909 research outputs found

    Grooming coercion and the post-conflict trading of social services in wild Barbary macaques

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    In animal and human societies, social services such as protection from predators are often exchanged between group members. The tactics that individuals display to obtain a service depend on its value and on differences between individuals in their capacity to aggressively obtain it. Here we analysed the exchange of valuable social services (i.e. grooming and relationship repair) in the aftermath of a conflict, in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). The relationship repair function of post-conflict affiliation (i.e. reconciliation) was apparent in the victim but not in the aggressor. Conversely, we found evidence for grooming coercion by the aggressor; when the victim failed to give grooming soon after a conflict they received renewed aggression from the aggressor. We argue that post-conflict affiliation between former opponents can be better described as a trading of social services rather than coercion alone, as both animals obtain some benefits (i.e. grooming for the aggressor and relationship repair for the victim). Our study is the first to test the importance of social coercion in the aftermath of a conflict. Differences in competitive abilities can affect the exchange of services and the occurrence of social coercion in animal societies. This may also help explain the variance between populations and species in their social behaviour and conflict management strategies

    Consensus-based statements for the management of mitochondrial stroke-like episodes [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

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    BACKGROUND: Focal-onset seizures and encephalopathy are prominent features of a stroke-like episode, which is a severe neurological manifestation associated with subtypes of mitochondrial disease. Despite more than 30 years of research, the acute treatment of stroke-like episodes remains controversial. METHODS: We used the modified Delphi process to harness the clinical expertise of a group of mitochondrial disease specialists from five European countries to produce consensus guidance for the acute management of stroke-like episodes and commonly associated complications. RESULTS: Consensus on a new definition of mitochondrial stroke-like episodes was achieved and enabled the group to develop diagnostic criteria based on clinical features, neuroimaging and/or electroencephalogram findings. Guidelines for the management of strokelike episodes were agreed with aggressive seizure management strongly recommended at the outset of stroke-like episodes. CONCLUSIONS: Our consensus statement defines stroke-like episodes in terms of an epileptic encephalopathy and we have used this to revise both diagnostic criteria and guidelines for management. A prospective, multi-centre, randomised controlled trial is required for evaluating the efficacy of any compound on modifying the trajectory of stroke-like episodes

    Seeing two faces together: preference formation in humans and rhesus macaques

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    Humans, great apes and old world monkeys show selective attention to faces depending on conspecificity, familiarity, and social status supporting the view that primates share similar face processing mechanisms. Although many studies have been done on face scanning strategy in monkeys and humans, the mechanisms influencing viewing preference have received little attention. To determine how face categories influence viewing preference in humans and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), we performed two eye-tracking experiments using a visual preference task whereby pairs of faces from different species were presented simultaneously. The results indicated that viewing time was significantly influenced by the pairing of the face categories. Humans showed a strong bias towards an own-race face in an Asian–Caucasian condition. Rhesus macaques directed more attention towards non-human primate faces when they were paired with human faces, regardless of the species. When rhesus faces were paired with faces from Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) or chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), the novel species’ faces attracted more attention. These results indicate that monkeys’ viewing preferences, as assessed by a visual preference task, are modulated by several factors, species and dominance being the most influential

    A study on torsional vibration attenuation in automotive drivetrains using absorbers with smooth and non-smooth nonlinearities

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    The automotive industry is predominantly driven by legislations on stringent emissions. This has led to the introduction of downsized engines, incorporating turbocharging to maintain output power. As downsized engines have higher combustion pressures, the resulting torsional oscillations (engine order vibrations) are of broadband nature with an increasing severity, which affect noise and vibration response of the drive train system. Palliative devices, such as clutch pre-dampers and dual mass flywheel have been used to mitigate the effect of transmitted engine torsional oscillations. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of these palliative measures is confined to a narrow band of response frequencies. The nonlinear targeted energy transfer is a promising approach to study vibration mitigation within a broader range of frequencies, using nonlinear vibration absorbers (or nonlinear energy sinks – NESs). These devices would either redistribute vibration energy within the modal space of the primary structure, thus dissipating the vibrational energy more efficiently through structural damping, or passively absorb and locally dissipate a part of this energy (in a nearly irreversible manner) from the primary structure. The absence of a linear resonance frequency of an NES, enables its broadband operation (in contrast to the narrowband operation of current linear tuned mass dampers). Parametric studies are reported to determine the effectiveness of various smooth or non-smooth nonlinear stiffness characteristics of such absorbers. A reduced drivetrain model, incorporating single and multiple absorber attachments is used and comparison of the predictions to numerical integrations proves its efficacy

    On the effect of multiple parallel nonlinear absorbers in palliation of torsional response of automotive drivetrain

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    Torsional vibrations transmitted from the engine to the drivetrain system induce a plethora of noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) concerns, such a transmission gear rattle and clutch in-cycle vibration, to name but a few. The main elements of these oscillations are variations in the inertial imbalance and the constituents of combustion power torque, collectively referred to as engine order vibration. To attenuate the effect of these transmitted vibrations and their oscillatory effects in the drive train system, a host of palliative measures are employed in practice, such as clutch pre-dampers, slipping discs, dual mass flywheel and others, all of which operate effectively over a narrow band of frequencies and have various unintended repercussions. These include increased powertrain inertia, installation package space and cost. This paper presents a numerical study of the use of multiple Nonlinear Energy Sinks (NES) as a means of attenuating the torsional oscillations for an extended frequency range and under transient vehicle manoeuvres. Frequency–Energy Plots (FEP) are used to obtain the nonlinear absorber parameters for multiple NES coupled in parallel to the clutch disc of a typical drivetrain configuration. The results obtained show significant reduction in the oscillations of the transmission input shaft, effective over a broad range of response frequencies. It is also noted that the targeted reduction of the acceleration amplitude of the input shaft requires significantly lower NES inertia, compared with the existing palliative measures

    TOM40 Mediates Mitochondrial Dysfunction Induced by α-Synuclein Accumulation in Parkinson's Disease.

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    Alpha-synuclein (α-Syn) accumulation/aggregation and mitochondrial dysfunction play prominent roles in the pathology of Parkinson's disease. We have previously shown that postmortem human dopaminergic neurons from PD brains accumulate high levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions. We now addressed the question, whether alterations in a component of the mitochondrial import machinery -TOM40- might contribute to the mitochondrial dysfunction and damage in PD. For this purpose, we studied levels of TOM40, mtDNA deletions, oxidative damage, energy production, and complexes of the respiratory chain in brain homogenates as well as in single neurons, using laser-capture-microdissection in transgenic mice overexpressing human wildtype α-Syn. Additionally, we used lentivirus-mediated stereotactic delivery of a component of this import machinery into mouse brain as a novel therapeutic strategy. We report here that TOM40 is significantly reduced in the brain of PD patients and in α-Syn transgenic mice. TOM40 deficits were associated with increased mtDNA deletions and oxidative DNA damage, and with decreased energy production and altered levels of complex I proteins in α-Syn transgenic mice. Lentiviral-mediated overexpression of Tom40 in α-Syn-transgenic mice brains ameliorated energy deficits as well as oxidative burden. Our results suggest that alterations in the mitochondrial protein transport machinery might contribute to mitochondrial impairment in α-Synucleinopathies

    Neurobiological Mechanisms That Contribute to Stress-related Cocaine Use

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    The ability of stressful life events to trigger drug use is particularly problematic for the management of cocaine addiction due to the unpredictable and often uncontrollable nature of stress. For this reason, understanding the neurobiological processes that contribute to stress-related drug use is important for the development of new and more effective treatment strategies aimed at minimizing the role of stress in the addiction cycle. In this review we discuss the neurocircuitry that has been implicated in stress-induced drug use with an emphasis on corticotropin releasing factor actions in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and an important pathway from the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis to the VTA that is regulated by norepinephrine via actions at beta adrenergic receptors. In addition to the neurobiological mechanisms that underlie stress-induced cocaine seeking, we review findings suggesting that the ability of stressful stimuli to trigger cocaine use emerges and intensifies in an intake-dependent manner with repeated cocaine self-administration. Further, we discuss evidence that the drug-induced neuroadaptations that are necessary for heightened susceptibility to stress-induced drug use are reliant on elevated levels of glucocorticoid hormones at the time of cocaine use. Finally, the potential ability of stress to function as a “stage setter” for drug use – increasing sensitivity to cocaine and drug-associated cues – under conditions where it does not directly trigger cocaine seeking is discussed. As our understanding of the mechanisms through which stress promotes drug use advances, the hope is that so too will the available tools for effectively managing addiction, particularly in cocaine addicts whose drug use is stress-driven

    Targeted Energy Transfer and Modal Energy Redistribution in Automotive Drivetrains

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    The new generations of compact high output power-to-weight ratio internal combustion engines generate broadband torsional oscillations, transmitted to lightly damped drivetrain systems. A novel approach to mitigate these untoward vibrations can be the use of nonlinear absorbers. These act as Nonlinear Energy Sinks (NESs). The NES is coupled to the primary (drivetrain) structure, inducing passive irreversible targeted energy transfer (TET) from the drivetrain system to the NES. During this process, the vibration energy is directed from the lower-frequency modes of the structure to the higher ones. Thereafter, vibrations can be either dissipated through structural damping or consumed by the NES. This paper uses a lumped parameter model of an automotive driveline to simulate the effect of TET and the assumed modal energy redistribution. Significant redistribution of vibratory energy is observed through TET. Furthermore, the integrated optimization process highlights the most effective configuration and parametric evaluation for use of NES