphasized the necessity of enhancing knowledge associated with HAIs and providing additional training on simulation for educators to improve the quality of conducting simulations.Enquadramento: A aplicação da simulação no ensino de enfermagem, especialmente na prevenção e controlo de infeçÔes associadas aos cuidados de saĂșde (IACS), em paĂ­ses em desenvolvimento, tem evidĂȘncias limitadas. O estudo foi conduzido para explorar as perceçÔes dos educadores sobre a simulação como mĂ©todo de ensino para a formação em enfermagem na prevenção e controlo de IACS em duas universidades vietnamitas e duas universidades cambojanas. MĂ©todos: Foi aplicado um desenho qualitativo exploratĂłrio. Um grupo de discussĂŁo com 37 educadores de quatro universidades foi conduzido para a recolha de dados. A anĂĄlise qualitativa de conteĂșdo indutiva e dedutiva foi aplicada na anĂĄlise dos dados. Resultados: A categoria central foi construĂ­da para refletir a perceção dos educadores sobre a simulação baseada em cenĂĄrios (SBC) como mĂ©todo de ensino para a formação em enfermagem na prevenção e controlo de IACS. Esta categoria principal incluiu trĂȘs subcategorias: (i) aprimoramento da competĂȘncia em enfermagem; (ii) preparação dos estudantes para a simulação; e [1] promoção da competĂȘncia em pedagogia de simulação. ConclusĂ”es: Os resultados identificaram a importĂąncia e benefĂ­cios da aplicação da simulação como mĂ©todo de ensino na formação em enfermagem. AlĂ©m disso, enfatizou a necessidade de aprimorar o conhecimento associado Ă s ICACS e fornecer treinamento adicional sobre simulação para educadores, visando melhorar a qualidade da condução das simulaçÔes

    ExperiĂȘncias do estudante de enfermagem na aprendizagem da prevenção e controlo de IACS em paĂ­ses asiĂĄticos atravĂ©s do uso de simulação baseada em cenĂĄrios: um estudo qualitativo exploratĂłrio

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    Background: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) have posed a major threat to both patients and to the safety healthcare personnel worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, 10% of hospitalized patients are affected by HAIs worldwide. Objective: The objective of this study was to explore the experiences of nursing students in learning HAIs prevention and control by the application of the scenario-based simulation pedagogy now in use in two Vietnamese and two Cambodian universities. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted among 160 nursing students from 2 Cambodian universities and 2 Vietnamese universities, and by using the purposive-sampling method. The data were collected through a focus group discussion and analyzed by the Graneheim and Lundman method (Graneheim & Lundman, 2004). Results: Two themes and six categories were generated. 1) First theme: factors for enhancing student learning on the prevention and control of HAIs by use of scenario-based simulation; and 2) Second theme: factors hindering students learning on HAI prevention and control by use of scenario-based simulation. Conclusion: The findings showed that SBS is an effective learning method for nursing students that can be applied to enhance the quality of nursing education in the Asian countries as SBS not only improves the clinical skills, but also the soft skills of nursing students. However, the effective outcomes and impacts can only be achieved in the context with the appropriate learning materials and equipment, simulation facilities and the instructors with pedagogical skills.Enquadramento: As infeçÔes associadas a cuidados de saĂșde (IACS) tĂȘm representado uma grande ameaça tanto para os pacientes quanto para a segurança dos profissionais de saĂșde em todo o mundo. De acordo com a Organização Mundial da SaĂșde, 10% dos pacientes hospitalizados sĂŁo afetados por IACS em todo o mundo. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar as experiĂȘncias dos estudantes de enfermagem na aprendizagem da prevenção e controlo de IACS atravĂ©s da aplicação da pedagogia de simulação baseada em cenĂĄrios, atualmente em uso em duas universidades vietnamitas e duas universidades cambojanas. MĂ©todos: Um estudo qualitativo foi conduzido entre 160 estudantes de enfermagem de duas universidades cambojanas e duas universidades vietnamitas, utilizando o mĂ©todo de amostragem propositada. Os dados foram recolhidos atravĂ©s de uma discussĂŁo em grupo focal e analisados pelo mĂ©todo de Graneheim e Lundman (Graneheim & Lundman, 2004). Resultados: Dois temas e seis categorias foram gerados. 1) Primeiro tema: fatores que contribuem para a aprendizagem dos estudantes na prevenção e controlo de IACS pelo uso de simulação baseada em cenĂĄrios; e 2) Segundo tema: fatores que impedem a aprendizagem dos estudantes na prevenção e controlo de IACS pelo uso de simulação baseada em cenĂĄrios (SBC). ConclusĂŁo: Os resultados demonstraram que a SBC Ă© um mĂ©todo de aprendizagem eficaz para estudantes de enfermagem que pode ser aplicado para melhorar a qualidade da educação em enfermagem nos paĂ­ses asiĂĄticos, uma vez que a SBC nĂŁo sĂł melhora as habilidades clĂ­nicas, mas tambĂ©m as habilidades interpessoais dos estudantes de enfermagem. No entanto, os resultados e impactos efetivos sĂł podem ser alcançados no contexto com os materiais e equipamentos de aprendizagem apropriados, instalaçÔes de simulação e instrutores com habilidades pedagĂłgicas


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    BACKGROUND: Applying simulation for nursing education, especially in healthcare-associated infection prevention and control (HAI-PC) in developing countries has limited evidence. The study was conducted to explore educators’ perceptions of simulation as a teaching method for nursing education in HAI-PC in two Vietnamese and two Cambodian universities. METHODS: An exploratory qualitative design was applied. A focus group of 37 educators from four universities was conducted for data collection. Inductive and deductive qualitative content analysis was applied in analysing the data. RESULTS: The core category was constructed to reflect educators’ perception of scenario-based simulation (SBS) as a teaching method for nursing education in HAI prevention and control. This main category included three subcategories: (i) enhancing nursing competence; (ii) preparing students for simulation; and [1] promoting simulation pedagogy competence. CONCLUSIONS: The findings identified the importance and benefits of applying simulation as a teaching method in nursing education. Additionally, it emphasized the necessity of enhancing knowledge associated with HAIs and providing additional training on simulation for educators to improve the quality of conducting simulations


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    BACKGROUND: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) have posed a major threat to both patients and to the safety healthcare personnel worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, 10% of hospitalized patients are affected by HAIs worldwide. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to explore the experiences of nursing students in learning HAIs prevention and control by the application of the scenario-based simulation pedagogy now in use in two Vietnamese and two Cambodian universities. METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted among 160 nursing students from 2 Cambodian universities and 2 Vietnamese universities, and by using the purposive-sampling method. The data were collected through a focus group discussion and analyzed by the Graneheim and Lundman method (Graneheim & Lundman, 2004). RESULTS: Two themes and six categories were generated. 1) First theme: factors for enhancing student learning on the prevention and control of HAIs by use of scenario-based simulation; and 2) Second theme: factors hindering students learning on HAI prevention and control by use of scenario-based simulation. CONCLUSION: The findings showed that SBS is an effective learning method for nursing students that can be applied to enhance the quality of nursing education in the Asian countries as SBS not only improves the clinical skills, but also the soft skills of nursing students. However, the effective outcomes and impacts can only be achieved in the context with the appropriate learning materials and equipment, simulation facilities and the instructors with pedagogical skills

    Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

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    Background: The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017 (GBD 2017) includes a comprehensive assessment of incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 354 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2017. Previous GBD studies have shown how the decline of mortality rates from 1990 to 2016 has led to an increase in life expectancy, an ageing global population, and an expansion of the non-fatal burden of disease and injury. These studies have also shown how a substantial portion of the world's population experiences non-fatal health loss with considerable heterogeneity among different causes, locations, ages, and sexes. Ongoing objectives of the GBD study include increasing the level of estimation detail, improving analytical strategies, and increasing the amount of high-quality data. Methods: We estimated incidence and prevalence for 354 diseases and injuries and 3484 sequelae. We used an updated and extensive body of literature studies, survey data, surveillance data, inpatient admission records, outpatient visit records, and health insurance claims, and additionally used results from cause of death models to inform estimates using a total of 68 781 data sources. Newly available clinical data from India, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Nepal, China, Brazil, Norway, and Italy were incorporated, as well as updated claims data from the USA and new claims data from Taiwan (province of China) and Singapore. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, as the main method of estimation, ensuring consistency between rates of incidence, prevalence, remission, and cause of death for each condition. YLDs were estimated as the product of a prevalence estimate and a disability weight for health states of each mutually exclusive sequela, adjusted for comorbidity. We updated the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary development indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and total fertility rate. Additionally, we calculated differences between male and female YLDs to identify divergent trends across sexes. GBD 2017 complies with the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting. Findings: Globally, for females, the causes with the greatest age-standardised prevalence were oral disorders, headache disorders, and haemoglobinopathies and haemolytic anaemias in both 1990 and 2017. For males, the causes with the greatest age-standardised prevalence were oral disorders, headache disorders, and tuberculosis including latent tuberculosis infection in both 1990 and 2017. In terms of YLDs, low back pain, headache disorders, and dietary iron deficiency were the leading Level 3 causes of YLD counts in 1990, whereas low back pain, headache disorders, and depressive disorders were the leading causes in 2017 for both sexes combined. All-cause age-standardised YLD rates decreased by 3·9% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 3·1-4·6) from 1990 to 2017; however, the all-age YLD rate increased by 7·2% (6·0-8·4) while the total sum of global YLDs increased from 562 million (421-723) to 853 million (642-1100). The increases for males and females were similar, with increases in all-age YLD rates of 7·9% (6·6-9·2) for males and 6·5% (5·4-7·7) for females. We found significant differences between males and females in terms of age-standardised prevalence estimates for multiple causes. The causes with the greatest relative differences between sexes in 2017 included substance use disorders (3018 cases [95% UI 2782-3252] per 100 000 in males vs 1400 [1279-1524] per 100 000 in females), transport injuries (3322 [3082-3583] vs 2336 [2154-2535]), and self-harm and interpersonal violence (3265 [2943-3630] vs 5643 [5057-6302]). Interpretation: Global all-cause age-standardised YLD rates have improved only slightly over a period spanning nearly three decades. However, the magnitude of the non-fatal disease burden has expanded globally, with increasing numbers of people who have a wide spectrum of conditions. A subset of conditions has remained globally pervasive since 1990, whereas other conditions have displayed more dynamic trends, with different ages, sexes, and geographies across the globe experiencing varying burdens and trends of health loss. This study emphasises how global improvements in premature mortality for select conditions have led to older populations with complex and potentially expensive diseases, yet also highlights global achievements in certain domains of disease and injury

    Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality and life expectancy, 1950-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

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    Background: Assessments of age-specific mortality and life expectancy have been done by the UN Population Division, Department of Economics and Social Affairs (UNPOP), the United States Census Bureau, WHO, and as part of previous iterations of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD). Previous iterations of the GBD used population estimates from UNPOP, which were not derived in a way that was internally consistent with the estimates of the numbers of deaths in the GBD. The present iteration of the GBD, GBD 2017, improves on previous assessments and provides timely estimates of the mortality experience of populations globally. Methods: The GBD uses all available data to produce estimates of mortality rates between 1950 and 2017 for 23 age groups, both sexes, and 918 locations, including 195 countries and territories and subnational locations for 16 countries. Data used include vital registration systems, sample registration systems, household surveys (complete birth histories, summary birth histories, sibling histories), censuses (summary birth histories, household deaths), and Demographic Surveillance Sites. In total, this analysis used 8259 data sources. Estimates of the probability of death between birth and the age of 5 years and between ages 15 and 60 years are generated and then input into a model life table system to produce complete life tables for all locations and years. Fatal discontinuities and mortality due to HIV/AIDS are analysed separately and then incorporated into the estimation. We analyse the relationship between age-specific mortality and development status using the Socio-demographic Index, a composite measure based on fertility under the age of 25 years, education, and income. There are four main methodological improvements in GBD 2017 compared with GBD 2016: 622 additional data sources have been incorporated; new estimates of population, generated by the GBD study, are used; statistical methods used in different components of the analysis have been further standardised and improved; and the analysis has been extended backwards in time by two decades to start in 1950. Findings: Globally, 18·7% (95% uncertainty interval 18·4–19·0) of deaths were registered in 1950 and that proportion has been steadily increasing since, with 58·8% (58·2–59·3) of all deaths being registered in 2015. At the global level, between 1950 and 2017, life expectancy increased from 48·1 years (46·5–49·6) to 70·5 years (70·1–70·8) for men and from 52·9 years (51·7–54·0) to 75·6 years (75·3–75·9) for women. Despite this overall progress, there remains substantial variation in life expectancy at birth in 2017, which ranges from 49·1 years (46·5–51·7) for men in the Central African Republic to 87·6 years (86·9–88·1) among women in Singapore. The greatest progress across age groups was for children younger than 5 years; under-5 mortality dropped from 216·0 deaths (196·3–238·1) per 1000 livebirths in 1950 to 38·9 deaths (35·6–42·83) per 1000 livebirths in 2017, with huge reductions across countries. Nevertheless, there were still 5·4 million (5·2–5·6) deaths among children younger than 5 years in the world in 2017. Progress has been less pronounced and more variable for adults, especially for adult males, who had stagnant or increasing mortality rates in several countries. The gap between male and female life expectancy between 1950 and 2017, while relatively stable at the global level, shows distinctive patterns across super-regions and has consistently been the largest in central Europe, eastern Europe, and central Asia, and smallest in south Asia. Performance was also variable across countries and time in observed mortality rates compared with those expected on the basis of development. Interpretation: This analysis of age-sex-specific mortality shows that there are remarkably complex patterns in population mortality across countries. The findings of this study highlight global successes, such as the large decline in under-5 mortality, which reflects significant local, national, and global commitment and investment over several decades. However, they also bring attention to mortality patterns that are a cause for concern, particularly among adult men and, to a lesser extent, women, whose mortality rates have stagnated in many countries over the time period of this study, and in some cases are increasing