2,088 research outputs found

    Kartläggning av ogräsförekomsten på Mickels hemman i Närpes

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    Ogräsarternas frekvens och artsammansättning varierar mellan regioner, gårdar och enskilda skiften. Artförekomsten förändras långsamt pga. att många arters frön kan ligga många år i groningsvila i marken. Utan anpassad reglering och bekämpning kan ogräsen bli ett stort problem som påverkar huvudgrödans avkastning. Klimat, jordart, växtföljd, jordbearbetning och direkt riktade bekämpningsåtgärder, är de huvudsakliga faktorerna som inverkar på ogräsflorans sammansättning på fältet. Framgångsrik bekämpning av ogräsen förutsätter kännedom om vilka arter som förekommer på ett enskilt skifte. Detta gäller i synnerhet vid användning av kemiska ogräsbekämpningsmedel. Genom ett odlingsförsök kartlades ogräsfloran på samtliga, till jordbruksföretaget Mickels hörande, skiften. Från varje skifte togs sex jordprov. Jordproverna breddes ut i lådor och de i proven befintliga ogräsfröna stimulerades med hjälp av bevattning, temperatur och konstljus till groning. De uppkomna ogräsplantorna artbestämdes och räknades. 16 olika ogräsarter identifierades, varav åkerviol var den mest frekventa. Resultaten i undersökningen liknade till stor del de resultat som framlagts i tidigare undersökningar i Finland. Kartläggningen antyder att alla fält kan bekämpas med samma på marknaden befintliga herbicidblandning eftersom denna hade god effekt på samtliga av de mest frekventa ogräsen.Weed frequency and species composition vary between regions, farms and individual fields. The occurrence of weed species changes very slowly because a lot of species seeds can be in dormancy in the ground for many years. Without specific regulation and control the weeds can become a large problem, which affects the yield negatively. Climate, soil type, crop rotation, cultivation and directly aimed control measurements are the main factors that affect the weed species composition in the fields. A successful weed control presupposes knowledge of the species occurring in a single field. This applies particularly when chemical weed control is used. By means of a growth trial the weed flora occurring on the fields belonging to the Mickel farm was mapped. Six soil samples were taken from every field. The samples were put in boxes and the existing weed seeds in them were stimulated to germinate by irrigation, temperature and artificial light. The emerging plants were identified by species and counted. Sixteen different weed species were identified, of which field pansy was the most frequent. The results in the investigation largely resembled the results of previous investigations in Finland. The mapping indicates that all the fields can be treated with one specific herbicide mixture existing on the market, as this was effective on the most frequent weed species

    Suicide in Helsinki : an epidemiological and socialpsychiatric study of suicides in Helsinki in 1960-61 and 1970-71

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    Schamanentrachten in Sibirien

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    The article deals with Shamanic folk costumes originating among the Sami populations of Siberia, analyzing their forms and functions as well as age and historical background

    The empirical investigation of the difference between socially responsible and vice investing returns

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    Socially responsible investing has increased significantly in recent years due to the increased demand. The ideology of socially responsible investing is to invest in businesses that support sustainable and ethical choices. Alongside it has developed an opposite vice investing strategy. In the vice investing strategy, the investors see that the related assets are undervalued due to their reputation and possible risks. This research examines the difference between the risk-adjusted returns of socially responsible and vice investing strategies in the United States from 2018 to 2021. The performance evaluation is done by the Capital Asset Pricing Model, Fama & French three- & five-factor models, Carhart’s four-factor model, Jensen’s alpha, and the Sharpe ratio. The research results indicate that the socially responsible investing strategy outperforms the vice investing in all models. The results are not statistically significant. Thus, the academic evidence of the findings is weak. However, the research offers a solid ground for future studies

    Like parent, like child? : The role of resources and life events from an intergenerational perspective

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    Intergenerational transmission occurs in most aspects of life, influencing our life events and future achievements. This dissertation examines how different resources and life events are related to the individual’s outcomes from the intergenerational perspective. The dissertation approaches these phenomena from three perspectives. First, it is studied how different life events, both positive (such as union formation) and negative (such as losing a parent), are associated with various outcomes of an individual by accounting for parental resources in the light of intergenerational inequalities. Second, the role of parental resources (such as economic and occupational status or educational level) on an individual’s outcomes is examined when facing the above-mentioned life events. In addition to parental resources, it is studied how the parents of an individual’s partner and the resources of the partner´s parents are related to the individual’s outcomes (such as occupational attainment or union dissolution), thus providing new information about intergenerational effects in a seldom studied area. Third, it is examined whether the association between life events and resources is modified by parental resources. In addition, it is examined whether compensation or multiplication occurs, i.e. whether the lack of a resource or a negative life event can be compensated with other resources or whether individuals from different family backgrounds cannot benefit from the resources equally. This dissertation consists of four parts that use Finnish register data (FinGEP) and apply various regression models. The part I examines the role of parental resources when facing a negative event, such as a health problem, by examining how parental resources are linked to the offspring’s probability of receiving a disability pension. The offspring’s labour market status two years after the disability pension is studied using a sample of children born between 1980 and 1985. The part II focuses on the positive life event, union formation, by investigating how changes in the partner’s parents’ resources are related to the individual’s occupational development using a sample of individuals born between 1970 and 1979. The part III analyses how shared life events between spouses are linked to union dissolution behaviour by investigating the role of both partners’ parental divorce on the couple’s union dissolution risk and comparing the associations between cohabitation and marriage. Lastly, the part IV studies the timing of an event by examining how a child’s age at parental death is related to the child’s educational attainment using a sample of children born between 1982 and 1990. Life events and parental resources contributed to the children’s adulthood outcomes in all studies, and the associations between life events and an individual’s outcome often varied by parental resources. For example, children with high parental resources were more frequently in education and employment after receiving a disability pension, demonstrating that high parental resources were helpful after facing a negative event (i.e. health problem). This finding supported the theory of compensatory advantage. In addition to the parental resources, extended family networks through partnering had positive associations: the change in the partner’s parents’ resources (i.e. union formation) are positively related to an individual’s occupational development. However, the high resources of the partner’s parents only benefited individuals whose own parental resources were high, which supports the multiplication theory. Evidence on shared life events between spouses demonstrates cumulative processes: children of divorced parents had a higher risk for union dissolution; the risk was even higher if both couple’s parents had divorced. This association was stronger in marriage than in cohabitation. In addition, the timing of a life event was found to be important: the younger the child was when the child experienced parental death, the more adverse was the effect of parental death. No variation between parental resources was observed, but children with low resources are more likely to encounter parental death than individuals with high resources, thus some support for the theory of cumulative (dis)advantage is found. To conclude, the interplay between life events and resources of an individual’s own parents and extended family networks is clear in the individual’s outcomes. Individuals with high resources are often less affected by negative life events than individuals with low resources.Ylisukupolvista periytymistä tapahtuu melkein kaikilla elämän osa-alueilla, ja sillä on vaikutusta niin elämäntapahtumiin kuin tulevaisuuden saavutuksiin. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan, kuinka erilaiset resurssit ja elämäntapahtumat ovat yhteydessä yksilön saavutuksiin ylisukupolvisesta näkökulmasta. Väitöskirja lähestyy tätä ilmiötä kolmesta näkökulmasta. Yksi, tarkastellaan kuinka erilaiset elämäntapahtumat – niin positiiviset (pariutuminen) kuin negatiiviset (vanhemman kuolema) – ovat yhteydessä yksilön erilaisiin saavutuksiin, kun huomioidaan vanhempien resurssit ylisukupolvisen eriarvoisuuden näkökulmasta. Kaksi, tarkastellaan vanhempien resurssien (koulutustaso, taloudellinen, ammatillinen) roolia yksilön saavutuksiin yksilön kohdatessa edellä mainittuja elämäntapahtumia. Vanhempien resurssien lisäksi tutkitaan, kuinka puolison vanhemmat ja heidän resurssinsa ovat yhteydessä yksilön tulemiin, kuten ammattiasemaan tai parisuhteesta eroamiseen. Tämä tarjoaa uutta tietoa ylisukupolvisuudesta harvoin tutkitulla alueella. Kolme, tarkastellaan, vaihteleeko elämäntapahtumien ja resurssien yhteys vanhempien resurssien mukaan. Tätä tutkitaan muuan muassa tarkastelemalla, tapahtuuko kompensaatiota tai multiplikaatiota: voiko resurssin puutetta tai negatiivista elämäntapahtumaa kompensoida muilla resursseilla tai voivatko yksilöt erilaisista perhetaustoista hyötyä resursseista samalla lailla (multiplikaatio). Tämä väitöskirja koostuu neljästä osatutkimuksesta, joissa käytetään suomalaista rekisteriaineistoa (Kasvuympäristö) ja erilaisia regressiomalleja. Osatutkimus I käsittelee vanhempien resurssien roolia negatiivisen elämäntapahtuman (terveysongelma) kohdatessa, tarkastelemalla, kuinka vanhempien resurssit ovat yhteydessä jälkikasvun todennäköisyyteen saada työkyvyttömyyseläkettä, ja jälkikasvun työmarkkina-asemaa kaksi vuotta työkyvyttömyyden jälkeen käyttäen otosta lapsista, jotka ovat syntyneet vuosien 1980 ja 1985 välillä. Osatutkimus II käsittelee positiivista elämäntapahtumaa (pariutumista) ja siinä tarkastellaan, miten muutos puolison vanhempien resursseissa on yhteydessä yksilön urakehitykseen käyttäen otosta yksilöistä, jotka ovat syntyneet vuosien 1970 ja 1979 välillä. Osatutkimus III analysoi, kuinka jaetut elämäntapahtumat puolisoiden kesken ovat yhteydessä parisuhteesta eroamiseen tutkimalla mikä rooli molempien puolisoiden kokemalla vanhempien avioerolla on pariskunnan eroriskiin, ja vertailemalla, onko yhteys erilainen avo- ja avioliitossa. Lopuksi, osatutkimuksessa IV tarkastellaan elämäntapahtuman ajankohdan merkitystä tutkimalla, kuinka lapsen ikä vanhemman kuollessa on yhteydessä lapsen koulutuksellisiin saavutuksiin käyttäen otosta lapsista, jotka ovat syntyneet 1982 ja 1990 välillä. Elämäntapahtumien ja vanhempien resurssien rooli lapsen aikuisuuden tulemissa oli merkittävä kaikissa osatutkimuksissa, ja yhteys elämäntapahtumien ja yksilön tulemien välillä vaihteli usein vanhempien resurssien mukaan. Esimerkiksi lapset, joilla on korkeat vanhempien resurssit, pärjäsivät paremmin työkyvyttömyyseläkkeen jälkeen, eli korkeat vanhempien resurssit auttoivat negatiivisen elämäntapahtuman (terveysongelma) kohdatessa. Nämä tulokset tukevat kompensatorisen edun (compensatory advantage) teoriaa. Vanhempien resurssien lisäksi pariutumisen myötä tulevilla perheen ulkopuolisilla sukulaisilla on merkitystä: muutos puolison vanhempien resursseissa oli positiivisesti yhteydessä yksilön urakehitykseen, mutta vain yksilöt, joilla oli korkeat vanhempien resurssit, pystyivät hyötymään puolison vanhempien korkeista resursseista. Tämä tukee multiplikaatio - teoriaa. Väitöskirjan mukaan puolisoiden kesken jaetuilla elämäntapahtumilla on merkitystä ja vaikuttaa siltä, että tapahtumat voivat kumuloitua: vanhempien avioeron kokeneilla oli korkeampi eroriski, ja riski oli jopa korkeampi, jos molemmat puolisot olivat kokeneet vanhempien avioeron. Tämä yhteys oli vahvempi avioliitoissa kuin avoliitoissa. Elämäntapahtumien ajankohdalla oli myös merkitystä: mitä nuorempi lapsi on, kun vanhempi kuolee, sitä haitallisempaa vanhemman kuolema on. Tutkimuksessa ei havaittu eroavaisuuksia vanhempien resurssien mukaan, mutta lapset, joilla on matalat resurssit, kohtaavat muita todennäköisemmin vanhemman kuoleman, joten tutkimus tuki myös kumulatiivisten etujen ja haittojen teoriaa (cumulative (dis)advantage). Tiivistäen, elämäntapahtumien sekä vanhempien ja puolison vanhempien resurssien vuorovaikutus näkyi selvästi yksilön tulemissa. Negatiivisilla elämäntapahtumilla näyttää usein olevan vähemmän haitallinen vaikutus yksilöille, joilla on korkeat vanhempien resurssit, kuin yksilöille, joilla on matalat vanhempien resurssit

    Measuring Individual Risk Attitudes in the Lab: Task or Ask?: An Empirical Comparison

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    This paper compares two prominent empirical measures of individual risk attitudes - the Holt and Laury (2002) lottery-choice task and the multi-item questionnaire advocated by Dohmen, Falk, Huffman, Schupp, Sunde and Wagner (forthcoming) - with respect to (a) their within-subject stability over time (one year) and (b) their correlation with actual risk-taking behaviour in the lab - here the amount sent in a trust game (Berg, Dickaut, McCabe, 1995). As it turns out, the measures themselves are uncorrelated (both times) and, most importantly, only the questionnaire measure exhibits test-re-test stability ( · =.78), while virtually no such stability is found in the lottery-choice task. In addition, only the questionnaire measure shows the expected correlations with a Big Five personality measure and is correlated with actual risk-taking behaviour. The results suggest that the questionnaire is the more adequate measure of individual risk attitudes for the analysis of behaviour in economic (lab) experiments. Moreover, with respect to trust, the high re-test stability of trust transfers ( ·= .70) further supports the conjecture that trusting behaviour indeed has a component which itself is a stable individual characteristic (Glaeser, Laibson, Scheinkman and Soutter, 2000).Risk attitudes, trust, personality, lab experiments

    Experimentally Induced Empathy Has No Impact on Generosity in a Monetarily Incentivized Dictator Game

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    In a monetarily incentivized Dictator Game, we expected Dictators' empathy toward the Recipients to cause more pro-social allocations. Empathy was experimentally induced via a commonly used perspective taking task. Dictators (N = 474) were instructed to split an endowment of 10(sic) between themselves and an unknown Recipient. They could split the money 8/2 (8(sic) for Dictator, 2(sic) for Recipient) or 5/5 (5(sic) each). Although the empathy manipulation successfully increased Dictators' feelings of empathy toward the Recipients, Dictators' decisions on how to split the money were not affected. We had ample statistical power (above 0.99) to detect a typical social psychology effect (corresponding to r around 0.20). Other possible determinants of generosity in the Dictator Game should be investigated.Peer reviewe

    Rock mechanical modelling of the Bentonite Rock Interaction Experiment, Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden

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    Abstract The Bentonite Rock Interaction Experiment (BRIE) was performed in a tunnel at a depth of 420 m at the Aspo Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden. The experiment focused on the hydraulic properties of rock and bentonite aiming at investigating the exchange of water across a bentonite-rock interface. The hypothesis for the mechanical modelling presented here was that changes in flow (observed in rock and on bentonite parcels) were due to local mechanical deformation. Induced stresses related to the construction (and experimental) stages for the BRIE site such as excavation of tunnels, drilling and over-coring of two vertical, tunnel-floor boreholes and, finally, installation and swelling of bentonite, were expected to be the main causes of these deformations. We assumed that this could be investigated using a step-wise rock mechanical modelling approach (with a relevant modelling sequence) and validated by using a transdisciplinary approach including field structural geological mapping (geometric, kinematic and dynamic interpretation of the exposed fracture sets) and hydrogeological investigations. For key fractures intersecting the boreholes, the modelled fracture normal and shear displacements were found to be local, small, and in line with field observations and measurements for BRIE. Results point at an agreement between the spatial locations of changes in flow identified from the bentonite parcels and the locations of inelastic deformation indicated by mechanical modelling for a reverse stress regime. Besides providing information about the key fractures, the structural mapping allowed to establish solid relationships between brittle structural features in the tunnel and in the cores, which were used as, or compared to, the main fracture input to the rock mechanical modelling. The identified fracture sets were found to be structurally reconcilable with the larger-scale tectonic picture of the area

    Economic Attitudes, Social Attitudes and Their Psychological Underpinnings – A Study of the Finnish Political Elite

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    We investigated the relation between economic and social attitudes and the psychological underpinnings of these attitudes in candidates (N = 9515) in the Finnish 2017 municipal elections. In this politically elite sample, right-wing economic attitudes and social conservatism were positively correlated (r = 0.41), and this correlation was predominantly driven by those on the economic left being socially liberal, and vice versa. In terms of underlying psychological processes, consistent with dual process models of political ideology, the anti-egalitarian aspect of social dominance orientation was more strongly associated with right-wing economic attitudes, and the conventionalism and aggression aspects of right-wing authoritarianism with social conservatism. Our results show that even in a non-United States context in which the masses organize their political attitudes on two independent dimensions, these dimensions are moderately aligned among certain parts of the political elite, and that the political attitudes of the political elite can be traced to underlying psychological motivations. We argue that equality concerns could play a role in explaining why the left-right and liberal-conservative dimensions are more strongly aligned among those on the left and those more liberal.Peer reviewe
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