4,083 research outputs found

    Intervenciones asistidas con animales, ¿un vacío legal?

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    Descripció del recurs: 14 abril 2011.Treball presentat a la Facultat de Veterinària de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Síntese de pigmentos inorgânicos azuis com base em lama de anodização de alumínio

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de MateriaisEste trabalho descreve a formulação de um novo pigmento inorgânico baseado na estrutura da hibonite, Ca(Al, Co, Sn/Ti)12O19, dopada com cobalto e titânio. É usada uma segunda fase, a anortite (CaAl2Si2O8) que actua como agente mineralizador no processamento do pigmento por reacção no estado sólido. O mecanismo responsável pelo desenvolvimento da cor parece estar associado à presença de iões Co2+ em coordenação tetraédrica. A exigência de baixas concentrações de espécie cromófora torna esta formulação uma alternativa interessante aos pigmentos azuis baseados em cobalto (ex: Co2SiO4), reduzindo significativamente os custos e mantendo uma boa qualidade cromática. Foram preparados pigmentos a partir de reagentes puros (comerciais), mas testaram-se também formulações com lama de anodização do alumínio como fonte alternativa de alumínio. A capacidade corante das formulações mais promissoras foi aferida num vidrado transparente brilhante, vulgarmente utilizado em revestimento cerâmico (ex: monoporosa), e numa pasta de grés. As condições de trabalho e o desenvolvimento da cor foram discutidos no presente trabalho.This work describes the formulation of a new blue ceramic pigment based on cobalt and tin/titanium-doped hibonite, Ca(Al, Co, Sn/Ti)12O19 phase. Anorthite, CaAl2Si2O8, is the secondary phase acting as fluxing/mineralising agent in the solid state reaction process followed. The mechanism responsible for the colour development seems to be the occurrence of Co2+ ions in tetrahedral sites. Since relatively low chromophore contents are required, this new system can be an interesting alternative to the common cobalt-based blue pigments (e.g. Co2SiO4), with significant cost reduction but keeping its chromatic quality. Standard batches were prepared from commercial pure-grade reagents, but another set uses Al-anodising sludge as source of aluminium. Optimised formulations were tested in both a standard ceramic glaze and in ceramic bodies. Typical working conditions and colour development are discussed in the final part of the work

    Linking surgical specimen length and examined lymph nodes in colorectal cancer patients.

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    AbstractAimThe number of examined lymph nodes (NLN) was associated with survival of stages II and III colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Guidelines recommend examining at least 12 lymph nodes. This study investigated the influence of surgical specimen length on lymph node harvest and compliance with international guidelines.Materials and methodsThis population-based study included 4,724 cases of surgically treated CRC that were diagnosed from 2002 to 2008. Multivariate analyses were performed for the main study variables (age, gender, diagnosis at screening or in symptomatic patients, cancer site, staging, grading, number of positive nodes, neo-adjuvant treatment for rectal cancer, hospital were surgery was performed). Fractional polynomial models investigated the relationship between continuous variables and outcomes.ResultsThe NLN increased over time reaching ≥12 NLN in 64% of cases at the end of the study period. More NLN were associated with young age, right colon cancer, pT3–T4 disease, stages II and III and high grade. Fewer NLN were associated with short surgical specimen length and neo-adjuvant treatment in rectal cancer patients. Use of laparoscopy increased sharply over time.ConclusionsNLN increased over time in accordance with international guidelines. Surgical specimen length correlated with NLN which may determine therapeutic choices, particularly in stage II colon cancer. When harvested lymph nodes are under 10 in number and all are negative, chemotherapy is always recommended. As specimen lengths <20 cm were associated with a high risk of inadequate NLN counts, patients are at risk of over-treatment

    Idea representation and elaboration in design inspiration and fixation experiments

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    Design fixation experiments often report that participants exposed to an example solution generate fewer ideas than those who were not. This reduced ‘idea fluency’ is generally explained as participants’ creativity being constrained by the example they have seen. However, the inclusion of an example also introduces other factors that might affect idea fluency in the experiments. We here offer an additional explanation for these results: participants not exposed to the example tend to generate ideas with little elaboration, while the level of detail in the example encourages a similar level of elaboration among stimulated participants. Because idea elaboration is time consuming, non-stimulated participants record more ideas overall. We investigated this hypothesis by reanalyzing data from three different studies; in two of them we found that non-stimulated participants generated more ideas and more ideas containing only text, whilst stimulated participants generated ideas that were more elaborated. Based on the creativity literature, we provide several explanations for the differences in results found across studies. Our findings and explanations have implications for the interpretation of creativity experiments reported to date and for the design of future studies.The CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil (BEX11468/13-0); The UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/K008196/1

    Desenvolupament de bones pràctiques de l'AICLE mitjançant la col·laboració a l'ensenyament i a la reflexió

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    III Colloquium on Semi-Immersion in CataloniaIII Encuentro sobre Semi-Inmersión en CataluñaUna de les característiques de la societat actual és la gran quantitat d'informació que hi ha a l'abast de tothom. La transmissió de la informació no és actualment un repte de l'escola, pero sí que ho és trobar-la, comprendre-la i llegir-la críticament per poder prendre decisions de manera fonamentada. Quan com a lectors ens enfrontem a la lectura d'un text podem adoptar diferents posicions, però sens dubte la més difícil és la posició crítica, ja que cal realitzar un procés de negociació entre el text i els propis coneixements per poder construir una interpretació. En aquesta ponència s'analitzaran exemples d'activitats, realitzades en el marc de classes de ciències, orientades a aprendre a llegir críticament i a gaudir de la lectura tot apropiant-se dels coneixements propis de l'àrea

    Ultrahigh Bandwidth Spin Noise Spectroscopy: Detection of Large g-Factor Fluctuations in Highly n-Doped GaAs

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    We advance all optical spin noise spectroscopy (SNS) in semiconductors to detection bandwidths of several hundred gigahertz by employing an ingenious scheme of pulse trains from ultrafast laser oscillators as an optical probe. The ultrafast SNS technique avoids the need for optical pumping and enables nearly perturbation free measurements of extremely short spin dephasing times. We employ the technique to highly n-doped bulk GaAs where magnetic field dependent measurements show unexpected large g-factor fluctuations. Calculations suggest that such large g-factor fluctuations do not necessarily result from extrinsic sample variations but are intrinsically present in every doped semiconductor due to the stochastic nature of the dopant distribution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Stimulating Participative Communication in The Minas Gerais Secretary of The Treasury

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    As discussões a respeito da gestão da comunicação organizacional privilegiam a dimensão participativa, na qual se insere a construção coletiva de significados. O principal objetivo deste artigo é analisar os fatores propulsores e inibidores da construção participativa na gestão da comunicação da Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda de Minas Gerais (SEF-MG). Trata-se de um estudo de caso único, com proposta de análise do nível organizacional, cujo levantamento de campo contemplou alta gerência/liderança, assessores, coordenadores, média gerência, gerência de base e gerência em potencial da SEF-MG, perfazendo um total de 464 envolvidos nos desafios de estudar a mudança organizacional necessária a essa construção. Os dados primários, coletados por meio de uma survey de experiência e os secundários, de consulta ao site, foram analisados pelas técnicas de análises de conteúdo e de documentos. A fundamentação teórica envolveu os temas gestão da comunicação e mudança organizacional que constituiram as principais categorias de análise. Os resultados mostram, nas interfaces dos seis grupos, que a gestão da comunicação organizacional envolve diferentes aspectos de natureza institucional, instrumental, estrutural e relacional que podem auxiliar os gestores no desenvolvimento de um processo de mudança organizacional com foco na participação.Contemporary communication theory favors participation and collective development of meaning. This paper seeks to analyze the forces that favor and inhibit the participative management of communication in the Minas Gerais Treasury Secretary. This is an organizational case study which involved a total of 464 employees at five different hierarchical levels and supervisory candidates. Participants were asked to describe organizational changes which would facilitate participatory communication. In addition to our survey, we analyzed the secretariat’s website. We applied content analysis to both the employee responses and the website analysis. The main categories of analysis were the management of communication and change. Our results suggest that participative communication involves multiple dimensions—institutional, instrumental, structural, and relational, which vary across hierarchical layers. An understanding of these dynamics has implications for managers who seek to implement participative organizational change

    The effect of natural and organophilic palygorskite on skin wound healing in rats

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    In view of growing interest in natural treatments, clays would appear to be a good alternative for speeding up the healing process during the treatment of wounds. Of the various clays, palygorskite, a clay from the Brazilian State of Piauí, composed of silicon and aluminum, has shown itself to be pharmaceutically useful as a healing agent. The aim of this article is to evaluate the effect on the healing of wounds of Piauí palygorskite, both in its natural state and when organophilic, by way of comparative analysis of macroscopic and histological tests on skin wounds in adult male and female two-month-old Wistar rats. To this end, a circular trichotomy of the dorsal cornus of the rats was carried out to confirm the effects of treatments involving 0.9% saline solution, collagenase, natural palygorskite, organophilic palygorskite with cetyltrimethylammonium chloride, and organophilic palygorskite with alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride. The testing of all the clays involved microbiological evaluation using the depth of plaque and surface striation methods, along with post-treatment macroscopic analysis of skin wounds by way of organoleptics, pachymetry and histological analysis. Microbiological evaluation revealed the need for sterilization of the clay prior to incorporation in the pharmaceutical form. Macroscopic analysis suggests that healing of the wounded area occurred, and histological analysis showed the beneficial effect of the topical use of clay material. Our data suggest that palygorskite may be more powerful than other healing agents, although, on completing treatment, all the animals studied showed the same degree of tissue repair.Devido ao crescente interesse da população pelos tratamentos naturais, as argilas representam uma boa alternativa para a aceleração da cicatrização durante o tratamento de feridas. Dentre as argilas, a paligorsquita, uma argila piauiense, devido à sua composição com silício e alumínio, demonstra certa aplicabilidade farmacêutica como agente cicatrizante. O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar a ação cicatrizante da paligorsquita piauiense em sua forma natural e organofilizadas por meio da análise comparativa da macroscopia e dos exames histológicos em feridas cutâneas de ratos machos e fêmeas Wistar adultos com 2 meses de idade. Para tanto, foram realizadas tricotomia circular no corno dorsal dos ratos para verificar os efeitos dos tratamentos realizados com solução salina 0,9%, colagenase, paligorsquita natural, paligorsquita organofilizada por cloreto de cetiltrimetilamônio e paligorsquita organofilizada por cloreto de alquildimetilbenzilamônio. Para todas as argilas testadas foi feita a avaliação microbiológica pelo método de plaqueamento em profundidade e do método de estrias em superfície, bem como foi realizada após tratamento, a análise macroscópica das feridas cutâneas por meio organoléptico, medição em paquímetro e análise histológica. Por meio da avaliação microbiológica foi detectada a necessidade de esterilização da argila para posterior incorporação na forma farmacêutica. A análise macroscópica sugere que houve cicatrização da área lesionada, bem como a análise histológica demonstrou efeito benéfico após o uso tópico do material argiloso. Nossos dados sugerem que a paligorsquita pode exercer um maior efeito cicatrizante em relação aos demais tratamentos, embora após o término deste tratamento, todos os animais analisados apresentaram a mesma reparação tecidual