666 research outputs found

    Results of salt intake restriction monitored with the new sodium control biosensor

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    Adherence to a low sodium (Na) diet is crucial in patients under hemodialysis, as it improves cardiovascular outcomes and reduces thirst and interdialytic weight gain. Recommended salt intake is lower than 5 g/day. The new 6008 CareSystem monitors incorporate a Na module that offers the advantage of estimating patients' salt intake. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of dietary Na restriction for 1 week, monitored with the Na biosensor.A prospective study was conducted in 48 patients who maintained their usual dialysis parameters and were dialyzed with a 6008 CareSystem monitor with activation of the Na module. Total Na balance, pre/postdialysis weight, serum Na (sNa), changes in pre- to post-dialysis sNa (ΔsNa), diffusive balance, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure were compared twice, once after 1 week of patients' usual Na diet and again after another week with more restricted Na intake.Restricted Na intake increased the percentage of patients on a low-sodium diet (<85 Na mmol/day) from 8% to 44%. Average daily Na intake decreased from 149 ± 54 to 95 ± 49 mmol and interdialytic weight gain was reduced by 460 ± 484 g per session. More restricted Na intake also decreased pre-dialysis sNa and increased both intradialytic diffusive balance and ΔsNa. In hypertensive patients, reducing daily sodium by more than 3 g Na/day lowered their systolic blood pressure.The new Na module allowed objective monitoring of Na intake, which in turn could permit more precise personalized dietary recommendations in patients under hemodialysis.S. Karger AG, Basel

    Rescate de patashte (Theobroma bicolor Humb & Bonpl.) y cushta (Theobroma angustifolium) dos especies promisorias en peligro de extinción en El Salvador

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    En El Salvador existen especies vegetales como el patashte (Theobroma bicolor) y la cushta (Theobroma angustifolium) parientes silvestres del cacao, con alto potencial nutritivo para la alimentación y como materia prima para la agroindustria y el desarrollo de productos como chocolate, atoles, snack, entre otros, no obstante, estas especies están en peligro de extinción, por lo que no se cuenta con mucha información técnica. Por tal motivo se realizaron giras de colecta de estas especies, en municipios, con tradición en la producción de cacao a fin de incluir ambas especies en los bancos de germoplasma de cacao que se establecieron como parte del proyecto de rescate de recursos genéticos de cacao. Sin embargo, la situación de ambas especies es crítica por el alto grado de erosión genética, ya que, solamente se lograron obtener muestras de frutos en el cantón Cangrejera, Izalco, Sonsonate. Estas muestras se llevaron al Laboratorio de Química Agrícola de la Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas de La Universidad de El Salvador (UES), a fin de realizar análisis bromatológicos y conocer de manera preliminar su composición química. Asimismo, desarrollar viveros con ambas especies para siembra en las colecciones de la UES. Como resultado se encontraron concentraciones para patashte y cushta de 16.04 y 4.48% de proteína; de 33.81 y 23.93% de grasa; 35.02 y 44.75% de carbohidratos respectivamente. Por otra parte se establecieron plantas de patashte y cushta en el banco de germoplasma del campus universitario, Estación Experimental y de Prácticas (EEP), San Pedro Nonualco y La cooperativa Hacienda Santa Clara, procurando contribuir al rescate de las mismas. Se concluye que ambas especies tienen potencial para consumo directo con preparaciones artesanales y materia prima para elaboración de muchos productos alimenticios nutritivos, e incluirlos en programas de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SAN), por lo que es importante y urgente, proponer y ejecutar estrategias de conservación in situ y ex situ

    Dealing with the health state ‘dead’ when using discrete choice experiments to obtain values for EQ-5D-5L heath states - Springer

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    __Abstract__ __Objective__ : To evaluate two different methods to obtain a dead (0)—full health (1) scale for EQ-5D-5L valuation studies when using discrete choice (DC) modeling. __Method__ : The study was carried out among 400 respondents from Barcelona who were representative of the Spanish population in terms of age, sex, and level of education. The DC design included 50 pairs of health states in five blocks. Participants were forced to choose between two EQ-5D-5L states (A and B). Two extra questions concerned whether A and B were considered worse than dead. Each participant performed ten choice exercises. In addition, values were collected using lead-time trade-off (lead-time TTO), for which 100 states in ten blocks were selected. Each participant performed five lead-time TTO exercises. These consisted of DC models offering the health state ‘dead’ as one of the choices—for which all participants’ responses were used (DCdead)—and a model that included only the responses of participants who chose at least one state as worse than dead (WTD) (DCWTD). The study also estimated DC models rescaled with lead-time TTO data and a lead-time TTO linear model. __Results__ : The DCdead and DCWTD models produced relatively similar results, although the coefficients in the DCdead model were slightly lower. The DC model rescaled with lead-time TTO data produced higher utility decrements. Lead-time TTO produced the highest utility decrements. __Conclusions__: The incorporation of the state ‘dead’ in the DC models produces results in concordance with DC models that do not include ‘dead’

    A Threshold Value for the Time Delay to TB Diagnosis

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    The original publication is available at http:/www.plosone.orgIncludes bibliographyBackgound. In many communities where TB occurs at high incidence, the major force driving the epidemic is transmission. It is plausible that the typical long delay from the onset of infectious disease to diagnosis and commencement of treatment is almost certainly the major factor contributing to the high rate of transmission. Methodology/Principal Findings. This study is confined to communities which are epidemiologically relatively isolated and which have low HIV incidence. The consequences of delays to diagnosis are analyzed and the existence of a threshold delay value is demonstrated. It is shown that unless a sufficient number of cases are detected before this threshold, the epidemic will escalate. The method used for the analysis avoids the standard computer integration of systems of differential equations since the intention is to present a line of reasoning that reveals the essential dynamics of an epidemic in an intuitively clear way that is nevertheless quantitatively realistic. Conclusions/Significance. The analysis presented here shows that typical delays to diagnosis present a major obstacle to the control of a TB epidemic. Control can be achieved by optimizing the rapid identification of TB cases together with measures to increase the threshold value. A calculated and aggressive program is therefore necessary in order to bring about a reduction in the prevalence of TB in a community by decreasing the time to diagnosis in all its ramifications. Intervention strategies to increase the threshold value relative to the time to diagnosis and which thereby decrease disease incidence are discussed. © 2007 Uys et al.Publishers' Versio

    Deletion Mutants of VPg Reveal New Cytopathology Determinants in a Picornavirus

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    BACKGROUND: Success of a viral infection requires that each infected cell delivers a sufficient number of infectious particles to allow new rounds of infection. In picornaviruses, viral replication is initiated by the viral polymerase and a viral-coded protein, termed VPg, that primes RNA synthesis. Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is exceptional among picornaviruses in that its genome encodes 3 copies of VPg. Why FMDV encodes three VPgs is unknown. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: we have constructed four mutant FMDVS that encode only one VPG: either VPg(1), VPg(3), or two chimeric versions containing part of VPg(1) and VPg(3). All mutants, except that encoding only VPg(1), were replication-competent. Unexpectedly, despite being replication-competent, the mutants did not form plaques on BHK-21 cell monolayers. The one-VPg mutant FMDVs released lower amounts of encapsidated viral RNA to the extracellular environment than wild type FMDV, suggesting that deficient plaque formation was associated with insufficient release of infectious progeny. Mutant FMDVs subjected to serial passages in BHK-21 cells regained plaque-forming capacity without modification of the number of copies of VPg. Substitutions in non-structural proteins 2C, 3A and VPg were associated with restoration of plaque formation. Specifically, replacement R55W in 2C was repeatedly found in several mutant viruses that had regained competence in plaque development. The effect of R55W in 2C was to mediate an increase in the extracellular viral RNA release without a detectable increase of total viral RNA that correlated with an enhanced capacity to alter and detach BHK-21 cells from the monolayer, the first stage of cell killing. CONCLUSIONS: The results link the VPg copies in the FMDV genome with the cytopathology capacity of the virus, and have unveiled yet another function of 2C: modulation of picornavirus cell-to-cell transmission. Implications for picornaviruses pathogenesis are discussed

    Geminin-Deficient Neural Stem Cells Exhibit Normal Cell Division and Normal Neurogenesis

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    Neural stem cells (NSCs) are the progenitors of neurons and glial cells during both embryonic development and adult life. The unstable regulatory protein Geminin (Gmnn) is thought to maintain neural stem cells in an undifferentiated state while they proliferate. Geminin inhibits neuronal differentiation in cultured cells by antagonizing interactions between the chromatin remodeling protein Brg1 and the neural-specific transcription factors Neurogenin and NeuroD. Geminin is widely expressed in the CNS during throughout embryonic development, and Geminin expression is down-regulated when neuronal precursor cells undergo terminal differentiation. Over-expression of Geminin in gastrula-stage Xenopus embryos can expand the size of the neural plate. The role of Geminin in regulating vertebrate neurogenesis in vivo has not been rigorously examined. To address this question, we created a strain of Nestin-Cre/Gmnnfl/fl mice in which the Geminin gene was specifically deleted from NSCs. Interestingly, we found no major defects in the development or function of the central nervous system. Neural-specific GmnnΔ/Δ mice are viable and fertile and display no obvious neurological or neuroanatomical abnormalities. They have normal numbers of BrdU+ NSCs in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus, and GmnnΔ/Δ NSCs give rise to normal numbers of mature neurons in pulse-chase experiments. GmnnΔ/Δ neurosphere cells differentiate normally into both neurons and glial cells when grown in growth factor-deficient medium. Both the growth rate and the cell cycle distribution of cultured GmnnΔ/Δ neurosphere cells are indistinguishable from controls. We conclude that Geminin is largely dispensable for most of embryonic and adult mammalian neurogenesis

    Widening of Socioeconomic Inequalities in U.S. Death Rates, 1993–2001

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    Background: Socioeconomic inequalities in death rates from all causes combined widened from 1960 until 1990 in the U.S., largely because cardiovascular death rates decreased more slowly in lower than in higher socioeconomic groups. However, no studies have examined trends in inequalities using recent US national data. Methodology/Principal Findings: We calculated annual age-standardized death rates from 1993–2001 for 25–64 year old non-Hispanic whites and blacks by level of education for all causes and for the seven most common causes of death using death certificate information from 43 states and Washington, D.C. Regression analysis was used to estimate annual percent change. The inequalities in all cause death rates between Americans with less than high school education and college graduates increased rapidly from 1993 to 2001 due to both significant decreases in mortality from all causes, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and other conditions in the most educated and lack of change or increases among the least educated. For white women, the all cause death rate increased significantly by 3.2 percent per year in the least educated and by 0.7 percent per year in high school graduates. The rate ratio (RR) comparing the least versus most educated increased from 2.9 (95 % CI, 2.8–3.1) in 1993 to 4.4 (4.1–4.6) in 2001 among white men, from 2.1 (1.8–2.5) to 3.4 (2.9–3–9) in black men, and from 2.6 (2.4–2.7) to 3.8 (3.6–4.0) in white women. Conclusion: Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality are increasing rapidly due to continued progress by educated whit

    Spatio-temporal distribution of pyrethroids in soil in Mediterranean paddy fields

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    [EN] The demand of rice by the increase in population in many countries has intensified the application of pesticides and the use of poor quality water to irrigate fields. The terrestrial environment is one compartment affected by these situations, where soil is working as a reservoir, retaining organic pollutants. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods to determine insecticides in soil and monitor susceptible areas to be contaminated, applying adequate techniques to remediate them. Materials and methods This study investigates the occurrence of ten pyrethroid insecticides (PYs) and its spatio-temporal variance in soil at two different depths collected in two periods (before plow and during rice production), in a paddy field area located in the Mediterranean coast. Pyrethroids were quantified using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC MS) after ultrasound-assisted extraction with ethyl acetate. The results obtained were assessed statistically using non-parametric methods, and significant statistical differences (p&#8201;<&#8201;0.05) in pyrethroids content with soil depth and proximity to wastewater treatment plants were evaluated. Moreover, a geographic information system (GIS) was used to monitor the occurrence of PYs in paddy fields and detect risk areas. Results and discussion Pyrethroids were detected at concentrations &#8804;57.0 ng g&#8722;1 before plow and &#8804;62.3 ng g&#8722;1 during rice production, being resmethrin and cyfluthrin the compounds found at higher concentrations in soil. Pyrethroids were detected mainly at the top soil, and a GIS program was used to depict the obtained results, showing that effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were the main sources of soil contamination. No toxic effects were expected to soil organisms, but it is of concern that PYs may affect aquatic organisms, which represents the worst case scenario. Conclusions A methodology to determine pyrethroids in soil was developed to monitor a paddy field area. The use of water from WWTPs to irrigate rice fields is one of the main pollution sources of pyrethroids. It is a matter of concern that PYs may present toxic effects on aquatic organisms, as they can be desorbed from soil. Phytoremediation may play an important role in this area, reducing the possible risk associated to PYs levels in soil.Authors wish to thank INIA for the predoctoral fellowship (R. Aznar) and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness RTA2014-00012-C03-01 for financial support and Jonathan Villanueva Martin for his contribution to this work.Aznar, R.; Moreno-Ramón, H.; Albero, B.; Sánchez Brunete, C.; Tadeo, JL. (2016). Spatio-temporal distribution of pyrethroids in soil in Mediterranean paddy fields. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 17(5):1503-1513. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-016-1417-2S15031513175Albaseer SS, Rao RN, Swamy YV, Mukkanti K (2010) An overview of sample preparation and extraction of synthetic pyrethroids from water, sediment and soil. J Chromatogr A 1217(35):5537–5554Alonso MB, Feo ML, Corcellas C, Vidal LG, Bertozzi CP, Marigo J, Secchi ER, Bassoi M, Azevedo AF, Dorneles PR, Torres JPM, Lailson-Brito J, Malm O, Eljarrat E, Barcelo D (2012) Pyrethroids: a new threat to marine mammals? Environ Int 47:99–106Amweg EL, Weston DP, Ureda NM (2005) Use and toxicity of pyrethroid pesticides in the Central Valley, California, USA. Environ Toxicol Chem 24(4):966–972Arias-Estevez M, Lopez-Periago E, Martinez-Carballo E, Simal-Gandara J, Mejuto JC, Garcia-Rio L (2008) The mobility and degradation of pesticides in soils and the pollution of groundwater resources. Agric Eco Environ 123(4):247–260Aznar R, Albero B, Sanchez-Brunete C, Miguel E, Tadeo JL (2014) Multiresidue analysis of insecticides and other selected environmental contaminants in poultry manure by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. J AOAC Int 97(4):978–986Campo J, Masia A, Blasco C, Pico Y (2013) Occurrence and removal efficiency of pesticides in sewage treatment plants of four Mediterranean River Basins. J Hazard Mater 263:146–157European Commission (2002) Review report for the active substance Cyfluthrin, 6843/VI/97-finalEuropean Commission (2004) Review report for the active substance α-Cypermethrin, SANCO/4335/2000-finalEuropean Commission (2005) Review report for the active substance Esfenvalerate, 6846/VI/97-finalFeo ML, Ginebreda A, Eljarrat E, Barcelo D (2010) Presence of pyrethroid pesticides in water and sediments of Ebro River Delta. J Hydrol 393(3-4):156–162Fojut TL, Palumbo AJ, Tjeerdema RS (2012) Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: II. Pyrethroid insecticides. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol 216:51–103Gan J, Lee SJ, Liu WP, Haver DL, KAbashima JN (2005) Distribution and persistence of pyrethroids in runoff sediments. J Environ Qual 34:836–841Hill IR (1985) Aquatic organisms and pyrethroids. Pestic Sci 27:429–465Huang LM, Thompson A, Zhang GL, Chen LM, Han GZ, Gong ZT (2015) The use of chronosequences in studies of paddy soil evolution: a review. Geoderma 237:199–210Katagi T (2004) Photodegradation of pesticides on plant and soil surfaces. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol 182:1–189Laskowski DA (2002) Physical and chemical properties of pyrethroids. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol 174:49–170Mahabali S, Spagnoghe P (2014) Mitigation of two insecticides by wetlands plants: feasibility study for the treatment of agricultural runoff in Suriname (South America). 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    Protocol for the immediate delivery versus expectant care of women with preterm prelabour rupture of the membranes close to term (PPROMT) Trial [ISRCTN44485060]

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    BACKGROUND: Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM) complicates up to 2% of all pregnancies and is the cause of 40% of all preterm births. The optimal management of women with PPROM prior to 37 weeks, is not known. Furthermore, diversity in current clinical practice suggests uncertainty about the appropriate clinical management. There are two options for managing PPROM, expectant management (a wait and see approach) or early planned birth. Infection is the main risk for women in which management is expectant. This risk need to be balanced against the risk of iatrogenic prematurity if early delivery is planned. The different treatment options may also have different health care costs. Expectant management results in prolonged antenatal hospitalisation while planned early delivery may necessitate intensive care of the neonate for problems associated with prematurity. METHODS/DESIGN: We aim to evaluate the effectiveness of early planned birth compared with expectant management for women with PPROM between 34 weeks and 36(6 )weeks gestation, in a randomised controlled trial. A secondary aim is a cost analysis to establish the economic impact of the two treatment options and establish the treatment preferences of women with PPROM close to term. The early planned birth group will be delivered within 24 hours according to local management protocols. In the expectant management group birth will occur after spontaneous labour, at term or when the attending clinician feels that birth is indicated according to usual care. Approximately 1812 women with PPROM at 34–36(6 )weeks gestation will be recruited for the trial. The primary outcome of the study is neonatal sepsis. Secondary infant outcomes include respiratory distress, perinatal mortality, neonatal intensive care unit admission, assisted ventilation and early infant development. Secondary maternal outcomes include chorioamnionitis, postpartum infection treated with antibiotics, antepartum haemorrhage, induction of labour, mode of delivery, maternal satisfaction with care, duration of hospitalisation, and maternal wellbeing at four months postpartum. DISCUSSION: This trial will provide evidence on the optimal care for women with PPROM close to term (34–37 weeks gestation). Consideration of both the clinical and economic sequelae of the management of PPROM will enable informed decision making and guideline development

    Receptor-Specific Mechanisms Regulate Phosphorylation of AKT at Ser473: Role of RICTOR in β1 Integrin-Mediated Cell Survival

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    A tight control over AKT/PKB activation is essential for cells, and they realise this in part by regulating the phosphorylation of Ser473 in the “hydrophobic motif” of the AKT carboxy-terminal region. The RICTOR-mTOR complex (TORC2) is a major kinase for AKT Ser473 phosphorylation after stimulation by several growth factors, in a reaction proposed to require p21-activated kinase (PAK) as a scaffold. However, other kinases may catalyse this reaction in stimuli-specific manners. Here we characterised the requirement of RICTOR, ILK, and PAK for AKT Ser473 phosphorylation downstream of selected family members of integrins, G protein-coupled receptors, and tyrosine-kinase receptors and analysed the importance of this phosphorylation site for adhesion-mediated survival. siRNA-mediated knockdown in HeLa and MCF7 cells showed that RICTOR-mTOR was required for phosphorylation of AKT Ser473, and for efficient phosphorylation of the downstream AKT targets FOXO1 Thr24 and BAD Ser136, in response to β1 integrin-stimulation. ILK and PAK1/2 were dispensable for these reactions. RICTOR knockdown increased the number of apoptotic MCF7 cells on β1 integrin ligands up to 2-fold after 24 h in serum-free conditions. β1 integrin-stimulation induced phosphorylation of both AKT1 and AKT2 but markedly preferred AKT2. RICTOR-mTOR was required also for LPA-induced AKT Ser473 phosphorylation in MCF7 cells, but, interestingly, not in HeLa cells. PAK was needed for the AKT Ser473 phosphorylation in response to LPA and PDGF, but not to EGF. These results demonstrate that different receptors utilise different enzyme complexes to phosphorylate AKT at Ser473, and that AKT Ser473 phosphorylation significantly contributes to β1 integrin-mediated anchorage-dependent survival of cells