524 research outputs found

    Use of the stock market simulator in the Faculty of Administrative and Social Sciences of the UV as a tool to support the learning of students

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    El objetivo de este artículo es exponer la manera en que se ha implementado la simulación en los estudiantes que cursan la experiencia educativa Finanzas Internacionales de la carrera de Administración de Negocios Internacionales, así como los beneficios que ha aportado en su formación. Por lo que en primera instancia, se presenta una revisión de literatura sobre el uso de los simuladores educativos a través del tiempo, posteriormente se aborda la metodología empleada en el curso iniciando como base del conocimiento la parte teórica, para luego aplicarlos en el uso del simulador bursátil donde éste favorece significativamente en el aprendizaje, pues los acerca al mundo real de una manera fácil, en seguida se muestran los resultados obtenidos los cuales revelan que los simuladores son una herramienta única para crear un entorno de enseñanza-aprendizaje efectivo, ya que proporcionan una visión integral de los saberes teóricos y prácticos, finalizando con las conclusiones.The objective of this article is to expose the way in which simulation has been implemented in students who are studying the International Finance educational experience of the International Business Administration career, as well as the benefits it has provided in their training. Therefore, in the first instance, a review of the literature on the use of educational simulators over time is presented, later the methodology used in the course is addressed, starting as a basis of knowledge the theoretical part, and then applying them in the use of the Stock market simulator where it significantly favors learning, as it brings them closer to the real world in an easy way, then the results obtained are shown which reveal that simulators are a unique tool to create an effective teaching-learning environment, since provides a comprehensive view of the theoretical and practical knowledge ending with the conclusions

    Didactic itineraries in the Spanish scientific scene

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    Introducción: En este artículo realizamos un estado de la cuestión sobre los trabajos publicados en España desde las últimas décadas del siglo XX hasta la actualidad sobre el itinerario didáctico. Con ello pretendemos averiguar cuál ha sido el enfoque utilizado por docentes e investigadores y cómo éste ha ido variando para adaptarse a las necesidades e inquietudes de cada momento. Método: Análisis del repositorio bibliográfico de Dialnet; selección de obras más relevantes para nuestra investigación desde los años 80 hasta la actualidad; ordenación cronológica y temática de las diferentes aportaciones sobre el tema objeto de estudio; establecimiento de líneas generales o tendencias en el empleo de los itinerarios didácticos a lo largo del periodo estudiado. Resultados: Hemos podido comprobar cómo el empleo del itinerario didáctico ha gozado de una larga trayectoria en nuestro país que puede remontarse a los inicios del siglo XX; ha sido empleado por los docentes en un amplio abanico de disciplinas, entre las que destacan la Geografía, la Geología y la Botánica, por una parte, y la Historia, Historia del Arte y Educación Patrimonial por otra. No obstante, los enfoques y recursos asociados a dicha estrategia han ido variando a lo largo del tiempo, por ejemplo, incorporando inquietudes relacionadas con la educación ambiental -en el caso de su empleo en las Ciencias de la Naturaleza-, o con las herramientas digitales -en el caso de las Ciencias Sociales-. Conclusiones: Se ha puesto de manifiesto la continuidad en el empleo de esta estrategia metodológica. A pesar de su larga trayectoria y del mantenimiento de determinadas tendencias, se comprueba una evolución no solo en cuanto a las materias abordadas, sino también en lo que atañe a la incorporación de nuevas cuestiones y problemáticas de gran calado en la sociedad actual, así como a los recursos didácticos empleados (TIC), acordes con las necesidades e inquietudes del presente.Introduction: In this article we carry out a state of the question on the works published in Spain from the last decades of the 20th century to the present on the didactic itinerary as a methodological strategy, in order to verify which has been the approach used by teachers and researchers to over time and how it has changed to adapt to the needs and concerns of today's society. Method: We have based ourselves on the main bibliographic compilation databases in order to order the different contributions on the subject under study chronologically and thematically. Results: We have been able to verify how the use of the didactic itinerary has enjoyed a long history in our country that can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century; It has been used by teachers in a wide range of disciplines, among which Geography, Geology and Botany stand out, on the one hand, and History, Art History, and Heritage Education -in recent years- on the other, although the approaches and resources associated with said strategy have varied over time, for example, incorporating concerns related to environmental education -in the case of its use in Natural Sciences-, or with digital tools -in the case of the Social Sciences. Conclusions: The continuity in the use of this methodological strategy has been revealed. Despite its long history and the maintenance of certain trends, an evolution is verified not only in terms of the subjects addressed, but also in regard to the incorporation of new issues and problems of great importance in today's society, as well as to the didactic resources used, according to the needs and concerns of the present

    Efecto de un suplemento alimenticio a base de insumos naturales y componentes bioactivos de siete raíces sobre el comportamiento sexual en ratas

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    The present study aimed to determine the effect of a food supplement based on natural inputs and bioactive components of plant species on sexual behavior. It is an experimental, prospective and longitudinal investigation. For the test, 150 albino rats were used: 75 females and 75 males of the Holtzmann breed of 12 weeks of age, with an average weight of 200 to 250 g. (males) and 150 - 200 g. (females). Two products were evaluated: One that contained the extract of the roots of seven plant species at doses of 200 and 400mg / kg and Two that contained the product one plus chestnut flour and Sacha inchi at a dose of 830mg / kg. The trial was carried out for 10 weeks and the evaluations were carried out at the eighth, ninth and tenth weeks (days 1, 7 and 14 respectively). Likewise, the evaluation of the biochemical, hematological, testosterone and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) parameters was carried out. Products One at a dose of 400mg / kg and Two at a dose of 830mg / kg showed a significant effect on sexual behavior compared with the control and standard groups (sildenafil 5mg / kg). There were no changes at the biochemical or hematological level. It is concluded that the tested products had an effect on sexual behavior by increasing libido in male rats, without side effects on biochemical and hematological parameters.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto de un suplemento alimenticio a base de insumos naturales y componentes bioactivos de especies vegetales sobre el comportamiento sexual. Es una investigación experimental, prospectiva y longitudinal. Para el ensayo se utilizó 150 ratas albinas: 75 hembras y 75 machos de raza Holtzmann de 12 semanas de edad, con un peso promedio de 200 a 250 g. (machos) y de 150 – 200 g. (hembras). Se evaluaron dos productos: Uno que contenía el extracto de las raíces de siete especies vegetales a dosis de 200 y 400mg/kg y Dos que contenía el producto uno más harina de castaña y Sacha inchi a dosis de 830mg/kg. El ensayo se realizó por 10 semanas y las evaluaciones se ejecutaron a la octava, novena y décima semanas (días 1, 7 y 14 respectivamente). Asimismo, se realizó la evaluación de los parámetros bioquímicos, hematológicos, testosterona y antígeno prostático-específico (PSA). Los productos Uno a dosis de 400mg/kg y Dos a dosis de 830mg/kg presentaron efecto significativo sobre el comportamiento sexual comparados con los grupos control y el estándar (sildenafilo 5mg/kg). No se presentaron cambios a nivel bioquímico ni hematológico. Se concluye que los productos ensayados presentaron efecto sobre el comportamiento sexual aumentando la líbido en las ratas machos, sin efectos secundarios sobre los parámetros bioquímicos y hematológicos

    Estudio comparativo del maíz morado (Zea mays L.) y simvastatina en la reducción de lípidos séricos de pacientes diabéticos normotensos con dislipidemia

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    Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of Peruvian purple corn (Zea mays) administration in serum lipids levels reduction (hypolipidemic effect) in non hypertensive diabetic patients with dyslipidemia; to compare hypolipidemic effect of Peruvian purple corn and simvastatin. Design: Clinical essay. Setting: Instituto de Investigaciones Clinicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Participants: Non hypertensive dyslipidemic diabetic patients. Interventions: Between January and October 2006 two groups of 15 non hypertensive dyslipidemic diabetic patients were randomly formed, patients with recent diagnosis, without previous treatment and without chronic complications; one group recieved simvastatin 40 mg/day and the other group Peruvian purple corn (dehydrated and micropulverized pills 1g/day) for 30 days. Patients had low fat diet with weekly nutritional evaluation and received conventional hypoglicemic treatment with glibenclamide. Serum lipids, glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, hepatic and renal function tests were done before and after treatment. Statistical analysis used Student t test with 95% confidence interval. Main outcome measures: Serum cholesterol, triglycerids and glucose levels variation. Results: There was reduction in both groups of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and fasting glucose serum levels; HDL cholesterol serum levels increased. Comparing basal and post treatment results for purple corn, there was significant reduction of triglycerides levels and significant increase of HDL cholesterol. In the simvastatin group there was significant statistical reduction of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and statistically significant increase in HDL cholesterol compared with basal levels. Compared with simvastatin purple corn optimized glucose control more significantly. There was significant statistical difference for post treatment values of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides in favor of the group that received simvastatin compared with purple corn. Conclusions: At doses studied Peruvian purple corn was effective in reducing triglyceride levels, increasing HDL cholesterol and optimizing glucose control in non hypertensive diabetic patients. Simvastatin was more efficacious than Peruvian purple corn in treatment of dyslipidemia without important effects on glycemia.Objetivos: Determinar la eficacia de la administración del maíz morado (Zea mays) en la reducción de los niveles de lípidos séricos (efecto hipolipemiante) en pacientes diabéticos no hipertensos con dislipidemia. Comparar el efecto hipolipemiante del maíz morado con simvastatina. Diseño: Ensayo clínico. Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Pacientes diabéticos dislipidémicos no hipertensos. Intervenciones: Entre enero y octubre 2006, se formó aleatoriamente dos grupos de investigación de 15 pacientes diabéticos dislipidémicos no hipertensos, de diagnóstico reciente, sin tratamiento previo y sin complicaciones crónicas; un grupo recibió simvastatina 40 mg/día y el otro grupo maíz morado (comprimidos deshidratados y micropulverizados 1g/día), por un período de 30 días. Los pacientes paralelamente realizaron dieta hipograsa con evaluación nutricional semanal y recibieron el tratamiento hipoglicemiante convencional con glibenclamida. Se realizó dosaje basal y postratamiento de lípidos séricos, glucosa basal, hemoglobina glicosilada, pruebas de función hepática y renal. El análisis estadístico se efectuó con la prueba t de student, con un intervalo de confianza de 95%. Principales medidas de resultados: Modificación de los valores séricos de colesterol, triglicéridos y glucosa. Resultados: Se observó que en ambos grupos se produjo reducción en los valores séricos de colesterol total, colesterol LDL, triglicéridos y glucosa en ayunas; asimismo, aumento de los niveles séricos de colesterol HDL. Al compararse los resultados basales y postratamiento para maíz morado, se encontró reducción significativa de los valores de triglicéridos y aumento significativo del colesterol HDL. Para el grupo tratado con simvastatina, hubo reducción estadísticamente significativa del colesterol total, colesterol LDL, triglicéridos y aumento estadísticamente significativo del colesterol HDL, en comparación con los valores basales. El maíz morado mostró optimizar el control de la glucosa, efecto muy superior y estadísticamente significativo en comparación con la simvastatina. Se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa para los valores postratamiento de colesterol total, colesterol LDL, colesterol HDL y triglicéridos a favor del grupo que recibió simvastatina en comparación con el que recibió maíz morado. Conclusiones: A la dosis estudiada, el maíz morado mostró ser eficaz para reducir los niveles de triglicéridos, aumentar el colesterol HDL y optimizar el control de la glucosa en pacientes diabéticos no hipertensos. Simvastatina fue más eficaz que el maíz morado en el tratamiento de la dislipidemia, sin efectos importantes sobre la glicemia

    Predictive factors and early biomarkers of response in multiple sclerosis patients treated with natalizumab

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    There are an increasing number of treatments available for multiple sclerosis (MS). The early identification of optimal responders to individual treatments is important to achieve individualized therapy. With this aim, we performed a multicenter retrospective longitudinal study including 186 MS patients treated with natalizumab who were followed for 2 years. We analyzed the following variables at recruitment: sex, current age, age at disease onset, disease duration, EDSS, number of T2 and Gd + lesions, IgG and IgM oligoclonal bands, HLA class II (DR, DRB, DQA, DQB, and DRB1*15:01), IgG and IgM antibody titers against human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and the antibody response to Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) through the measurement of the anti-EBNA-1 and anti-VCA IgG titers, in relation to clinical response (no relapses or disability progression), and to NEDA-3 (no evidence of disease activity in terms of clinical response and no changes in MRI scans either) after 2-years follow-up. Baseline EDSS score, baseline EBNA-1 IgG titers and percentage change of HHV6 IgG titers between baseline and 6 month visits were significantly different in clinical responders and in NEDA-3 status (all of them remained significant in the multivariate analysis). We identified three variables for the early identification of natalizumab optimal responders in a rapid and cost-effective approach

    From bioavailability science to regulation of organic chemicals

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    The bioavailability of organic chemicals in soil and sediment is an important area of scientific investigation for environmental scientists, although this area of study remains only partially recognized by regulators and industries working in the environmental sector. Regulators have recently started to consider bioavailability within retrospective risk assessment frameworks for organic chemicals; by doing so, realistic decision-making with regard to polluted environments can be achieved, rather than relying on the traditional approach of using total-extractable concentrations. However, implementation remains difficult because scientific developments on bioavailability are not always translated into ready-to-use approaches for regulators. Similarly, bioavailability remains largely unexplored within prospective regulatory frameworks that address the approval and regulation of organic chemicals. This article discusses bioavailability concepts and methods, as well as possible pathways for the implementation of bioavailability into risk assessment and regulation; in addition, this article offers a simple, pragmatic and justifiable approach for use within retrospective and prospective risk assessment

    The reproductive capacity of Monk Parakeets Myiopsitta monachus is higher in their invasive range

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    Breeding parameters for Monk Parakeets Myiopsitta monachus nesting in Barcelona, Spain, were collected for 651 nests over five breeding seasons. This invasive population has a high reproductive capacity compared with the species in the native range: fledging success was double, the percentage of pairs attempting second broods three times higher and 55% of first-year birds bred compared with almost zero in South America

    Surgical treatment for colorectal cancer: Analysis of the influence of an enhanced recovery programme on long-term oncological outcomes-a study protocol for a prospective, multicentre, observational cohort study

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    Introduction The evidence currently available from enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programmes concerns their benefits in the immediate postoperative period, but there is still very little evidence as to whether their correct implementation benefits patients in the long term. The working hypothesis here is that, due to the lower response to surgical aggression and lower rates of postoperative complications, ERAS protocols can reduce colorectal cancer-related mortality. The main objective of this study is to analyse the impact of an ERAS programme for colorectal cancer on 5-year survival. As secondary objectives, we propose to analyse the weight of each of the predefined items in the oncological results as well as the quality of life. Methods and analysis A multicentre prospective cohort study was conducted in patients older than 18 years of age who are scheduled to undergo surgery for colorectal cancer. The study involved 12 hospitals with an implemented enhanced recovery protocol according to the guidelines published by the Spanish National Health Service. The intervention group includes patients with a minimum implementation level of 70%, and the control group includes those who fail to reach this level. Compliance will be studied using 18 key performance indicators, and the results will be analysed using cancer survival indicators, including overall survival, cancer-specific survival and relapse-free survival. The time to recurrence, perioperative morbidity and mortality, hospital stay and quality of life will also be studied, the latter using the validated EuroQol Five questionnaire. The propensity index method will be used to create comparable treatment and control groups, and a multivariate regression will be used to study each variable. The Kaplan-Meier estimator will be used to estimate survival and the log-rank test to make comparisons. A p value of less than 0.05 (two-tailed) will be considered to be significant. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the Aragon Ethical Committee (C.P.-C.I. PI20/086) on 4 March 2020. The findings of this study will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals (BMJ Open, JAMA Surgery, Annals of Surgery, British Journal of Surgery). Abstracts will be submitted to relevant national and international meetings. Trial registration number NCT04305314

    Surgical treatment for colorectal cancer: Analysis of the influence of an enhanced recovery programme on long-term oncological outcomes-a study protocol for a prospective, multicentre, observational cohort study

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    Introduction The evidence currently available from enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programmes concerns their benefits in the immediate postoperative period, but there is still very little evidence as to whether their correct implementation benefits patients in the long term. The working hypothesis here is that, due to the lower response to surgical aggression and lower rates of postoperative complications, ERAS protocols can reduce colorectal cancer-related mortality. The main objective of this study is to analyse the impact of an ERAS programme for colorectal cancer on 5-year survival. As secondary objectives, we propose to analyse the weight of each of the predefined items in the oncological results as well as the quality of life. Methods and analysis A multicentre prospective cohort study was conducted in patients older than 18 years of age who are scheduled to undergo surgery for colorectal cancer. The study involved 12 hospitals with an implemented enhanced recovery protocol according to the guidelines published by the Spanish National Health Service. The intervention group includes patients with a minimum implementation level of 70%, and the control group includes those who fail to reach this level. Compliance will be studied using 18 key performance indicators, and the results will be analysed using cancer survival indicators, including overall survival, cancer-specific survival and relapse-free survival. The time to recurrence, perioperative morbidity and mortality, hospital stay and quality of life will also be studied, the latter using the validated EuroQol Five questionnaire. The propensity index method will be used to create comparable treatment and control groups, and a multivariate regression will be used to study each variable. The Kaplan-Meier estimator will be used to estimate survival and the log-rank test to make comparisons. A p value of less than 0.05 (two-tailed) will be considered to be significant. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the Aragon Ethical Committee (C.P.-C.I. PI20/086) on 4 March 2020. The findings of this study will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals (BMJ Open, JAMA Surgery, Annals of Surgery, British Journal of Surgery). Abstracts will be submitted to relevant national and international meetings.The present research study was awarded a Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación health research project grant (PI19/00291) from the Carlos III Institute of the Spanish National Health Service as part of the 2019 call for Strategic Action in Health