2,270 research outputs found


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    xDGP: A Dynamic Graph Processing System with Adaptive Partitioning

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    13 pagesMany real-world systems, such as social networks, rely on mining efficiently large graphs, with hundreds of millions of vertices and edges. This volume of information requires partitioning the graph across multiple nodes in a distributed system. This has a deep effect on performance, as traversing edges cut between partitions incurs a significant performance penalty due to the cost of communication. Thus, several systems in the literature have attempted to improve computational performance by enhancing graph partitioning, but they do not support another characteristic of real-world graphs: graphs are inherently dynamic, their topology evolves continuously, and subsequently the optimum partitioning also changes over time. In this work, we present the first system that dynamically repartitions massive graphs to adapt to structural changes. The system optimises graph partitioning to prevent performance degradation without using data replication. The system adopts an iterative vertex migration algorithm that relies on local information only, making complex coordination unnecessary. We show how the improvement in graph partitioning reduces execution time by over 50%, while adapting the partitioning to a large number of changes to the graph in three real-world scenarios

    Análisis observacional del lanzamiento de balonmano en la fase de contraataque de las selecciones finalistas del mundial de Qatar 2015

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe pretende analizar la efectividad de los lanzamientos de balonmano en la fase de contraataque en el alto rendimiento. Para ello se analizaron 10 partidos disputados por las dos selecciones finalistas del Mundial de Qatar en el año 2015 (Qatar y Francia). El análisis se realizó mediante una metodología observacional, donde se evaluaron diferentes parámetros relacionados con el lanzamiento en balonmano: modelo del lanzamiento (tipo), la distancia, la posición/ángulo y la fase dentro del contraataque (ciclo del juego). El análisis descriptivo de los resultados muestra que existe una alta efectividad de los lanzamientos que se realizan en la fase de contraataque. Los equipos tienden a realizar un mayor número de lanzamientos durante los contraataques de la primera parte del partido. En cuanto a las características del lanzamiento durante esta fase, hay que resaltar que se realiza en la 1ª oleada, en suspensión, a poca distancia de la portería y sobre todo desde zonas centrales del campo. Estos resultados se han discutido con estudios similares.ES

    Tolerance towards difference: Adaptation and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of a new measure of tolerance and sex-moderated relations with prejudice

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    Abstract The present research aims at adapting to the Spanish context and language a measure of tolerance toward diversity recently developed, at analyzing its psychometric properties, and at examining the moderating effect of participants' sex on the relations between tolerance and prejudice. We conducted two studies considering two Spanish samples taken from the general population. In Study 1 (N = 586; 70.5 % females; Mage = 37.77, SD = 12.34) we confirmed the three-factorial structure of the questionnaire (i.e., acceptance of diversity, respect for diversity and appreciation of diversity) and their invariance across sex groups. In Study 2 (N = 333; 60.4 % females; Mage = 36.20, SD = 13.36) evidence of validity based on the relations of tolerance with prejudice (modern racism, hostile sexism, and benevolent sexism) are presented. Additional findings reveal the role of the appreciation of diversity dimension to reduce prejudice, as well as differences between men and women in this relation: when participants express low appreciation of diversity, men show more hostile sexism and modern racism than women. Such differences did not emerge for those who highly appreciate diversity. The implications of using this multidimensional questionnaire to measure tolerance are discussed

    Le défigement linguistique comme recours stylistique, et les écueils traductologiques induits de l’espagnol vers le français

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    The man\u27s gaze transcends reality to so often cosmetic purposes. Referring to literature, here we will only tackle the part of the narrative creation which are the metaphorical interpretation and its derivatives to linger over this other type of diversion realized by the language de-fossilization in its phraseology and lexical applications, leading to many puns. The translator must accommodate to this sign of discursive freedom of authors, establishing semantic and semiotic relations of collusion between the source language and the target language. This is what we will develop on the basis of about ten illustrations from Hispanic literature. For each case, we will emphasize the intuitive logic of the original find, to propose its transfer in French, pointing that through a translatological "intuitivo-cognitive" posture, the translator can develop his very own creativity, a true wager of literary faithfulness

    Europe's confused transmutation: the realignment of moral cartography in Juan de la Cosa's Mappa Mundi (1500)

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    Following the voyages of Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Alonso de Ojeda and Amerigo Vespucci in the last decade of the fifteenth century, the New World of the Americas entered the cartographic and moral consciousness of Europe. In the 1500 mappa mundi of Juan de la Cosa, navigator and map-maker, we see Europe as a hybrid moral entity, a transitional blend of the medieval and the modern at the crossroads between two mappings of Europe. This paper argues that the Juan De la Cosa map represents a blurred transition between map-making traditions and a mixed moral rhetoric of European identity. The De la Cosa map operates across two sets of imagined axes: held horizontally, the map is set to a Ptolemaic grid with Europe straddling the Prime Meridian, and yet when held vertically it presents a medieval moral continuum in which the Americas occupy an ascendant position, a verdant new Jerusalem in contrast to the Babylon of the Old World. Europe is both drawn to the centre of a new world order, and also pushed to the moral margins in an echo of the medieval mappa mundi still imperfectly resolved

    Prolonged oral cannabinoid administration prevents neuroinflammation, lowers β-amyloid levels and improves cognitive performance in Tg APP 2576 mice

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.[Background]: Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain shows an ongoing inflammatory condition and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories diminish the risk of suffering the neurologic disease. Cannabinoids are neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory agents with therapeutic potential. [Methods]: We have studied the effects of prolonged oral administration of transgenic amyloid precursor protein (APP) mice with two pharmacologically different cannabinoids (WIN 55,212-2 and JWH-133, 0.2 mg/kg/day in the drinking water during 4 months) on inflammatory and cognitive parameters, and on 18F-fluoro-deoxyglucose (18FDG) uptake by positron emission tomography (PET). [Results]: Novel object recognition was significantly reduced in 11 month old Tg APP mice and 4 month administration of JWH was able to normalize this cognitive deficit, although WIN was ineffective. Wild type mice cognitive performance was unaltered by cannabinoid administration. Tg APP mice showed decreased 18FDG uptake in hippocampus and cortical regions, which was counteracted by oral JWH treatment. Hippocampal GFAP immunoreactivity and cortical protein expression was unaffected by genotype or treatment. In contrast, the density of Iba1 positive microglia was increased in Tg APP mice, and normalized following JWH chronic treatment. Both cannabinoids were effective at reducing the enhancement of COX-2 protein levels and TNF-α mRNA expression found in the AD model. Increased cortical β-amyloid (Aβ) levels were significantly reduced in the mouse model by both cannabinoids. Noteworthy both cannabinoids enhanced Aβ transport across choroid plexus cells in vitro. [Conclusions]: In summary we have shown that chronically administered cannabinoid showed marked beneficial effects concomitant with inflammation reduction and increased Aβ clearance.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (SAF 2005-02845 to M.L.C). A.M.M-M. was recipient a fellowship from the Ministry of Education and Science.Peer Reviewe

    X-ray emission from a liquid curtain jet when irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses

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    Laser-based sources of ionizing radiation have attracted considerable attention in the last years for their broad potential applications. However, the stability and robustness of such sources are still issues that need to be addressed. Aiming to solve such problems, we propose a source that uses a liquid jet—rather than a solid—as a target for the production of X-rays. Liquid jets offer always a clean surface for every laser shot which represent a clear advantage over solids. In this work, we present an experimental characterization of the X-ray emission of such targets, and study the efficiency of the process when two temporally delayed pulses are used. According to the obtained results, the X-ray yield is comparable with commonly used targets.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FIS2016- 81056-