705 research outputs found

    Entanglement of four qubit systems: a geometric atlas with polynomial compass I (the finite world)

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    We investigate the geometry of the four qubit systems by means of algebraic geometry and invariant theory, which allows us to interpret certain entangled states as algebraic varieties. More precisely we describe the nullcone, i.e., the set of states annihilated by all invariant polynomials, and also the so called third secant variety, which can be interpreted as the generalization of GHZ-states for more than three qubits. All our geometric descriptions go along with algorithms which allow us to identify any given state in the nullcone or in the third secant variety as a point of one of the 47 varieties described in the paper. These 47 varieties correspond to 47 non-equivalent entanglement patterns, which reduce to 15 different classes if we allow permutations of the qubits.Comment: 48 pages, 7 tables, 13 figures, references and remarks added (v2

    Conservation planning with spatially explicit models : a case for horseshoe bats in complex mountain landscapes

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    This work was partly Funded by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, France in support of the development of the DEB-MOCHAB project (2013–2015) (Species distribution modelling: a tool for evaluation the conservation of species’ habitats and ecological continuities). This work was also partially supported by the OpenNESS project funded from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 308428.Context Bats are considered as an ecological indicator of habitat quality due to their sensitivity to human-induced ecosystem changes. Hence, we will focus the study on two indicator species of bats as a proxy to evaluate structure and composition of the landscape to analyze anthropic pressures driving changes in patterns. Objectives This study develops a spatially-explicit model to highlight key habitat nodes and corridors which are integral for maintaining functional landscape connectivity for bat movement. We focus on a complex mountain landscape and two bat species: greater (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) and lesser (Rhinolophus hipposideros) horseshoe bats which are known to be sensitive to landscape composition and configuration. Methods Species distribution models are used to delineate high-quality foraging habitat for each species using opportunistic ultrasonic bat data. We then performed connectivity analysis combining (modelled) suitable foraging habitat and (known) roost sites. We use graph-theory and the deviation in the probability of connectivity to quantify resilience of the landscape connectivity to perturbations. Results Both species were confined to lowlands (<1000 m elevation) and avoided areas with high road densities. Greater horseshoe bats were more generalist than lesser horseshoe bats which tended to be associated with broadleaved and mixed forests. Conclusions The spatially-explicit models obtained were proven crucial for prioritizing foraging habitats, roost sites and key corridors for conservation. Hence, our results are being used by key stakeholders to help integrate conservation measures into forest management and conservation planning at the regional level. The approach used can be integrated into conservation initiatives elsewhere.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The effect of experience and instructions on learned attentional biases

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    Afiliaciones: Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn BiomĂ©dica de MĂĄlaga (IBIMA), University of Malaga, Spain Primary Care and Public Health Sciences, King’s College London, UK School of Psychology, UNSW Australia, Sydney, AustraliaIt has been shown that selective attention is allocated to the best available predictor of an outcome, which is known as learned predictiveness. Mitchell et al. (2012) have shown that instructions about the ‘relevance’ of each stimulus can influence (and even reverse) the learned predictiveness attentional bias, suggesting that propositional reasoning plays a crucial role in this phenomenon. Our experiment further explores the effects of instructions on this learned attentional bias. As a difference with previous work, we measured attentional capture through spatial cueing effects, which have been found to rely on rapid attentional processes (Le Pelley et al., 2013). Participants responded faster to events presented in the spatial location cued by stimuli that had previously been trained as predictive through trial-by-trial learning. However, verbal instructions regarding relevance failed to speed up participants’ responses or to modulate the effect of learned predictiveness on spatial cueing. These results suggest that predictive stimuli produce an attentional bias which is not (always) under voluntary control.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Algebraic invariants of five qubits

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    The Hilbert series of the algebra of polynomial invariants of pure states of five qubits is obtained, and the simplest invariants are computed.Comment: 4 pages, revtex. Short discussion of quant-ph/0506073 include

    The role of uncertainty in attentional and choice exploration

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    The exploitation-exploration (EE) trade-off describes how, when making a decision, an organism must often choose between a safe alternative with a known pay-off, and one or more riskier alternatives with uncertain pay-offs. Recently, the concept of the EE trade-off has been extended to the examination of how organisms distribute limited attentional resources between several stimuli. This work suggests that when the rules governing the environment are certain, participants learn to “exploit” by attending preferentially to cues that provide the most information about upcoming events. However, when the rules are uncertain, people “explore” by increasing their attention to all cues that may provide information to help in predicting upcoming events. In the current study, we examine how uncertainty affects the EE trade-off in attention using a contextual two-armed bandit task, where participants explore with both their attention and their choice behavior. We find evidence for an influence of uncertainty on the EE trade-off in both choice and attention. These findings provide support for the idea of an EE trade-off in attention, and that uncertainty is a primary motivator for exploration in both choice and attentional allocation

    Imaging and manipulating pituitary function in the awake mouse

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    International audienceExtensive efforts have been made to explore how the activities of multiple brain cells combine to alter physiology through imaging and cell-specific manipulation in different animal models. However, the temporal regulation of peripheral organs by the neuroendocrine factors released by the brain is poorly understood. We have established a suite of adaptable methodologies to interrogate in vivo the relationship of hypothalamic regulation with the secretory output of the pituitary gland, which has complex functional networks of multiple cell types intermingled with the vasculature. These allow imaging and optogenetic manipulation of cell activities in the pituitary gland in awake mouse models, in which both neuronal regulatory activity and hormonal output are preserved. These methodologies are now readily applicable for longitudinal studies of short-lived events (e.g., calcium signals controlling hormone exocytosis) and slowly evolving processes such as tissue remodeling in health and disease over a period of days to weeks

    Assessing the effect of sample bias correction in species distribution models

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    1. Open-source biodiversity databases contain a large number of species occurrence records but are often spatially biased; which affects the reliability of species distribution models based on these records. Sample bias correction techniques require data filtering which comes at the cost of record numbers, or require considerable additional sampling effort. Since independent data is rarely available, assessment of the correction technique often relies solely on performance metrics computed using subsets of the available – biased – data, which may prove misleading. 2. Here, we assess the extent to which an acknowledged sample bias correction technique is likely to improve models’ ability to predict species distributions in the absence of independent data. We assessed variation in model predictions induced by the aforementioned correction and model stochasticity; the variability between model replicates related to a random component (pseudo-absences sets and cross-validation subsets). We present, then, an index of the effect of correction relative to model stochasticity; the Relative Overlap Index (ROI). We investigated whether the ROI better represented the effect of correction than classic performance metrics (Boyce index, cAUC, AUC and TSS) and absolute overlap metrics (Schoener’s D, Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation coefficients) when considering data related to 64 vertebrate species and 21 virtual species with a generated sample bias. 3. When based on absolute overlaps and cross-validation performance metrics, we found that correction produced no significant effects. When considering its effect relative to model stochasticity, the effect of correction was strong for most species at one of the three sites. The use of virtual species enabled us to verify that the correction technique improved both distribution predictions and the biological relevance of the selected variables at the specific site, when these were not correlated with sample bias patterns. 4. In the absence of additional independent data, the assessment of sample bias correction based on subsample data may be misleading. We propose to investigate both the biological relevance of environmental variables selected, and, the effect of sample bias correction based on its effect relative to model stochasticity. Accessibility maps Cross-validation Performance metrics Overlap Pseudo-absence selection Terrestrial vertebrates Variable selection Virtual speciespublishedVersio

    Neurophysiological evidence of motor preparation in inner speech and the effect of content predictability

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    Self-generated overt actions are preceded by a slow negativity as measured by electroencephalogram, which has been associated with motor preparation. Recent studies have shown that this neural activity is modulated by the predictability of action outcomes. It is unclear whether inner speech is also preceded by a motor-related negativity and inf luenced by the same factor. In three experiments, we compared the contingent negative variation elicited in a cue paradigm in an active vs. passive condition. In Experiment 1, participants produced an inner phoneme, at which an audible phoneme whose identity was unpredictable was concurrently presented. We found that while passive listening elicited a late contingent negative variation, inner speech production generated a more negative late contingent negative variation. In Experiment 2, the same pattern of results was found when participants were instead asked to overtly vocalize the phoneme. In Experiment 3, the identity of the audible phoneme was made predictable by establishing probabilistic expectations. We observed a smaller late contingent negative variation in the inner speech condition when the identity of the audible phoneme was predictable, but not in the passive condition. These findings suggest that inner speech is associated with motor preparatory activity that may also represent the predicted action-effects of covert actions
