997 research outputs found

    Effect of parameters of plate mounting tape and cylinder anilox on the parameters of printing copies produced with the use of digital flexographic plates

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    У статті представлено результати досліджень впливу параметрів монтажної стрічки і анілоксового циліндра на параметри друкарських відбитків виготовлених при використовуванні цифрових флексографічних форм.The article presents the results of studies of the effect of parameters of plate mounting tape and cylinder anilox on the parameters of printing copies produced with the use of digital flexographic plates.В статье представлены результаты исследований влияния параметров монтажной ленты и анилоксового цилиндра на параметры печатных оттисков, изготовленных при использовании цифровых флексографских форм

    Floquet analysis of the modulated two-mode Bose-Hubbard model

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    We study the tunneling dynamics in a time-periodically modulated two-mode Bose-Hubbard model using Floquet theory. We consider situations where the system is in the self-trapping regime and either the tunneling amplitude, the interaction strength, or the energy difference between the modes is modulated. In the former two cases, the tunneling is enhanced in a wide range of modulation frequencies, while in the latter case the resonance is narrow. We explain this difference with the help of Floquet analysis. If the modulation amplitude is weak, the locations of the resonances can be found using the spectrum of the non-modulated Hamiltonian. Furthermore, we use Floquet analysis to explain the coherent destruction of tunneling (CDT) occurring in a large-amplitude modulated system. Finally, we present two ways to create a NOON state (a superposition of NN particles in mode 1 with zero particles in mode 2 and vice versa). One is based on a coherent oscillation caused by detuning from a partial CDT. The other makes use of an adiabatic variation of the modulation frequency. This results in a Landau-Zener type of transition between the ground state and a NOON-like state.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures; published in Phys. Rev.

    ExoMars Atmospheric Science and Missions Workshop Abstracts

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    The “ExoMars Atmospheric Science and Missions” Workshop served as a forum for general discussions on Martian atmospheric science with a focus on the assessment of the results and instrumentation development cycle of the ExoMars 2016 mission. These led to presentations and discussions of the atmospheric investigation plans and strategies for the ESA ExoMars-2020 mission in particular and for forthcoming Mars missions in general. The workshop gave overviews of the ExoMars atmospheric investigations through invited talks by Exomars scientists. The ExoMars atmospheric results and planned investigations were covered by individual scientific presentations. The workshop engaged early career scientists, inclusiveness states and scientific and technological cooperation in the European planetary science community. The Workshop provided a forum for discussion and debate on the outstanding scientific topics of the Martian atmosphere, and on how to integrate and network the scientific teams with providers of instruments and technical systems. Thus the workshop also contributed to international cooperation in the field of Martian atmospheric science and technology

    New Environmental Demands and the Future of the Helsinki−Tallinn Freight Route

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    The environmental friendliness of short sea shipping has been justified in Europe by the ensuing lower congestion at hinterlands and unneeded large-scale infrastructure investments on roads and railways. However, the attractiveness of short sea shipping is about to change. This is because of increasing environmental regulations (International Maritime Organization (IMO) sulfur regulation in the Baltic Sea and planned CO2 emissions trading) and increased world market oil prices. In this research, we analyze this potential change using data envelopment analysis on the existing transportation chain alternatives in the Helsinki (Finland)−Tallinn (Estonia) short sea route (chains using either roro, ropax or container ships). The analysis also includes the planned railway tunnel between the two cities. On the basis of our findings, the current truck and semi-trailer-based transportation is challenged by containers, irrespective of how they are carried (ship type). In the long term, for reasons of emissions and oil independency, the possibility of tunnel construction would make it vital to have container ship operations available along this route. The forthcoming change is not radical, but rather evolutionary and long term oriented

    Stress distribution in GaN nanopillars using confocal Raman mapping technique

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    In this Letter, high-resolution confocal Raman mapping of stress distribution in etched and re-grown GaN nanopillar structures is investigated. Results of the E2(high) phonon line mapping of the top surfaces of individual nanopillars reveal differences in stress between both the center and edge of the nanopillar top surfaces and between the etched and re-grown GaN nanopillar structures. In-plane biaxial compressive stress with the values of 0.36–0.42 GPa and 0.49–0.54 GPa is observed at the center of etched and re-grown GaN nanopillars, respectively. The in-plane biaxial compressive stress decreases from center to edge in re-grown GaN nanopillar due to the tilted facets. Also, the A1(LO) phonon frequency increases from center to edges, or tilted facets, due to the tilt of the c-axis of re-grown GaN nanopillar.Peer reviewe

    Correlated gluonic hot spots meet symmetric cumulants data at LHC energies

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    We present a systematic study on the influence of spatial correlations between the proton constituents, in our case gluonic hot spots, their size and their number on the symmetric cumulant SC(2, 3), at the eccentricity level, within a Monte Carlo Glauber framework [1]. When modeling the proton as composed by 3 gluonic hot spots, the most common assumption in the literature, we find that the inclusion of spatial correlations is indispensable to reproduce the negative sign of SC(2, 3) in the highest centrality bins as dictated by data. Further, the subtle interplay between the different scales of the problem is discussed. To conclude, the possibility of feeding a 2+1D viscous hydrodynamic simulation with our entropy profiles is exposed.Peer reviewe

    In situ determination of nitrogen content in InGaAsN quantum wells

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    The growth of InGaAsN/GaAs multiple quantum well structures by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy is monitored by in situ reflectometry. The nitrogen incorporation is found to depend superlinearly on the precursor flow and a threshold value for the flow is observed. By in situmeasurements of the InGaAsN quantum well samples with a fixed indium content, the change in the reflectance during the quantum wellgrowth is found to be linearly dependent on the quantum well nitrogen content. A model to determine the nitrogen content already during the growth is developed. Moreover, the field of application of in situ reflectance monitoring is extended from thick layers to thin layers, including quantum wells.Peer reviewe

    Pathogenesis of Age-Related Osteoporosis: Impaired Mechano-Responsiveness of Bone Is Not the Culprit

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    BACKGROUND: According to prevailing understanding, skeletal mechano-responsiveness declines with age and this apparent failure of the mechano-sensory feedback system has been attributed to the gradual bone loss with aging (age-related osteoporosis). The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the capacity of senescent skeleton to respond to increased loading is indeed reduced as compared to young mature skeleton. METHODS AND FINDINGS: 108 male and 101 female rats were randomly assigned into Exercise and Control groups. Exercise groups were subjected to treadmill training either at peak bone mass between 47-61 weeks of age (Mature) or at senescence between 75-102 weeks of age (Senescent). After the training intervention, femoral necks and diaphysis were evaluated with peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) and mechanical testing; the proximal tibia was assessed with microcomputed tomography (microCT). The microCT analysis revealed that the senescent bone tissue was structurally deteriorated compared to the mature bone tissue, confirming the existence of age-related osteoporosis. As regards the mechano-responsiveness, the used loading resulted in only marginal increases in the bones of the mature animals, while significant exercise-induced increases were observed virtually in all bone traits among the senescent rats. CONCLUSION: The bones of senescent rats displayed a clear ability to respond to an exercise regimen that failed to initiate an adaptive response in mature animals. Thus, our observations suggest that the pathogenesis of age-related osteoporosis is not attributable to impaired mechano-responsiveness of aging skeleton. It also seems that strengthening of even senescent bones is possible--naturally provided that safe and efficient training methods can be developed for the oldest old