174 research outputs found

    Russell and Cassirer as Leibniz’s Interpreters: On the Analytic and Synthetic Nature of Mathematical and Physical Knowledge

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    In this paper, I aim to reconstruct the debate on Leibniz to which Russell’s and Cassirer’s monographs contributed eminently. This task is important both historically and epistemologically. In fact, their interpretations represented the apexes, at least at that time, of the logicist and the neo-Kantian philosophies of mathematics; on the other hand, they also paved the way for later developments of the discussion on the foundations of mathematics. The paper is divided into five sections. The first contained a brief introduction. In the second and third parts, I present Russell’s and Cassirer’s works to explain why they maintained that mathematics is synthetic. In the fourth section, I compare and contrast the reviews that they wrote about their books. Finally, in the fifth section, I propose a perspectivist interpretation of the dispute

    Man and Future: a Palaeontological and Chronological Foundation of Cassirer's Definition of Man as Animal Symbolicum

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    In the present paper, the author aims at laying the foundations of a symbolics of technical gesture, according to the thesis that symbolic faculty is another face of the technological one, and that they are both in truth two sides of the same coin. Accordingly, the author suggests to rename the whole dimension as “meta-environmentality”. The analysis is carried out on the basis of a specific comparison between Cassirer’s definition of “animal symbolicum” and its scientific consistence in the light of modern palaeontology. “Animal symbolicum” is here compared with Leroi-Gourhan’s homo technologicus, and Cassirer’s ideas on human identity tested starting from paleoanthropological data. The result of the inquiry lead us to recognize the urgency of integrating Cassirer’s argument with the primacy of the technological capacity, but a deep analysis of the characterizing attributes of the latter compels us to uphold the symbolic attitude of the technological dimension. The author then sketches a basic description ofthe guidelines of a symbolic theory of technology (especially §§ 6-7), and tries to show how the basic elements of such an approach were familiar both to Cassirer and Leroi-Gourhan. As a consequence of the whole theory, the author elaborates a chronological analysis of human identity, whose basic result is the determination of the future as main temporal dimension of human acting

    Vantaggi e CriticitĂ  di un nuovo metodo per la riabilitazione protesica provvisoria con miniviti in titanio in siti agenesici di pazienti in crescita: studio clinico sperimentale.

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    Abstract: Valutare nei pazienti in crescita con agenesia dei laterali, trattati ortodonticamente con apertura degli spazi, la capacità delle microviti in Titanio (1) di mantenere fino al raggiungimento della età implantare, l’altezza e lo spessore osseo nell’area edentula oltre a riabilitare protesicamente lo spazio agenesico con corona provvisoria. Sono stati valutati 9 pazienti in crescita (10-16 anni) in un arco di tempo che varia da 1 anno (T1) a 5 anni(T2e).Sono state Analizzate le aree di grigi nelle Rx Endorali, perimetrali alle miniviti in titanio per monitorare l’eventuale variazione della densità ossea tra T1 e T2. Si e’ registrato un costante incremento della densità ossea nelle aree adiacenti le miniviti tra T1-T2. Vengono analizzati inoltre le criticità ed i vantaggi della procedura

    The ordering mind. The Goldstein-Cassirer approach to neuropathology and its relevance today

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    In this paper, I will examine the Goldstein-Cassirer approach to neuropathology to determine its current potential for yielding valuable insights. To this end, I will reconstruct the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of such a standpoint in the first four sections. What will emerge is that it entails a definition of pathology as the loss of balance in the adaption of human beings to the environment, leading to a lack of proclivity to categorical behaviour and symbolic performances. Furthermore, we will see that there are behavioural alterations which are not related to the locus of lesions. In the fifth section, I will compare and contrast the holistic stances with current research in neuropsychology. The sixth section is dedicated to conclusive remarks

    Dermoid cyst of the mandibula: a case report

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    Polydeoxyribonucleotide Dermal Infiltration in Male Genital Lichen Sclerosus: Adjuvant Effects during Topical Therapy

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    Background. Lichen sclerosus (LS) is an autoimmune inflammatory skin disease that leads to tissue sclerosis. Actually, the first-line treatment consists of local steroid as clobetasol propionate (CP). Polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects through the reduction of cytokine production and growth stimulation of fibroblast. Objective. To evaluate the efficacy of intradermal administration of PDRN in male patients suffering from genital lichen sclerosus in addition to topical 0.05% CP, as compared to administering 0.05% CP without PDRN injection. Patients/Methods. A group of male patients (n = 28; aged 25 to 65) suffering from LS were observed during topical therapy or subdermal in addition to topical therapy. Disease activity at baseline was evaluated on Investigator’s Global Assessment (IGA) and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). We used polydeoxyribonucleotide in a commercial preparation for human use and a topical CP emulsion. Results. After therapy, in all group A patients there has been a regression of most of clinical pathological signs, while there has been a moderate improvement in all group B patients. Conclusions. On site intradermal administration of PDRN, associated with CP 0.05% cream, seemed to be associated with a clinical improvement of lichen sclerosus better than CP used in single therapy

    Oral benign fibrous histiocytoma: two case reports

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    Fibrous histiocytoma is a benign soft tissue tumour arising as a fibrous mass everywhere in the human body. The involvement of the oral cavity is rare. We report two cases of benign fibrous histiocytoma that localized in the oral cavity. The clinical and histological features of the lesion are reported. Finally, a literature revision of this pathology at the level of the oral cavity is reported

    Oral manifestations in chronic uremia patients

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    The incidence of chronic renal failure (CRF) is approximately 200 cases per million people in different Western countries. Recent data indicate that the incidences of these pathologies are increasing. Ninety percent of patients with CRF report oral signs and symptoms that affect both the bone and soft tissues. A broad range of lesions may be observed in chronic uratemia patients, including the following: gingival hyperplasia, enamel hypoplasia, petechiae, gingival bleeding, and others lesions. These patients require various types of treatment ranging from dietary and lifestyle changes to dialysis and kidney transplantation. CRF often leads to multiple oral manifestations that are difficult for dentists to manage. The present study examined the characteristics of this disease, the existing therapeutic options and the relevant considerations for dental professionals. The incidence of chronic renal failure (CRF) is approximately 200 cases per million people in different Western countries. Recent data indicate that the incidences of these pathologies are increasing. Ninety percent of patients with CRF report oral signs and symptoms that affect both the bone and soft tissues. A broad range of lesions may be observed in chronic uratemia patients, including the following: gingival hyperplasia, enamel hypoplasia, petechiae, gingival bleeding, and others lesions. These patients require various types of treatment ranging from dietary and lifestyle changes to dialysis and kidney transplantation. CRF often leads to multiple oral manifestations that are difficult for dentists to manage. The present study examined the characteristics of this disease, the existing therapeutic options and the relevant considerations for dental professionals

    Oral manifestations in chronic uremia patients

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    The incidence of chronic renal failure (CRF) is approximately 200 cases per million people in different Western countries. Recent data indicate that the incidences of these pathologies are increasing. Ninety percent of patients with CRF report oral signs and symptoms that affect both the bone and soft tissues. A broad range of lesions may be observed in chronic uratemia patients, including the following: gingival hyperplasia, enamel hypoplasia, petechiae, gingival bleeding, and others lesions. These patients require various types of treatment ranging from dietary and lifestyle changes to dialysis and kidney transplantation. CRF often leads to multiple oral manifestations that are difficult for dentists to manage. The present study examined the characteristics of this disease, the existing therapeutic options and the relevant considerations for dental professionals
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