381 research outputs found

    Per poter dare qualità alla ragione: una fntasia di colori ed una sinfonia di suoni.

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    Dare qualità alla ragione è una risposta laica alla ansia ed alle angosce della modernità che ha rinunciato a vane promesse religiose (riprese talvolta desacralizzandole, con nuovi, ma sempre vuoti, vestiti ideologici) e maggiormente della post-modernità che non crede più neppure ad indefiniti ed inesistenti fini teleologici. Lo strutturalismo (mutuato da ricerche antropologiche) si presenta come un linguaggio aspro, ma sincero, per rappresentare la complessità della realtà, nella parzialità di ogni rappresentazione. Pressoché in parallelo, si presenta il contributo sociologico e politico, della Scuola di Francoforte neomarxista, a partire dalla critica marxiana al fallace marxismo ortodosso sovietico ed alla vacua società dei consumi occidentale. Sempre in parallelo, il falsificazionismo rappresenta un punto di arrivo di una ricerca filosofica che, dalla filosofia della scienza, si estende alla critica delle dottrine politiche, per sostenere idee di libertà e giustizia. Allora dare qualità alla ragione non è un problema banale, di fronte ai moltissimi fallimenti della storia, passata e recente. Per questo, è necessario concepire, mettere in atto e sostenere, sempre in modo critico e molto responsabile, soluzioni parziali, per tempi limitati e spazi ristretti, sapendo che solo lo incontro, il dialogo e la accoglienza, con altre soluzioni parziali, permetteranno di costruire una rete mirabile di piccole intese, per quanto precarie, fragili e provvisorie. La identità soft tra vero, bene e bello, dove i primi due sono di incerta natura e definizione, mentre il terzo si rifà semplicemente alla educazione civica ed un galateo minimo, senza richiamare falsi assoluti, porta a ricercare la ricchezza e la gioia di una fantasia di colori ed una sinfonia di suoni. Pertanto clemenza, verso gli altri, e temperanza, con se stessi, sono le piccole doti richieste

    Atmospheric CO2 source and sink patterns over the Indian region

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    In this paper we examine CO2 emission hot spots and sink regions over India as identified from global model simulations during the period 2000–2009. CO2 emission hot spots overlap with locations of densely clustered thermal power plants, coal mines and other industrial and urban centres; CO2 sink regions coincide with the locations of dense forest. Fossil fuel CO2 emissions are compared with two bottom-up inventories: the Regional Emission inventories in ASia (REAS v1.11; 2000–2009) and the Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR v4.2) (2000–2009). Estimated fossil fuel emissions over the hot spot region are  ∼  500–950 gC m−2 yr−1 as obtained from the global model simulation, EDGAR v4.2 and REAS v1.11 emission inventory. Simulated total fluxes show increasing trends, from 1.39 ± 1.01 % yr−1 (19.8 ± 1.9 TgC yr−1) to 6.7 ± 0.54 % yr−1 (97 ± 12 TgC yr−1) over the hot spot regions and decreasing trends of −0.95 ± 1.51 % yr−1 (−1 ± 2 TgC yr−1) to −5.7 ± 2.89 % yr−1 (−2.3 ± 2 TgC yr−1) over the sink regions. Model-simulated terrestrial ecosystem fluxes show decreasing trends (increasing CO2 uptake) over the sink regions. Decreasing trends in terrestrial ecosystem fluxes imply that forest cover is increasing, which is consistent with India State of Forest Report (2009). Fossil fuel emissions show statistically significant increasing trends in all the data sets considered in this study. Estimated trend in simulated total fluxes over the Indian region is  ∼  4.72 ± 2.25 % yr−1 (25.6 TgC yr−1) which is slightly higher than global growth rate  ∼  3.1 % yr−1 during 2000–2010

    Aerosol effect on climate extremes in Europe under different future scenarios

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    This study investigates changes in extreme temperature and precipitation events under different future scenarios of anthropogenic aerosol emissions (i.e., SO2 and black and organic carbon) simulated with an aerosol-climate model (ECHAM5-HAM) with focus on Europe. The simulations include a maximum feasible aerosol reduction (MFR) scenario and a current legislation emission (CLEmod) scenario where Europe implements the MFR scenario, but the rest of the world follows the current legislation scenario and a greenhouse gas scenario. The strongest changes relative to the year 2000 are projected for the MFR scenario, in which the global aerosol reduction greatly enforces the general warming effect due to greenhouse gases and results in significant increases of temperature and precipitation extremes in Europe. Regional warming effects can also be identified from aerosol reductions under the CLEmodscenario. This becomes most obvious in the increase of the hottest summer daytime temperatures in Northern Europe. © 2013 American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    From early stress to 12-month development in very preterm infants: Preliminary findings on epigenetic mechanisms and brain growth

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    Very preterm (VPT) infants admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) are at risk for altered brain growth and less-than-optimal socio-emotional development. Recent research suggests that early NICU-related stress contributes to socio-emotional impairments in VPT infants at 3 months through epigenetic regulation (i.e., DNA methylation) of the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4). In the present longitudinal study we assessed: (a) the effects of NICU-related stress and SLC6A4 methylation variations from birth to discharge on brain development at term equivalent age (TEA); (b) the association between brain volume at TEA and socio-emotional development (i.e., Personal-Social scale of Griffith Mental Development Scales, GMDS) at 12 months corrected age (CA). Twenty-four infants had complete data at 12-month-age. SLC6A4 methylation was measured at a specific CpG previously associated with NICU-related stress and socio-emotional stress. Findings confirmed that higher NICU-related stress associated with greater increase of SLC6A4 methylation at NICU discharge. Moreover, higher SLC6A4 discharge methylation was associated with reduced anterior temporal lobe (ATL) volume at TEA, which in turn was significantly associated with less-than-optimal GMDS Personal-Social scale score at 12 months CA. The reduced ATL volume at TEA mediated the pathway linking stress-related increase in SLC6A4 methylation at NICU discharge and socio-emotional development at 12 months CA. These findings suggest that early adversity-related epigenetic changes might contribute to the long-lasting programming of socio-emotional development in VPT infants through epigenetic regulation and structural modifications of the developing brain

    Transport pathways of peroxyacetyl nitrate in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from different monsoon systems during the summer monsoon season

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    The Asian summer monsoon involves complex transport patterns with large-scale redistribution of trace gases in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). We employ the global chemistry–climate model ECHAM5–HAMMOZ in order to evaluate the transport pathways and the contributions of nitrogen oxide species peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), NOχ_{χ} and HNO3_{3} from various monsoon regions, to the UTLS over southern Asia and vice versa. Simulated long-term seasonal mean mixing ratios are compared with trace gas retrievals from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding aboard ENVISAT(MIPAS-E) and aircraft campaigns during the monsoon season (June–September) in order to evaluate the model’s ability to reproduce these transport patterns. The model simulations show that there are three regions which contribute substantial pollution to the South Asian UTLS: the Asian summer monsoon (ASM), the North American monsoon (NAM) and the West African monsoon (WAM). However, penetration due to ASM convection reaches deeper into the UTLS compared to NAM and WAM outflow. The circulation in all three monsoon regions distributes PAN into the tropical latitude belt in the upper troposphere (UT). Remote transport also occurs in the extratropical UT where westerly winds drive North American and European pollutants eastward where they can become part of the ASM convection and lifted into the lower stratosphere. In the lower stratosphere the injected pollutants are transported westward by easterly winds. Sensitivity experiments with ECHAM5–HAMMOZ for simultaneous NOχ_{χ} and nonmethane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) emission change (-10 %) over ASM, NAM and WAM confirm similar transport. Our analysis shows that a 10% change in Asian emissions transports ~5–30 ppt of PAN in the UTLS over Asia, ~1–10 ppt of PAN in the UTLS of northern subtropics and mid-latitudes, ~7–10 ppt of HNO3_{3} and ~1–2 ppb of ozone in UT over Asia. Comparison of emission change over Asia, North America and Africa shows that the highest transport of HNO3_{3} and ozone occurs in the UT over Asia and least over Africa. The intense convective activity in the monsoon regions is associated with lightning and thereby the formation of additional NOχ_{χ} . This also affects the distribution of PAN in the UTLS. Simulations with and without lightning show an increase in the concentrations of PAN (~40 %), HNO3_{3} (75%), NOχ_{χ} (70 %) and ozone (30 %) over the regions of convective transport. Lightning-induced production of these species is higher over equatorial Africa and America compared to the ASM region. This indicates that the contribution of anthropogenic emissions to PAN in the UTLS over the ASM is higher than that of lightning

    The Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Narrative Abilities in a Group of Italian Normally Developing Children

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    OBJECTIVE: Only limited and conflicting information is available regarding the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and narrative abilities. Besides, the role fathers' SES plays in the development of their children's narrative abilities has never been investigated. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between fathers' and mothers' SES and narrative abilities of their children assessed with the Italian version of the Bus Story Test (I-BST). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 505 normally developing Italian children were enrolled in the study. Information regarding parents' educational level and employment was collected for each child. Narrative abilities were evaluated using the I-BST. The relationships between parents' employment, educational level, and I-BST scores were analyzed by univariate and multivariate regression analysis. RESULTS: In univariate analysis, both fathers' and mothers' education and employment were associated with most I-BST subscale scores, especially when higher educational and employment levels were contrasted with the lowest educational and employment levels. In multiple regression analysis, significant associations were found only between the fathers' working status and educational level and I-BST subscale scores. CONCLUSIONS: Parental education and employment might impact narrative abilities of children. When both fathers' and mothers' SES variables are considered together, only fathers' education and working status seemed to be associated with I-BST scores

    Audio vs. Video: Does Viewing Support Learning? A Comparision of an Audio-Visual with an Auditory Virtual Lecture

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    Häufig wird behauptet, dass audiovisuelle Informationen gegenüber auditiven lernwirksamer sind. Dies wird meist mit der kognitiv-anregenden Funktion begründet, die der audiovisuellen Darstellung zugeschrieben wird. Bisherige empirische Arbeiten konnten das auch tendenziell bestätigen; allerdings beziehen sich diese Befunde überwiegend auf das video- oder fernsehgestützte Lernen, bei dem den Lernenden keine zusätzlichen textbasierten Informationen zur Verfügung stehen. Für den Bereich der virtuellen Vorlesung wurde noch nicht untersucht, ob sich eine audiovisuelle Präsentation des Vortragenden gegenüber einer rein auditiven Präsentation positiv auf den Lernerfolg auswirkt. In einer empirischen Studie mit 61 Versuchspersonen wurde daher Lernenden ein Ausschnitt aus einer Online-Vorlesung in zwei Variationen präsentiert. Während die eine Gruppe eine Lerneinheit bearbeitete, in der sie neben textbasierten Informationen eine Videosequenz (Aufnahme des Dozenten) präsentiert bekam, bearbeitete die zweite Gruppe die gleiche Lerneinheit; hier war jedoch nur die Stimme des Dozenten hörbar. In einem direkt anschließenden Wissens- und späteren Behaltenstest zeigten sich keine signifikanten Leistungsunterschiede zwischen den beiden Gruppen. Jedoch berichtete die Mehrheit der Versuchspersonen, dass sie die Videovariante für affektiv-unterstützender hält als die Tonvariante. (ZPID

    In vitro characterization of physico-chemical properties, cytotoxicity, bioactivity of urea-crosslinked hyaluronic acid and sodium ascorbyl phosphate nasal powder formulation

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    An innovative lyophilized dry powder formulation consisting of urea-crosslinked hyaluronic acid (HA-CL) and sodium ascorbyl phosphate (SAP) – LYO HA-CL – SAP- was prepared and characterized in vitro for physico-chemical and biological properties. The aim was to understand if LYO HA-CL – SAP could be used as adjuvant treatment for nasal inflammatory diseases. LYO HA-CL – SAP was suitable for nasal delivery and showed to be not toxic on human nasal septum carcinoma-derived cells (RPMI 2650 cells) at the investigated concentrations. It displayed porous, polygonal particles with unimodal, narrow size distribution, mean geometric diameter of 328.3 ± 27.5 µm, that is appropriate for nasal deposition with no respirable fraction and 88.7% of particles with aerodynamic diameter >14.1 µm. Additionally, the formulation showed wound healing ability on RPMI 2650 cells, and reduced interleukin-8 (IL-8) level in primary nasal epithelial cells pre-induced with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Transport study across RPMI 2650 cells showed that HA-CL could act not only as carrier for SAP and active ingredient itself, but potentially also as mucoadhesive agent. In conclusion, these results suggest that HA-CL and SAP had anti-inflammatory activity and acted in combination to accelerate wound healing. Therefore, LYO HA-CL – SAP could be a potential adjuvant in nasal anti-inflammatory formulations

    MHD simulations of plasma dynamics in pinch discharges in capillary plasmas

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    Magnetohydrodynamic simulation results related to the capillary discharge dynamics are presented. The main physical process that should be taken into account is the ablation of the capillary wall material evaporated by the heat flux from the capillary plasma. The possible applications of the capillary discharges related to the physics of the X-ray lasers and the use of the capillary plasma to provide a guiding for ultrashort high-intensity laser pulses over a distance greater than the defocusing length are discussed
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