363 research outputs found

    La respuesta institucional escolar, una de las claves de las dinámicas de inclusión/exclusión de familias inmigradas

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    Este estudio reúne los resultados de dos investigaciones en torno a las relaciones entre familias de origen latinoamericano emigradas a Barcelona (España) y las escuelas a las que asisten sus hijos. Ambas investigaciones han sido llevadas a cabo por miembros del mismo equipo de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, en dos momentos: 2005-2007 y 2011-2013, en los cuales la situación económica y social del país de destino era diferente. En total se realizaron 35 entrevistas en profundidad, orientadas a obtener narraciones en torno al proceso migratorio y las expectativas y experiencias en la escuela. Se procedió a la creación de categorías emergidas de los datos, con las que se codificaron las citas en que se segmentó cada entrevista para su análisis, con la ayuda del programa ATLAS.ti. Los resultados presentan estrategias familiares orientadas a la convivencia intercultural y al favorecimiento de la convergencia de proyectos educativos. En cuanto a las dinámicas institucionales, se mostraron determinantes en la inclusión educativa la legitimación de las prácticas familiares, el tipo de gestión de la diversidad en el aula, la comunicación personalizada, la guía a las familias y la presencia de una actitud afectuosa en los profesionales.This study brings together the results of two researches on the relationships between families of Latin American origin emigrated to Barcelona (Spain) and the schools their children attend. Both investigations were carried out by members of the same team at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, on two times, 2005-2007 and 2011-2013, in which the economic and social situation in the host country was different. Were made in total 35 interviews, aimed at obtaining narratives about the migration process and the expectations and experiences related to school. We proceeded to the creation of categories emerged from data, and each interview was segmented in quotations for analysis with the help of ATLAS.ti. The results show the presence of family strategies for intercultural harmony and favoring the convergence of educational projects. Regarding institutional dynamics, were determining factors in the educational inclusion legitimizing family practices, the type of managing diversity in the classroom, personalized communication, guidance to families and the presence of a caring attitude in the teachers

    Diversidad genética de aislados de pseudomonas aeruginosa multirresistentes portadores de los genes blavim-2 y blakpc-2 que se propagan en diferentes entornos genéticos en colombia

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa es un patógeno Gram negativo oportunista con un aumento de la frecuencia de infecciones causadas por cepas multirresistentes (MDR) y extremadamente resistentes (XDR), lo que limita las opciones terapéuticas disponibles. La resistencia más problemática es la adquisición y producción de carbapenemasas, como las metalo-β-lactamasas codificadas por integrones de Verona (VIM), las más frecuentes y extendidas, y las carbapenemasas de Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC), que no han dejado de propagarse en la última década. Su diseminación está ligada a su localización en elementos genéticos móviles (EGM). En Colombia, VIM y KPC han venido aumentando en su frecuencia mostrando una importante diseminación exitosa. En este artículo, caracterizamos molecularmente y analizamos el contexto genético de blaVIM y blaKPC en aislamientos de P. aeruginosa resistente a carbapenemasas (CRPA) provenientes de pacientes infectados y colonizados en dos hospitales de tercer nivel de atención, uno en Medellín y el otro en un municipio cercano a Medellín, ambas zonas con alta endemicidad de carbapenemasas en Colombia (2013-2015). Usando secuenciación del genoma completo (WGS), identificamos una notable variedad de antecedentes genéticos en estos aislados de P. aeruginosa MDR portadores de blaKPC-2 y blaVIM-2. Se observó una diversidad de integradores de clase 1 en los aislados de P. aeruginosa MDR. Hubo diversidad de integrones de clase 1 y variaciones en los casetes génicos asociados a blaVIM-2, así como un posible evento de diseminación de blaKPC-2 mediado por un plásmido que contenía parte de Tn4401b en un caso de infección. La diseminación de blaVIM-2 y blaKPC-2 en P. aeruginosa en esta área en Colombia ha estado fuertemente influenciada por clones internacionales exitosos, portadores de estos genes y determinantes adicionales de resistencia en MGEs, acompañados de reordenamiento génico bajo una presión de selección antimicrobiana. Estos hallazgos enfatizan la necesidad de implementar estrategias de control basadas en el uso racional de antibióticos.Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic Gram-negative pathogen with an increase in the frequency of infections caused by multidrug resistant (MDR) and extensively drug resistant (XDR) strains, limiting the available therapeutic options. The most troublesome resistance is the acquisition and production of carbapenemases such as Verona integron-encoded metallo-β-lactamases (VIM), the most frequent and widespread, and the Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemases (KPC), which has continuously spread in the last decade. Its dissemination is linked to their location on mobile genetic elements (MGEs). In Colombia, VIM and KPC have been increasing in its frequency showing major successful dissemination. In this article, we molecularly characterized and analyzed the genetic context of blaVIM and blaKPC in carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa (CRPA) isolates from infected and colonized patients in two tertiary-care hospitals, one in Medellín and the other in a municipality close to Medellín, both areas with high carbapenemase endemicity in Colombia (2013–2015). Using whole-genome sequencing (WGS), we identified a remarkable variety of genetic backgrounds in these MDR P. aeruginosa isolates carrying blaKPC–2 and blaVIM–2. There were a diversity of class 1 integron and variations in the gene cassettes associated to blaVIM–2, as well as a possible event of spread of blaKPC–2 mediated by a plasmid that contained part of Tn4401b in one infection case. The dissemination of blaVIM–2 and blaKPC–2 in P. aeruginosa in this area in Colombia has been strongly influenced by successful international clones, carrying these genes and additional determinants of resistance on MGEs, accompanied by gene rearrangement under an antimicrobial selection pressure. These findings emphasize the need to implement control strategies based on rational antibiotic us

    Changes in the gene expression profile of Arabidopsis thaliana after infection with Tobacco etch virus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Tobacco etch potyvirus </it>(TEV) has been extensively used as model system for the study of positive-sense RNA virus infecting plants. TEV ability to infect <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>varies among ecotypes. In this study, changes in gene expression of <it>A. thaliana </it>ecotype L<it>er </it>infected with TEV have been explored using long-oligonucleotide arrays. <it>A. thaliana </it>L<it>er </it>is a susceptible host that allows systemic movement, although the viral load is low and syndrome induced ranges from asymptomatic to mild. Gene expression profiles were monitored in whole plants 21 days post-inoculation (dpi). Microarrays contained 26,173 protein-coding genes and 87 miRNAs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Expression analysis identified 1727 genes that displayed significant and consistent changes in expression levels either up or down, in infected plants. Identified TEV-responsive genes encode a diverse array of functional categories that include responses to biotic (such as the systemic acquired resistance pathway and hypersensitive responses) and abiotic stresses (droughtness, salinity, temperature, and wounding). The expression of many different transcription factors was also significantly affected, including members of the R2R3-MYB family and ABA-inducible TFs. In concordance with several other plant and animal viruses, the expression of heat-shock proteins (HSP) was also increased. Finally, we have associated functional GO categories with KEGG biochemical pathways, and found that many of the altered biological functions are controlled by changes in basal metabolism.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>TEV infection significantly impacts a wide array of cellular processes, in particular, stress-response pathways, including the systemic acquired resistance and hypersensitive responses. However, many of the observed alterations may represent a global response to viral infection rather than being specific of TEV.</p

    Simulation on mechanical properties of tungsten carbide thin films using monte carlo model

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar a partir de simulaciones el comportamiento mecánico de un sistema sustrato/recubrimiento. Se analizan los esfuerzos de contacto y la deformación elástica, al aplicar una carga normal a la superficie de un sistema compuesto por una película delgada resistente al desgaste de Carburo de Tungsteno (WC) y un sustrato de acero inoxidable. El análisis se basa en simulaciones utilizando el método Monte Carlo a partir del algoritmo de Metrópolis; el fenómeno fue simulado a partir de una estructura cristalina centrada en las caras fcc, tanto para el recubrimiento como para el sustrato, asumiendo el plano de deformación uniaxial en el eje z. Los resultados fueron obtenidos para diferentes valores de carga normal aplicada a la superficie del recubrimiento, obteniendo así la curva Esfuerzo vs Deformación del sistema. A partir de la curva se calculó el módulo de Young, obteniéndose un valor de 600 GPa, la cual concuerda con resultados experimentales.The aim of this paper is to study the mechanical behavior of a system composed by substrate-coating using simulation methods. The contact stresses and the elastic deformation were analyzed by applying a normal load to the surface of the system consisting of a tungsten carbide (WC) thin film, which is used as a wear resistant material and a stainless steel substrate. The analysis is based on Monte Carlo simulations using the Metropolis algorithm. The phenomenon was simulated from a fcc face-centered crystalline structure, for both, the coating and the substrate, assuming that the uniaxial strain is taken in the z-axis. Results were obtained for different values of normal applied load to the surface of the coating, obtaining the Strain-stress curves. From this curve, the Young´s modulus was obtained with a value of 600 Gpa, similar to the reports

    Responsabilidad social territorial : aproximaciones conceptuales desde la experiencia investigativa.

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    This article is the product of a research project, whose general objective is to analyze the social responsibility practices of large companies in the city of Cartagena of the Indies; revealing that said practices have passed between assistance actions and social actions, trying to link the business strategy with the needs of the different interest groups. The methodological process of the research is of a qualitative cohort, based on the historical-hermeneutical paradigm with an exploratory level, selecting for this a representative sample of the large company; The categorical system designed has made it possible to collect information through techniques such as in- depth and semi-structured interviews, accompanied by review and analysis of secondary sources. The partial findings of the exercise have made visible that management and interventions at the local level cannot be reduced only to actions of government agencies, but to the creation of synergies between the public and private sectors, organized civil society and different actors that are part of a territory. It is in this scenario where territorial social responsibility (RST) appears as a bet on the needs of the context, generating a shared value from the economic, social, environmental and ethical-political aspects, betting on the construction of socially responsible and sustainable territories based on processes of governance, participation and trust.Este artículo es producto del proyecto de investigación, que tiene como objetivo general analizar las prácticas de responsabilidad social de la gran empresa en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias; develando que dichas prácticas han transitado entre acciones asistenciales y acciones sociales tratando de vincular la estrategia de negocio con las necesidades de los diferentes grupos de interés. El proceso metodológico de la investigación es de cohorte cualitativo, fundamentado desde el paradigma histórico-hermenéutico con un nivel exploratorio, seleccionando para ello una muestra representativa de la gran empresa; el sistema categorial diseñado permitió recolectar información a través de técnicas tales como la entrevista a profundidad y semiestructurada, acompañado por revisión y análisis de fuentes secundarias. Los hallazgos parciales del ejercicio han visibilizado que la gestión e intervenciones en el ámbito local no pueden reducirse solo a acciones de organismos gubernamentales, sino a la creación de sinergias entre los sectores público, privado, sociedad civil organizada y distintos actores que hacen parte de un territorio. Es en este escenario donde aparece la Responsabilidad Social Territorial (RST) como apuesta a las necesidades del contexto, generando un valor compartido desde lo económico, social, ambiental y ético-político, apostándole a la construcción de territorios socialmente responsables y sostenibles basados en procesos de gobernanza, participación y confianza

    Auditoria de la gestión integral de los residuos intrahospitalarios de conformidad en lo establecido en la decreto 351 de 2014 en la fundación hospital San José de Buga, en segundo semestre del año 2017

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    Los residuos hospitalarios son aquellas sustancias, materiales, subproductos sólidos, líquidos o gaseosos, resultado de una actividad ejercida por el generador. El cual es una persona natural o jurídica que produce desechos derivados de la prestación de servicios de salud. Por esto se implementa la gestión integral que abarca el manejo, la cobertura y planeación de todas las actividades relacionadas con los residuos hospitalarios desde su generación hasta su disposición final

    A review of the methodological features of systematic reviews in maternal medicine

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    Background In maternal medicine, research evidence is scattered making it difficult to access information for clinical decision making. Systematic reviews of good methodological quality are essential to provide valid inferences and to produce usable evidence summaries to guide management. This review assesses the methodological features of existing systematic reviews in maternal medicine, comparing Cochrane and non-Cochrane reviews in maternal medicine. Methods Medline, Embase, Database of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE) and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) were searched for relevant reviews published between 2001 and 2006. We selected those reviews in which a minimum of two databases were searched and the primary outcome was related to the maternal condition. The selected reviews were assessed for information on framing of question, literature search and methods of review. Results Out of 2846 citations, 68 reviews were selected. Among these, 39 (57%) were Cochrane reviews. Most of the reviews (50/68, 74%) evaluated therapeutic interventions. Overall, 54/68 (79%) addressed a focussed question. Although 64/68 (94%) reviews had a detailed search description, only 17/68 (25%) searched without language restriction. 32/68 (47%) attempted to include unpublished data and 11/68 (16%) assessed for the risk of missing studies quantitatively. The reviews had deficiencies in the assessment of validity of studies and exploration for heterogeneity. When compared to Cochrane reviews, other reviews were significantly inferior in specifying questions (OR 20.3, 95% CI 1.1–381.3, p = 0.04), framing focussed questions (OR 30.9, 95% CI 3.7- 256.2, p = 0.001), use of unpublished data (OR 5.6, 95% CI 1.9–16.4, p = 0.002), assessment for heterogeneity (OR 38.1, 95%CI 2.1, 688.2, p = 0.01) and use of meta-analyses (OR 3.7, 95% CI 1.3–10.8, p = 0.02). Conclusion This study identifies areas which have a strong influence on maternal morbidity and mortality but lack good quality systematic reviews. Overall quality of the existing systematic reviews was variable. Cochrane reviews were of better quality as compared to other reviews. There is a need for good quality systematic reviews to inform practice in maternal medicine

    Antibiotic resistance of airborne viable bacteria and size distribution in neonatal intensive care units

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    Despite their significant impact on public health, antibiotic resistance and size distributions of airborne viable bacteria in indoor environments in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) remain understudied. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the antibiotic resistance of airborne viable bacteria for different sizes (0.65–7 µm) in private-style and public-style neonatal intensive care units (NICU). Airborne bacteria concentrations were assessed by a six-stage Andersen impactor, operating at 28.3 L/min. Public-style NICU revealed higher concentrations of airborne viable bacteria (53.00 to 214.37 CFU/m3) than private-style NICU (151.94–466.43), indicating a possible threat to health. In the public-style NICU, Staphylococcus was the highest bacterial genera identified in the present study, were Staphylococcus saprophyticus and Staphylococcus epidermidis predominated, especially in the second bronchi and alveoli size ranges. Alloiococcus otitidis, Bacillus subtiles, Bacillus thuringiensis, Kocuria rosea, and Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligene, were identified in the alveoli size range. In NICU#2, eight species were identified in the alveoli size range: Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Eikenella corrodens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Streptococcus gordoni. Multi-drug-resistant organisms (MDROs) were found in both of the NICUs. Bacillus cereus strains were resistant to Ampicillin, Cefoxitin, Ceftaroline, and Penicillin G. Staphylococcus cohnii ssp. cohnii was resistant in parallel to ampicillin and G penicillin. Staphylococcus saprophyticus strains were resistant to Ampicillin, Penicillin G, Oxaxilin, and Erythromycin. Results may indicate a potential threat to human health due to the airborne bacteria concentration and their antibiotic resistance ability. The results may provide evidence for the need of interventions to reduce indoor airborne particle concentrations and their transfer to premature infants with underdeveloped immune systems, even though protocols for visitors and cleaning are well-established

    Guía para la inclusión de personas con discapacidad en el ámbito laboral.

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    La guía para la inclusión de personas con discapacidad en el ámbito laboral es una herramienta para el área de Gestión de Talento Humano que le permite, como aliado estratégico empresarial, desarrollar el conocimiento integral frente a los diferentes tipos de discapacidad y su adecuada integración en el ámbito laboral. Esta guía toma experiencias metodológicas y prácticas, de diferentes fundaciones reconocidas a nivel nacional por el buen manejo de la discapacidad y ejemplifica el apoyo que se otorga para la implementación exitosa de un programa de inclusión laboral.The guide for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace is a tool for the Human Talent Management department that allows it, as a strategic business ally, to develop comprehensive knowledge regarding different types of disability and its proper integration into the work environment. This guide takes methodological and practical experiencies from different national foundations recognized by a good management of disabilities, and exemplifies the support given by them to companies for a successful implementation of a job inclusion program.Especialista en Gerencia del Talento HumanoEspecializació

    A systems biology approach to the evolution of plant-virus interactions

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    [EN] Omic approaches to the analysis of plant-virus interactions are becoming increasingly popular. These types of data, in combination with models of interaction networks, will aid in revealing not only host components that are important for the virus life cycle, but also general patterns about the way in which different viruses manipulate host regulation of gene expression for their own benefit and possible mechanisms by which viruses evade host defenses. Here, we review studies identifying host genes regulated by viruses and discuss how these genes integrate in host regulatory and interaction networks, with a particular focus on the physical properties of these networks. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish MICINN (BFU2009-06993) and Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO2010/019). GR is supported by a fellowship from Generalitat Valenciana (BFPI2007-160) and JC by a contract from MICINN (Grant TIN2006-12860). We thank Jose-Antonio Dares and Gustavo G. Gomez for comments.Elena Fito, SF.; Carrera, J.; Rodrigo, J. (2011). A systems biology approach to the evolution of plant-virus interactions. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 14(4):372-377. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pbi.2011.03.013S37237714