1,923 research outputs found

    Control of the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus by essential oils and extracts obtained from plants: a review.

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    The pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, is a serious threat to forest ecosystems at a global scale. The nematode has become a major quarantine problem due to its capability to completely destroy Pinus spp. trees, with great damage to the wood industry. Controlling the nematode inside a living tree is quite difficult, the techniques used being often ineffective and quite expensive. In the coming years, most chemicals used to control nematodes will be banned and replaced by safer and environmentally friendly products. As so, chemicals naturally produced by plants will play an important role in controlling diseases such as pine wilt. Plants, particularly aromatic ones, are commonly used due to the chemical properties of their secondary metabolites. Among these, essential oils and/or extracts are highly employed and are being tested as possible control of some organisms, like nematodes. Recent publications have evaluated essential oils derived from different plant species as natural nematicides [1; 2], antibacterial [3], anti-fungal [4] as well as insecticidal [5]. Concerning control of the PWN, a significant amount of information on plants tested, results obtained and employed techniques, is available. Our revision has extensively gathered this information, making it easier to search, read and use. It may become useful information for future studies on the subject, since it will be possible to check the plants already tested. Although numbers aren´t definitive, so far, tested plants are distributed amongst 148 families. The extracts or essential oils of plants belonging to the Asteraceae, Lamiaceae and Euphorbiaceae families show promising results on controlling the pinewood nematode

    Is angiotensin-(3–4) (Val-Tyr), the shortest angiotensin II-derived peptide, opening new vistas on the renin–angiotensin system?

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    Angiotensin-(3−4) (Ang-(3−4) or Val-Tyr) is the shorter angiotensin (Ang) II-derived peptide, formed through successive hydrolysis that culminates with the release of Val-Tyr as a dipeptide. It is formed both in plasma and in kidney from Ang II and Ang III, and can be considered a component of the systemic and organ-based renin–angiotensin system. It is potently antihypertensive in humans and rats, and its concerted actions on proximal tubule cells culminate in the inhibition of fluid reabsorption, hyperosmotic urinary excretion of Na+. At the renal cell signaling level, Ang-(3−4) counteracts Ang II-type 1 receptor-mediated responses by acting as an allosteric enhancer in Ang II-type 2 receptor populations that target adenosine triphosphate-dependent Ca2+ and Na+ transporters through a cyclic adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase pathway

    Accident caused by Rhopalurus agamemnon (Koch, 1839) (Scorpiones, Buthidae)

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    Acidentes escorpiônicos constituem um sério problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Rhopalurus agamemnon é um grande escorpião do bioma Cerrado, muito abundante em diversas localidades do Brasil Central. A espécie utiliza ambientes campestres e savânicos, sendo comum no interior de cupinzeiros. Entretanto, desaparece de locais onde o cerrado é removido. Os acidentes relatados apresentam sintomas de envenenamentos moderados, mas são baseados em identificações discutíveis. Aqui apresentamos o relato de um acidente seguramente causado por esta espécie. Concluímos que os poucos relatos disponíveis não permitem avaliar a gravidade dos acidentes e o eventual risco deste escorpião para a saúde pública. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTAccidents caused by scorpions are a serious public health problem in Brazil. Rhopalurus agamemnon is a large scorpion found in the Cerrado (savanna) biome, and it is very abundant in many localities in central Brazil. The species inhabits open savanna environments, and is common inside termite mounds. However, it disappears from places where the native vegetation has been removed. The accidents reported present moderate symptoms of envenoming, but are based on questionable identifications. Here, we present a report on an accident that was certainly caused by Rhopalurus agamemnon. We conclude that the few reports available do not make it possible to evaluate the severity of such accidents and the possible risk to public health from this scorpion

    The effect of delayed graft function on graft and patient survival in kidney transplantation: an approach using competing events analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: In kidney transplantation, the impact of delayed graft function (DGF) on long-term graft and patient survival is controversial. We examined the impact of DGF on graft and recipient survival by accounting for the possibility that death with graft function may act as a competing risk for allograft failure. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We used data from 1281 adult primary deceased-donor kidney recipients whose allografts functioned at least 1 year. RESULTS: The probability of graft loss occurrence is overestimated using the complement of Kaplan-Meier estimates (1-KM). Both the cause-specific Cox proportional hazard regression model (standard Cox) and the subdistribution hazard regression model proposed by Fine and Gray showed that DGF was associated with shorter time to graft failure (csHR = 2.0, P = 0.002; sHR = 1.57, P = 0.009), independent of acute rejection (AR) and after adjusting for traditional factors associated with graft failure. Regarding patient survival, DGF was a predictor of patient death using the cause-specific Cox model (csHR = 1.57, P = 0.029) but not using the subdistribution model. CONCLUSIONS: The probability of graft loss from competing end points should not be reported with the 1-KM. Application of a regression model for subdistribution hazard showed that, independent of AR, DGF has a detrimental effect on long-term graft survival, but not on patient survival

    Detection and Antimicrobial Resistance Profile of Enteropathogenic (EPEC) and Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) in Conventional and Organic Broiler Chickens

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    ABSTRACT Enteropatogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and shigatoxigenic E. coli (STEC), are generally poultry and poultry product isolate and can cause serious human infections. Many strains may become resistant to various antimicrobials, which can hinder the treatment of bacterial diseases. Organic farming seeks to avoid the selection and frequency of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. This study aims to verify the resistance of EPEC and STEC from organic and conventional (industrial) broiler isolates to antimicrobials. All isolates were submitted to disk diffusion test with tetracycline, gentamicin, enrofloxacin, ceftriaxone and amoxicillin + clavulanate (TET, GEN, ENO, CTX, AMC) and PCR to detect specific virulence genes for EPEC and STEC. A total of 297 E. coli strains were isolated, 213 from conventional. In organic broiler, 84 strains were isolated. The strains from the conventional broiler isolates were resistant to five antimicrobials tested: TET 48.82% (104/213), ENO 28.17% (60/213), CTX 15.49% (33/213), GEN 14.55% (31/213), and AMC 7.04% (15/213), and 9.86% (21/213) were considered multidrug-resistant. Organic chicken strains were resistant to four of the antimicrobials tested: TET 35.7% (30/84), ENO 9.5% (8/84), CTX 2.4% (2/84), GEN 4.8% (4/84). Of the strains from the organic broiler chicken isolates, only 1.2% (1/84) was considered multidrug-resistant. No EPEC and STEC were found in the organic chicken samples. The multidrug resistance was characterized in 9.52% (2/21) of the EPEC and 4.76% (1/21) of the STEC. The study demonstrated the absence of EPEC and STEC strains in organic broilers and carcasses and a lower frequency of multiresistant strains compared to conventional breeding

    Deficiency in origin licensing proteins impairs cilia formation: implications for the aetiology of meier-gorlin syndrome

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    Mutations in ORC1, ORC4, ORC6, CDT1, and CDC6, which encode proteins required for DNA replication origin licensing, cause Meier-Gorlin syndrome (MGS), a disorder conferring microcephaly, primordial dwarfism, underdeveloped ears, and skeletal abnormalities. Mutations in ATR, which also functions during replication, can cause Seckel syndrome, a clinically related disorder. These findings suggest that impaired DNA replication could underlie the developmental defects characteristic of these disorders. Here, we show that although origin licensing capacity is impaired in all patient cells with mutations in origin licensing component proteins, this does not correlate with the rate of progression through S phase. Thus, the replicative capacity in MGS patient cells does not correlate with clinical manifestation. However, ORC1-deficient cells from MGS patients and siRNA-mediated depletion of origin licensing proteins also have impaired centrosome and centriole copy number. As a novel and unexpected finding, we show that they also display a striking defect in the rate of formation of primary cilia. We demonstrate that this impacts sonic hedgehog signalling in ORC1-deficient primary fibroblasts. Additionally, reduced growth factor-dependent signaling via primary cilia affects the kinetics of cell cycle progression following cell cycle exit and re-entry, highlighting an unexpected mechanism whereby origin licensing components can influence cell cycle progression. Finally, using a cell-based model, we show that defects in cilia function impair chondroinduction. Our findings raise the possibility that a reduced efficiency in forming cilia could contribute to the clinical features of MGS, particularly the bone development abnormalities, and could provide a new dimension for considering developmental impacts of licensing deficiency

    Oxidative Stress in Kidney Transplantation: Malondialdehyde Is an Early Predictive Marker of Graft Dysfunction

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    Background Oxidative stress is one of the most important components of the ischemia-reperfusion process after kidney transplantation (KTx) and increases with graft dysfunction. Methods This prospective study was conducted on 40 consecutive KTx recipients to evaluate time-dependent changes in oxidative stress-related parameters within the first week after KTx and to assess their performance in predicting delayed graft function (DGF=dialysis requirement during initial posttransplant week) and graft function at 1 year. Blood samples were collected before (day 0) and after KTx (days 1, 2, 4, and 7). Total antioxidant capacity, plasma levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), and activities of glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase were measured. Multivariable linear mixed and linear regression models, receiver-operating characteristic (ROC), and areas under ROC curves (AUC-ROC) were used. Results At all time points after KTx, mean MDA levels were significantly higher in patients developing DGF (n=18). Shortly after KTx (8–12 hr), MDA values were higher in DGF recipients (on average, +0.16 μmol/L) and increased further on following day, contrasting with prompt functioning recipients. Day 1 MDA levels accurately predicted DGF (AUC-ROC=0.90), with a performance higher than SCr (AUC-ROC=0.73) and similar to cystatin C (AUC-ROC=0.91). Multivariable analysis revealed that MDA levels on day 7 represented an independent predictor of 1-year graft function. Antioxidant enzyme activities were not significantly changed during the study period and were not predictors of 1-year graft function. Conclusions Increased MDA levels on day 1 after KTx might be an early prognostic indicator of DGF, and levels on day 7 might represent a useful predictor of 1-year graft function

    FISH in analysis of gamma ray-induced micronuclei formation in barley

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    A micronucleus test in combination with fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using telomere-, centromere-specific probes and 5S and 25S rDNA was used for a detailed analysis of the effects of gamma ray irradiation on the root tip meristem cells of barley, Hordeum vulgare (2n = 14). FISH with four DNA probes was used to examine the involvement of specific chromosomes or chromosome fragments in gamma ray-induced micronuclei formation and then to explain their origin. Additionally, a comparison of the possible origin of the micronuclei induced by physical and chemical treatment: maleic hydrazide (MH) and N-nitroso-N-methylurea (MNU) was done. The micronuclei induced by gamma ray could originate from acentric fragments after chromosome breakage or from whole lagging chromosomes as a result of a dysfunction of the mitotic apparatus. No micronuclei containing only centromeric signals were found. An application of rDNA as probes allowed it to be stated that 5S rDNA–bearing chromosomes are involved in micronuclei formation more often than NOR chromosomes. This work allowed the origin of physically- and chemically-induced micronuclei in barley cells to be compared: the origin of micronuclei was most often from terminal fragments. FISH confirmed its usefulness in the characterization of micronuclei content, as well as in understanding and comparing the mechanisms of the actions of mutagens applied in plant genotoxicity

    Leptin and adiponectin during the first week after kidney transplantation: biomarkers of graft dysfunction?

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Based on evidence that leptin and adiponectin are removed from circulation primarily by the kidney, we designed a study to examine the longitudinal changes of these adipokines during the first week after kidney transplantation (KTx) and to test the hypothesis that higher levels of leptin and/or adiponectin could be early biomarkers of delayed graft function (DGF=dialysis requirement during the first post-transplant week) and acute rejection. STUDY DESIGN: Repeated-measures prospective study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty consecutive adult patients with end-stage renal disease who were undergoing KTx. Leptin and adiponectin were measured in blood samples that were collected before (day-0) and after KTx (days-1, 2, 4 and 7). Linear mixed-models, receiver operating characteristic and area under curve (AUC-ROC) were used. RESULTS: At post-transplant day-1, leptinemia and adiponectinemia declined 43% and 47%, respectively. At all times studied after KTx, the median leptin levels were significantly higher in patients developing DGF (n=18), but not adiponectin levels. Shortly after KTx (day-1), leptin values were significantly higher in DGF recipients in contrast to patients with promptly functioning kidneys, approximately two times higher when controlling for gender and BMI. The leptin reduction rate between pre-tranplant and one-day after KTx moderately predicted DGF (AUC=0.73). On day-1, serum leptin predicted DGF (AUC-ROC=0.76) with a performance slightly better than serum creatinine (AUC-ROC=0.72), even after correcting for BMI (AUC-ROC=0.73). Separating this analysis by gender showed that the performance of leptin in predicting DGF for male gender (AUC-ROC=0.86) improved. CONCLUSIONS: Kidney graft function is an independent determinant of leptin levels, but not of adiponectin. Leptin levels at day-1 slightly outperformed serum creatinine in predicting the occurrence of DGF, and more accurately in male gender. No significant association was detected with acute rejection
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