1,890 research outputs found

    Prenatal care in Montana| A spatial analysis

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    Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Ceraphronoidea

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The attached file is the published version of the article.NHM Repositor

    Keck/MOSFIRE Spectroscopy of z=7-8 Galaxies: Lyα\alpha Emission from a Galaxy at z=7.66

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    We report the results from some of the deepest Keck/Multi-Object Spectrometer For Infra-Red Exploration data yet obtained for candidate z7z \gtrsim 7 galaxies. Our data show one significant line detection with 6.5σ\sigma significance in our combined 10 hr of integration which is independently detected on more than one night, thus ruling out the possibility that the detection is spurious. The asymmetric line profile and non-detection in the optical bands strongly imply that the detected line is Lyα\alpha emission from a galaxy at zz(Lyα)=7.6637±0.0011\alpha)=7.6637 \pm 0.0011, making it the fourth spectroscopically confirmed galaxy via Lyα\alpha at z>7.5z>7.5. This galaxy is bright in the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV; MUV21.2M_{\rm UV} \sim -21.2) with a moderately blue UV slope (β=2.20.2+0.3\beta=-2.2^{+0.3}_{-0.2}), and exhibits a rest-frame Lyα\alpha equivalent width of EW(Lyα\alpha) 15.63.6+5.9\sim 15.6^{+5.9}_{-3.6} \AA. The non-detection of the 11 other zz \sim 7-8 galaxies in our long 10 hr integration, reaching a median 5σ\sigma sensitivity of 28 \AA\ in the rest-frame EW(Lyα\alpha), implies a 1.3σ\sigma deviation from the null hypothesis of a non-evolving distribution in the rest-frame EW(Lyα\alpha) between 3<z<63<z<6 and z=z= 7-8. Our results are consistent with previous studies finding a decline in Lyα\alpha emission at z>6.5z>6.5, which may signal the evolving neutral fraction in the intergalactic medium at the end of the reionization epoch, although our weak evidence suggests the need for a larger statistical sample to allow for a more robust conclusion.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Dismantling the Poverty Trap: Disability Policy for the Twenty-First Century

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    Working-age people with disabilities are much more likely than people without disabilities to live in poverty and not be employed or have shared in the economic prosperity of the late 1990s. Today’s disability policies, which remain rooted in paternalism, create a “poverty trap” that recent reforms have not resolved. This discouraging situation will continue unless broad, systemic reforms promoting economic self-sufficiency are implemented, in line with more modern thinking about disability. Indeed, the implementation of such reforms may be the only way to protect people with disabilities from the probable loss of benefits if the federal government cuts funding for entitlement programs. This article suggests some principles to guide reforms and encourage debate and asks whether such comprehensive reforms can be successfully designed and implemented

    Days and events, 1860-1866

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    "This narrative of Colonel Livermore's war experience was commenced immediately after the conclusion of the Civil War, while its events were still fresh in his mind. Though often urged by the members of his family to publish the work, he always declined, giving as his reason that the events related were often so personal in their nature that they could better be published after his death ... If the author's style, at times, may seem unfinished, it must be remembered that he was but twenty-two years of age at the commencement of the work"--Foreword."This narrative of Colonel Livermore's war experience was commenced immediately after the conclusion of the Civil War, while its events were still fresh in his mind. Though often urged by the members of his family to publish the work, he always declined, giving as his reason that the events related were often so personal in their nature that they could better be published after his death ... If the author's style, at times, may seem unfinished, it must be remembered that he was but twenty-two years of age at the commencement of the work"--Foreword.Mode of access: Internet

    History of the Eighteenth New Hampshire Volunteers, 1864-5

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    HST followup observations of two bright z ~ 8 candidate galaxies from the BoRG pure-parallel survey

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    We present followup imaging of two bright (L > L*) galaxy candidates at z > 8 from the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies (BoRG) survey with the F098M filter on HST/WFC3. The F098M filter provides an additional constraint on the flux blueward of the spectral break, and the observations are designed to discriminate between low- and high-z photometric redshift solutions for these galaxies. Our results confirm one galaxy, BoRG 0116+1425 747, as a highly probable z ~ 8 source, but reveal that BoRG 0116+1425 630 - previously the brightest known z > 8 candidate (mAB = 24.5) - is likely to be a z ~ 2 interloper. As this source was substantially brighter than any other z > 8 candidate, removing it from the sample has a significant impact on the derived UV luminosity function in this epoch. We show that while previous BoRG results favored a shallow power-law decline in the bright end of the luminosity function prior to reionization, there is now no evidence for departure from a Schechter function form and therefore no evidence for a difference in galaxy formation processes before and after reionization.Comment: Accepted by ApJL, 7 pages, 4 figure

    Dephasing Effect in Photon-Assisted Resonant Tunneling through Quantum Dots

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    We analyze dephasing in single and double quantum dot systems. The decoherence is introduced by the B\"{u}ttiker model with current conserving fictitious voltage leads connected to the dots. By using the non-equilibrium Green function method, we investigate the dephasing effect on the tunneling current. It is shown that a finite dephasing rate leads to observable effects. The result can be used to measure dephasing rates in quantum dots.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Rapid Communications of Phys. Rev.

    Activity of ceftolozane/tazobactam against surveillance and ‘problem’ Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and non-fermenters from the British Isles

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    Background: We assessed the activity of ceftolozane/tazobactam against consecutive isolates collected in the BSAC Bacteraemia Surveillance from 2011 to 2015 and against ‘problem’ isolates sent to the UK national reference laboratory from July 2015, when routine testing began. Methods: Susceptibility testing was by BSAC agar dilution with resistance mechanisms identified by PCR and interpretive reading. Results: Data were reviewed for 6080 BSAC surveillance isolates and 5473 referred organisms. Ceftolozane/tazobactam had good activity against unselected ESBL producers in the BSAC series, but activity was reduced against ertapenem-resistant ESBL producers, which were numerous among reference submissions. AmpC-derepressed Enterobacter spp. were widely resistant, but Escherichia coli with raised chromosomal AmpC frequently remained susceptible, as did Klebsiella pneumoniae with acquired DHA-1-type AmpC. Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae were mostly resistant, except for ceftazidime-susceptible isolates with OXA-48-like enzymes. Ceftolozane/tazobactam was active against 99.8% of the BSAC Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates; against referred P. aeruginosa it was active against 99.7% with moderately raised efflux, 94.7% with strongly raised efflux and 96.6% with derepressed AmpC. Resistance in P. aeruginosa was largely confined to isolates with metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) or ESBLs. MICs for referred Burkholderia spp. and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia were 2–4-fold lower than those of ceftazidime. Conclusions: Ceftolozane/tazobactam is active against ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae; gains against other problem Enterobacteriaceae groups were limited. Against P. aeruginosa it overcame the two most prevalent mechanisms (up-regulated efflux and derepressed AmpC) and was active against 51.9% of isolates non-susceptible to all other β-lactams, rising to 80.9% if ESBL and MBL producers were excluded