988 research outputs found

    The nature of Formal Reasoning among Ghanaian Basic School pupils in General Science Logic Tasks

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    Many Psychologists have considered early formal thinking among adolescents as signs of normal development. As it is not known for certain at what age Ghanaian Junior Secondary School (JSS) pupils achieve formal operational capabilities, the study seeks to find out the relationship between Piagetian theory of development and the extent of formal thinking among adolescent pupils, especially in General Science Logic tasks. This study thus used two sets of questionnaire involving “General Knowledge Logic Tasks” and “General Science Logic Tasks” based on topics chosen from the JSS science syllabus to test the logical reasoning of pupils between ages of 13 and 15 years. A total of 60 pupils were selected randomly from four junior secondary schools and tested on the questionnaire. The sample was made up of 15 pupils (with 5 from each of JSS 1 to JSS 3) from each school. They were then served with the same items. The marks they obtained on the two examinations were used to determine the extent of their formal reasoning as well as their maturity. It was found, rather surprisingly, that the older pupils did less formal reasoning than the younger ones. That is, the younger pupils in JSS 1 (age 13-14 years) performed better on the tests than those in JSS 2 (ages 14-15 years) and JSS 3 (ages 15 –16 years). It was also found that on the average all pupils performed better on the General Knowledge tasks than on the General Science tasks, implying that pupils\' formal reasoning was not subject oriented. This anomaly may be attributed to the fact that many pupils resort to rote learning and as a result forget soon afterward what they had learned while their knowledge of happenings around them lasted longer.African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences Vol. 3 2005: pp. 9-1

    Coastal Biodiversity, Sustainable Livelihood and Ecological Scenarios in Marine Wetland of Asarama Andoni in Parts of Eastern Niger Delta Nigeria

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    Wetland ecosystems are very important natural environmental resource that forms part of the total wealth of a nation. The Asarama wetland in Andoni is amongst the important wetlands in coastal marine cosystems of the Niger Delta; fascinated by diverse rich biodiversity, wetland ecotypes of mangrove, mudflat, Nypa, estuary and fresh water forest habitats with range of critical ecosystem services they provide for mankind survival. The data gathering involved both primary and secondary sources of information. Result revealed diverse ecological scenarios:  a livelihood system with diverse level of significant sources and benefit of the ecosystem services. Food, aquacultural practices and sea route logistic component of livelihood benefit from sources recorded significant (HS- 4) level of provisioning services, breeding / nursery benefit with high significant (HS- 4) level of supporting services among other levels recorded in Table 1. Ecological challenges revealed nypa palm invasion of the mangrove ecotypes and uncertainty of climatic relationship to hydrological tidal regime as natural scenarios; economic, social, institutional and infrastructural challenges as anthropogenic scenarios. Therefore a policy framework (legislature) as part of future directive and initiatives to enforce the practice of biodiversity priorities and sustainable livelihood is of immediate importance to Asarama - Andoni wetlands ecosystem. Keywords: Likert scale, provisioning, cultural, regulatory, supporting, natural, anthropogenic. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/13-24-03 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Gathering experience in trust-based interactions

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    As advances in mobile and embedded technologies coupled with progress in adhoc networking fuel the shift towards ubiquitous computing systems it is becoming increasingly clear that security is a major concern. While this is true of all computing paradigms, the characteristics of ubiquitous systems amplify this concern by promoting spontaneous interaction between diverse heterogeneous entities across administrative boundaries [5]. Entities cannot therefore rely on a specific control authority and will have no global view of the state of the system. To facilitate collaboration with unfamiliar counterparts therefore requires that an entity takes a proactive approach to self-protection. We conjecture that trust management is the best way to provide support for such self-protection measures

    True and Pseudo Cholinesterase levels in short and long-term of pesticides exposures

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    The present study is aimed to study and analyze the true and pseudo Cholinesterase levels in the subjects exposed to pesticides during short term by intentional or accidental intake and long term exposure due to their occupation were studied at Department of Biochemistry, SVS medical college and hospital mahbubnagar district. Whole blood cholinesterase levels and Pseudo cholinesterase levels were estimated. 150 people were taken as controls who had no medical illness and a total number of 300 cases of pesticide poisoning were selected, aged between 20 to 55 years, which consist of 150 acute poisoning and 150 chronic poisoning subjects in Mahbubnagar district, were taken as case study, the detailed case history and the type of organophosphorus pesticide taken were recorded. Mean and standard deviation (S.D) of all variables were calculated and compared with those of controls. Statistical significance was assessed and P-value <0.05 were considered significant.           During acute poisoning the mean value of Whole blood cholinesterase/True cholinesterase (U / L) in acute poisoning cases on first day was 1.267± 0.612 on 3th day was 1.651±0.647, on 7th day was 2.221±0.684 and at the end of 6 months was 3.970±0.404.The difference between the study group and control group (4.0 ± 0.39) was found to be statistically significant in1st, 3rd, 7th day but not significant at the end of 6 months. The mean value of serum cholinesterase/pseudo cholinesterase (U/L) in acute poisoning cases on first day was 2213.05 ± 1749.81, on 3th day was 2862.3 ± 2025.6, on 7th day was 4008.4 ± 2355.9 and at the end of 6 months was 7708.34 ± 880.72.The difference between the study group and control group (7991.97 ± 1276.5) was found to be statistically significant in1st, 3rd, 7th day but not significant at the end of 6 months. During chronic poisoning (exposure) the mean value of Whole blood cholinesterase (U/L) in controls is 4.0 ± 0.39 as compared to 3.019 ± 0.848 in cases of chronic poisoning. The difference between the study group and control group was found to be statistically significant. The mean value of serum cholinesterase/pseudo cholinesterase (U/L) in controls was 7991.97 ± 1276.5 as compared to 6214 ± 1189 in cases of chronic poisoning. The difference between the study group and control group was found to be statistically significant

    True and Pseudo Cholinesterase levels in short and long-term of pesticides exposures

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    The present study is aimed to study and analyze the true and pseudo Cholinesterase levels in the subjects exposed to pesticides during short term by intentional or accidental intake and long term exposure due to their occupation were studied at Department of Biochemistry, SVS medical college and hospital mahbubnagar district. Whole blood cholinesterase levels and Pseudo cholinesterase levels were estimated. 150 people were taken as controls who had no medical illness and a total number of 300 cases of pesticide poisoning were selected, aged between 20 to 55 years, which consist of 150 acute poisoning and 150 chronic poisoning subjects in Mahbubnagar district, were taken as case study, the detailed case history and the type of organophosphorus pesticide taken were recorded. Mean and standard deviation (S.D) of all variables were calculated and compared with those of controls. Statistical significance was assessed and P-value <0.05 were considered significant.           During acute poisoning the mean value of Whole blood cholinesterase/True cholinesterase (U / L) in acute poisoning cases on first day was 1.267± 0.612 on 3th day was 1.651±0.647, on 7th day was 2.221±0.684 and at the end of 6 months was 3.970±0.404.The difference between the study group and control group (4.0 ± 0.39) was found to be statistically significant in1st, 3rd, 7th day but not significant at the end of 6 months. The mean value of serum cholinesterase/pseudo cholinesterase (U/L) in acute poisoning cases on first day was 2213.05 ± 1749.81, on 3th day was 2862.3 ± 2025.6, on 7th day was 4008.4 ± 2355.9 and at the end of 6 months was 7708.34 ± 880.72.The difference between the study group and control group (7991.97 ± 1276.5) was found to be statistically significant in1st, 3rd, 7th day but not significant at the end of 6 months. During chronic poisoning (exposure) the mean value of Whole blood cholinesterase (U/L) in controls is 4.0 ± 0.39 as compared to 3.019 ± 0.848 in cases of chronic poisoning. The difference between the study group and control group was found to be statistically significant. The mean value of serum cholinesterase/pseudo cholinesterase (U/L) in controls was 7991.97 ± 1276.5 as compared to 6214 ± 1189 in cases of chronic poisoning. The difference between the study group and control group was found to be statistically significant


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    The knowledge level of futsal athletes in first aid is preparedness to prevent accidents to ligaments (sprain). The purpose of the research was to analyze the correlation between the knowledge of futsal athletes and first aid when suffering a sprain injury at the Novega Pipit futsal field. This research is quantitative using an analytic design with a cross-sectional approach. The total sample was 45 respondents taken by total sampling technique. The level of knowledge in this research was obtained through measurement using a first aid questionnaire tool on the sprain. Data analysis by using the chi-square test. The results showed that of the 45 respondents, about  19 respondents (42.2%) had good knowledge, and 13 respondents (28.9%). had sufficient knowledge and poor knowledge in the same results. about  27 respondents (60.0%) werewere ready for first aid injuries amounted to and  18 respondents (40.00%) was not ready for first aid injuries. The results of the chi-square test obtained a p-value = 0.003 <0.05. The conclusion mentioned that there is a correlation between the knowledge of futsal athletes about first aid when suffering a sprain injury at Novega Pipit Futsal Field.Tingkat pengetahuan atlet futsal dalam  pertolongan pertama merupakn tindakan kesiapsiagaan untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan pada ligament (sprain). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan pengetahuan atlet futsal dengan pertolongan pertama saat mengalami cedera sprain di lapangan futsal novega pipit. Penelitian ini berjenis kuantitatif menggunakan desain analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 45 orang diperoleh menggunakan teknik total sampling. Tingkat pengetahuan dalam penelitian ini di peroleh melalui pengukuran menggunakan alat ukur kuesioner pertolongan pertama pada sprain. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji chi-squere. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dari 45 responden memiliki pengetahuan baik berjumlah 19 responden (42.2%), dan pengetahuan cukup dan kurang mendapat hasil yang sama berjumlah 13 responden (28.9%). jumlah responden siap pertolongan pertama cedera berjumlah 27 responden (60.0%) dan tidak siap pertolongan pertama cedera berjumlah 18 responden (40.00%). Hasil uji chi-squere diperoleh nilai p = 0,003 <  0,05. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan antara pengetahuan atlet futsal tentang pertolongan pertama saat mengalami cedera sprain di Lapangan Futsal Novega Pipit

    Selection of a high yielding soybean variety: Binasoybean-1

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    Collected 201 soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] germplasm were evaluated for selection of desirable germplasm for registration as variety and/or for future utilization as breeding materials. Among the germplasm, nine were selected on the basis of better field performance considering their seed yield, morphological characters and yield attributes. Results showed that BAU-S/80 produced higher number of pods/plant and its yield was 2516 kg/ha as against 2142 and 2108 kg/ha of the two control varieties, Sohag and BARISoybean-5, respectively. Yield trials of BAU-S/80 were carried out in both rabi and kharif seasons during the period from 2007 to 2010 in selected locations under soybean growing areas of Bangladesh and found to be suitable for cultivation in the farmers' field. BAU-S/80 was found to be moderately resistant to soybean yellow mosaic virus and collar rot diseases, and also showed lower insect infestation than control varieties. On the basis of superior performance of BAU-S/80, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) applied for registration to the National Seed Board NSB of Bangladesh. Consequently, the NSB of Bangladesh registered BAU-S/80 as Binasoybean-1 in 2011 for commercial cultivation in Bangladesh


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar berpikir komputasional dengan menggunakan model unplugged berbantuan bebras task pada materi operasi hitung bilangan cacah yang sesuai dengan kriteria valid dan praktis untuk pembelajaran informatika dan matematika. Metode yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Educational, Design, Research (EDR). Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 24 siswa dari kelas V-D di SDN 1 Sindangkasih. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi lembar validasi dan angket kepraktisan. Hasil validasi dari 2 validator menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata adalah 89,02 % yang menunjukkan kualifikasi yang valid. Selanjutnya, pada tahap uji coba produk pertama, hasil angket kepraktisan menunjukkan rata-rata 94,14% dalam kategori sangat praktis. Sedangkan pada tahap uji coba kedua, angket kepraktisan menunjukkan rata-rata 98,95 % dalam kategori sangat praktis. Oleh karena itu, bahan ajar berpikir komputasional yang telah dikembangkan dapat dijadikan sarana pembelajaran informatika pada topik operasi hitung bilangan cacah

    Epidemiologi Filariasis di Kabupaten Nunukan

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    Kabupaten Nunukan hingga tahun 2009 ditemukan jumlah kasus filariasis sebanyak 16 kasus dengan Kecamatan Sembakung sebagai satu-satunya kecamatan endemis filariasis. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui epidemiologi penyakit filariasis di Kecamatan Sembakung dan penyebarannya pada kecamatan lainnya di KabupatenNunukan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tahun 2009 di Desa Atap, tahun 2010 di Desa Atap dan Pagar Kecamatan Sembakung, dan tahun 2011 di Desa Kalampising Kecamatan Lumbis. Desain penelitian cross sectional dan metode pengambelan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan meliputi survei parasitologi, survei entomologi, survei lingkungan, survei PSP dan wawancara mendalam kepada pengambil kebijakan/regulasi pengendalian filariasis. Hasil penelitian 8 orang positif di Desa Atap (3,51%), 9 orang positif di Desa Pagar (4,5%) dan 5 orang positif di Desa Kalampising (1,78%) terinfeksi mikrofilaria Brugia malayi. Diduga Mansonia annulata dan Mansonia uniformis sebagai suspek vektor filariasis di ketiga desa lokasi penelitian. Kecamatan Sembakung berbatasan langsung dengan Kecamatan Lumbis dengan mobilitas penduduk yang tinggi dimana keduanya memiliki karakteristik wilayah dan kondisi geografis yang sama. Pengetahuan masyarakat masih rendah tentang filariasis, kebijakan pengendalian filariasis tidak didukung oleh ketersediaan anggaran dan SDM yang memadai sehingga mendukung penyebaran kasus filariasis dari Kecamatan Sembakung ke Kecamatan Lumbis


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar berpikir komputasional dengan menggunakan model unplugged berbantuan bebras task pada materi operasi hitung bilangan cacah yang sesuai dengan kriteria valid dan praktis untuk pembelajaran informatika dan matematika. Metode yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Educational, Design, Research (EDR). Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 24 siswa dari kelas V-D di SDN 1 Sindangkasih. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi lembar validasi dan angket kepraktisan. Hasil validasi dari 2 validator menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata adalah 89,02 % yang menunjukkan kualifikasi yang valid. Selanjutnya, pada tahap uji coba produk pertama, hasil angket kepraktisan menunjukkan rata-rata 94,14% dalam kategori sangat praktis. Sedangkan pada tahap uji coba kedua, angket kepraktisan menunjukkan rata-rata 98,95 % dalam kategori sangat praktis. Oleh karena itu, bahan ajar berpikir komputasional yang telah dikembangkan dapat dijadikan sarana pembelajaran informatika pada topik operasi hitung bilangan cacah