902 research outputs found

    Increased sympathetic activity in normotensive offspring of malignant hypertensive parents compared to offspring of normotensive parents

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    Malignant hypertension seems to be the consequence of very high blood pressure. Furthermore, an increase in sympathetic and renin-angiotensin system activity is considered to be the main mechanisms producing malignant hypertension. In the present study, 10 offspring of malignant hypertensive (OMH) parents (age 28 ± 5 years, 7 males, 3 females, 2 white and 8 non-white) and 10 offspring of normotensive (ONT) parents (age 28 ± 6 years, 2 males, 8 females, 3 white and 7 non-white) were evaluated. The OMH group had significantly higher (P < 0.05) casual blood pressure (125 ± 10/81 ± 5 mmHg) compared with ONT (99 ± 13/67 ± 5 mmHg). The increase in blood pressure was greater in OMH (&#916; SBP = 17 ± 2 vs &#916; SBP = 9 ± 1 mmHg in ONT) during cold pressor testing, but they had a lower increase in heart rate (&#916; HR = 13 ± 2 vs &#916; HR = 20 ± 3 bpm in ONT) during isometric exercise (handgrip test). Sympathetic activity, measured by microneurography, was significantly higher (P < 0.05) before exercise in OMH (17 ± 6 vs 11 ± 4 burst/min in ONT) and exhibited a greater increase (&#916; = 18 ± 10 vs &#916; = 8 ± 3 burst/min in ONT) during isometric exercise. This study showed increased sympathetic activity in OMH before exercise and a greater response during isometric exercise, suggesting an autonomic abnormality before exercise and a greater sympathetic response to physical stress in OMH compared to ONT

    Size matters: fishing less and yielding more in smaller-scale fisheries

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    Several factors influence catches and the sustainability of fisheries, and such factors might be different depending on the scale on which fisheries work. We investigated the existence of possible subdivisions within small-scale fisheries (SSF) themselves, regarding their economic performance and relative social and environmental impacts to understand which categories of these two types of fleets are best positioned to support sustainability. By doing so, we investigated if it is a good strategy for SSF to aim to grow towards larger scales. We obtained economic and ecological data from landing samplings and information on technological efficiency of this fleet, using a northeastern Brazilian state as a case study. We defined a cut-off point to separate the SSF into two categories of boats, according to their size and gear. We compared their cpue and the factors affecting it within each category; we also compared economic (number of boats, number of landings, jobs, gears, catch, travel time and total time of the fishery, revenues, costs, profits, revenue per unit of effort, and profit per unit of effort) and ecological factors (vulnerability of species caught) between the two categories. We found that small boats spent less time fishing and employed comparatively more people per landed value and catch. The cpue and profits of small boats were also higher. Both large and small boats exploit species with the same overall vulnerability. Therefore, being smaller, even within the SSF category, seems to be a more advantageous social and economic strategy for guaranteeing higher catches and more employment opportunities per catch. These findings need to be taken into account when defining new policies, such as the distribution of subsidies that support or not the sustainable use of fishery resources

    Oxidative switch drives mitophagy defects in dopaminergic parkin mutant patient neurons

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    Mutations in PRKN are the most common cause of early onset Parkinson’s disease. Parkin is an E3 ubiquitin ligase, functioning in mitophagy. Mitochondrial abnormalities are present in PRKN mutant models. Patient derived neurons are a promising model in which to study pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Here we generate induced neuronal progenitor cells from PRKN mutant patient fibroblasts with a high dopaminergic neuron yield. We reveal changing mitochondrial phenotypes as neurons undergo a metabolic switch during differentiation. Fibroblasts from 4 controls and 4 PRKN mutant patients were transformed into induced neuronal progenitor cells and subsequently differentiated into dopaminergic neurons. Mitochondrial morphology, function and mitophagy were evaluated using live cell fluorescent imaging, cellular ATP and reactive oxygen species production quantification. Direct conversion of control and PRKN mutant patient fibroblasts results in induced neuronal progenitor and their differentiation yields high percentage of dopaminergic neurons. We were able to observe changing mitochondrial phenotypes as neurons undergo a metabolic switch during differentiation. Our results show that when pre-neurons are glycolytic early in differentiation mitophagy is unimpaired by PRKN deficiency. However as neurons become oxidative phosphorylation dependent, mitophagy is severely impaired in the PRKN mutant patient neurons. These changes correlate with changes in mitochondrial function and morphology; resulting in lower neuron yield and altered neuronal morphology. Induced neuronal progenitor cell conversion can produce a high yield of dopaminergic neurons. The mitochondrial phenotype, including mitophagy status, is highly dependent on the metabolic status of the cell. Only when neurons are oxidative phosphorylation reliant the extent of mitochondrial abnormalities are identified. These data provide insight into cell specific effects of PRKN mutations, in particular in relation to mitophagy dependent disease phenotypes and provide avenues for alternative therapeutic approaches

    Smart monitoring of constructed wetlands to improve efficiency and water quality

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    The Smart monitoring of constructed wetlands to improve efficiency and water quality (SmarterCW) project aims to monitor biological wastewater treatment processes by gathering continuous data from remote water and environmental sensors. The acquired data can be processed and analysed through data science tools to better understand the complex and coupled phenomena underneath wastewater treatment, as well as, to monitor and optimize the system performance. The results will improve the efficiency and control of nature-based wastewater treatment technologies. The methodology comprises the following tasks and activities: Implementation of a set of electrochemical sensors in the input and output flow streams of pilot-scale constructed wetlands; Acquisition of water quality parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, and ionic compounds; Acquisition of environmental parameters, such as temperature and humidity; Application of data analysis tools to design and optimize conceptual models to correlate pollutants removal with operative parameters in green technologies for wastewater treatment. This methodology was applied to a patent-protected pilot-scale modular constructed wetland in which filling media consists of a mixture of solid waste. The system is complemented by a high-level IoT communication layer structure to support remote real-time water and environmental monitoring, system performance, and data dissemination. The project contributes to: Water and Environment through the efficient management and use of water resources and waste reduction, management, treatment, and valorisation; Materials and raw-materials through efficient, secure, and sustainable use of resources; and Environmental Education promoting environmental awareness and best environmental practices through the dissemination of scientific data and results using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools and IoT platforms. The project also contributes to giving response to Societal Challenges, such as Environment protection, sustainable management of natural resources, water, biodiversity, and ecosystems; Enabling the transition to a green society and economy through eco-innovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Critical analysis of autoregressive and fast Fourier transform markers of cardiovascular variability in rats and humans

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    The autonomic nervous system plays an important role in physiological and pathological conditions, and has been extensively evaluated by parametric and non-parametric spectral analysis. To compare the results obtained with fast Fourier transform (FFT) and the autoregressive (AR) method, we performed a comprehensive comparative study using data from humans and rats during pharmacological blockade (in rats), a postural test (in humans), and in the hypertensive state (in both humans and rats). Although postural hypotension in humans induced an increase in normalized low-frequency (LFnu) of systolic blood pressure, the increase in the ratio was detected only by AR. In rats, AR and FFT analysis did not agree for LFnu and high frequency (HFnu) under basal conditions and after vagal blockade. The increase in the LF/HF ratio of the pulse interval, induced by methylatropine, was detected only by FFT. In hypertensive patients, changes in LF and HF for systolic blood pressure were observed only by AR; FFT was able to detect the reduction in both blood pressure variance and total power. In hypertensive rats, AR presented different values of variance and total power for systolic blood pressure. Moreover, AR and FFT presented discordant results for LF, LFnu, HF, LF/HF ratio, and total power for pulse interval. We provide evidence for disagreement in 23% of the indices of blood pressure and heart rate variability in humans and 67% discordance in rats when these variables are evaluated by AR and FFT under physiological and pathological conditions. The overall disagreement between AR and FFT in this study was 43%.FINEPFAPESPZerbini Foundatio

    Avaliação do curso de Engenharia de das Ciências Agrárias - Opção Engenharia Rural

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    O presente relatório resulta do trabalho de avaliação ao curso de Engenharia das Ciências Agrárias opção Engenharia Rural levado a cabo pela equipa de Auto-Avaliação da Escola Superior Agrária. Esta equipa, designada pelo conselho científico com a finalidade de proceder a todas as solicitações de avaliação tanto dos cursos como da instituição, é basicamente composta por um coordenador e um elemento de cada unidade departamental. Conforme o curso que se está a avaliar juntam-se à equipa o respectivo coordenador de curso e colaboradores na compilação do relatório. Além destes elementos participaram também neste trabalho um representante dos alunos (designado pela associação de estudantes) e dois funcionários representantes do pessoal administrativo e do pessoal não docente. Em termos metodológicos optou-se pelo seguimento mais ou menos fiel do guião proposto pelo CNAVES, tendo-se recolhido informação de diversos modos: pesquisa documental e bases de dados nos serviços administrativos, inquéritos auto administrados a alunos, docentes e funcionários, inquérito postal aos diplomados e entrevistas directas (por telefone) às entidades empregadoras. Uma vez recolhida e tratada a informação procedeu-se à sua análise crítica tendo como referência os trabalhos de avaliação que até então decorreram relativamente na Escola

    Resilience and Social Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts in Small-Scale Fisheries

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    [Abstract] Small-cale fisheries are important for livelihoods, food security, jobs and income worldwide. However, they face major challenges, including the increasing effects of climate change that pose serious risks to coastal ecosystems and fishing communities. Although scientific research on climate change impacts has increased in recent years, few studies have explored the social impacts on small-scale fisheries. Using Galicia (Spain) as a case study, we investigated individual and household-level adaptive responses to climate change among fishers in three fishing guilds (Cambados, Campelo, and Redondela). Specifically, we estimated the economic vulnerability of shellfishers and assessed the diversity of social adaptive responses used to deal with climate change. Although fishers’ income strongly depends on shellfishing in all studied areas, our findings show that less fishing experience and lower engagement in fisher associations tend to increase the economic vulnerability of the fishers. The fishers’ vulnerability decreases as the size of households increases, while fishers who pay a mortgage and who live in households with fewer active members tend to be more vulnerable. The findings also show that Galician shellfishers have developed a wide range of adaptation strategies to anticipate and respond to climate change impacts, namely harvesting pricier and more abundant species, reducing household expenses and increasing social involvement in shellfishery associations. Although the adaptive strategies have helped Galician fishers to deal with climate change impacts, several threats to the sustainability of shellfisheries remain, such as a decrease in the abundance of key native shellfish species, and a high dependence on public and private aid to ensure reasonable incomes for shellfisheries. These findings are of interest and relevance to other similar small-scale fisheries around the world facing similar climate change challenges.This research was supported by grants CTM2014- 51935-R from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad to the project MARISCO and the Autonomous government Xunta de Galicia-FEDER (projects GRC2013-004, ED431C 2017/46). SV and PP acknowledge funding from the Xunta de Galicia (RECREGES II project under Grant 1400 ED481B2018/017, and Grupo de Referencia Competitiva GI-2060 AEMI, under Grant 1401 ED431C2019/11), the H2020–European Commission project Atlantic ECOsystems assessment, forecasting & sustainability (AtlantECO, ref. 2019-PI022). SV thanks the financial support for the EQUALSEA project ERC Consolidator, under Grant Agreement n°101002784 funded by the European Research Council. GM was supported by post-doctoral contracts from projects MARISCO and PERCEBES (BiodivERsA COFUND & Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación; PCIN-2016-063)Xunta de Galicia; GRC2013-004Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/46Xunta de Galicia; ED481B2018/017Xunta de Galicia; ED431C2019/1

    Study of the requirements of an autonomous system for surface water quality monitoring

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    In recent years, there has been increasing awareness of the preservation, protection and sustainable use of natural resources. Water resources, being one of the most important natural resources, face major threats due to contamination by pollutants of various types and origins. Maintaining the quality of water resources requires more robust, reliable and more frequent monitoring than traditional techniques of data collection based on sporadic, discontinuous and manual processes. The management of large geographical areas, the insufficient spatiotemporal discretization of the values of samples collected by traditional processes and the unpredictability of natural phenomena, require a new approach to data collection procedures. This article, which is the result of ongoing research, defines the technical requirements and technologies used in a continuous and regular monitoring of surface water quality in freshwater systems, whose data acquisition system helps to identify the sources of pollution and the contaminants flow along the waterways. The design of a versatile real-time water quality monitoring system, which, due to its environmental constraints should be based on renewable energies and wireless transfer of energy, will contribute to improve the management and effective protection of water resources.This work was supported by Centro2020, Portugal 2020 and European Union (EU) under the grants, CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-024052E – Libélula: Mobile robotic surface water quality monitoring system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Glucosylpolyphenols as Inhibitors of Aβ-Induced Fyn Kinase Activation and Tau Phosphorylation: Synthesis, Membrane Permeability, and Exploratory Target Assessment within the Scope of Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease

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    Despite the rapidly increasing number of patients suffering from type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes-induced dementia, there are no disease-modifying therapies that are able to prevent or block disease progress. In this work, we investigate the potential of nature-inspired glucosylpolyphenols against relevant targets, including islet amyloid polypeptide, glucosidases, and cholinesterases. Moreover, with the premise of Fyn kinase as a paradigm-shifting target in Alzheimer's drug discovery, we explore glucosylpolyphenols as blockers of Aβ-induced Fyn kinase activation while looking into downstream effects leading to Tau hyperphosphorylation. Several compounds inhibit Aβ-induced Fyn kinase activation and decrease pTau levels at 10 μM concentration, particularly the per-O-methylated glucosylacetophloroglucinol and the 4-glucosylcatechol dibenzoate, the latter inhibiting also butyrylcholinesterase and β-glucosidase. Both compounds are nontoxic with ideal pharmacokinetic properties for further development. This work ultimately highlights the multitarget nature, fine structural tuning capacity, and valuable therapeutic significance of glucosylpolyphenols in the context of these metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders.European Commission GA 612347Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia SFRH/BD/93170/2013, SFRH/BD/116614/2016, PD/BD/142847/2018, SFRH/BD/145600/2019, CEECIND/03414/2018, CEECIND/02300/2017, UIDB/00100/2020, UIDB/04046/2020, UIDB/04378/2020, IF/00780/2015Gobierno de España CTQ2016-78703-PJunta de Andalucía FQM13

    Thin films composed of Ag nanoclusters dispersed in TiO2: Influence of composition and thermal annealing on the microstructure and physical responses

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    Noble metal powders containing gold and silver have been used for many centuries, providing different colours in the windows of the medieval cathedrals and in ancient Roman glasses. Nowadays, the interest in nanocomposite materials containing noble nanoparticles embedded in dielectric matrices is related with their potential use for a wide range of advanced technological applications. They have been proposed for environmental and biological sensing, tailoring colour of functional coatings, or for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Most of these applications rely on the so-called localised surface plasmon resonance absorption, which is governed by the type of the noble metal nanoparticles, their distribution, size and shape and as well as of the dielectric characteristics of the host matrix. The aim of this work is to study the influence of the composition and thermal annealing on the morphological and structural changes of thin films composed of Ag metal clusters embedded in a dielectric TiO2 matrix. Since changes in size, shape and distribution of the clusters are fundamental parameters for tailoring the properties of plasmonic materials, a set of films with different Ag concentrations was prepared. The optical properties and the thermal behaviour of the films were correlated with the structural and morphological changes promoted by annealing. The films were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering and in order to promote the clustering of the Ag nanoparticles the as-deposited samples were subjected to an in-air annealing protocol. It was demonstrated that the clustering of metallic Ag affects the optical response spectrum and the thermal behaviour of the films.This research was sponsored by FEDER funds through the COMPETE program (Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade) and by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), under the projects PEST-C/FIS/UI607/2013 and PEst-C/EME/UI0285/2013. The authors also acknowledge the financial support by the project Nano4color – Design and develop a new generation of color PVD coatings for decorative applications (FP7 EC R4SME Project No. 315286). J. Borges also acknowledges the support by the European social fund within the framework of realising the project “Support of inter-sectoral mobility and quality enhancement of research teams at Czech Technical University in Prague”, CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0034. C. Lopes acknowledges FCT for the PhD grant SFRH/BD/103373/2014. F.M. Couto acknowledges CAPES – Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil, Brasília – DF 70040-20, Brazil, funding by stage sandwich doctorate, through PDSE – Doctoral Program Sandwich