14 research outputs found

    National Human Rights Institutions: Independent actors in global human rights governance?

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    Security and Global Affair

    Produção e qualidade de frutos de tomateiro cultivado em substrato com zeólita Yield and fruit quality of tomato grown in substrate with zeolite

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    Avaliou-se a produção e a qualidade dos frutos de tomateiro cv. Finestra, cultivado em substrato com zeólita enriquecida com N, P e K. Os tratamentos utilizados foram quatro doses (20; 40; 80 e 160 g por vaso) de zeólitas enriquecidas com H3PO4/apatita, KNO3 e KH2PO4, além de uma testemunha cultivada em solução nutritiva. Foram avaliados a produção de frutos por vaso, firmeza, sólidos totais, pH, acidez titulável e ácido ascórbico dos frutos, dos 80 aos 90 dias de cultivo. O fornecimento de nutrientes através do mineral zeólita enriquecido com N, P e K comprovou ser uma alternativa para o aumento da produção. As maiores produções foram obtidas nos tratamentos com adição de P e K e nas maiores doses de zeólita (160 e 80 g por vaso). A produção de frutos foi 11 a 17% maior em relação à testemunha cultivada com solução nutritiva. Houve efeitos positivos das zeólitas enriquecidas com fontes de fósforo sobre a firmeza e efeito negativo sobre o pH. A firmeza dos frutos variou 104% entre tratamentos, de 7,06 N (ZNK 160) a 14,38 (ZPK 40). O aumento da disponibilidade de potássio contribuiu para o aumento do teor de ácido ascórbico dos frutos.<br>We evaluated yield and quality of tomato fruits, cv. Finestra, grown in a zeolite substrate enriched with N, P and K. Treatments comprised four levels (20; 40; 80 and 160 g per pot) of zeolite enriched with H3PO4/apatite, KNO3 and KH2PO4, and a control grown in a nutrient solution. Fruit production, firmness, total soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid were evaluated from 80 to 90 days of plant cultivation. Nutrients supplied through the mineral zeolite enriched with N, P and K was an adequate alternative to increase the production. Higher fruit production was obtained with addition of P and K and higher zeolite dosis (160 and 80 g per pot). Fruit production was 11% and 17% higher when compared to the plants grown in nutritive solution (check treatment). Positive effects were observed in P-enriched zeolites in relation to fruit firmness, and negative effects over fruit pH. Fruit firmness varied 104% among treatments, from 7.06N (ZNK 160) to 14.38N (ZPK 40). The increase of potassium availablity increased the ascorbic acid levels of the fruits

    Telemedicine in Neuromuscular Diseases During Covid-19 Pandemic: ERN-NMD European Survey

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    Background: Telemedicine (TM) contributes to bridge the gap between healthcare facilities and patients' homes with neuromuscular disease (NMD) because of mobility issues. However, its deployment is limited due to difficulties evaluating subtle neurological signs such as mild weakness or sensory deficits. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted healthcare delivery worldwide, necessitating rapid measures implementation by health care providers (HCPs) to protect patients from acquiring SARS-CoV-2 while maintaining the best care and treatment. Objectives: Given the challenges faced by remote healthcare assistance of NMD patients, we aim to evaluate the use of TM in NMD during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Based on the Model for Assessment-of-Telemedicine-Applications (MAST), we conducted a survey amongst clinicians of the ERN EURO NMD (European-Reference-Network-for-Rare-Neuromuscular-Diseases). Results: Based on 42 responses over 76 expected ones, our results show that the COVID-19 pandemic significantly increased the number of HCPs using TM (from 60% to 100%). The TM types most used during the COVID-19 period are teleconsultation and consultation by phone, particularly in the context of symptoms worsening in NMD patients with COVID-19 infection. Most European HCPs were satisfied when using TM but as a complementary option to physical consultations. Many responses addressed the issue of technical aspects needing improvement, particularly for elderly patients who need caregivers' assistance for accessing the TM platform. Conclusions: TM has been essential during COVID-19, but its use still presents some limitations for NMD patients with cognitive deficits or for first-time diagnosis. Thus, TM should be used as complement to, rather than substitute, for face-to-face consultations