24 research outputs found

    Beta-delayed proton emission from 20Mg

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    Beta-delayed proton emission from 20 Mg has been measured at ISOLDE, CERN, with the ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS) setup including both charged-particle and gamma-ray detection capabilities. A total of 27 delayed proton branches were measured including seven so far unobserved. An updated decay scheme, including three new resonances above the proton separation energy in 20 Na and more precise resonance energies, is presented. Beta-decay feeding to two resonances above the Isobaric Analogue State (IAS) in 20 Na is observed. This may allow studies of the 4032.9(2.4)keV resonance in 19 Ne through the beta decay of 20 Mg, which is important for the astrophysically relevant reaction 15O( α \alpha , γ \gamma )19Ne . Beta-delayed protons were used to obtain a more precise value for the half-life of 20 Mg, 91.4(1.0)ms

    First beta-decay spectroscopy of In-135 and new beta-decay branches of In-134

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    The beta decay of the neutron-rich In-134 and In-135 was investigated experimentally in order to provide new insights into the nuclear structure of the tin isotopes with magic proton number Z = 50 above the N = 82 shell. The beta-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy measurement was performed at the ISOLDE facility at CERN, where indium isotopes were selectively laser-ionized and on-line mass separated. Three beta-decay branches of In-134 were established, two of which were observed for the first time. Population of neutron-unbound states decaying via. rays was identified in the two daughter nuclei of In-134, Sn-134 and Sn-133, at excitation energies exceeding the neutron separation energy by 1 MeV. The beta-delayed one- and two-neutron emission branching ratios of In-134 were determined and compared with theoretical calculations. The beta-delayed one-neutron decay was observed to be dominant beta-decay branch of In-134 even though the Gamow-Teller resonance is located substantially above the two-neutron separation energy of Sn-134. Transitions following the beta decay of In-135 are reported for the first time, including. rays tentatively attributed to Sn-135. In total, six new levels were identified in Sn-134 on the basis of the beta.. coincidences observed in the In-134 and In-135 beta decays. A transition that might be a candidate for deexciting the missing neutron single-particle 13/2(+) state in Sn-133 was observed in both beta decays and its assignment is discussed. Experimental level schemes of Sn-134 and Sn-135 are compared with shell-model predictions. Using the fast timing technique, half-lives of the 2(+), 4(+), and 6(+) levels in Sn-134 were determined. From the lifetime of the 4(+) state measured for the first time, an unexpectedly large B(E2; 4(+)-> 2(+)) transition strength was deduced, which is not reproduced by the shell-model calculations.Peer reviewe

    Half-life of the 15/2(+) state of I-135: A test of E2 seniority relations

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    International audienceThe half-life of the 15/2+1 state of the 3-valence-proton nucleus 135I has been measured to be 1.74(8) ns using the EXILL-FATIMA mixed array of Ge and LaBr3 detectors. The nuclei were produced following the cold neutron-induced fission of a 235U target at the PF1B beam line of the Institut Laue-Langevin. The extracted B(E2;15/2+→11/2+) value enabled a test of seniority relations for the first time between E2 transition rates. Large-scale shell-model calculations were performed for 134Te and 135I, and reinterpreted in a single-orbit approach. The results show that the two-body component of the E2 operator can be large whereas energy shifts due to the three-body component of the effective interaction are small

    Study of exotic decay of Cs isotope close to the proton drip line

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    The neutron-deficient 115Cs was produced at ISOLDE, CERN by spallation reaction using 1.4 GeV proton on LaC2 target. The exotic decay modes were studied by using a charged particle array (DSSD and pad detectors) and a γ-detector array (four Clovers) at the ISOLDE decay station (IDS). In this report, results on observed β-delayed particle emission from 115Cs, a nucleus close to proton drip line, is presented. By measuring the time distribution in the delayed proton spectrum, the half-life of the ground state of 115Cs was extracted. The obtained half-life is in agreement with previous reported value. For the first time, the p-unbound states of 115Xe, obtained by measuring beta-delayed protons from 115Cs is reported

    208Po populated through EC/β+decay

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    The structure of 208Po resulting from the EC/β + decay of 208At was studied at CERN’s ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS). The high statistics afforded by the high yield of 208At and the high efficiency HPGe clusters at the IDS allowed for greater insight into lower intensity transitions and thus significant expansion of the 208Po level scheme. Furthermore, investigation into the isomeric state yielded a new half life 377(9) ns in addition to uncovering new transitions populating the state.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 654002. As well as the Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) through grants ST/P005314/1, ST/L005743/1, ST/J000051/1, ST/L005670/1, and ST/P004598/1 and (PHR) by the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) via the National Measurement System. Further funding was provided by the German BMBF under contract 05P18PKCIA and ”Verbundprojekt 05P2018” as well as the Spanish MINECO grant FPA2015-65035-P.Peer reviewe

    New ß-decaying state in 214Bi

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    A new β-decaying state in 214Bi has been identified at the ISOLDE Decay Station at the CERN-ISOLDE facility. A preferred Iπ = (8−) assignment was suggested for this state based on the β-decay feeding pattern to levels in 214Po and shell-model calculations. The half-life of the Iπ = (8−) state was deduced to be T1/2 = 9.39(10) min. The deexcitation of the levels populated in 214Po by the β decay of this state was investigated via γ -γ coincidences and a number of new levels and transitions was identified. Shell-model calculations for excited states in 214Bi and 214Po were performed using two different effective interactions: the H208 and the modified Kuo-Herling particle interaction. Both calculations agree on the interpretation of the new β-decaying state as an Iπ = 8− isomer and allow for tentative assignment of shell-model states to several high-spin states in 214Po.peerReviewe

    New ß-decaying state in 214Bi

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    A new β-decaying state in 214Bi has been identified at the ISOLDE Decay Station at the CERN-ISOLDE facility. A preferred Iπ = (8−) assignment was suggested for this state based on the β-decay feeding pattern to levels in 214Po and shell-model calculations. The half-life of the Iπ = (8−) state was deduced to be T1/2 = 9.39(10) min. The deexcitation of the levels populated in 214Po by the β decay of this state was investigated via γ -γ coincidences and a number of new levels and transitions was identified. Shell-model calculations for excited states in 214Bi and 214Po were performed using two different effective interactions: the H208 and the modified Kuo-Herling particle interaction. Both calculations agree on the interpretation of the new β-decaying state as an Iπ = 8− isomer and allow for tentative assignment of shell-model states to several high-spin states in 214Po.peerReviewe


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    A multi-particle decay experiment was successfully performed at the ISOLDE Decay Station. In this new permanent station, devoted to β-decay studies, the novel MAGISOL Si-Plugin Chamber was installed to study the exotic decay modes of the proton drip-line nucleus 31Ar. The motivation was to search for β3p and β3pγ channels, as well as to provide information on resonances in 30S and 29P relevant for the astrophysical rp-process. Description of the experimental set-up and preliminary results are presented.status: publishe