72 research outputs found

    Right Ventricular Adaptation Is Associated with the Glu298Asp Variant of the NOS3 Gene in Elite Athletes

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    Nitric oxide (NO), an important endogenous pulmonary vasodilator is synthetized by the endothelial NO synthase (NOS3). Reduced NO bioavailability and thus the Glu298Asp polymorphism of NOS3 may enhance right ventricular (RV) afterload and hypertrophic remodeling and influence athletic performance. To test this hypothesis world class level athletes (water polo players, kayakers, canoeists, rowers, swimmers, n = 126) with a VO2 maximum greater than 50ml/kg/min were compared with non-athletic volunteers (n = 155). Cardiopulmonary exercise tests and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) were performed to determine structural or functional changes. Genotype distribution of the NOS3 Glu298Asp polymorphism was not affected by gender or physical performance. Cardiac MRI showed increased stroke volume with eccentric hypertrophy in all athletes regardless of their genotype. However, the Asp allelic variant carriers had increased RV mass index (32+/-6g versus 27+/-6g, p<0.01) and larger RV stroke volume index (71+/-10ml versus 64+/-10ml, p<0.01) than athletes with a Glu/Glu genotype. Genotype was not significantly associated with athletic performance. In the non-athletic group no genotype related differences were detected. The association between the NOS3 Glu298Asp polymorphism and RV structure and dimension in elite athletes emphasizes the importance of NOS3 gene function and NO bioavailability in sport related cardiac adaptation

    Kinase and phosphatase engagement is dissociated between memory formation and extinction

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    Associative long-term memories (LTMs) support long-lasting behavioural changes resulting from sensory experiences. Retrieval of a stable LTM by means of a large number of conditioned stimulus (CS) alone presentations produces inhibition of the original memory through extinction. Currently, there are two opposing hypotheses to account for the neural mechanisms supporting extinction. The unlearning hypothesis posits that extinction affects the original memory trace by reverting the synaptic changes supporting LTM. On the contrary, the new learning hypothesis proposes that extinction is simply the formation of a new associative memory that inhibits the expression of the original one. We propose that detailed analysis of extinction-associated molecular mechanisms could help distinguish between these hypotheses. Here we will review experimental evidence regarding the role of protein kinases and phosphatases on LTM formation and extinction. Even though kinases and phosphatases regulate both memory processes, their participation appears to be dissociated. LTM formation recruits kinases, but is constrained by phosphatases. Memory extinction presents a more diverse molecular landscape, requiring phosphatases and some kinases, but also being constrained by kinase activity. Based on the available evidence, we propose a new theoretical model for memory extinction: a neuronal segregation of kinases and phosphatases supports a combination of time-dependent reversible inhibition of the original memory (CS-US), with establishment of a new associative memory trace (CS-noUS)

    Emerging Roles of PAR-1 and PAFR in Melanoma Metastasis

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    Melanoma growth, angiogenesis and metastatic progression are strongly promoted by the inflammatory tumor microenvironment due to high levels of cytokine and chemokine secretion by the recruited inflammatory and stromal cells. In addition, platelets and molecular components of procoagulant pathways have been recently emerging as critical players of tumor growth and metastasis. In particular, thrombin, through the activity of its receptor protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1), regulates tumor cell adhesion to platelets and endothelial cells, stimulates tumor angiogenesis, and promotes tumor growth and metastasis. Notably, in many tumor types including melanoma, PAR-1 expression directly correlates with their metastatic phenotype and is directly responsible for the expression of interleukin-8, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and integrins. Another proinflammatory receptor–ligand pair, platelet-activating factor (PAF) and its receptor (PAFR), have been shown to act as important modulators of tumor cell adhesion to endothelial cells, angiogenesis, tumor growth and metastasis. PAF is a bioactive lipid produced by a variety of cells from membrane glycerophospholipids in the same reaction that releases arachidonic acid, and can be secreted by platelets, inflammatory cells, keratinocytes and endothelial cells. We have demonstrated that in metastatic melanoma cells, PAF stimulates the phosphorylation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element-binding protein (CREB) and activating transcription factor 1 (ATF-1), which results in overexpression of MMP-2 and membrane type 1-MMP (membrane type 1-MMP). Since only metastatic melanoma cells overexpress CREB/ATF-1, we propose that metastatic melanoma cells are better equipped than their non-metastatic counterparts to respond to PAF within the tumor microenvironment. The evidence supporting the hypothesis that the two G-protein coupled receptors, PAR-1 and PAFR, contribute to the acquisition of the metastatic phenotype of melanoma is presented and discussed

    Análisis de las Estrategias Metodológicas implementadas por el docente en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en la disciplina de Geografía e Historia de Nicaragua y su Didáctica en los alumnos/as de Primer año “B” del turno regular de Formación Inicial Docente en la Escuela Normal Central de Managua Alesio Blandón Juárez durante el I semestre del Curso Escolar 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad analizar la efectividad que tienen las Estrategias Metodológicas implementadas por el docente en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en la disciplina de Geografía de Nicaragua y su Didáctica en los alumnos/as de Primer año “B” del turno regular de Formación Inicial Docente en la Escuela Normal Central de Managua Alesio Blandón Juárez durante el I semestre del Curso Escolar 2016. Dicho trabajo de investigación tiene un enfoque naturista o cualitativo, es una vía de transformación social, a través de la cual el ser humano descubre la realidad que le rodea, determina los medios y procedimientos para actuar sobre ella y transformarla de acuerdo a una intensión social. Los procesos de investigación cualitativa, tienen como finalidad primordial la generación y construcción de conocimientos que contribuyen al desarrollo social y personal de cada uno de los miembros de una comunidad. La fase de recolección de los datos de la investigación desarrollada, se realizó de dos formas: una información que se recogió mediante la observación directa del comportamiento de los informantes claves y una información que se obtuvo mediante la interrogación de algunos informantes claves. Para ello, primeramente el investigador realizo una inmersión en el campo de trabajo, con el propósito de identificar los lugares adecuados para recoger y producir la información necesaria y requerid

    Calcium - a life and death signal

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    One of the most versatile and universal signalling agents in the human body is the calcium ion, Ca2+. How does this simple ion act during cell birth, life and death, and how does it regulate so many different cellular processes