688 research outputs found

    Ocorrência de novos elementos megaflorísticos na Bacia Carbonífera do Douro (Estefaniano C inferior) [Gzheliano inferior], NW de Portugal

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    New megafloristic elements were found in the São Pedro da Cova region (Gondomar),Douro Basin (lower Stephanian C) [lower Gzhelian

    In Vitro Methods for Specific IgE Detection on Cow’s Milk Allergy

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    Background: A new method for determining serum specific IgE (IMMULITE“ 2000 3gAllergy) has recently become available. Objective: To evaluate the clinical performance of IMMULITE 2000 in the diagnosis of cow’s milk allergy compared with that of UniCAP“. Additionally, we verified the behavior of both methods at two diagnostic decision points proposed by other authors. Methods: The study population consisted of 31 children with cow’s milk allergy (group A) and a control group of 19 atopic children without food allergy(group B). A blood sample from each child was tested using both methods and the results were compared. Results: In group A, the values for cow’s milk IgE ranged from 0.35 kU/L (the lowest common detection limit) to above 100 kU/L. In group B, the values were less than 1.1 kU/L for IMMULITE 2000 and less than 1.6 kU/L for UniCAP. An agreement of 90 % in IgE classes was obtained. Both methods demonstrated exactly the same diagnostic performance(sensitivity: 100 %; specificity: 78.9 %; negative predictive value: 100%; positive predictive value: 84.6%;efficiency: 90.2 %). The evaluation of the two methods at the two different decision points proposed in the literature showed a better positive predictive value with UniCAP, but we obtained equivalent performance with IMMULITE 2000 by choosing higher cutoff values. Conclusions: We conclude that IMMULITE 2000 is as effective as UniCAP in the diagnosis of cow’s milk allergy. Both methods can be used to obtain site-specific decision points that are population, age and disease dependent

    Prevalence and Risk Factors for Latex-Fruit Syndrome in Patients with Latex Allergy

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    A associação de alergia ao látex e alergia alimentar a frutos e outros vegetais com reactividade cruzada com látex é denominada síndrome látex-frutos (SLF). Não existem estudos que avaliem factores de risco para SLF em doentes alérgicos ao látex, nomeadamente incluindo diferentes grupos populacionais de risco. Objectivo: Investigar a prevalência e factores de risco para SLF. Material e Métodos: Foram estudados 61 doentes alérgicos ao látex, com média etária de 25.9 (±16.6) anos e relação sexo M/F de 0.3/1, pertencendo a diferentes grupos de risco: 15 com espinha bífida (EB), 13 submetidos a múltiplas cirurgias sem EB e 33 profissionais de saúde (PS). A todos os doentes foram efectuados questionário, testes cutâneos por prick (TC) com aeroalergénios comuns e látex(extractos comerciais) e alimentos com reactividade cruzada descrita com látex (extractos comerciais e alimentos em natureza), IgE total sérica (AlaSTAT®, DPC) e IgE específica para látex (UniCAP®, Pharmacia Diagnostics). Definiu-se SLF se história clínica e TC para o alimento positivos. Resultados: A prevalência de SLF nos doentes alérgicos ao látex foi 28% (17). Os alimentos implicados foram castanha-71% (12), banana-47% (8), pêssego-29% (5), abacate e kiwi-24% (4),ananás, maracujá, papaia e espinafre-18% (3), ameixa, manga, melão, tomate e mandioca-12%(2), alperce, figo, uva e pimentão doce-6% (1). Os sintomas clínicos foram anafilaxia-65% (11),urticária-24% (4) e síndrome de alergia oral-12% (2). Os doentes com SLF eram na quase totalidade PS. A prevalência de SLF neste grupo foi 45% (15). Comparando PS com SLF (15) e sem SLF (18), encontrou-se relação entre SLF e níveis mais elevados de IgE específica para látex (mediana: 19.4 vs. 0.6kU/l; p=0.006). Os PS com CAP-classe ≥ 3 tinham SLF em 74%, para 26% nos PS com CAP-classe <3 (p<0.001). Idade, sexo, antecedentes pessoais e familiares de alergia, número de cirurgias, tempo de profissão, atopia e IgE total não foram identificados como factores de risco. Conclusões: A SLF afecta essencialmente os PS alérgicos ao látex, sendo frequente neste grupo; a explicação reside nos diferentes perfis de sensibilização alergénica, relacionados com a via de exposição. A sensibilização ao látex com CAP-classe ≥ 3 foi identificada como factor de risco para SLF nos PS. A SLF revelou-se na maioria dos casos por anafilaxia,realçando a importância desta síndrome potencialmente fatal

    Recomendação de Baveno VI Sobre Evicção da Endoscopia de Rastreio em Doentes com Cirrose: Já Lá Estamos?

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    INTRODUCTION: Recent studies assessed the predictive value of liver transient elastography, combined or not with platelet count, for the presence of esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis, and multiple cutoffs have been proposed. The Baveno VI consensus states that patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease, liver stiffness 150,000 have a very low risk of having varices requiring treatment and can avoid screening endoscopy. We aimed to validate this recommendation in a cohort of cirrhotic patients. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of all patients evaluated at the Gastroenterology Department (Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central) between September 2009 and October 2015 with a liver stiffness (FibroScan®) compatible with liver cirrhosis as well as upper endoscopy and blood tests within 12 months from elastography. Patients on propranolol ≥80 mg/day or carvedilol ≥12.5 mg/day, as well as those with previous variceal bleeding, variceal endoscopic treatments, or cirrhosis decompensations were excluded. We validated the new Baveno VI recommendation and explored alternative cutoffs. RESULTS: Ninety-seven patients were analyzed, 76.3% (74/97) male, mean age 54.3 ± 11.2 years. Most patients (55.7%) had no varices and 14.4% had varices requiring treatment. Most patients (78.4%) had cirrhosis related to chronic hepatitis C. If the new Baveno VI recommendation had been applied to this cohort, upper endoscopy would have been avoided in 11.3% (11/97) of patients, none of them with esophageal varices requiring treatment: specificity 100%, sensitivity 13.3%, positive predictive value 100%, and negative predictive value 16.3% for absence of varices requiring treatment. If screening endoscopy had been avoided in those patients with liver stiffness <30 kPa and platelet count ≥120,000, endoscopy would have been avoided in 27.8% (27/97) of patients, none of whom with esophageal varices requiring treatment: specificity 100%, sensitivity 32.5%, positive predictive value 100%, and negative predictive value 20% for absence of varices requiring treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The new Baveno VI criteria identified compensated cirrhotic patients without varices requiring treatment in whom screening endoscopy could have been avoided safely. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings and potentially explore more ambitious but still safe cutoffs for those criteria.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cold Urticaria and Infectious Mononucleosis in Children

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    Physical urticaria includes a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by the development of urticarial lesions and/or angioedema after exposure to certain physical stimuli. The authors present the case of a child with severe acquired cold urticaria secondary to infectious mononucleosis. Avoidance of exposure to cold was recommended; prophylactic treatment with ketotifen and cetirizine was begun and a self-administered epinephrine kit was prescribed. The results of ice cube test and symptoms significantly improved. Physical urticaria, which involves complex pathogenesis, clinical course and therapy, may be potentially life threatening. Evaluation and diagnosis are especially important in children. To our knowledge this is the first description of persistent severe cold-induced urticaria associated with infectious mononucleosis in a child

    Avaliação do Desempenho do Teste de Rastreio de Alergia Alimentar FP5® (DPC-Amerlab)

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    Introdução: A utilização dos testes de rastreio para detecção de IgE específica sérica para diversos alergénios tem sido discutida, sendo invariavelmente aceite a sua utilidade no que diz respeito aos aeroalergénios, não tendo sido ainda suficientemente estabelecida a eficiência dos testes correspondentes destinados à detecção de alergénios alimentares, como acontece com o FP5® da Diagnostic Products Corporation (contendo mistura de clara de ovo, leite, bacalhau, trigo,soja e amendoim). Objectivo: Avaliar o desempenho do teste FP5®, determinando a sua sensibilidade, especificidade e comparação com os métodos de detecção das correspondentes IgE específicas isoladas. Material e métodos: Foi incluída uma amostra aleatória de 54 soros de crianças com alergia alimentar e com determinações de IgE específica positivas para um ou mais dos alimentos testados pelo FP5® - grupo de estudo; foi seleccionado um grupo controlo de 27 amostras de sangue de crianças sem alergia alimentar e em que a determinação de IgE específica para todos os alimentos incluídos no painel em estudo foi negativa. Em ambos os grupos foi efectuada determinação da concentração de IgE específica sérica (kU/l) para FP5®, F1 (clara de ovo), F2 (leite), F3 (bacalhau), F4 (trigo), F13 (soja) e F14 (amendoim), pelo método de quimioluminiscência Immulite®2000. O valor de cut-off considerado foi de 0,35 kU/l. Resultados: Foram testados 81 soros encontrando-se os seguintes parâmetros do teste: sensibilidade=88,9%, especificidade =100%, valor predictivo positivo=100%, valor predictivo negativo=81,8%,eficiência=92,6%. Considerando cada uma das IgE específicas do painel, verificou-se que em todos os soros com determinações positivas para F3, F4, F13 e F14, o FP5® foi também positivo; no caso dos alergénios F1 e F2, observaram-se 3 resultados discrepantes para cada (falsos-negativos). Correlacionando os resultados do FP5® (quantitativos) e o somatório das correspondentes IgE específicas, obtivemos um coeficiente de 0.99, p<0.001. Conclusões: De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verifica-se que o teste de rastreio estudado apresenta boa sensibilidade e eficiência, eexcelente especificidade. De salientar ainda que se trata de um teste que envolve significativa rentabilização de recursos económicos, quando comparado com a determinação das correspondentes IgE específicas isoladas. Concluímos tratar-se de um método cuja utilidade poderá ser considerada na abordagem inicial do doente com suspeita de alergia alimentar IgE mediada, no âmbito dos cuidados de saúde primários

    Mitral Valve Surgery for Rheumatic Lesions in Young Patients

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    BACKGROUND: The appropriateness of rheumatic mitral valve repair remains controversial due to the risks of recurrent mitral dysfunction and need for reoperation. The aims of this study were to determine the overall short- and long-term outcomes of pediatric rheumatic mitral valve surgery in our center. METHODS: Single-center, observational, retrospective study that analyzed the results of rheumatic mitral valve surgery in young patients, consecutively operated by the same team, between 1999 and 2014. RESULTS: We included 116 patients (mean age = 12.6 ± 3.5 years), of which 66 (57%) were females. A total of 116 primary surgical interventions and 22 reoperations were performed. Primary valve repair was possible in 86 (74%) patients and valve replacement occurred in 30 (26%). Sixty percent of the patients were followed up beyond three months after surgery (median follow-up time = 9.2 months [minimum = 10 days; maximum = 15 years]). Long-term clinical outcomes were favorable, with most patients in New York Heart Association functional class I (89.6%) and in sinus rhythm (85%). Freedom from reoperation for primary valve repair at six months, five years, and ten years was 96.4% ± 0.25%, 72% ± 0.72%, and 44.7% ± 1.34%, respectively. Freedom from reoperation for primary valve replacement at six months, five years, and ten years was 100%, 91.7% ± 0.86%, and 91.7% ± 0.86%, respectively. Mitral stenosis as the primary lesion dictated early reintervention. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the greater rate of reoperation, especially when the primary lesion was mitral stenosis, rheumatic mitral valve repair provides similar clinical outcomes as compared with replacement, with the advantage of avoiding anticoagulation

    Relationship between family function and exercise capacity and inspiratory muscle strength in COPD

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a multidimensional disease known to affect not only patients but also family functioning. Family functioning affects several dimensions of patients’ psychological and social performance, however the association with patient’s physical outcomes remains unknown. This study explored associations between family function and exercise capacity and inspiratory muscle strength in COPD. 20 patients with COPD (85% male; 67.5±10y; 54.3±29.4FEV1%predicted) were included. Sociodemographic, anthropometric and lung function data were collected to characterise the sample. 2 six-minute walk tests (6MWT) and up to 5 maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) manoeuvres were performed. The best performances were analysed. Family function was assessed with the family adaptability and cohesion evaluation scale (FACES-IV). Correlations were explored with the Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Moderate and positive correlations were found between family satisfaction and 6MWT (r=0.55; p=0.02) and between family cohesion and MIP values (r=0.59; p=0.01). Strong and positive correlations (r=0.61; p=0.01) were found between family satisfaction and MIP values. No further correlations were found (Fig.1). Family function correlated significantly with patients’ exercise capacity and inspiratory muscle strength. Further research on family functioning is needed to enhance knowledge on COPD management.publishe

    Monitoring Adherence to Asthma Inhalers Using the InspirerMundi App: Analysis of Real-World, Medium-Term Feasibility Studies

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    Background: Poor medication adherence is a major challenge in asthma and objective assessment of inhaler adherence is needed. InspirerMundi app aims to monitor inhaler adherence while turning it into a positive experience through gamification and social support. Objective: We assessed the medium-term feasibility of the InspirerMundi app to monitor inhaler adherence in real-world patients with persistent asthma (treated with daily inhaled medication). In addition, we attempted to identify the characteristics of the patients related to higher app use. Methods: Two real-world multicenter observational studies, with one initial face-to-face visit and a 4-month telephone interview, were conducted in 29 secondary care centers from Portugal. During an initial face-to-face visit, patients were invited to use the app daily to register their asthma medication intakes. A scheduled intake was considered taken when patients took a photo of the medication (inhaler, blister, or others) using the image-based medication detection tool. Medication adherence was calculated as the number of doses taken as a percentage of the number scheduled. Interacting with the app ≥30 days was used as the cut-off for higher app use. Results: A total of 114 patients {median 20 [percentile 25 to percentile 75 (P25-P75) 16-36] years, 62% adults} were invited, 107 (94%) installed the app and 83 (73%) completed the 4-month interview. Patients interacted with the app for a median of 18 [3-45] days, translated on a median use rate of 15 [3-38]%. Median inhaler adherence assessed through the app was 34 [4-73]% when considering all scheduled inhalations for the study period. Inhaler adherence assessed was not significantly correlated with self-reported estimates. Median adherence for oral and other medication was 41 [6-83]% and 43 [3-73]%, respectively. Patients with higher app use were slightly older (p = 0.012), more frequently taking medication for other health conditions (p = 0.040), and more frequently prescribed long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMA, p = 0.024). After 4 months, Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARAT) scores improved (p < 0.001), but no differences between patients interacting with the app for 30 days or less were seen. Conclusions: The InspirerMundi app was feasible to monitor inhaler adherence in patients with persistent asthma. The persistent use of this mHealth technology varies widely. A better understanding of characteristics related to higher app use is still needed before effectiveness studies are undertaken.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio