6 research outputs found
Electronic Commerce auf lokalen Märkten
eCommerce, versteht man es als Business-to-Consumer-Beziehung, sollte nicht lediglich unter dem Gesichtspunkt des globalen Handels betrachtet werden. Besonders Markttransaktionen von privaten Haushalten bzgl. Konsumgütern bzw. Gütern des täglichen Bedarfs finden vorwiegend auf lokalen und physischen Märkten statt. Die Bundesbürger verwenden z. B. einen großen Teil ihres verfügbaren Einkommens zum Kauf von Lebensmitteln oder Kleidung, die sie in Kaufhäusern, Supermärkten oder im selbständigen Einzelhandel erwerben. Warum sollte es nicht auch sinnvoll sein, den Vertrieb von Gütern und Dienstleistungen auf lokalen Märkten durch den Absatzkanal \u27eCommerce\u27 speziell zu unterstützen? Dieser Frage soll in dem vorliegenden Arbeitspapier nachgegangen werden. Die Abgrenzung von lokalen und globalen Märkten und somit auch von lokalem und globalem eCommerce in Kapitel 2 dient als Basis für die konkrete Beschränkung auf lokale Märkte in den nachfolgenden Ausführungen. Kapitel 3 widmet sich der Darstellung von Akteuren, Objekten und Instrumenten eines lokalen eCommerce. In Kapitel 4 wird der Nutzen eines lokalen eCommerce für die daran beteiligten Akteure beschrieben, der aus der Anwendung der zuvor dargestellten Instrumente resultiert. Des wieteren wird auch auf gesellschaftliche Effekte eingegangen, die ihren Ursprung in einer Etablierung des lokalen eCommerce haben können. Damit die angeführten Nutzenpotentiale für Unternehmen und Kunden verwirklicht werden können, gilt es, einige kritische Erfolgsfaktoren zu beachten, die in Kapitel 5 dargelegt werden. Eine Auswahl von bisher im deutschsprachigen Gebiet realisierten lokalen elektronischen Märkten bildet den Gegenstand von Kapitel 6
Octopus, a computational framework for exploring light-driven phenomena and quantum dynamics in extended and finite systems
Over the last few years, extraordinary advances in experimental and theoretical tools have allowed us to monitor and control matter at short time and atomic scales with a high degree of precision. An appealing and challenging route toward engineering materials with tailored properties is to find ways to design or selectively manipulate materials, especially at the quantum level. To this end, having a state-of-the-art ab initio computer simulation tool that enables a reliable and accurate simulation of light-induced changes in the physical and chemical properties of complex systems is of utmost importance. The first principles real-space-based Octopus project was born with that idea in mind, i.e., to provide a unique framework that allows us to describe non-equilibrium phenomena in molecular complexes, low dimensional materials, and extended systems by accounting for electronic, ionic, and photon quantum mechanical effects within a generalized time-dependent density functional theory. This article aims to present the new features that have been implemented over the last few years, including technical developments related to performance and massive parallelism. We also describe the major theoretical developments to address ultrafast light-driven processes, such as the new theoretical framework of quantum electrodynamics density-functional formalism for the description of novel light–matter hybrid states. Those advances, and others being released soon as part of the Octopus package, will allow the scientific community to simulate and characterize spatial and time-resolved spectroscopies, ultrafast phenomena in molecules and materials, and new emergent states of matter (quantum electrodynamical-materials).This work was supported by the European Research Council (Grant No. ERC-2015-AdG694097), the Cluster of Excellence “Advanced Imaging of Matter” (AIM), Grupos Consolidados (IT1249-19), and SFB925. The Flatiron Institute is a division of the Simons Foundation. X.A., A.W., and A.C. acknowledge that part of this work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07A27344. J.J.-S. gratefully acknowledges the funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 795246-StrongLights. J.F. acknowledges financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG Forschungsstipendium FL 997/1-1). D.A.S. acknowledges University of California, Merced start-up funding.Peer reviewe
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Octopus, a computational framework for exploring light-driven phenomena and quantum dynamics in extended and finite systems.
Over the last few years, extraordinary advances in experimental and theoretical tools have allowed us to monitor and control matter at short time and atomic scales with a high degree of precision. An appealing and challenging route toward engineering materials with tailored properties is to find ways to design or selectively manipulate materials, especially at the quantum level. To this end, having a state-of-the-art ab initio computer simulation tool that enables a reliable and accurate simulation of light-induced changes in the physical and chemical properties of complex systems is of utmost importance. The first principles real-space-based Octopus project was born with that idea in mind, i.e., to provide a unique framework that allows us to describe non-equilibrium phenomena in molecular complexes, low dimensional materials, and extended systems by accounting for electronic, ionic, and photon quantum mechanical effects within a generalized time-dependent density functional theory. This article aims to present the new features that have been implemented over the last few years, including technical developments related to performance and massive parallelism. We also describe the major theoretical developments to address ultrafast light-driven processes, such as the new theoretical framework of quantum electrodynamics density-functional formalism for the description of novel light-matter hybrid states. Those advances, and others being released soon as part of the Octopus package, will allow the scientific community to simulate and characterize spatial and time-resolved spectroscopies, ultrafast phenomena in molecules and materials, and new emergent states of matter (quantum electrodynamical-materials)
Octopus, a computational framework for exploring light-driven phenomena and quantum dynamics in extended and finite system
Over the last few years, extraordinary advances in experimental and theoretical tools have allowed us to monitor and control matter at short time and atomic scales with a high degree of precision. An appealing and challenging route toward engineering materials with tailored properties is to find ways to design or selectively manipulate materials, especially at the quantum level. To this end, having a state-of-the-art ab initio computer simulation tool that enables a reliable and accurate simulation of light-induced changes in the physical and chemical properties of complex systems is of utmost importance. The first principles real-space-based Octopus project was born with that idea in mind, i.e., to provide a unique framework that allows us to describe non-equilibrium phenomena in molecular complexes, low dimensional materials, and extended systems by accounting for electronic, ionic, and photon quantum mechanical effects within a generalized time-dependent density functional theory. This article aims to present the new features that have been implemented over the last few years, including technical developments related to performance and massive parallelism. We also describe the major theoretical developments to address ultrafast light-driven processes, such as the new theoretical framework of quantum electrodynamics density-functional formalism for the description of novel light-matter hybrid states. Those advances, and others being released soon as part of the Octopus package, will allow the scientific community to simulate and characterize spatial and time-resolved spectroscopies, ultrafast phenomena in molecules and materials, and new emergent states of matter (quantum electrodynamical-materials).The authors would like to thank all the people who have contributed to the development of Octopus over the last two decades. They would also like to thank Lin Lin for useful and interesting discussions and acknowledge the open discussions about real space methods with the group of Professor Chelikowsky. This work was supported by the European Research Council (Grant No. ERC-2015-AdG694097), the Cluster of Excellence "Advanced Imaging of Matter" (AIM), Grupos Consolidados (IT1249-19), and SFB925. The Flatiron Institute is a division of the Simons Foundation. X.A., A.W., and A.C. acknowledge that part of this work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07A27344. J.J.-S. gratefully acknowledges the funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 795246-StrongLights. J.F. acknowledges financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG Forschungsstipendium FL 997/1-1). D.A.S. acknowledges University of California, Merced start-up funding