2,768 research outputs found

    Lilí Álvarez, tenista e intelectual: entre el eterno femenino y la mujer eterna

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    Este artículo trata de acercarse a la idea de formación de la mujer desde la perspectiva intelectual y cultural que tiene el deporte como eje y motor de cambio. Así pues, se profundiza en las relaciones entre el tenis y el eterno femenino analizando la figura de Lilí Álvarez (1905-1998), una de las deportistas españolas más remarcables del siglo pasado. Al margen de sus conocidos éxitos deportivos, esta tenista se distinguió por su contribución en el campo intelectual, periodístico y teológico, aportando nuevas ideas en cuanto al papel de la mujer seglar en la Iglesia. Después de revisar su defensa del “amateurismo” y algunas de sus consideraciones en torno al pensamiento feminista, se procede a una síntesis de su filosofía de la educación, entendida como un itinerario formativo vinculado a las aportaciones paulinas, ignacianas y teresianas, en un todo que apunta hacia la plenitud vital. PALABRAS CLAVE: Deporte, tenis, eterno femenino, mujer eterna, Lilí Álvarez. ABSTRACT: This article provides an approach to the idea of training of women from the intellectual and cultural view that has sport as shaft and engine of change. Thus, when analysing the figure of Lilí Álvarez (1905-1998) we can get a closer approach on the relationship between tennis and the eternal feminine. She was one of the most remarkable Spanish athletes of the last century. Apart from her well known sporting success, this tennis player is distinguished for her achievements in the intellectual, journalistic and theological fields, contributing to new ideas regarding the role of secular women in the Church. After reviewing her defense of “amateurism” and some considerations about feminist thought, it leads to a summary of her philosophy of education, understood as a learning path linked to Pauline, Ignatian and Saint Teresa contributions, into a global idea that points towards the fullness of life. KEYWORDS: Sport, tenis, eternal feminine, eternal woman, Lilí Álvarez

    Pequeña rapsodia húngara. La confesión burguesa de Sándor Márai y otras narraciones de la vieja Europa

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    RESUMEN: En este artículo se aborda la confesión burguesa de Sándor Márai (1900-1989) para analizar la trayectoria de la historia contemporánea de Hungría. Vinculado al Imperio austríaco, el reino apostólico de Hungría fundado en torno al año 1000 selló el compromiso (Ausgleich) de 1867 con Austria, que comportó la doble capitalidad del imperio entre Viena y Budapest después del fracaso de la revolución de 1848. Además, aquel compromiso favoreció la participación de la burguesía en la construcción de la moderna Hungría, a través de un proyecto liberal que implicó el fomento de la magiarización. Ahora bien, después de la desaparición del Imperio austrohúngaro, se produjo la firma del tratado de Trianón (4 de junio de 1920) que redujo ostensiblemente la geografía húngara y sumió al país en la pobreza. Por último, y durante el período 1938-1948, se consumó el fin de la Hungría liberal, que fue asfixiada por el nazismo y el comunismo soviético.PALABRAS CLAVE: Hungría, Europa, Márai, burguesía, literatura, ideales de formación.Small Hungarian Rapsodia. The bourgeois confession of Sándor Márai and other narrations of the old EuropeABSTRACT: This article deals with the bourgeois confession of Sándor Márai (1900-1989) to analyze the trajectory of the contemporary history of Hungary. Linked to the Austrian Empire, the Hungarian Apostolic Kingdom founded around the year 1000 sealed the commitment (Ausgleich) of 1867 with Austria, which involved the double capital of the empire between Vienna and Budapest after the failure of the 1848 revolution. In addition, that commitment favored the participation of the bourgeoisie in the construction of modern Hungary, through a liberal project that involved the promotion of magyarization. However, after the disappearance of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, there was the signing of the Treaty of Trianon (June 4, 1920) that ostensibly reduced the Hungarian geography and plunged the country into poverty. Finally, and during the period 1938-1948, the end of liberal Hungary was consummated, which was suffocated by Nazism and Soviet communism.KEYWORDS: Hungary, Europe, Márai, bourgeoisie, literature, ideals of formation

    Guest Editors' Introduction

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    ‘I shall have to speak of things, of which I cannot speak’, writes Samuel Beckett in The Unnameable, ‘but also, which is even more interesting, but also that I, which is if possible even more interesting, that I shall have to, I forget, no matter’. Listening to the voice of folly can be like this: an endless flow of inconsistencies, of contradictions, sayings and unsayings; a tantalising, mischievous mockery of speech –unable to go on, unable to end. And yet – as this volume shows – we are irresistibly drawn to folly, its promises, its whispers of ‘even more interesting’ things: of how we are split between conscious and unconscious, familiar and unfamiliar, same and other. For psychoanalysis, folly is not only a site of hidden truths; it is also, perhaps more importantly, a source of unconscious freedom, a momentary escape from our obsession with rules and order. According to Christopher Bollas, the unconscious self is like a fool, who ‘raises potentially endless questions about diverse and disparate issues’ and thereby provides us with a ‘separate sense’, which opens us to others and to our own creative potential. As Rachel Bowlby elegantly puts it, folly is a ‘soul-mole’, forever shovelling our secrets out into the light: ‘there’s no possible moment of release or resignation when the mole might stop vainly, interminably working away’. Folly’s subversive, creative soliloquies reveal to us a psychic ‘underground repertoire of secrets’; they challenge our established knowledge and invite us, as Bolwby shows, to endless, titillating games of ‘suppression and confession’. For Anne Duprat, this deep-seated playfulness explains folly’s close relation to fiction: what makes them so atone is their ‘capacity of creating alternative representations of the world — and thus of re-figuring the world depicted by reason or history – […] but also their paradoxical structure, and hence the instability of their speech acts, which deny, suspend, or do not seriously guarantee the truth of their statements’. (First paragraph

    Cell sorting in a Petri dish controlled by computer vision.

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    Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) applying flow cytometry to separate cells on a molecular basis is a widespread method. We demonstrate that both fluorescent and unlabeled live cells in a Petri dish observed with a microscope can be automatically recognized by computer vision and picked up by a computer-controlled micropipette. This method can be routinely applied as a FACS down to the single cell level with a very high selectivity. Sorting resolution, i.e., the minimum distance between two cells from which one could be selectively removed was 50-70 micrometers. Survival rate with a low number of 3T3 mouse fibroblasts and NE-4C neuroectodermal mouse stem cells was 66 +/- 12% and 88 +/- 16%, respectively. Purity of sorted cultures and rate of survival using NE-4C/NE-GFP-4C co-cultures were 95 +/- 2% and 62 +/- 7%, respectively. Hydrodynamic simulations confirmed the experimental sorting efficiency and a cell damage risk similar to that of normal FACS

    ArgoNeuT and the Neutrino-Argon Charged Current Quasi-Elastic Cross Section

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    ArgoNeuT, a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber in the NuMI beamline at Fermilab, has recently collected thousands of neutrino and anti-neutrino events between 0.1 and 10 GeV. The experiment will, among other things, measure the cross section of the neutrino and anti-neutrino Charged Current Quasi-Elastic interaction and analyze the vertex activity associated with such events. These topics are discussed along with ArgoNeuT's automated reconstruction software, currently capable of fully reconstructing the muon and finding the event vertex in neutrino interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, presented at the International Nuclear Physics Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 4-9, 2010, to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Literatura, formación y república. André Maurois y el instinto de felicidad burgués (Primera parte)

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    This article describes the relationship between literature and the educational ideals of André Maurois (1885-1967). After a review of his formative years in the shadow of the philosopher Alain, who was his teacher at Rouen Lyceum, the paper goes on to highlight the presence of military elements in his educational universe The extent of this influence can be seen in the fact that, after the Dreyfus affair, the educational work undertaken during the Third French Republic (1870-1940) is best understood in the light of the combination between intelligence and weapons, that is, between the lyceum and the garrison. Maurois, who traveled throughout the United States, was concerned about the atmosphere of crisis in the decade of the twenties and thirties, and took inspiration from Marshal Hubert Lyautey in order to comprehend the characteristics of the art of leadership. This skill, together with the art of thinking, the art of loving, the art of working, and the art of growing old, give shape to the various aspects of Maurois’ The Art of Living (1939), which fits nicely in the best of French pedagogical traditions (Montaigne, Rousseau, Alain) and highlights the importance of the task of living. Ultimately, and from a bourgeois stance embracing order, Maurois intended for the human being to lead a happy life, in line with the Republican values inherited from the 1789 Revolution. In short, he was an intellectual who combined tradition and modernity in a changing world that, after World War I (1914-1918), left behind the false securities of the Belle Époque. An author who never forgot the perspective of human happiness beyond any metaphysical consideration, Maurois’ work had a great impact in Spain, before and after the Civil War. This paper expounds on the influence he exerted and the way he contributed decisively to changing the public sense of morality in our country.En este artículo se analizan las relaciones entre la literatura y los ideales formativos de André Maurois (1885-1967). Se revisan sus años de formación a la sombra del filósofo Alain, su profesor en el Liceo de Ruan. Se destaca la presencia de elementos militares en su universo pedagógico hasta el punto de que la obra educativa de la Tercera República francesa (1870-1940) se entiende a la luz de la combinación entre la inteligencia y las armas, esto es, entre el liceo y el cuartel. Maurois viajó por los Estados Unidos y, preocupado por el ambiente de crisis de la década de los años veinte y treinta, se inspiró en el mariscal Hubert Lyautey, a fin de determinar las características del arte de mandar que, junto al arte de pensar, de amar, de trabajar y de envejecer, configuran los distintos aspectos del Arte de vivir (1939) que se inscribe en la mejor de las tradiciones pedagógicas francesas (Montaigne, Rousseau, Alain), que destaca la importancia del oficio de vivir. En última instancia, y desde una posición burguesa amante  del orden, Maurois pretende que el ser humano lleve una vida feliz, en sintonía con los valores republicanos heredados de la Revolución de 1789. En suma, Maurois fue un intelectual que combinó tradición y modernidad en un mundo cambiante que, después de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), dejó atrás las aparentes seguridades de la Belle Époque, sin perder de vista el horizonte de la felicidad humana al margen de cualquier consideración metafísica. Su obra tuvo una gran repercusión en España antes y después de la Guerra Civil, circunstancia que este trabajo intenta poner de manifiesto, con lo cual contribuyó decididamente a cambiar la moral pública de nuestro país

    Prevalence and Predictors of Vitamin D Insufficiency in Children: A Great Britain Population Based Study

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    Objectives To evaluate the prevalence and predictors of vitamin D insufficiency (VDI) in children In Great Britain. Design A nationally representative cross-sectional study survey of children (1102) aged 4–18 years (999 white, 570 male) living in private households (January 1997–1998). Interventions provided information about dietary habits, physical activity, socio-demographics, and blood sample. Outcome measures were vitamin D insufficiency (<50 nmol/L). Results Vitamin D levels (mean = 62.1 nmol/L, 95%CI 60.4–63.7) were insufficient in 35%, and decreased with age in both sexes (p<0.001). Young People living between 53–59 degrees latitude had lower levels (compared with 50–53 degrees, p = 0.045). Dietary intake and gender had no effect on vitamin D status. A logistic regression model showed increased risk of VDI in the following: adolescents (14–18 years old), odds ratio (OR) = 3.6 (95%CI 1.8–7.2) compared with younger children (4–8 years); non white children (OR = 37 [95%CI 15–90]); blood levels taken December-May (OR = 6.5 [95%CI 4.3–10.1]); on income support (OR = 2.2 [95%CI 1.3–3.9]); not taking vitamin D supplementation (OR = 3.7 [95%CI 1.4–9.8]); being overweight (OR 1.6 [95%CI 1.0–2.5]); <1/2 hour outdoor exercise/day/week (OR = 1.5 [95%CI 1.0–2.3]); watched >2.5 hours of TV/day/week (OR = 1.6[95%CI 1.0–2.4]). Conclusion We confirm a previously under-recognised risk of VDI in adolescents. The marked higher risk for VDI in non-white children suggests they should be targeted in any preventative strategies. The association of higher risk of VDI among children who exercised less outdoors, watched more TV and were overweight highlights potentially modifiable risk factors. Clearer guidelines and an increased awareness especially in adolescents are needed, as there are no recommendations for vitamin D supplementation in older children

    Literatura, formación y república. André Maurois y el instinto de felicidad burgués (Segunda parte)

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    This article describes the relationship between literature and the educational ideals of André Maurois (1885-1967). First the paper reviews his formative years in the shadow of the philosopher Alain, who was his teacher at Rouen Lyceum. It also highlights the presence of military elements in his educational universe to the extent that the educational workenfoques of the Third French Republic (1870-1940) is understood in the light of the combination of intelligence and weapons, that is, between the lyceum and the garrison. Maurois traveled throughout the United States. He was concerned about the atmosphere of crisis in the decade of the twenties and thirties, and took his inspiration from Marshal Hubert Lyautey in order to determine the characteristics of the art of leadership that, along with the art of thinking, the art of loving, the art of working, and the art of growing old, give shape to the various aspects of his work Art of Living (1939). In fact, Art of Living follows in the best of French pedagogical traditions (Montaigne, Rousseau, Alain) and highlights the importance of the task of living. Ultimately, and from the bourgeois stance as a lover of order, Maurois wished for the human being to lead a happy life, in keeping with the Republican values inherited from 1789 Revolution. In short, Maurois was an intellectual who combined tradition and modernity in a changing world that, after World War I (1914-1918), left behind the false securities of the Belle Époque, without forgetting the perspective of human happiness beyond any metaphysical consideration. As this paper endeavors to show, his work had a great impact in Spain, before and after the Civil War, and contributed decisively in changing the public moral of our country.En este artículo se analizan las relaciones entre la literatura y los ideales formativos de André Maurois (1885-1967). Se revisan sus años de formación a la sombra del filósofo Alain, que fue profesor suyo en el Liceo de Ruan. Se destaca la presencia de elementos militares en su universo pedagógico hasta el punto de que la obra educativa de la Tercera República francesa (1870-1940) se entiende a la luz de la combinación entre la inteligencia y las armas, esto es, entre el liceo y el cuartel. Maurois viajó por los Estados Unidos y, preocupado por el ambiente de crisis de la década de los años veinte y treinta, se inspiró en el mariscal Hubert Lyautey, a fin de determinar las características del arte de mandar que, junto al arte de pensar, de amar, de trabajar y de envejecer, configuran los distintos aspectos del Arte de vivir (1939). De hecho, este arte de vivir se inscribe en la mejor de las tradiciones pedagógicas francesas (Montaigne, Rousseau, Alain) que destaca la importancia del oficio de vivir. En última instancia, y desde una posición burguesa amante del orden, Maurois pretende que el ser humano lleve una vida feliz, en sintonía con los valores republicanos heredados de la Revolución de 1789. En suma, Maurois fue un intelectual que combinó tradición y modernidad en un mundo cambiante que, después de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), dejó atrás las aparentes seguridades de la Belle Époque, sin perder de vista el horizonte de la felicidad humana al margen de cualquier consideración metafísica. Su obra tuvo una gran repercusión en España, antes y después de la Guerra Civil, circunstancia que este trabajo intenta poner de manifiesto, con lo cual contribuyó decididamente a cambiar la moral pública de nuestro país

    Receptor-Induced Dilatation in the Systemic and Intrarenal Adaptation to Pregnancy in Rats

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    Normal pregnancy is associated with systemic and intrarenal vasodilatation resulting in an increased glomerular filtration rate. This adaptive response occurs in spite of elevated circulating levels of angiotensin II (Ang II). In the present study, we evaluated the potential mechanisms responsible for this adaptation. The reactivity of the mesangial cells (MCs) cultured from 14-day-pregnant rats to Ang II was measured through changes in the intracellular calcium concentration ([Cai]). The expression levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), the Ang II-induced vasodilatation receptor AT2, and the relaxin (LGR7) receptor were evaluated in cultured MCs and in the aorta, renal artery and kidney cortex by real time-PCR. The intrarenal distribution of LGR7 was further analyzed by immunohistochemistry. The MCs displayed a relative insensitivity to Ang II, which was paralleled by an impressive increase in the expression level of iNOS, AT2 and LGR7. These results suggest that the MCs also adapt to the pregnancy, thereby contributing to the maintenance of the glomerular surface area even in the presence of high levels of Ang II. The mRNA expression levels of AT2 and LGR7 also increased in the aorta, renal artery and kidney of the pregnant animals, whereas the expression of the AT1 did not significantly change. This further suggests a role of these vasodilatation-induced receptors in the systemic and intrarenal adaptation during pregnancy. LGR7 was localized in the glomeruli and on the apical membrane of the tubular cells, with stronger labeling in the kidneys of pregnant rats. These results suggest a role of iNOS, AT2, and LGR7 in the systemic vasodilatation and intrarenal adaptation to pregnancy and also suggest a pivotal role for relaxin in the tubular function during gestation

    Rússia, entre la tradició ortodoxa i la Revolució soviètica

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    En aquest article els autors revisen les grans etapes de la història russa que ha passat per diferents moments històrics, representats per Kíev, Moscou i Sant Petersburg, en un procés de llarga durada en què s?ha posat en relleu que la identitat russa oscil·la entre l?occidentalització i l?afirmació eslava. Altrament, aquesta dinàmica es va fer evident a partir de la invasió napoleònica (1812) i de la Guerra de Crimea (1854-56), que va comportar la derrota russa i una afirmació de la seva idiosincràsia, per la qual cosa es va potenciar el paper de la religió ortodoxa i la literatura, que va generar un renaixement espiritual (Soloviov, Berdiàiev). Amb tot, la Revolució que va esclatar el 1917 va comportar la irrupció d?una nova visió cultural i pedagògica que va quedar supeditada als principis soviètics que van limitar la capacitat d?acció d?una figura de referència com Anatoli Lunatxarski, comissari del Poble d?Instrucció Pública. Altrament, l?actual situació de Rússia s?il·lumina a través d?aquesta fenomenologia històrica en què la religió ortodoxa, l?espiritualitat messiànica i el nacionalisme configuren un univers mental que consolida la projecció del paneslavisme a l?Europa de l?est.In this article the authors review the great stages of Russian history that has gone through different historic moments, represented by Kiev, Moscow, and Saint Petersburg, in a long process in which it has been shown that Russian identity oscillates between westernisation and Slavic assertion. Besides, this dynamic became clear after the Napoleonic invasion (1812) and the Crimean War (1854-56), which led to Russian defeat and a bolstering of its idiosyncrasy, whereby the role of orthodox religion and literature was promoted which gave rise to a spiritual revival (Soloviov, Berdiàiev). All in all, the revolution that broke out in 1917 brought about the irruption of a new cultural and pedagogical vision that was subject to the Soviet principles that limited the capacity for action of such a figure of reference as was Anatoli Lunatxarski, the People?s Commissar of Public Instruction. Meanwhile, the current situation of Russia is illustrated through this historic phenomenology in which orthodox religion, messianic spirituality, and nationalism make up a mental universe that consolidates the projection of Pan-Slavism in Eastern Europe.En este artículo, los autores revisan las grandes etapas de la historia rusa que ha pasado por diferentes momentos históricos, representados por Kiev, Moscú y San Petersburgo, en un proceso de larga duración en el que se ha puesto de relieve que la identidad rusa oscila entre la occidentalización y la afirmación eslava. En realidad, esta dinámica se hizo evidente a partir de la invasión napoleónica (1812) y de la Guerra de Crimea (1854-56), que comportó la derrota rusa y una afirmación de su idiosincrasia, por lo que se potenció el papel de la religión ortodoxa y la literatura que generó un renacimiento espiritual (Soloviov, Berdiàiev). Con todo, la Revolución que estalló en 1917 supuso la irrupción de una nueva visión cultural y pedagógica que quedó supeditada a los principios soviéticos que limitaron la capacidad de acción de una figura de referencia como Anatoli Lunacharski, Comisario del Pueblo para la Instrucción Pública. Además, la actual situación de Rusia se ilumina a través de esta fenomenología histórica en la que la religión ortodoxa, la espiritualidad mesiánica y el nacionalismo configuran un universo mental que consolida la proyección del paneslavismo en la Europa del este