437 research outputs found

    O procedimento especial de despejo : máximas de celeridade ou máximo de complexidade?

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    Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra no âmbito do 2º ciclo de Estudos em Direito, na área de especialização em Ciências Jurídico-Forense

    Organizational citizenship behaviour and social capital: going the extra mile while ill? Presenteeism as a new dimension of OCB

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    JEL Classification System: M10 – Business Administration: General M12 – Business Administration: Personnel ManagementAté à presente data, não houve tentativas para estudar se o presentismo pode ser abrangido como uma dimensão de Comportamentos Cidadania Organizacional (CCO). Consequentemente, uma lacuna na literatura de CCO é encontrada e uma questão essencial surge: será que o modelo existente de CCO pode beneficiar com a introdução do presentismo? O presente estudo analisa a relação entre o comportamento de ajuda, Presenteeism Citizenship Behaviour (PCB) e capital social, argumentando que comportamento de ajuda e capital social são ambos positivamente relacionados com PCB, com esta última variável como mediadora entre a duas anteriores. Além disso, explora a influência do compromisso organizacional e da percepção de justiça sobre a relação direta entre PCB e capital social e sobre uma indireta entre comportamento de ajuda e capital social por meio de PCB. Dados recolhidos a partir de 383 funcionários de empresas e startups de várias e diferentes áreas de conhecimento, revelam que comportamento de ajuda e capital social são ambos positivamente relacionados com PCB, sendo que este medeia a relação entre as duas referidas variáveis. Além disso, o compromisso organizacional tem um impacto positivo nos efeitos de PCB, moderando tanto a relação direta de PCB sobre capital social, bem como a influência indireta de comportamento de ajuda (através de PCB) sobre capital social. Contrariamente às expectativas, a percepção de justiça é somente significativa relativamente à relação direta, moderando a relação de PCB sobre capital social. Implicações assim como orientações para futuras pesquisas são igualmente discutidas no último capítulo deste estudo.To this date, there were no attempts to study if presenteeism can be encompassed as an Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) dimension, nonetheless some remarks. Therefore, a gap on the OCB literature is found, and a core question arises: can OCB “go the extra mile” with the introduction of presenteeism? The current study examines the relationship between helping behaviour, Presenteeism Citizenship Behaviour (PCB) and social capital, arguing that helping behaviour and social capital are both positively related to PCB, with PCB mediating the relationship between the two. Moreover, it explores the influence of organizational commitment and perception of justice on the direct relationship between PCB and social capital and on the indirect one between helping behaviour and social capital through PCB. Results from a pool of 383 employees from companies and startups of various different areas of expertise revealed that helping behaviour and social capital are both positively related to PCB, with PCB mediating the relationship between the two. Moreover, organizational commitment impacted the effects of PCB, moderating both the direct relationship of PCB on social capital as well as the indirect influence of helping behaviour (through PCB) on social capital. Contrary to our expectations, perception of justice did not help to improve our understanding of the indirect relationship although it was significant regarding the direct one, moderating the relationship of PCB on social capital. Insights on the implications of these findings and directions for future research are also discussed in the last chapter of this study

    Content, Pattern and Esterification of Fatty Acids in Fresh Grass in Relation to Extraction Solvents and Sample Storage Conditions

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    The relatively high content of linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3) in forages has lead to research on the role of forage based feeding strategies in the production of healthier milk. In these studies, forage samples are often stored, although analysis immediately after harvest has been considered to avoid oxidative deterioration and transformation of unsaturated fatty acids (FA) (Christie, 1993; Frankel, 1998). In the current study, we evaluated the effect of different storage conditions (fresh grass samples under liquid nitrogen (liq.N2) or in a cool box during 3h or at -20ºC, -80ºC or in the extraction solvent at -20°C, during 24h) on the total amount of FA extracted, the FA pattern and the extent of FA esterification. The effectiveness of isopropanol to inhibit plant enzyme activity (Hawke, 1973), which has been reported to be particularly high in plant tissues (Christie, 1993), was considered. Measures to avoid thawing losses during sample handling were also compared

    Response to dietary tannin challenges in view of the browser/grazer dichotomy in an Ethiopian setting : Bonga sheep versus Kaffa goats

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    It has been suggested that goats (typical browser) are better adapted to digest tannin-rich diets than sheep (typical grazer). To evaluate this, Bonga sheep and Kaffa goats were used in a 2x3 randomized crossover design with two species, three diets, and three periods (15-day adaptation+7-day collection). The dietary treatments consisted of grass-based hay only (tannin-free diet=FT), a high-tannin diet (36 % Albizia schimperiana (AS)+9 % Ficus elastica (FE)+ 55 % FT (HT)), and HT+polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG). Animals were individually fed at 50 g dry matter (DM)/kg body weight (BW) and had free access to clean drinking water and mineralized salt licks. Nutrient intake, apparent nutrient digestibility, nutrient conversion ratios, and live weight changes were determined. Condensed tannin concentrations in AS and FE were 110 and 191 g/kg DM, respectively. Both sheep and goats ate 47 % more of HT than FT, and dry matter intake further increased by 9 % when PEG was added, with clear difference in effect size between goats and sheep (P<0.001). The effects of the tannin-rich diet and PEG addition were similarly positive for DM digestibility between sheep and goats, but crude protein (CP) digestibility was higher in HT+PEG-fed goats than in sheep fed the same diet. However, PEG addition induced a larger improvement in growth performance and feed efficiency ratio in sheep than in goat (P<0.001). The addition of PEG as a tannin binder improved digestion and performance in both species, but with the highest effect size in sheep

    Milk fatty acid composition and associated rumen lipolysis and fatty acid hydrogenation when feeding forages from intensively managed or semi-natural grasslands

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    In order to evaluate the effect of replacing intensive forage by semi-natural grassland products on rumen lipid metabolism and milk fatty acid composition, four lactating and rumen canulated Holstein cows were used in a 4×4 Latin square design. Four different diets were fed: diet 100 IM - 100% intensively managed silage (IM), diet 20 SPP - 80% IM plus 20% semi-natural but species poor silage (SPP), diet 60 SPP - 40% IM plus 60% SPP and diet 60 SPR - 40% IM plus 60% semi-natural species rich silage (SPR). The silages showed significant differences in total fat content and in proportions of C18:2 n-6 and C18:3 n-3. Despite the reduced dietary supply of C18:3 n-3 with diets 60 SPP and 60 SPR, differences in milk C18:3 n-3 were small, suggesting higher recoveries of C18:3 n-3. Presumably, the latter are related to a higher transfer efficiency of C18:3 n-3 from the duodenum to the mammary gland, since rumen biohydrogenation, estimated from rumen pool size and first order rumen clearance kinetics, were similar among diets. CLA c9t11 in milk from cows fed diet 60 SPR were almost doubled compared to feeding one of the other diets. This has been related to the partial inhibition of rumen biohydrogenation of C18:3 n-3 and/or C18:2 n-6, as suggested by the increased proportions of hydrogenation isomers and reduced stearic acid proportions in rumen pool samples. In conclusion, the results suggest that the use of semi-natural grasslands in the diet of the animals reduce to some extent complete rumen biohydrogenation, which leads to an increase in milk CLA

    The influence of the European Union on the future of the governance of member states´ seas

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    E patente que a União Europeia tem vindo a adquirir uma presença eminente relativamente à gestão da governação dos mares dos seus Estados Membros, principalmente desde a sua adesão à Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar (CNUDM), que motivou uma crescente adoção de políticas europeias de gestão marítima. Estas políticas comunitárias podem tencionar gerar alguns impactos positivos na gestão dos mares dos Estados Membros; no entanto, também demonstram ser a causa de certos efeitos negativos, embora por vezes subtis. A presente dissertação visa explicar em que medida a União Europeia poderá vir a desempenhar um papel na gestão da governação dos mares dos Estados Membros que ponha em causa os interesses nacionais destes últimos. Neste sentido, analisar-se-á particularmente a ameaça da ‘Europeização do Mar’. Ou, por outras palavras: o risco da narrativa do ‘Mar Europeu’. Os desafios da ‘Europeização do Mar’ e a forma como este processo pode introduzir uma mudança de paradigmas, serão também abordados, especialmente no que diz respeito ao caso português, uma vez que Portugal conta com uma das maiores áreas marítimas do mundo, e, sobretudo, uma das maiores da União Europeia. Pretender-se-á ainda esclarecer como a extensão da plataforma continental, uma possibilidade prevista na CNUDM, é um tema crucial para o país. O estudo destas questões é altamente relevante por várias razões, uma vez que a ‘Europeização do Mar’ é uma problemática complexa que pode ter repercussões que se perpetuarão de diferentes maneiras entre os Estados Membros. Assim, pode dizer-se que o estudo sobre a relevância da influência da União Europeia no futuro da governação dos mares dos Estados Membros se prende com a análise dos impactos que esta pode causar em relação aos interesses nacionais dos mesmos, neste caso centrando-se em Portugal. Em última análise, este trabalho de investigação procurará responder a algumas questões, nomeadamente: (i) qual é a importância e o impacto da CNUDM para o Direito do Mar, especialmente tendo em conta que esta prevê a possibilidade dos Estados Partes alargarem as suas plataformas continentais (quando reúnam e cumpram os requisitos delineadas na Convenção); (ii) qual a consequência da adesão da União Europeia à CNUDM, que está interligada à narrativa do ‘Mar Europeu’; e (iii) quais são as implicações que isso comporta para Portugal e de que forma é que o país poderá salvaguardar os seus interesses. Nas conclusões finais, serão feitas algumas reflexões sobre a temática desenvolvida, tendo esta dissertação como principal contributo uma abordagem holística do tema, de modo a trazer alguma clareza.Clearly, the European Union has been acquiring an eminent presence in relation to the management of the governance of the seas of its Member States, mainly since its accession to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which has prompted a growing adoption of European maritime management policies. These European policies may intend to create some positive impacts on the management of Member States’ seas; however, they also seem to be the cause of certain negative, albeit sometimes subtle, effects. This dissertation aims to explain the extent to which the European Union might play a role in the managing of the governance of its Member States’ seas which would jeopardise the national interests of the latter. In this regard, the threat of the ‘Europeanisation of the Sea’ will be particularly discussed. Or, in other words: the risk of the ‘European Sea’ narrative. The challenges of the ‘Europeanisation of the Sea’ and how this process can introduce a change of paradigms will also be addressed, especially regarding the Portuguese case since Portugal has one of the largest maritime areas in the world, and, most notable, one of the largest in the European Union. In addition, this research work will clarify how the extension of the continental shelf, a possibility provided for in the UNCLOS, is crucial for the country. The study of these matters is highly relevant for several reasons, given that the ‘Europeanisation of the Sea’ is a complex issue that may have repercussions that will be perpetuated in different ways among the Member States. Thus, it can be said that the study on the relevance of the influence of the European Union in the future of the governance of Member States’ seas is associated with the analysis of the impacts that this may cause in relation to their national interests, in this case focusing on Portugal. Ultimately, this dissertation will seek to answer some questions, namely: (i) what is the importance and the impact of the UNCLOS for the Law of the Sea, especially taking into account that it foresees the possibility for States Parties to extend their continental shelves (when they fulfil the requirements outlined in the Convention); (ii) what is the consequence of the accession of the European Union to the UNCLOS, which is connected to the narrative of the ‘European Sea’; and (iii) what are the implications that this entails for Portugal and how can the country safeguard its interests. In the final conclusions, there will be some reflections on the theme developed, whereas the main contributions of the research consist in approaching this subject in a holistic way to bring some clarity

    How to Measure Socioemotional Ties in Workgroups? Validation of Workgroup Socioaffective Interdependence Scale

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    The main purpose of this study is the validation of the Workgroup Socioaffective Interdependence Scale – WSAIS developed by the authors in a preliminary study. The authors aim is to confirm the multidimensional structure of the measure and to analyse its psychometric properties in a sample of 488 employees from 92 teams. To test construct validity a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted, and social network density of socioemotional ties were calculated to assess convergent and discriminant validity. The findings confirm the underlying factor structure of the scale and provide support for the adequacy of the instrument as a team multidimensional measure of socioaffective interdependence

    The University of Lisbon’s cultural heritage survey (2010–2011)

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    In this paper, a survey of the cultural heritage of the University of Lisbon (2010–2011) will be presented, with a focus on the methodological approach. Main results will be discussed, as well as future perspectives regarding management, preservation and access of the university’s scientific and artistic collections, and buildings of artistic, architectonic and historical significance

    Fé e razão na sociedade contemporânea ocidental : laicidade, educação e tolerância em Portugal no século XXI

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    O presente estudo pretende analisar o modo como o processo de secularização abriu portas para um mundo onde é possível uma convivência mútua entre fé e razão e onde as dinâmicas de laicidade procuram funcionar como garantia da existência de um diálogo pacífico entre fé e razão. No entanto, apesar dos resultados dos processos de secularização e da laicidade o mundo contemporâneo é muitas vezes caracterizado como um mundo onde não há espaço para a religião, e a mesma é muitas vezes perspetivada como causadora de violência, intolerância e preconceitos. E, apesar da vasta crença que a religião vai deixar de existir, com a soberania da ciência e da razão, tal não é visível em muitas das sociedades contemporâneas, designadamente em Portugal. Acompanhando e sistematizando aquele debate do ponto de vista contextual, o nosso estudo detém-se sobre a problemática do ensino da religião como desempenhando um papel fundamental na quebra daqueles preconceitos, quando transmite a religião de forma histórica e crítica. Partindo da premissa de que o homem para além de racional é também um ser religioso, averiguamos da pertinência da religião, como criação humana, fazer parte integrante dos programas escolares como o fazem outras áreas das humanidades e das ciências.This study intends to analyse the way how the process of secularization opened doors to a world where is possible for a mutual coexistence between faith and reason and where laity and its dynamics can work as a guaranty to the existence of a peaceful dialogue between faith and reason. Although, besides the results accomplished by secularization’s and laity’s processes, the contemporary world is often characterized as a world where there is no space for religion and when there is it causes violence, intolerance and prejudice. And even though many believe that religion is about so cease, with the sovereignty of science and reason, that is not what it is happening in many contemporary societies, with Portugal being of them. Following and systematizing the said debate from a contextual point of view, our study focuses on the teaching of religion as it plays an important role in breaking those prejudices, by transmitting religion critically and historically. Starting from the premise that man besides being rational is also religious, we state the importance of including religion, as a human creation, by being a fundamental part of school programs, as it is done by humanities and sciences


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    A given professional or academic field requires time to expand and consolidate. It requires persistence, dedication, innovation, hard work and some degree of adventure. It requires constant meetings, exchanges, collaborations, publications. It requires a delicate balance between what is known and what still needs to be invented or imagined. But most importantly, it requires a global community that encompasses multiple local, national and regional centres where change can really happen. Unless one is thinking about the physics of climate, dynamics of change are incredibly slow and difficult to achieve at global scale. It is really at local level, through the awareness, knowledge and deliberate action of individuals that meaningful transformations occur.Cualquier ámbito profesional o académico requiere tiempo adecuado para propagarse y consolidarse. Requiere la persistencia, el compromiso, la innovación, el trabajo duro y una pizca de aventura. Requiere reuniones constantes, intercambios, colaboraciones y publicaciones. Requiere un delicado equilibrio entre lo que ya se sabe y lo que queda por inventar o imaginar. Pero sobre todo, requiere una comunidad global que abarque múltiples centros locales, nacionales y regionales donde el cambio auténtico pueda desarrollarse. Dejando aparte el ejemplo de la física del clima, la dinámica del cambio difícilmente se logra a nivel global. En realidad, es a nivel local, mediante la concienciación, conocimiento y acción deliberada de los individuos, donde las transformaciones significativas pueden ocurrir