11 research outputs found

    Abundance of the Quorum-Sensing Factor Ax21 in Four Strains of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Correlates with Mortality Rate in a New Zebrafish Model of Infection

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    Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a Gram-negative pathogen with emerging nosocomial incidence. Little is known about its pathogenesis and the genomic diversity exhibited by clinical isolates complicates the study of pathogenicity and virulence factors. Here, we present a strategy to identify such factors in new clinical isolates of S. maltophilia, incorporating an adult-zebrafish model of S. maltophilia infection to evaluate relative virulence coupled to 2D difference gel electrophoresis to explore underlying differences in protein expression. In this study we report upon three recent clinical isolates and use the collection strain ATCC13637 as a reference. The adult-zebrafish model shows discrimination capacity, i.e. from very low to very high mortality rates, with clinical symptoms very similar to those observed in natural S. maltophilia infections in fish. Strain virulence correlates with resistance to human serum, in agreement with previous studies in mouse and rat and therefore supporting zebrafish as a replacement model. Despite its clinical origin, the collection strain ATCC13637 showed obvious signs of attenuation in zebrafish, with null mortality. Multilocus-sequence-typing analysis revealed that the most virulent strains, UV74 and M30, exhibit the strongest genetic similitude. Differential proteomic analysis led to the identification of 38 proteins with significantly different abundance in the three clinical strains relative to the reference strain. Orthologs of several of these proteins have been already reported to have a role in pathogenesis, virulence or resistance mechanisms thus supporting our strategy. Proof of concept is further provided by protein Ax21, whose abundance is shown here to be directly proportional to mortality in the zebrafish infection model. Indeed, recent studies have demonstrated that this protein is a quorum-sensing-related virulence factor

    Dynamic control of proinflammatory cytokines Il-1β and Tnf-α by macrophages in zebrafish spinal cord regeneration

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    Spinal cord injury leads to a massive response of innate immune cells in non-regenerating mammals, but also in successfully regenerating zebrafish. However, the role of the immune response in successful regeneration is poorly defined. Here we show that inhibiting inflammation reduces and promoting it accelerates axonal regeneration in spinal-lesioned zebrafish larvae. Mutant analyses show that peripheral macrophages, but not neutrophils or microglia, are necessary for repair. Macrophage-less irf8 mutants show prolonged inflammation with elevated levels of Tnf-α and Il-1β. Inhibiting Tnf-α does not rescue axonal growth in irf8 mutants, but impairs it in wildtype animals, indicating a pro-regenerative role of Tnf-α. In contrast, decreasing Il-1β levels or number of Il-1β+ neutrophils rescue functional regeneration in irf8 mutants. However, during early regeneration, interference with Il-1β function impairs regeneration in irf8 and wildtype animals. Hence, inflammation is dynamically controlled by macrophages to promote functional spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish

    Low incubation temperature during early development negatively affects survival and related innate immune processes in zebrafish larvae exposed to lipopolysaccharide

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    Abstract In many fish species, the immune system is significantly constrained by water temperature. In spite of its critical importance in protecting the host against pathogens, little is known about the influence of embryonic incubation temperature on the innate immunity of fish larvae. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos were incubated at 24, 28 or 32 °C until first feeding. Larvae originating from each of these three temperature regimes were further distributed into three challenge temperatures and exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in a full factorial design (3 incubation × 3 challenge temperatures). At 24 h post LPS challenge, mortality of larvae incubated at 24 °C was 1.2 to 2.6-fold higher than those kept at 28 or 32 °C, regardless of the challenge temperature. LPS challenge at 24 °C stimulated similar immune-related processes but at different levels in larvae incubated at 24 or 32 °C, concomitantly with the down-regulation of some chemokine and lysozyme transcripts in the former group. Larvae incubated at 24 °C and LPS-challenged at 32 °C exhibited a limited immune response with up-regulation of hypoxia and oxidative stress processes. Annexin A2a, S100 calcium binding protein A10b and lymphocyte antigen-6, epidermis were identified as promising candidates for LPS recognition and signal transduction

    Komplex Zinek-Schiffova báze-Novicidin jako potenciální léčba rakoviny prostaty

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    Prostate cancer cells control energy metabolism by chelating intracellular zinc. Thus, zinc delivery has been a popular therapeutic approach for prostate cancer. Here, we propose the use of the membrane-penetrating peptide Novicidin connected to zinc-Schiff base as a carrier vehicle for the delivery of zinc to prostate cells. Mass spectrometry, electrochemistry and spectrophotometry confirmed the formation/stability of this complex and provided insight regarding the availability of zinc for complex interactions. This delivery system showed minor toxicity in normal PNT1A cells and high potency towards PC3 tumor cells. The complex preferentially penetrated PC3 tumor cells in contrast to confinement to the membranes of PNT1A. Furthermore, zinc uptake was confirmed in both cell lines. Molecular analysis was used to confirm the activation of zinc stress (e.g., ZnT-1) and apoptosis (e.g., CASP-1). Our results strongly suggest that the zinc-Schiff base-Novicidin complex has great potential as a novel anticancer drug.Buňky rakoviny prostaty ovládají energetický metabolismus chelatací intracelulárního zinku. Tedy dodání zinku bylo populární jako terapeutický přístup k léčbě rakoviny prostaty. Zde navrhujeme použití membránou pronikajícího peptidu novicidinu připojeného k Schiffově bázi se zinkem jako nosného prostředku pro dodání zinku do buněk prostaty. Hmotnostní spektrometrie, elektrochemie a spektrofotometrie potvrdily tvorbu a stabilitu tohoto komplexu a poskytly pochopení ohledně dostupnosti zinku pro komplexní interakce. Tento systém ukázal menší toxicitu v normálních buňkách PNT1A a vysokou účinnost vůči nádorovým buňkám PC3. Komplex přednostně pronikl nádorovými buňkami PC3 na rozdíl od uzavření se membránám PNT1A. Dále byl potvrzen příjem zinku v obou buněčných linií. Molekulární analýza byla použita k potvrzení aktivace zinkového stresu (např. ZnT-1) a apoptózy (např. CASP-1). Naše výsledky silně naznačují, že komplex zinek-Schiffova báze-novicidin má velký potenciál jako nové protinádorové léčivo