1,109 research outputs found

    Spectra of dynamical Dark Energy cosmologies from constant-w models

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    WMAP5 and related data have greatly restricted the range of acceptable cosmologies, by providing precise likelihood ellypses on the the w_0-w_a plane. We discuss first how such ellypses can be numerically rebuilt, and present then a map of constant-w models whose spectra, at various redshift, are expected to coincide with acceptable models within ~1%

    Observational constraints on thawing quintessence models

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    We use a dynamical systems approach to study thawing quintessence models, using a multi-parameter extension of the exponential potential which can approximate the form of typical thawing potentials. We impose observational constraints using a compilation of current data, and forecast the tightening of constraints expected from future dark energy surveys, as well as discussing the relation of our results to analytical constraints already in the literature.Comment: 6 pages MNRAS style with 8 figures included. Minor updates to match MNRAS accepted versio

    High accuracy power spectra including baryonic physics in dynamical Dark Energy models

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    The next generation mass probes will obtain information on non--linear power spectra P(k,z) and their evolution, allowing us to investigate the nature of Dark Energy. To exploit such data we need high precision simulations, extending at least up to scales of k 10 h/Mpc, where the effects of baryons can no longer be neglected. In this paper, we present a series of large scale hydrodynamical simulations for LCDM and dynamical Dark Energy (dDE) models, in which the equation of state parameter is z-dependent. The simulations include gas cooling, star formation and Supernovae feedback. They closely approximate the observed star formation rate and the observationally derived star/Dark Matter mass ratio in collapsed systems. Baryon dynamics cause spectral shifts exceeding 1% at k > 2-3 h/Mpc compared to pure n-body simulations in the LCDM simulations. This agrees with previous studies, although we find a smaller effect (~50%) on the power spectrum amplitude at higher k's. dDE exhibits similar behavior, even though the dDE simulations produce ~20% less stars than the analogous LCDM cosmologies. Finally, we show that the technique introduced in Casarini et al. to obtain spectra for any w(z)w(z) cosmology from constant-w models at any redshift still holds when gas physics is taken into account. While this relieves the need to explore the entire functional space of dark energy state equations, we illustrate a severe risk that future data analysis could lead to misinterpretation of the DE state equation.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, minor changes to match the accepted version, MNRAS in pres

    República del Perú: Evaluación de la gobernabilidad política

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    Como en la mayoría de los Estados democráticos actuales, en el Perú el sistema político ha evolucionado de estructuras de gobierno caracterizadas por la concentración del poder político y la relativa exclusión de la mayoría de la población del proceso decisorio, a sistemas más inclusivos que tienden a agregar de manera más efectiva los intereses de las mayorías como consecuencia de una mayor competición entre los actores políticos. La conjugación de factores geográficos, culturales, sociales, económicos propios de la historia y evolución política peruana hicieron que en los comienzos de su vida republicana ostentara un grado importante de concentración de poder y bajos niveles de competición política. La existencia de controles leves y apenas formales sobre el Poder Ejecutivo, y un tipo de contienda política caracterizada por el faccionalismo, hizo que los distintos grupos que competían por influencia lo hicieran para promover agendas particulares en detrimento del interés general. Desde los años sesenta ha habido procesos de transformación política. Sin embargo, el aumento de la participación y de la diversidad de opciones políticas no ha bastado para desarrollar un tejido jurídicoinstitucional que conduzca a la eliminación de las desigualdades históricas y a la promoción del desarrollo económico y social sostenible. Esta incapacidad del sistema político peruano tuvo y tiene sus raíces en el carácter faccional de la competición política (Gráfico 1), el cual se ha traducido en una excesiva concentración del poder político que se expresa en un centralismo exacerbado, la concentración de la toma de decisiones en la presidencia, la ineficacia de los mecanismos de rendición de cuentas en el ámbito político, social y judicial, y en las marcadas desigualdades sociales.Perú, Poder Ejecutivo, Estado democrático

    Observational constraints on an interacting dark energy model

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    We use observations of cosmic microwave background anisotropies, supernova luminosities and the baryon acoustic oscillation signal in the galaxy distribution to constrain the cosmological parameters in a simple interacting dark energy model with a time-varying equation of state. Using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain technique we determine the posterior likelihoods. Constraints from the individual data sets are weak, but the combination of the three data sets confines the interaction constant Γ\Gamma to be less than 23% of the expansion rate of the Universe H0H_0; at 95% CL 0.23<Γ/H0<+0.15-0.23 < \Gamma/H_0 < +0.15. The CMB acoustic peaks can be well fitted even if the interaction rate is much larger, but this requires a larger or smaller (depending on the sign of interaction) matter density today than in the non-interacting model. Due to this degeneracy between the matter density and the interaction rate, the only observable effect on the CMB is a larger or smaller integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect. While SN or BAO data alone do not set any direct constraints on the interaction, they exclude the models with very large matter density, and hence indirectly constrain the interaction rate when jointly analysed with the CMB data. To enable the analysis described in this paper, we present in a companion paper [arXiv:0907.4981] a new systematic analysis of the early radiation era solution to find the adiabatic initial conditions for the Boltzmann integration.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures. V2: Improved typography (2-column format); References and a motivation of CPL parametrization added; Accepted by MNRA

    Flora etnobotánica promisoria empleada por la comunidad de Cuspón, Ancash, Perú

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    A través de la historia el recurso Flora ha sido empleada para satisfacer las más sublimes necesidades a nivel mundial; tal es el caso de las comunidades Andino- Amazónicas, sobre todo, quienes han sabido emplear especies desconocidas aún por el resto de la sociedad, pero de gran valor, constituyéndose como promisorias.  La presente investigación se avocó a determinar la Flora etnobotánica promisoria empleada por la Comunidad de Cuspón, Chiquián, Bolognesi, Ancash, Perú, 2019. Se aplicaron 150 entrevistas semi-estructuradas, para recabar información referente a: taxonomía, nombres vulgares, hábito o porte, hábitat, forma de propagación, parte utilizada y uso etnobotánico, para luego determinar el Índice Cultural (IC) de las especies promisorias de Cuspón. Los resultados se plasmaron analíticamente en tablas y gráficos. Se reporta para la Comunidad de Cuspón un total de 10 especies promisorias; distribuidas en 10 géneros y 10 familias botánicas; enmarcadas dentro de 6 categorías de uso etnobotánico. Siendo las especies de Flora promisorias, más empleadas por el poblador de Cúspón: Juglans neotropica Diels (IC=0,92), Carica candicans A.Gray (IC=0,90), Minthostachys mollis (Benth.) Griseb.  (IC=0,85), Passiflora mollissima (Kunth) L.H.Bailey (IC=0,60), Xanthium catharticum Kunth (IC= 0,52)

    Modelling non-linear redshift-space distortions in the galaxy clustering pattern: systematic errors on the growth rate parameter

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    We investigate the ability of state-of-the-art redshift-space distortions models for the galaxy anisotropic two-point correlation function \xi(r_p, \pi), to recover precise and unbiased estimates of the linear growth rate of structure f, when applied to catalogues of galaxies characterised by a realistic bias relation. To this aim, we make use of a set of simulated catalogues at z = 0.1 and z = 1 with different luminosity thresholds, obtained by populating dark-matter haloes from a large N-body simulation using halo occupation prescriptions. We examine the most recent developments in redshift-space distortions modelling, which account for non-linearities on both small and intermediate scales produced respectively by randomised motions in virialised structures and non-linear coupling between the density and velocity fields. We consider the possibility of including the linear component of galaxy bias as a free parameter and directly estimate the growth rate of structure f. Results are compared to those obtained using the standard dispersion model, over different ranges of scales.We find that the model of Taruya et al. (2010), the most sophisticated one considered in this analysis, provides in general the most unbiased estimates of the growth rate of structure, with systematic errors within 4% over a wide range of galaxy populations spanning luminosities between L > L* and L > 3L*. The scale-dependence of galaxy bias plays a role on recovering unbiased estimates of f when fitting quasi non-linear scales. Its effect is particularly severe for most luminous galaxies, for which systematic effects in the modelling might be more difficult to mitigate and have to be further investigated. [...]Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Aspectos etnobotánicos de Cuspón, Perú: Una comunidad campesina que utiliza 57 especies de plantas en sus diversas necesidades

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    It is known that the Andean-Amazon communities throughout history have made a correct and effective use of its floristic resources, which by intelligently domesticating them have become true contributions of Peru for humanity. For this reason, this research focused on determining the aspects ethnobotanicals of the species used by the Cuspon Peasant Community. 150 semi-structured interviews were applied, to collect information regarding: taxonomy, common names, habit or bearing, habitat, way of propagation, part used and ethnobotanical use, to later determine the Cultural Index (CI). The Cuspon community uses 57 species of plants distributed in 48 genera and 30 families; the most representative being the Asteraceaes (11), solanaceae (4), Euphorbiaceae (3), Malvaceae (3), Onagraceae (3) and Urticaceae (3); and the most species Important: Solanum tuberosum L. "potato" (IC = 1.33), Zea mays L. "corn" (IC = 1.31), Chenopodium quinoa Willd. "quinoa" (IC = 1.06), Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) Kuntze "tara" (IC = 0.97), Capsicum pubescens Ruiz &amp; Pav. "rocoto" (IC = 0.95), Juglans neotropica Diels "walnut" (IC = 0.92), Alnus acuminata Kunth "alder" (IC = 0.86), Cestrum auriculatum L'Hér. "holy grass", Minthostachys mollis (Benth.) Griseb. "muña" (IC = 0.85).Se sabe que las comunidades Andino-Amazónicas a través de la historia han hecho un correcto y eficaz uso de sus recursos florísticos, que al domesticarlas inteligentemente se han constituido en verdaderos aportes del Perú para la humanidad. Por ello esta investigación se avocó a determinar los aspectos etnobotánicos de las especies empleadas por la Comunidad Campesina de Cuspón. Se aplicaron 150 entrevistas semi-estructuradas, para recabar información referente a: taxonomía, nombres vulgares, hábito o porte, hábitat, forma de propagación, parte utilizada y uso etnobotánico, para luego determinar el Índice Cultural (IC). La comunidad de Cuspón utiliza en sus más diversas necesidades 57 especies de plantas distribuidas en 48 géneros y 30 familias; siendo las más representativas las Asteraceaes (11), solanaceae (4), Euphorbiaceae (3), Malvaceae (3), Onagraceae (3) y Urticaceae (3); y las especies más importantes: Solanum tuberosum L. "papa" (IC = 1,33), Zea mays L. "maíz" (IC = 1,31), Chenopodium quinoa Willd. "quinua" (IC = 1,06), Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) Kuntze "talla" (IC = 0,97), Capsicum pubescens Ruiz &amp; Pav. "rocoto" (IC = 0,95), Juglans neotropica Diels "nogal" (IC = 0,92), Alnus acuminata Kunth "aliso" (IC = 0,86), Cestrum auriculatum L'Hér. "hierba santa", Minthostachys mollis (Benth.) Griseb. "muña" (IC = 0,85)

    Immunohistochemical localization of fibronectin as a tool for the age determination of human skin wounds

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    We analyzed the distribution of fibronectin in routinely embedded tissue specimens from 53 skin wounds and 6 postmortem wounds. In postmortem wounds a faint but focal positive staining was exclusively found at the margin of the specimens which dit not extend into the adjacent stroma. Vital wounds were classified into 3 groups. The first comprising lesions with wound ages ranging from a few seconds to 30 min, the second comprising those with wound ages upt to 3 weeks, and the third group with lesions more than 3 weeks old. Ten out of 17 lesions with a wound age up to 30 min showed a clear positive reaction within the wound area. Three specimens in this group were completely negative, while in 4 additional cases the result was not significantly different from postmortem lesions. These 7 cases were characterized by acute death with extremely short survival times (only seconds). In wounds up to 3 weeks old fibronectin formed a distinct network containing an increasing number of inflammatory cells corresponding to the wound age. In 2 cases with a survival time of 17 days and in all wounds older than 3 weeks fibronectin was restricted to the surface of fibroblasts and to parallel arranged fibers in the granulation tissue without any network structures. We present evidence that fibronectin is a useful marker for vital wounds with a survival time of more than a few minutes. Fibronectin appears before neutrophilic granulocytes migrate into the wound area. Since a faint positive fibronectin staining is seen in postmortem lesions and bleedings, we propose that only those wounds which show strong positive fibronectin staining also extending into the adjacent stroma should be regarded as vital

    Stability analysis of agegraphic dark energy in Brans-Dicke cosmology

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    Stability analysis of agegraphic dark energy in Brans-Dicke theory is presented in this paper. We constrain the model parameters with the observational data and thus the results become broadly consistent with those expected from experiment. Stability analysis of the model without best fitting shows that universe may begin from an unstable state passing a saddle point and finally become stable in future. However, with the best fitted model, There is no saddle intermediate state. The agegraphic dark energy in the model by itself exhibits a phantom behavior. However, contribution of cold dark matter on the effective energy density modifies the state of teh universe from phantom phase to quintessence one. The statefinder diagnosis also indicates that the universe leaves an unstable state in the past, passes the LCDM state and finally approaches the sable state in future.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure