46 research outputs found

    The organization of career guidance on the basis of development of social and pedagogical partnership

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    В статье рассмотрены проблемы профессиональной ориентации, пути их решения; опыт создания модели профессиональной ориентации на муниципальном уровне. Предлагаются рекомендации по организации и ведению данной работы.This article deals with the career guidance problems and ways of their solution. The experience of a model creation of career guidance at the municipal level is also shown. The recommendations for planning and conduct of the work are attached

    Practical aspects of therapy for glutaric aciduria type 1

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    Treatment of many of the diseases in the panel of expanded newborn screening includes dietary therapy. Glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1) is a hereditary disorder caused by mutations in the gene GCDH, encoding glutaryl‑CoA dehydrogenase, an enzyme in the amino acid metabolic pathways. The decreased activity of the enzyme leads to accumulation of neuro‑ toxic metabolites. The recommended treatment approaches for GA1 are the prescription of specialized nutrition products, levocarnitine, and symptomatic management. In 2021, clinical guidelines for the treatment of this rear disease were published in Russian Federation. To provide for the timely treatment, it is essential for a practitioner involved in the care patients with such a rare disorder as GA1 to have the knowledge of the principles of management, as well as practical algorithms for diet calculation.The article gives a detailed case‑based description of management during metabolic decompensation and the choice of dietary therapy for GA1 patients of different age groups

    Structure and evolution of the mouse pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (Psg) gene locus

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    BACKGROUND: The pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (Psg) genes encode proteins of unknown function, and are members of the carcinoembryonic antigen (Cea) gene family, which is a member of the immunoglobulin gene (Ig) superfamily. In rodents and primates, but not in artiodactyls (even-toed ungulates / hoofed mammals), there have been independent expansions of the Psg gene family, with all members expressed exclusively in placental trophoblast cells. For the mouse Psg genes, we sought to determine the genomic organisation of the locus, the expression profiles of the various family members, and the evolution of exon structure, to attempt to reconstruct the evolutionary history of this locus, and to determine whether expansion of the gene family has been driven by selection for increased gene dosage, or diversification of function. RESULTS: We collated the mouse Psg gene sequences currently in the public genome and expressed-sequence tag (EST) databases and used systematic BLAST searches to generate complete sequences for all known mouse Psg genes. We identified a novel family member, Psg31, which is similar to Psg30 but, uniquely amongst mouse Psg genes, has a duplicated N1 domain. We also identified a novel splice variant of Psg16 (bCEA). We show that Psg24 and Psg30 / Psg31 have independently undergone expansion of N-domain number. By mapping BAC, YAC and cosmid clones we described two clusters of Psg genes, which we linked and oriented using fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH). Comparison of our Psg locus map with the public mouse genome database indicates good agreement in overall structure and further elucidates gene order. Expression levels of Psg genes in placentas of different developmental stages revealed dramatic differences in the developmental expression profile of individual family members. CONCLUSION: We have combined existing information, and provide new information concerning the evolution of mouse Psg exon organization, the mouse Psg genomic locus structure, and the expression patterns of individual Psg genes. This information will facilitate functional studies of this complex gene family

    Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX): Towards a holistic understanding of the feedbacks and interactions in the land-Atmosphere-ocean-society continuum in the northern Eurasian region

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    The northern Eurasian regions and Arctic Ocean will very likely undergo substantial changes during the next decades. The Arctic-boreal natural environments play a crucial role in the global climate via albedo change, carbon sources and sinks as well as atmospheric aerosol production from biogenic volatile organic compounds. Furthermore, it is expected that global trade activities, demographic movement, and use of natural resources will be increasing in the Arctic regions. There is a need for a novel research approach, which not only identifies and tackles the relevant multi-disciplinary research questions, but also is able to make a holistic system analysis of the expected feedbacks. In this paper, we introduce the research agenda of the Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX), a multi-scale, multi-disciplinary and international program started in 2012 (https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/peex/). PEEX sets a research approach by which large-scale research topics are investigated from a system perspective and which aims to fill the key gaps in our understanding of the feedbacks and interactions between the land-Atmosphere-Aquatic-society continuum in the northern Eurasian region. We introduce here the state of the art for the key topics in the PEEX research agenda and present the future prospects of the research, which we see relevant in this context

    Практические аспекты терапии при глутаровой ацидурии типа 1

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    Treatment of many of the diseases in the panel of expanded newborn screening includes dietary therapy. Glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1) is a hereditary disorder caused by mutations in the gene GCDH, encoding glutaryl‑CoA dehydrogenase, an enzyme in the amino acid metabolic pathways. The decreased activity of the enzyme leads to accumulation of neuro‑ toxic metabolites. The recommended treatment approaches for GA1 are the prescription of specialized nutrition products, levocarnitine, and symptomatic management. In 2021, clinical guidelines for the treatment of this rear disease were published in Russian Federation. To provide for the timely treatment, it is essential for a practitioner involved in the care patients with such a rare disorder as GA1 to have the knowledge of the principles of management, as well as practical algorithms for diet calculation.The article gives a detailed case‑based description of management during metabolic decompensation and the choice of dietary therapy for GA1 patients of different age groups.Лечение многих болезней, входящих в программы расширенного неонатального скрининга, включает в себя диетотерапию. Глутаровая ацидурия 1‑го типа (ГА1) – наследственное заболевание, обусловленное мутациями в гене GCDH, кодирующем глутарил‑КоА‑дегидрогеназу, фермент, задействованный в метаболизме аминокислот. Снижение активности данного фермента приводит к накоплению в организме нейротоксичных метаболитов. При ГА1 рекомендовано назначение специализированных продуктов лечебного питания, левокарнитина и применение симптоматической терапии. В 2021 г. были опубликованы российские клинические рекомендации по лечению этого редкого заболевания. Врачу, который в своей практике сталкивается с таким редким заболеванием как ГА1, необходимо знать принципы лечения и практические алгоритмы расчета при назначении диетотерапии.В данной статье подробно на клинических примерах рассмотрены вопросы, касающиеся ведения в период метаболической декомпенсации и правильного подбора диетотерапии у пациентов разного возраста, страдающих ГА1

    National History and British Imperial Identity: Strategies of Transformation

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    In his article, the author reveals the development of national British history through the prism of British imperial identity. The author considers the concept of the formation of Britishness. The author comes to the following conclusions: the development of historical science in England provides a variety of forms of British identity, and also leads to a surge in national identity, which provides a broad basis for researchers.В своей статье автор раскрывает развитие национальной британской истории сквозь призму британской имперской идентичности. Автор рассматривает концепцию формирования британскости. Автор приходит к следующим выводам: развитие исторической науки в Англии дает разнообразные формы британской идентичности, а также приводит к всплеску национального самосознания, что дает широкую почву для исследователей.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Федерального агентства по науке и инновациям в рамках Федеральной целевой программы «Научные и научно-педагогические кадры инновационной России на 2009–2013 гг.», государственный контракт № 02.740.11.0350