49 research outputs found

    Parapatric distribution and sexual competition between two tick species, [i]Amblyomma variegatum[/i] and [i]A. hebraeum[/i] (Acari, Ixodidae), in Mozambique

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    [b]Background[/b]: [i]Amblyomma variegatum[/i] and [i]A. hebraeum[/i] are two ticks of veterinary and human health importance in south-east Africa. In Zimbabwe they occupy parapatric (marginally overlapping and juxtaposed) distributions. Understanding the mechanisms behind this parapatry is essential for predicting the spatio-temporal dynamics of Amblyomma spp. and the impacts of associated diseases. It has been hypothesized that exclusive competition between these species results from competition at the levels of male signal reception (attraction-aggregation-attachment pheromones) or sexual competition for mates. This hypothesis predicts that the parapatry described in Zimbabwe could also be present in other countries in the region. [br/][b]Methods[/b]: To explore this competitive exclusion hypothesis we conducted field surveys at the two species' range limits in Mozambique to identify areas of sympatry (overlapping areas) and to study potential interactions (communicative and reproductive interference effects) in those areas. At sympatric sites, hetero-specific mating pairs were collected and inter-specific attractiveness/repellent effects acting at long and short distances were assessed by analyzing species co-occurrences on co-infested herds and co-infested hosts.[br/] [b]Results[/b]: Co-occurrences of both species at sampling sites were infrequent and localized in areas where both tick and host densities were low. At sympatric sites, high percentages of individuals of both species shared attachment sites on hosts and inter-specific mating rates were high. Although cross-mating rates were not significantly different for[i] A. variegatum[/i] and [i]A. hebraeum[/i] females, attraction towards hetero-specific males was greater for [i]A. hebraeum[/i] females than for A. variegatum females and we observed small asymmetrical repellent effects between males at attachment sites.[br/][b]Conclusions[/b]: Our observations suggest near-symmetrical reproductive interference between [i]A. variegatum[/i] and [i]A. hebraeum[/i], despite between-species differences in the strength of reproductive isolation barriers acting at the aggregation, fixation and partner contact levels. Theoretical models predict that sexual competition coupled with hybrid inviability, greatly reduces the probability of one species becoming established in an otherwise suitable location when the other species is already established. This mechanism can explain why the parapatric boundary in Mozambique has formed within an area of low tick densities and relatively infrequent host-mediated dispersal events

    Purification of native HBHA from Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Paratuberculosis remains today a major global problem in animal health, especially for dairy cattle. However, the diagnosis of its etiologic agent, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), still lacks sensitivity because of the lack of available antigens. Little is known about the virulence factors for this pathogen. In this study we have developed a method to produce and purify the heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA), a major adhesin of Mycobacteria, from a culture of Map. FINDINGS: For this extremely slow-growing Mycobacterium, a culture was established in a 3-liter bioreactor. Using the bioreactor the amount of the Map biomass was increased 5-fold compared to a classical culture in flasks. The map-HBHA was purified from a Map lysate by heparin-Sepharose chromatography on HiTrap columns. Binding of map-HBHA onto heparin-Sepharose can be reduced in the presence of salt. Consequently, all steps of sample preparation and column equilibration were carried out in 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.2). The map-HBHA was eluted by a linear NaCl gradient. High resolution mass spectrometry analyses revealed that the native form of map-HBHA has posttranslational modifications, including the removal of the initiation methionine, acetylation of the alanine residue at the N-terminal extremity and the presence of methylated lysines in the C-terminal domain of the protein. CONCLUSIONS: An optimized culture of Map in a bioreactor was established to purify the native map-HBHA from a Map lysate by heparin-Sepharose chromatography. The availability of this antigen offers the possibility to study the structure of the protein and to examine its role in pathogenicity, in particular to better understand the specific interactions of Map with the intestinal tissue. The map-HBHA obtained in its native immunogenic form may also be useful to improve the diagnostic test, especially for the development of a new T-cell-based interferon gamma release assays

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    Entre COVARS et Une Seule Santé : veille et anticipation des risques sanitaires

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    International audienceLa crise COVID-19, les impacts croissants du changement climatique et de l’effondrement de la biodiversitĂ©, ont Ă©branlĂ© les sociĂ©tĂ©s plus que jamais. Cette situation a crĂ©Ă© un « monde d’aprĂšs » oĂč la mise en Ɠuvre du concept Une seule santĂ© (One Health) est devenue une Ă©vidence mondiale avalisĂ©e rĂ©cemment par l’OMS, l’OMSA, la FAO et le PNUE. Le concept enjoint de raisonner de maniĂšre systĂ©mique et dĂ©cloisonnĂ©e, pour trouver des solutions qui rĂ©pondent Ă  la fois aux questions de santĂ© et aux questions Ă©cologiques, dans la multiplicitĂ© des Ă©chelles auxquelles elles se posent. Thierry Lefrançois, vĂ©tĂ©rinaire, et Patrick Giraudoux, Ă©cologue, le premier intĂ©grĂ© au conseil scientifique COVID19 alors qu’il Ă©tait initialement essentiellement mĂ©dical, et les deux au CoVARS Ă  sa crĂ©ation prĂ©senteront en quoi cet itinĂ©raire est nourri du concept Une seule santĂ©, et les enjeux qu’il reprĂ©sente

    Entre COVARS et Une Seule Santé : veille et anticipation des risques sanitaires

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    International audienceLa crise COVID-19, les impacts croissants du changement climatique et de l’effondrement de la biodiversitĂ©, ont Ă©branlĂ© les sociĂ©tĂ©s plus que jamais. Cette situation a crĂ©Ă© un « monde d’aprĂšs » oĂč la mise en Ɠuvre du concept Une seule santĂ© (One Health) est devenue une Ă©vidence mondiale avalisĂ©e rĂ©cemment par l’OMS, l’OMSA, la FAO et le PNUE. Le concept enjoint de raisonner de maniĂšre systĂ©mique et dĂ©cloisonnĂ©e, pour trouver des solutions qui rĂ©pondent Ă  la fois aux questions de santĂ© et aux questions Ă©cologiques, dans la multiplicitĂ© des Ă©chelles auxquelles elles se posent. Thierry Lefrançois, vĂ©tĂ©rinaire, et Patrick Giraudoux, Ă©cologue, le premier intĂ©grĂ© au conseil scientifique COVID19 alors qu’il Ă©tait initialement essentiellement mĂ©dical, et les deux au CoVARS Ă  sa crĂ©ation prĂ©senteront en quoi cet itinĂ©raire est nourri du concept Une seule santĂ©, et les enjeux qu’il reprĂ©sente

    Epidémiologie de la maladie de West Nile en Tunisie

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    Nous avons cherché à mieux comprendre la situation épidémiologique du virus West Nile (VWN) en Tunisie. Nous avons tout d'abord produit une carte du risque de transmission du VWN aux équidés montrant un risque élevé dans de nombreuses régions, dépendant de facteurs environnementaux : zones humides et climat favorables aux populations d'oiseaux sauvages et de moustiques. Le taux élevé de séroprévalence observé chez les équidés est compatible avec l'hypothÚse d'une circulation endémique du VWN sans exclure la possibilité d'introductions répétées.Une étude complémentaire a démontré l'exposition des oiseaux domestiques, péri-domestiques et sauvages au VWN et a permis d'établir un premier inventaire des espÚces d'oiseaux les plus exposées, pouvant servir de base à un systÚme de surveillance de l'avifaune sauvage en Tunisie.Le suivi sérologique mensuel de poules sentinelles a permis de détecter la circulation du virus en fin de saison chaude (septembre, octobre) à proximité de zones humides pendant une période de forte activité des moustiques et d abondance des oiseaux sauvages. L'occurrence simultanée de cas humains de fiÚvre West Nile (FWN) laisse penser qu'un systÚme de poules sentinelles serait utile pour une alerte précoce de recrudescence de l'activité du VWN.A l'issue de ce travail, nous proposons des pistes pour un systÚme de surveillance multidisciplinaire de la FWN, adapté au contexte tunisien, et devant permettre la détection précoce de toute circulation virale.Our investigations aimed at clarifying some aspects of the West Nile virus (WNV) epidemiological situation in Tunisia, and in particular at identifying areas at high risk of WNV circulation. A major achievement was the establishment of a risk map for the transmission of WNF in horses. This map shows that the risk of transmission strongly depends on environmental factors: increased risk associated to wetlands proximity and climatic factors favourable to wild birds and mosquitoes. The high seroprevalence observed in horses is compatible with an endemic circulation of WNV without excluding the possibility of repeated introductions.Another study in birds showed the exposure of domestic, wild resident and migratory birds to WNV, and helped establishing an initial inventory of bird species most exposed to WNV. These studies can serve as a basis for a monitoring system of wild birds in Tunisia.A system of monthly follow-up of sentinel chickens detected virus circulation at the end of the hot season (September, October), near wetlands and during a period of high mosquito activity, and abundance of wild birds. The simultaneous occurrence of human cases of WNF brought us to suggest that active surveillance in sentinel chickens would be useful for early warning of increased activity of WNV. This work allows us to propose trails for a WNV multidisciplinary monitoring system adapted to the Tunisian situation, enabling early detection of viral circulation.MONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Stratégies innovantes de lutte contre les maladies émergentes animales

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    National audienceSanitary systems are vulnerable vis-a-vis the risks of emergence of animal diseases. Three innovating approaches of control of these diseases in the Caribbean are presented by taking as an exampleheartwater, bacterial tropical fatal disease of the ruminants transmitted by the ticks. An inactivated vaccine was developed and adapted to the industrial conditions. The great diversity ofstrains in the field implies to develop innovative studies of molecular epidemiology. In addition, understanding of virulence mechanisms by high throughput techniques of the genome aims at developing a recombinant vaccine. A surveillance network of nervous diseases of the ruminants was set up in Guadeloupe. A geographical data base to be filed on line by the various actors of the monitoring (veterinarians, laboratory) and consultable by the decision makers and the field actors (veterinary services and association ofbreeders) makes it possible to target the communication and to fight against heartwater. The Caribbean animal health network CaribVET contributes to reinforcing monitoring and control of transboundary animal diseases. The permanent interaction between research and surveillance is shown by the use of mathematical modeling of population dynamics of ticks to target the surveillance or to testvarious strategies of control.Les dispositifs sanitaires sont vulnĂ©rables face aux risques d’émergence de maladies animales. Trois approches innovantes de lutte contre ces maladies dans la CaraĂŻbe sont prĂ©sentĂ©es en prenant comme exemple la cowdriose, maladie bactĂ©rienne tropicale mortelle des ruminants transmise par les tiques. Un vaccin inactivĂ© a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© puis adaptĂ© aux conditions industrielles. La grande diversitĂ© de souches sur le terrain implique de dĂ©velopper des Ă©tudes d’épidĂ©miologie molĂ©culaire innovantes. En complĂ©ment, la comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes de virulence par des techniques haut dĂ©bit d’étude du gĂ©nome visent Ă  dĂ©velopper un vaccin recombinant. Un rĂ©seau de surveillance des pathologies nerveuses chez les ruminants a Ă©tĂ© mis en place en Guadeloupe. Une base de donnĂ©e cartographiĂ©e remplissable en ligne par les diffĂ©rents acteurs de la surveillance (vĂ©tĂ©rinaires, laboratoire) et consultable par les dĂ©cideurs et les acteurs de terrain (services vĂ©tĂ©rinaires et groupement de dĂ©fense sanitaire) permet de cibler la communication et la lutte contre la cowdriose. Le rĂ©seau caribĂ©en de santĂ©animale CaribVET contribue au renforcement de la surveillance et du contrĂŽle des maladies animales transfrontaliĂšres. L’interaction permanente entre recherche et surveillance est dĂ©montrĂ©e par l’utilisation des travaux de modĂ©lisation mathĂ©matique de la dynamique de population de tiques pour cibler la surveillance ou de tester diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies de contrĂŽle