1,259 research outputs found

    PCV67 Health-Economic Impact of the Hungarian Salt Intake Reduction Program

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    Drugs use in pregnancy in the Valencia Region and the risk of congenital anomalies

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    Background Despite the potential risks of drug use during pregnancy, consumption has increased in recent decades. Objective To identify the risk of congenital anomalies (CA) associated with the use of drugs in primary care in pregnant women resident in the Valencia Region. Methods A case-control study, considering a case as a less than one year old live birth in 2009–2010, diagnosed with a CA and resident in the Valencia Region, obtained from the CA population-based registry. Controls were selected from the Metabolic Disease Registry, and the drugs prescribed and dispensed from the Integral Management of Pharmaceutical Services. Crude odds ratio (OR) was calculated with its 95% confidence intervals and adjusted OR was calculated using logistic regression. Results A total of 1.913 cases and 3.826 controls were identified. The most frequently used drug groups were those acting on the musculoskeletal, nervous and respiratory systems, on the blood and blood forming organs, and anti-infection drugs. The most common drugs used were ibuprofen, dexketoprofen, paracetamol, amoxicillin, ferrous sulphate, and a combination of folic acid. A significantly increased risk of CA was identified for drugs acting on the musculoskeletal system (adjusted OR 1.14 [95% confidence interval 1.02–1.28]). A significantly decreased risk was observed for drugs acting on the blood and blood forming organs (adjusted OR 0.87 [95% confidence interval 0.78–0.98]). Conclusions Associations between drugs and CA in pregnant women resident in the Valencia Region have been identified for drugs that act as risk factors of CA, and for drugs that act as protective factors of CA. Antecedentes El consumo de medicamentos durante el embarazo se ha incrementado en las últimas décadas. Objetivo Identificar el riesgo de anomalías congénitas (AC) asociado a la utilización de medicamentos en atención ambulatoria en embarazadas residentes en la Comunitat Valenciana. Métodos Estudio de casos-controles, considerando caso a menores de un año nacidos vivos en 2009-2010 diagnosticados de AC y residentes en la Comunitat Valenciana, obtenidos del registro poblacional de AC. Los controles se seleccionaron del Registro de Metabolopatías y la medicación prescrita y dispensada se obtuvo del módulo Gestión Integral de Prestación Farmacéutica. Se calcularon las odds ratio (OR) y los intervalos de confianza al 95% y las OR ajustadas mediante regresión logística. Resultados Se identificaron 1.913 casos y 3.826 controles. Los grupos de medicamentos más frecuentemente prescritos y dispensados fueron: los que actúan sobre los sistemas musculoesquelético, nervioso, respiratorio, sobre la sangre y órganos hematopoyéticos, y antiinfecciosos. Los medicamentos más habituales fueron: ibuprofeno, dexketoprofeno, paracetamol, amoxicilina, sulfato de hierro y una combinación de ácido fólico. Se identificó un aumento del riesgo de anomalías congénitas significativo para los fármacos de acción sobre el sistema musculoesquelético (OR ajustada de 1,14 [intervalo de confianza al 95% 1,02-1,28]). Se observó una disminución del riesgo significativa en el grupo que actúa sobre la sangre y los órganos hematopoyéticos (OR ajustada de 0,87 [intervalo de confianza al 95% 0,78-0,98]). Conclusiones Se han identificado asociaciones de medicamentos con AC en mujeres embarazadas residentes en la Comunitat Valenciana, tanto para fármacos que actúan como factores de riesgo de AC como para fármacos que actúan como factores protectores de AC

    Seawater operating bio-photovoltaic cells coupling semiconductor photoanodes and enzymatic biocathodes

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    Access to fresh water and energy is ranked as one of the most severe challenges to humankind. The restricted availability of fossil fuels and clean water does not match the increasing energy demands and growing population needs, which, desirably, should be satisfied in the most sustainable, clean and inexpensive way. Here, we report clean and sustainable conversion of solar energy into electricity by photo- and bio-electrocatalytic recycling of the H2O/O2 redox couple in a hybrid bio-photovoltaic (BPV) membraneless cell comprising a sunlight-illuminated water-oxidizing semiconductor anode (either Zn-doped hematite or TiO2) and an oxygen-reducing enzymatic biocathode, in such environmental media as seawater. Upon simulated solar light illumination (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm−2), the maximum power density (Pmax) generated by the cell was 236 and 21.4 μW cm−2 in 1 M Tris–HCl and seawater, both at pH 8, respectively. In seawater its ionic content inhibited mostly the activity of the photoanode, but not that of the biocathode. The obtained Pmax values were orders of magnitude higher than those of a photo-electrochemical cell with a Pt mesh cathode (0.32 μW cm−2 in seawater). The demonstrated thermodynamically feasible coupling of cost-effective photoactive materials such as TiO2 or hematite semiconductors and enzymatic counterparts in seawater media opens a prospective clean and sustainable way of transformation of the most abundant, clean and renewable source of energy – solar light – and the Earth's most massive water resource – seawater – into electricity, which can also be used for fresh water production

    Frictions, cracks and micro-resistances: physical activity and sport as strategies to dignify imprisoned women

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    Discipline and control are key concepts within industrial and capitalist societies. In this context, prisons are a warning tool about the consequences of non-conformity [Foucault, M., 1995. Discipline and Punish: The birth of Prison. NY: Vintage Books]. As a result, punitive power is used as a corrective technique to transform prisoners into docile and useful citizen. However, power in prison is no static and inmates can create various strategies of resistance. The aim of this research is to understand how physical activity and sport are used by incarcerated women to confront social control and negotiate power relations. Underpinned within a critical feminist epistemology, we interviewed 16 women about their prison sports experience. According to the interviewees, physical activity and sport helped them to cope with the sentence while it was a useful tool confronting and negotiating the patriarchal punitive power. The women pointed out that the prison did not fully subdue them. Also, they highlighted their abilities to minimally destabilize the prison order. This enabled them to regain some autonomy and identity, while opposing to the total institution. Engaging in physical practices enabled incarcerated women to create small spaces of freedom and frictions within a limiting a prohibitive prison environmen

    Potenciales presas zooplanctónicas (Copepoda y Appendicularia) para Engraulis anchoita en relación con las distribuciones de larvas tempranas y de desove en la región frontal patagónica (océano Atlántico sudoccidental)

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    We investigated the spatial distribution of the abundance, biomass and size of zooplankton (nauplii, calanoids, cyclopoids and appendicularians) in relation to the distribution of first-feeding larvae and eggs of Engraulis anchoita across the frontal system of Peninsula Valdés. Twelve samples of zooplankton and ichthyoplankton were taken with small Bongo (67 μm) and Pairovet (200 μm) nets during the spring of 2004 along two transects. The total abundance of zooplankton and the chlorophyll a concentration were higher in homogeneous waters, while total biomasses were higher in stratified waters. Temperature was negatively correlated with biological variables and was the main factor affecting the zooplankton distribution. In both transects, abundance peaks of first-feeding larvae were detected at coastal stations along with the smallest fraction of zooplankton ( < 500 μm), while the largest fraction was dominant at the external stations, coinciding with the highest egg abundance. The physical structure of this front generates different levels of food availability for first-feeding larvae. Calanoids (southern transect) and cyclopoids (northern transect) are predominant followed by nauplii and appendicularians. The biomass of zooplankton preys contributes to the carbon transfer to the upper trophic levels and is probably important for the survival and growth of anchovy larvae in this frontal system.Se investigó la distribución espacial de la abundancia, biomasa y las tallas del zooplancton (nauplii, calanoideos, ciclopoideos y apendicularias) en relación con la distribución de las larvas en estadio de primera alimentación y los huevos de Engraulis anchoita en el sistema frontal de Península Valdés. Se tomaron 12 muestras de zooplancton e ictioplancton durante la primavera de 2004 a lo largo de dos transectos, mediante una red Minibongo (67 μm) y una Pairovet (200 μm) respectivamente. La abundancia total del zooplancton y la concentración de clorofila fue mayor en aguas homogéneas, mientras que la biomasa fue mayor en aguas estratificadas. La temperatura se correlacionó negativamente con las variables biológicas siendo ésta el principal factor que afectó la distribución del zooplancton. En las estaciones costeras de ambos transectos, se encontró la mayor abundancia de larvas en coincidencia con la fracción más pequeña de zooplancton ( < 500 μm), mientras que la fracción más grande fue dominante en las estaciones externas, en coincidencia con la mayor abundancia de huevos. La estructura física de este frente genera diferente disponibilidad de alimento para las larvas siendo los calanoideos (transecto sur) y los ciclopoideos (transecto norte) predominantes, seguidos por nauplii y apendicularias. La biomasa de dicho alimento zooplanctónico podría contribuir a la transferencia de carbono a los niveles tróficos superiores y esto sería importante para la supervivencia y crecimiento de la anchoita en este sistema frontal

    Simplified proposal for the temperature field of steel-reinforced CFST columns exposed to fire

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    [EN] Concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns are composite sections that may contribute to reduce the envi-ronmental impact in construction through a more efficient use of resources. By embedding a steel profile inside a CFST section, a new typology is generated, the so-called steel-reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular (SR-CFST) columns, which may enhance not only the structural capacity of these composite columns at room temperature but also their fire performance. This paper focuses on studying the thermal behaviour of SR-CFST columns under fire conditions, for which purpose a two-dimensional finite element model was developed by the authors and validated by comparing the temperature distribution results with experimental tests available in the literature. Subsequently, parametric studies were carried out to analyse the influence of the relevant parameters - cross-section shape, outer tube thickness, inner steel profile dimensions, section factor - over the cross-sectional ca-pacity of SR-CFST columns exposed to a standard ISO 834 fire. Using the data obtained from the parametric studies, a simplified temperature distribution proposal was derived. In the presented proposal, the composite section was divided onto four components (hollow steel tube, concrete infill, inner steel profile web and flanges) and simplified equations and tables were developed through statistical data processing in order to find the representative equivalent temperature of each part of the section. By doing so, the reduced cross-sectional ca-pacity of a SR-CFST column at a given fire resistance period can be easily evaluated by using a single strength and stiffness value for each component of the section corresponding to its assigned equivalent temperature. This simplified approach may be helpful for practitioners in the fire design process of SR-CFST columns, for which the current provisions in Eurocode 4 Part 1.2 do not provide guidance in predicting the temperature field.The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude for the help provided through the Grant PID2019-105908RB-I00 and for the first author's pre-doctoral contract through the Grant PRE2020-093106 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "ESF Investing in your future".Medall-Martos, D.; Espinós Capilla, A.; Albero Gabarda, V.; Romero, ML. (2022). Simplified proposal for the temperature field of steel-reinforced CFST columns exposed to fire. Engineering Structures. 273:1-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.11508312127

    Intervención breve en accidentados con alcoholemia positiva desde un centro de traumatología

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    E1 objetivo principal de la investigación es comprobar la efectividad de la intervención breve para reducir el consumo de alcohol en accidentados de tráfico adultos con alcoholemia positiva y sin dependencia del alcohol.En objetivo de la etapa piloto es comprobar la viabilidad estructural del proyecto (capacitación de los profesionales y viabilidad del cribado e intervención desde un centro de traumatología, así como una estimación aproximada de la prevalencia y perfil de los lesionados de tráfico con presencia de alcohol. Material: Se elabora un programa de formación con material de apoyo. Se aplica un método de detección del alcohol en saliva en lesionados de tráfico que acuden a urgencias de traumatología. A los pacientes con saliva positiva se les ofrece una intervención breve. Se recoge la opinión del personal sobre la eficacia percibida y viabilidad estimada del proyecto gobal (cribado e intervención) mediante cuestionarios de opinión. Se estudian la prevalencia y perfil de los pacientes con saliva positiva a partir del análisis comparativo de variables seleccionadas.Resultados: El personal entrenado considera (80%) útil y adecuada la formación recibida. Las enfermeras consideran (89%) que el método es fácil, no plantea demasiados problemas (55%) y es bien aceptado por el paciente (53%). El personal entrenado se ha sentido cómodo y eficiente (67%) al realizar la intervención. 261 de 264 pacientes aceptaron el cribado y el 11% tenía alcohol en saliva. Sólo 2 pacientes rechazaron la intervención, que fue practicada en 16 lesionados. Los pacientes con saliva positiva acuden más en fines de semana (p 0,005) y quedan ingresados con mayor frecuencia (p 0,05) que aquéllos con saliva negativa. Conclusión: el programa está bien estructurado, es viable y aceptado por el paciente. El estudio definitivo incluirá la determinación del alcohol en orina, en pacientes con saliva seca, y reforzará el cribado en fines de semana y politraumáticosMain research objective is to verify the effectiveness of brief intervention to reduce alcohol consumption in non-dependent adults injured in a traffic crash, presenting at the emergency department with a positive saliva alcohol test. The aim of the pilot study is to verify the feasibility of the project (staff training, screening and intervention at a trauma centre) and to roughly estimate the prevalence and profile of alcohol-attributable traffic casualties. Method: Training programme and support material are delivered. Saliva alcohol screening is performed by nurses in patients attending the emergency department because of a traffic crash. Positive patients are offered brief intervention. Staff's opinion on training, esteemed self-efficacy and feasibility of the whole procedure (screening and intervention) is collected by opinion surveys. Prevalence and profile of patients with positive saliva is drawn up by comparative analysis of selected variables. Results: Trained staff considers (80%) training useful and matching objectives. Nurses consider that, despite the nonvalid results in case of mouth dryness, the saliva test is easy (89%), doesn't pose major problems (55%), and is well accepted by the patient (53%). Trained staff have felt comfortable and self-effective (67%) in delivering the intervention. 261 out of 264 patients accepted screening and 28 (11%) had a positive result. Only 2 patients refused intervention, which was performed on 16. Patients with a positive test present more frequently in the weekends (p: 0.005) and are more hospitalised (p: 0.05) than those with a negative test. Conclusion: The programme is well designed, feasible and accepted by the patient. Main study will use urine alcohol test on patients with dry mouth, and will reinforce screening in the weekends and in sever injured patient

    Organic cheese market (Río Cuarto, Argentina). Valuation associated variables

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    Although most argentinian ecological products are targeted for export markets, domestic markets show signs of slow, but sustained growth. In order to assess the perception and willingness to purchase a new product (an organic cheese), attitudes and consumer behaviors were studied among consumers in Rio Cuarto. Data collection methods used in the survey were personal interviews with semi-structured questionaries and tasting of the new product. Bivariate and multivariate statistical analysis were performed. It was found that the willingness to pay a premium of 25 to 35 percent for this new product was associated with: social-economical variables as well as others related to food quality, like additive free and those concerned with specific attributes of the cheese such as brand and packaging. However, price and its organic label had more influence on the products valuation and potential buying decision.Si bien la producción ecológica argentina se ha destinado principalmente al mercado externo, el mercado interno manifiesta signos de crecimiento, lento, pero sostenido. Con el objetivo de conocer la valoración de los consumidores hacia un queso ecológico se estudiaron las actitudes y el comportamiento de los consumidores de la ciudad de Río Cuarto. La investigación se implementó a través de encuestas semiestructuradas, basadas en entrevistas personales a las familias y degustación del nuevo producto. Se realizaron análisis estadísticos bivariados y multivariados. La voluntad de pagar un sobreprecio de 25 a 35 p.100 por el nuevo producto se asoció a variables socioeconómicas, como así también a variables relacionadas con la calidad alimentaria (ausencia de conservantes y aditivos) y con atributos específicos del queso, como marca y presentación. Sin embargo, el precio del producto y su imagen de calidad ecológica fueron los factores que fundamentalmente incidieron en la valoración del producto y la decisión potencial de compra

    The influence of social support on the wellbeing of immigrants residing in Italy: Sources and functions as predictive factors for life satisfaction levels, sense of community and resilience

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    Moving from one country to another involves not only separation from the country of origin, but also the tiring process of integration into a new physical, institutional, and sociocultural context, which may expose migrants to acculturation stress. The loss of former support networks, or at the very least their transformation, presents immigrants with the need to rebuild their social support systems in the host country, involving an active search for support. Therefore, the aim of study is to analyze the structure of informal social support and its capacity to predict immigrants’ sense of community, resilience, and satisfaction with life. The results confirm that social support predicts satisfaction with life, sense of community, and resilience. Our findings highlight the way sources and frequency of support, and the satisfaction with which they are associated, have different degrees of predictive value on the dependent variables under investigation. In this study, it can be concluded that social support is an important factor in the well-being of migrants and their integration into the host community. The results have an important practical value in promoting interventions that improve immigrants’ support networks and, consequently, increase their satisfaction with life, sense of community, and resilience

    Numerical investigation on the thermal behaviour of steel-reinforced CFST columns in fire

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    [EN] In previous research, the authors highlighted the limited fire resistance of slender concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns. A possible solution for enhancing the fire resistance of such columns consists of embedding an open steel profile within the concrete infill of the CFST section, generating the so-called steel-reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular (SR-CFST) section, where the inner steel profile results thermally protected by the surrounding concrete, thus delaying its degradation at elevated temperatures. This strategy may result beneficial in the fire situation as compared to other sectional configurations where the steel parts are directly exposed to the heat source. In this paper, a two-dimensional finite element model will be developed for studying the thermal behaviour of SR-CFST columns and validated by comparing the temperature distribution results with experimental tests available in the literature. The numerical model will be subsequently used to carry out parametric studies, in order to analyse the influence of the different parameters, such as the cross-section shape, outer tube thickness or the inner steel profile sectional dimensions over the thermal response of these composite sections when subjected to fire. Finally, a simplified temperature distribution proposal will be developed, which may help practitioners for a fast evaluation of the cross-sectional temperature field of SR-CFST columns at a given fire resistance period by assigning an equivalent temperature to each component of the composite section (hollow steel tube, concrete encasement and inner steel profile). This simplified temperature proposal may result helpful when evaluating the sectional capacity of SR-CFST columns in fire, by using a single strength and stiffness value for each component of the composite cross-section corresponding to its temperature.The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude for the help provided through the Grant PID2019-105908RB-I00 and for the first author's pre-doctoral contract through the Grant PRE2020-093106 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by "ESF Investing in your future".Medall-Martos, D.; Espinós Capilla, A.; Albero Gabarda, V.; Ibáñez, C.; Romero, ML. (2022). Numerical investigation on the thermal behaviour of steel-reinforced CFST columns in fire. Ernst und Sohn. 429-438. https://doi.org/10.1002/cepa.177442943