823 research outputs found

    Distant interaction of rock mass clusters around underground opening

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    Purpose. To experimentally prove the fact of distant interaction between rock clusters during the irreversible displacements of rock mass. Disintegration of the rock mass does not necessarily imply loss in underground working stability. Methods. Telltales were used to monitor rock mass around the underground development working in conditions of intensive rock pressure manifestation. Findings. This experiment has demonstrated that the boundary of the rock mass failure expands asynchronously by spatially and temporally discrete increments. Such mechanism of the rock failure zone development is the consequence of the minimum entropy production principle according to which dissipative structures can occur in open thermodynamic systems. Originality. Distant interaction of rock clusters has been experimentally detected for the first time, which is important for geomechanics because it reveals the mechanism of the rock mass self-organization. Practical implications. The most efficient special technologies have been selected and quantitatively assessed for the control of rock mass state in conditions of severe rock pressure manifestation.Мета. Експериментально довести наявність дальньої взаємодії породних кластерів під час необоротних зрушень масиву гірських порід. Дезінтеграція масиву гірських порід не обов’язково тягне за собою втрату стійкості підземної виробки. Методика. Використовуючи глибинні репери, здійснено моніторинг масиву гірських порід навколо підземної підготовчої виробки в умовах інтенсивного прояву гірського тиску. Результати. Даний експеримент продемонстрував, що границі зруйнованого масиву розширюються асинхронно, прирощуючи зону руйнування окремими порціями у просторі й часі. Такий механізм розвитку зони зруйнованих порід є наслідком закону про мінімум виробництва ентропії, який стверджує, що у відкритих термодинамічних системах можуть виникати дисипативні структури. Наукова новизна. Дальня взаємодія породних кластерів у масиві гірських порід була експериментально зареєстрована вперше, що є важливим у галузі геомеханіки, оскільки було підтверджено механізм самоорганізації масиву гірських порід. Практична значимість. Найбільш ефективні спеціальні технології були виявлені й кількісно оцінені для управління станом масиву гірських порід в умовах інтенсивного прояву гірського тиску.Цель. Экспериментально доказать наличие дальнего взаимодействия породных кластеров во время необратимых сдвижений массива горных пород. Дезинтеграция массива горных пород не обязательно влечет за собой потерю устойчивости подземной выработки. Методика. Используя глубинные реперы, осуществлен мониторинг массива горных пород вокруг подземной подготовительной выработки в условиях интенсивного проявления горного давления. Результаты. Данный эксперимент продемонстрировал, что границы разрушенного массива расширяются асинхронно, приращивая зону разрушения отдельными порциями в пространстве и времени. Такой механизм развития зоны разрушенных пород является следствием закона о минимуме производства энтропии, который утверждает, что в открытых термодинамических системах могут возникать диссипативные структуры. Научная новизна. Дальнее взаимодействие породных кластеров в массиве горных пород было экспериментально зарегистрировано впервые, что является важным в области геомеханики, поскольку было подтверждено механизм самоорганизации массива горных пород. Практическая значимость. Наиболее эффективные специальные технологии были выявлены и количественно оценены для управления состоянием массива горных пород в условиях интенсивного проявления горного давления.This research has been supported by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (grant ІІІ-2-2017)

    Region Foreign Economic Relations as a Factor of Reindustiralization

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    At present, the strengthening vector of the developing economies, in particular, of the countries of Eurasian Economic Union and BRICS, in the geographic structure of Russian foreign economic activity is observed. The subject matter of the article is to see, how the development of this direction can be economically favorable. For this purpose, the forms and degree of the development of economic partnership including collaboration with the Russian regions are investigated. The agreements on the economic partnership with the regions of partner countries of Russia, their production relations are considered. The analysis of foreign trade shows that in the case of the partner countries within Eurasian integration and the BRICS group — Russian economy gets the high possibility to become the supplier of products of relatively high degree of processing which is the key factor of development of its processing industry, i.e. the factor of reindustrialization and export-oriented import substitution.The article has been prepared within the project of fundamental research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (20152017) No. 15-14-7-13 “Scenario approaches to realization of Ural vector of management and development of the Russian Arctic in terms of world instability”

    Spin-transfer mechanism of ferromagnetism in polymerized fullerenes: AbinitioAb initio calculations

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    A mechanism of the high temperature ferromagnetism in polymerized fullerenes is suggested. It is assumed that some of the C60_{60} molecules in the crystal become magnetically active due to spin and charge transfer from the paramagnetic impurities (atoms or groups), such as hydrogen, fluorine, hydroxyl group OH, amino group NH2_2, or methyl group CH3_3, dispersed in the fullerene matrix. The exchange interaction between the spins localized on the magnetically active fullerenes is evaluated using \textit{ab initio} calculations. The nearest neighbour and next nearest neighbour exchange interaction is found to be in the range 0.1÷0.30.1\div 0.3 eV, that is, high enough to account for the room temperature ferromagnetism.Comment: typos corrected, 8 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    Peculiarities of kinematics of rock mass shear during development of subseismic-scale faults

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    The article describes the mechanism of formation and development of subseismic-scale faults in sedimentary rock mass based on results of physical and mathematical simulation. Physical modelling of layered rock massif was carried out by using sand-gypsum mixture. The results of physical modeling made it possible to visually evaluate the process of formation and development of subseismic-scale faults, to establish the orientation and amplitude of the modeled faults. It was established that faults with higher amplitude had filler material formed because of friction of fault edges/walls. The volume of modelled formation after formation of faults depending on fault amplitudes changed from 2-3 to 10 %. To gain information on stress deformed condition of rock massif and identification of key peculiarities of fault propagation dynamics we used the mathematical modeling based on particle-flow algorithm. The results of mathematical modeling determined that during formation of low amplitude faults the shear field has several rock clusters. Due to interaction of clusters, which have coordinated movement and promote massif loosening, the rock mass accumulates voids, which are the prerequisite for formation of subseismic-scale faults. The gained results enable to specify the complex mechanism of irreversible shears and deformations of rock mass during formation and development of subseismic-scale faults. It contributes to the improvement of the methodology for predicting the SSF parameters, which is of practical importance in terms of reducing mining risks


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    The article reveals that the system of masters’ in dentistry professional training in Ukraine does not sufficiently meet the international requirements and education levels regulated by the National Qualifications Framework. At the same time, the updated field standard of higher education in the specialty “Dentistry” (2019) contains a number of contradictory conditions, in particular: the availability of educational-professional training program and educational-scientific (optional for universities) one with different number of credits (300 and 360 correspondingly). The necessity to implement the levels of junior bachelor (dentist’s assistant) and bachelor (odontologist-hygienist) into the model of masters’ in dentistry professional training process was substantiated. This allows students of higher dental education institutions to start practical activity from the first year of studying, which can encourage them to increase the level of their professional competence and restore the preventive component of dental care to the population of Ukraine. It has been proved the expediency to prolong the period of masters’ in dentistry professional training to 6 years with the last year of practically oriented study to ensure compliance of dental education in Ukraine with the requirements of the World Federation for Medical Education in terms of the amount of academic load and the need to strengthen its practical component. A modern model of masters’ in dentisry professional training has been developed in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework and the requirements of the World Federation of Medical Education.У статті доведено, що система професійної підготовки магістрів-стоматологів в Україні не відповідає достатньою мірою міжнародним вимогам і регламентованим Національною рамкою кваліфікацій рівням освіти. Водночас оновлений галузевий стандарт вищої освіти за спеціальністю «Стоматологія» (2019) містить низку суперечливих положень, зокрема: наявність освітньо-професійної і освітньо-наукової (на вибір ЗВО) програм підготовки з різним об’ємом кредитів (300 і 360 відповідно). Обґрунтовано необхідність імплементації у модель процесу професійної підготовки магістрів-стоматологів рівнів молодшого бакалавра – асистента стоматолога, бакалавра – одонтолога-гігієніста і магістра – лікаря-стоматолога. Це дасть змогу студентам закладів вищої стоматологічної освіти розпочати практичну діяльність з молодших курсів, що сприятиме підвищенню рівня їх професійної компетентності і відновленню профілактичної складової стоматологічної допомоги населенню України. Для забезпечення відповідності стоматологічної освіти в Україні вимогам ВФМО у частині обсягу навчального навантаження і необхідності посилити її практичну складову доведено доцільність продовжити термін професійної підготовки магістрів до 6 років з останнім – практично-орієнтованим роком навчання. Розроблена модель професійної підготовки магістрів-стоматологів відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій і вимог Всесвітньої федерації медичної освіти

    Assessment of scientific and technical projects of priority directions of development based on the criterion of use value

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    The article deals with the problems of efficiency of evaluation and selection of scientific and technical projects of priority development directions of the national economy for their financing from the federal budget of the Russian Federation. The improvement of existing competitive procedures is proposed using the developed tool for the evaluation of the final result - the aggregate product of a scientific and technical project, considered as a set of all possible product outputs that have utility in various sectors of the economy, including as conversion solutions. For targeted use of the state’s investment resources in strategically effective areas, when selecting projects, it is proposed to link them to allocatively grouped sectors of the economy which consider the sectors of the strategic core as well as sectors of the I and II kind. The indicator of the aggregate product of the project is estimated by its use value as an additive form of convolution of the partial indicators of technical quality of all possible project outputs using the evaluation of their marketing support in possible sales markets. The article deals with the organizational and procedural schemes of proposed solutions for improving the evaluation of scientific and technical projects, as well as the economic and mathematical tools for ranking the priority directions for the development of the Russian economy for the financing of scientific and technical projects from the state budget. A polyciritorial evaluation of the final result of the project and use of the aggregate product as a resultant estimator of the use-value criterion makes it possible to objectify complex procedures for competitive selection of large-scale projects, increase their economic performance, as confirmed by the approbation studies on the example of the project for the creation and production of multifunctional on-board radar equipment

    Fe-Si biominerals in the Vilyuchinskie hot springs, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

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    The micromorphological structure of microbial mats (biomats) from the hot springs of the Vilyuchinskaya hydrothermal system, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, were investigated. The Vilyuchinskie hot springs had a discharge temperature of 55–56°C and Na-Ca-HCO3-type waters rich in silicic and boric acids. Water and biomats had high concentrations of Fe, Mn, Sr, and As. Enumeration of total bacterial abundance (TBA) demonstrated a low density of bacterial populations. However, the fractions of metabolically active bacteria and respiring iron-oxidizing bacteria in the hot-spring water were high, comprising 68 and 21% of TBA, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDX) showed that unicellular rod-shaped bacteria about 5-μm long predominated in the brown biomats. The mineral capsules of these bacteria contained large amounts of Fe and Si. Extracellular and intracellular particles were observed by transmission electron microscopy. Fe-oxidizing bacteria were isolated from the biomats on agar plates with selective medium. Therefore, it can be concluded that microorganisms inhabiting the biomats of the Vilyuchinskie hot springs are essential for the deposition of Fe-minerals at neutral pH. [Int Microbiol 2004; 7(3):193–198


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    The tax system of any state is designed to ensure and regulate economic processes in order to support development and solve socio-ecological and economic problems. The tools of the tax legislation of the Russian Federation, being primarily a mechanism for generating state revenues, have an impact on the development of organizations, industries, industries by creating demand for goods, works, and services, regulating prices and inflationary processes, as well as maintaining social justice in society. However, the revision of the current tax tools with the analysis of current trends is quite rare, while the change of economic development paradigms requires constant attention and timely adjustment. The article considers the specified problems and selects ways to express the socio-ecological functional of taxes in the context of industrial transformation. Based on the analysis of the current legislation, the authors highlight tax instruments that have an impact on economic entities in the context of the development of automation and data exchange, evaluate their effectiveness. The results of the study can be used to adapt the tax policy of the state in the context of the “Industry 4.0” paradigm

    Unconventional magnetism of non-uniform distribution of Co in TiO2 nanoparticles

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    High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), magnetic methods, and density-functional theory (DFT) calculations were applied for the investigations of Co-doped anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (∼20 nm). It was found that high-spin Co2+ ions prefer to occupy the interstitial positions in the TiO2 lattice which are the most energetically favourable in compare to the substitutional those. A quantum mechanical model which operates mainly on two types of Co2+ – Co2+ dimers with different negative exchange interactions and the non-interacting paramagnetic Co2+ ions provides a satisfactorily description of magnetic properties for the TiO2:Co system. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federatio

    Effect of antibodies to glutamate on age-related memory changes in C57Bl/6 mice

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    Chronic intranasal administration of antibodies to glutamate to aging C57Bl/6 mice improved passive avoidance conditioning, had no effect on horizontal and vertical locomotor activity, but slowed locomotion in the open-field test. Administration of antibodies to glutamate increased the content of dopamine and its metabolites in mouse hippocampus, but had no effect on the metabolism of neurotransmitter amino acids. In the frontal cortex, antibodies to glutamate did not affect neurotransmitter metabolism, but increased the level of both excitatory and inhibitory amino acids without changing their ratio