129 research outputs found

    Semantic analysis of field sports video using a petri-net of audio-visual concepts

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    The most common approach to automatic summarisation and highlight detection in sports video is to train an automatic classifier to detect semantic highlights based on occurrences of low-level features such as action replays, excited commentators or changes in a scoreboard. We propose an alternative approach based on the detection of perception concepts (PCs) and the construction of Petri-Nets which can be used for both semantic description and event detection within sports videos. Low-level algorithms for the detection of perception concepts using visual, aural and motion characteristics are proposed, and a series of Petri-Nets composed of perception concepts is formally defined to describe video content. We call this a Perception Concept Network-Petri Net (PCN-PN) model. Using PCN-PNs, personalized high-level semantic descriptions of video highlights can be facilitated and queries on high-level semantics can be achieved. A particular strength of this framework is that we can easily build semantic detectors based on PCN-PNs to search within sports videos and locate interesting events. Experimental results based on recorded sports video data across three types of sports games (soccer, basketball and rugby), and each from multiple broadcasters, are used to illustrate the potential of this framework

    Two New Gecko Species Allied to Bavayia sauvagii and Bavayia cyclura (Reptilia: Squamata: Diplodactylidae) from New Caledonia

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    Two new species of the diplodactylid gecko Bavayia are described from Mt. Koghis, Province Sud, New Caledonia. One species is a large, characteristically colored representative of the B. sauvagii complex. It is sympatric with B. sauvagii itself, for which a neotype is here designated. The second new taxon is a large member of the Bavayia cyclura group. Selection of a neotype of B. sauvagii and designation of a lectotype of B. cyclura facilitate future evaluation of intra- and interspecific variation within these two species groups. Although restricted in apparent range, both new species are relatively common where they occur

    Tempo and mode of performance evolution across multiple independent origins of adhesive toe pads in lizards

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    Understanding macroevolutionary dynamics of trait evolution is an important endeavor in evolutionary biology. Ecological opportunity can liberate a trait as it diversifies through trait space, while genetic and selective constraints can limit diversification. While many studies have examined the dynamics of morphological traits, diverse morphological traits may yield the same or similar performance and as performance is often more proximately the target of selection, examining only morphology may give an incomplete understanding of evolutionary dynamics. Here, we ask whether convergent evolution of pad‐bearing lizards has followed similar evolutionary dynamics, or whether independent origins are accompanied by unique constraints and selective pressures over macroevolutionary time. We hypothesized that geckos and anoles each have unique evolutionary tempos and modes. Using performance data from 59 species, we modified Brownian motion (BM) and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) models to account for repeated origins estimated using Bayesian ancestral state reconstructions. We discovered that adhesive performance in geckos evolved in a fashion consistent with Brownian motion with a trend, whereas anoles evolved in bounded performance space consistent with more constrained evolution (an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model). Our results suggest that convergent phenotypes can have quite distinctive evolutionary patterns, likely as a result of idiosyncratic constraints or ecological opportunities

    Study of the Dependency on Magnetic Field and Bias Voltage of an AC-Biased TES Microcalorimeter

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    At SRON we are studying the performance of a Goddard Space Flight Center single pixel TES microcalorimeter operated in an AC bias configuration. For x-ray photons at 6 keV the pixel shows an x-ray energy resolution Delta E(sub FWHM) = 3.7 eV, which is about a factor 2 worse than the energy resolution observed in an identical DC-biased pixel. In order to better understand the reasons for this discrepancy we characterized the detector as a function of temperature, bias working point and applied perpendicular magnetic field. A strong periodic dependency of the detector noise on the TES AC bias voltage is measured. We discuss the results in the framework of the recently observed weak-link behaviour of a TES microcalorimeter

    Fabrication of Microstripline Wiring for Large Format Transition Edge Sensor Arrays

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    We have developed a process to integrate microstripline wiring with transition edge sensors (TES). The process includes additional layers for metal-etch stop and dielectric adhesion to enable recovery of parameters achieved in non-microstrip pixel designs. We report on device parameters in close-packed TES arrays achieved with the microstrip process including R(sub n), G, and T(sub c) uniformity. Further, we investigate limits of this method of producing high-density, microstrip wiring including critical current to determine the ultimate scalability of TES arrays with two layers of wiring

    Supported discharge for COVID-19

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    Aims: Assessment of a supported discharge service for a cohort of patients admitted to Cork University Hospital with COVID-19 that were identified as being appropriate for remote patient monitoring. Methods: Patients uploaded SpO2, subjective breathlessness scores, and temperature readings onto the PatientMpower application, and received a daily phone call from the physiotherapist. Readmission was triggered where appropriate. Patient satisfaction questionnaires were completed following service discharge. Results: Over 12 weeks, 15 patients had a supported discharge. Readmission was triggered for 3 patients (20%). Compared to non-readmitted patient, readmitted patients had more abnormal SpO2 readings (9 (5.5-22.5) vs 1 (0-1), p= 0.022) and all 6 temperature spikes that occurred, but lower subjective breathlessness scores (3 (1-6) vs 4.25 (2-8), p = 0.003). Differences in mean abnormal SpO2% readings were not statistically significant. Conclusion: A supported discharge service including remote monitoring and regular contact with healthcare professionals can facilitate safe, and timely discharges of select patient groups

    Pulmonary embolism and COVID-19

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    Aims: There is increasing concern amongst clinicians of a possible increase in venous thromboembolism (VTE) events in patients with COVID-19. There remains limited data defining the incidence of VTE in this population and thus also a paucity of research examining the impact of targeted treatment in patients with thrombotic complications. Methods: We examined the number of symptomatic VTE events amongst proven COVID-19 patients admitted to a tertiary level academic hospital, over a one-month period. Patient characteristics, admission and discharge inflammatory and coagulation markers were included in the analysis. Results: Sixty-one patients were identified. Twelve patients (19.6%) admitted with COVID-19 were treated for a suspected PE. Of these patients, 3 patients were discharged on anticoagulation, 3 died and 6 remain inpatients at the end of the study period. Discussion: COVID-19 patients are at increased risk of VTE. This risk may extend beyond the period of admission. Further research examining the role of extending the duration of thromboprophylaxis in COVID-19 patients beyond hospital discharge is warranted

    Long-term reductions in tinnitus severity

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    BACKGROUND: This study was undertaken to assess long-term changes in tinnitus severity exhibited by patients who completed a comprehensive tinnitus management program; to identify factors that contributed to changes in tinnitus severity within this population; to contribute to the development and refinement of effective assessment and management procedures for tinnitus. METHODS: Detailed questionnaires were mailed to 300 consecutive patients prior to their initial appointment at the Oregon Health & Science University Tinnitus Clinic. All patients were then evaluated and treated within a comprehensive tinnitus management program. Follow-up questionnaires were mailed to the same 300 patients 6 to 36 months after their initial tinnitus clinic appointment. RESULTS: One hundred ninety patients (133 males, 57 females; mean age 57 years) returned follow-up questionnaires 6 to 36 months (mean = 22 months) after their initial tinnitus clinic appointment. This group of patients exhibited significant long-term reductions in self-rated tinnitus loudness, Tinnitus Severity Index scores, tinnitus-related anxiety and prevalence of current depression. Patients who improved their sleep patterns or Beck Depression Inventory scores exhibited greater reductions of tinnitus severity scores than patients who continued to experience insomnia and depression at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Individualized tinnitus management programs that were designed for each patient contributed to overall reductions in tinnitus severity exhibited on follow-up questionnaires. Identification and treatment of patients experiencing anxiety, insomnia or depression are vital components of an effective tinnitus management program. Utilization of acoustic therapy also contributed to improvements exhibited by these patients

    First dinosaur from the Isle of Eigg (Valtos Sandstone Formation, Middle Jurassic) Scotland

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    Dinosaur body fossil material is rare in Scotland, previously known almost exclusively from the Great Estuarine Group on the Isle of Skye. We report the first unequivocal dinosaur fossil from the Isle of Eigg, belonging to a Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) taxon of uncertain affinity. The limb bone NMS G.2020.10.1 is incomplete, but through a combination of anatomical comparison and osteohistology, we determine it most likely represents a stegosaur fibula. The overall proportions and cross-sectional geometry are similar to the fibulae of thyreophorans. Examination of the bone microstructure reveals a high degree of remodelling and randomly distributed longitudinal canals in the remaining primary cortical bone. This contrasts with the histological signal expected of theropod or sauropod limb bones, but is consistent with previous studies of thyreophorans, specifically stegosaurs. Previous dinosaur material from Skye and broadly contemporaneous sites in England belongs to this group, including <jats:italic>Loricatosaurus</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>Sarcolestes</jats:italic> and a number of indeterminate stegosaur specimens. Theropods such as <jats:italic>Megalosaurus</jats:italic> and sauropods such as <jats:italic>Cetiosaurus</jats:italic> are also known from these localities. Although we find strong evidence for a stegosaur affinity, diagnostic features are not observed on NMS G.2020.10.1, preventing us from referring it to any known genera. The presence of this large-bodied stegosaur on Eigg adds a significant new datapoint for dinosaur distribution in the Middle Jurassic of Scotland