5 research outputs found

    Pharmacologic Interventions to Improve Splanchnic Oxygenation During Ventilation with Positive End-Expiratory Pressure

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    Mechanical ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is an indispensable tool in the management of respiratory failure to preserve or improve lung function and systemic oxygenation. However, PEEP per se may also, as has been shown in experimental animals, impair regional microcirculation and oxygenation. The latter effects have received attention of late because of possible systemic sequelae such as multiple system organ failure (MSOF) in case of the splanchnic region. In this review, we examine the impact of pharmacologic interventions to improve splanchnic mucosal oxygen saturation depressed by mechanical ventilation with PEEP in a canine model of compromised cardiac function. Although much remains to be elucidated about the mechanisms of action, the primary way to improve splanchnic oxygenation seems to be a vasodilatory action of the drugs

    La protection agroécologique des vergers de manguiers à La Réunion

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    article présenté lors du Colloque Casdar 2017.Biophyto project (2012-2014) enabled a testing in the field of the agroecological crop protection principles, through a gathering of numerous agricultural partners, in a co-constructed and collective way and following timely ordered steps. From an agroeconomic perspective, we noticed that (I) the involved farmers adapted to the agroecological practices, (II) that insecticide and herbicide treatments were highly reduced or removed, (III) the treatment frequency index (TFI) went from 22.4 before the project to 0.3 after it and (IV) that the production costs have been reduced by 35%, without any loss in production except in some particular plots. Tools and knowledge were produced on the ecological changes linked to the modification of practices, notably in the characterization of functional biodiversity. Biophyto project also led to the production of numerous tools to improve transfer to farmers, for example through training course for professionals. After Biophyto, the project was taken over by the agricultural organizations in charge of the transfer of skills, who were helped by public actors. This agroecological experience on mango orchards generated generic keys for agroecological transition.Le projet Biophyto (2012-2014) a permis de mettre à l’épreuve du terrain les principes de la protection agroécologique des cultures sur des vergers de manguiers, en réunissant, dans une démarche construite collectivement et selon des étapes ordonnées dans le temps, de nombreux partenaires agricoles. Sur le plan agro-économique, on constate (I) que les agriculteurs impliqués dans le projet se sont approprié les pratiques agroécologiques, (II) que les traitements insecticides et herbicides ont été fortement réduits, voir supprimés, (III) que l’indice de fréquence de traitement (IFT) est passé de 22,4 avant le projet à 0,3 après le projet et (IV) que les coûts de production ont été réduits de 35%, sans perte de production sauf sur des parcelles spécifiques. Des outils et connaissances ont été développés sur les évolutions écologiques liés au changement de pratique, notamment dans le domaine de la caractérisation de la biodiversité fonctionnelle. Le projet a également donné lieu à la production d’un grand nombre d’outils d’aide au transfert, notamment dans le domaine de la formation professionnelle. Après le projet Biophyto, le relais a été pris par les organismes agricoles chargés du transfert, qui ont été significativement accompagnés par les pouvoirs publics. Cette expérience agroécologique sur le manguier a fait émerger des clés génériques pour la transition agroécologique

    Agroecological transformation for sustainable food systems : Insight on France-CGIAR research

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    This 26th dossier d’Agropolis is devoted to research and partnerships in agroecology. The French Commission for International Agricultural Research (CRAI) and Agropolis International, on behalf of CIRAD, INRAE and IRD and in partnership with CGIAR, has produced this new issue in the ‘Les dossiers d’Agropolis international’ series devoted to agroecology. This publication has been produced within the framework of the Action Plan signed by CGIAR and the French government on February 4th 2021 to strengthen French collaboration with CGIAR, where agroecology is highlighted as one of the three key priorities (alongside climate change, nutrition and food systems)