42 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la actividad antagonista glutamatérgica y neuroprotectora de nuevos compuestos policíclicos

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    Las enfermedades neurodegenerativas como la enfermedad de Alzheimer, la enfermedad de Parkinson, la enfermedad de Huntington o la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (EA, EP, EH o ELA), entre otras, se caracterizan por la pérdida de poblaciones específicas de neuronas. Este proceso es multifactorial, y en él intervienen diferentes cascadas mediadoras de la muerte neuronal. La excitotoxicidad participa en este proceso, y se debe a una disfunción en la neurotransmisión glutamatérgica que produce una acumulación de glutamato en el espacio sináptico. Eso conlleva a una activación prolongada de los receptores glutamatérgicos que permite una entrada masiva de calcio al interior de la neurona, que finalmente causará la muerte celular. Este influjo de calcio esta mediado principalmente por receptores ionotrópicos de glutamato tipo NMDA que se caracterizan por una elevada permeabilidad a iones calcio y una cinética de activación lenta. Por eso, los antagonistas sobre receptores NMDA son una estrategia interesante para hacer frente a este tipo de trastornos de incidencia social y económica creciente en los últimos años. La memantina es el único antagonista de receptores NMDA aprobado para el tratamiento de la EA. En la actualidad existe un gran interés en la búsqueda de nuevos compuestos que mejoren las características farmacocinéticas y farmacodinámicas de la memantina. En este trabajo se han caracterizado tanto la actividad antagonista sobre receptores NMDA de diversos compuestos de nueva síntesis, como su capacidad neuroprotectora en cultivos de neuronas granulares de cerebelo de rata. Para el estudio funcional de la actividad antagonista sobre receptores NMDA, se ha determinado la concentración de calcio intracelular con la ayuda de una sonda fluorescente selectiva de Ca2+ (Fura-2). La actividad de los compuestos se ha evaluado frente a glutamato o NMDA, mediante la construcción de curvas concentración-respuesta inhibitorias que permitieron la definición de su potencia como antagonistas de los receptores NMDA. Asimismo, se ha evaluado la capacidad de algunos de estos compuestos para evitar la muerte neuronal inducida por glutamato en cultivos de células granulares de cerebelo. Debido a la similitud estructural de algunos de los compuestos evaluados con rasagilina, selegilina u otros inhibidores de la enzima monoaminooxidasa, se ha evaluado también este tipo de actividad farmacológica en una selección de los mismos. Finalmente, se han llevado a cabo estudios de toxicidad aguda en algunos compuestos adamantánicos con la finalidad de establecer su perfil de seguridad para un posterior uso como antivíricos. Todo ello ha permitido definir de manera más precisa el perfil de actividad de 127 compuestos investigacionales y establecer la posibilidad para un futuro desarrollo que permita la comercialización de nuevos fármacos neuroprotectores que puedan ser de ayuda en el tratamiento de las enfermedades neurodegenerativas, que requieren urgentemente de nuevas herramientas para su abordaje terapéutico. Además, se concluye que los cultivos primarios de células granulares de cerebelo de rata son un excelente sustrato biológico para el screening de nuevos fármacos con actividad antagonista glutamatérgica.Les malalties neurodegeneratives com la malaltia d'Alzheimer, la malaltia de Parkinson, la malaltia de *Huntington o l'esclerosi lateral amiotròfica (EA, *EP, EH o ELA), entre altres, es caracteritzen per la pèrdua de poblacions específiques de neurones. Aquest procés és multifactorial, i en ell intervenen diferents cascades mediadores de la mort neuronal. La *excitotoxicidad participa en aquest procés, i es deu a una disfunció en la neurotransmissió *glutamatérgica que produeix una acumulació de glutamat en l'espai *sináptico. Això comporta a una activació prolongada dels receptors *glutamatérgicos que permet una entrada massiva de calci a l'interior de la neurona, que finalment causarà la mort cel·lular. Aquest influx de calci aquesta mediat principalment per receptors *ionotrópicos de glutamat tipus *NMDA que es caracteritzen per una elevada permeabilitat a ions calci i una cinètica d'activació lenta. Per això, els antagonistes sobre receptors *NMDA són una estratègia interessant per a fer front a aquesta mena de trastorns d'incidència social i econòmica creixent en els últims anys. La *memantina és l'únic antagonista de receptors *NMDA aprovat per al tractament de l'EA. En l'actualitat existeix un gran interès en la cerca de nous compostos que millorin les característiques farmacocinètiques i *farmacodinámicas de la *memantina. En aquest treball s'han caracteritzat tant l'activitat antagonista sobre receptors *NMDA de diversos compostos de nova síntesi, com la seva capacitat *neuroprotectora en cultius de neurones granulars de cerebel de rata. Per a l'estudi funcional de l'activitat antagonista sobre receptors *NMDA, s'ha determinat la concentració de calci intracel·lular amb l'ajuda d'una sonda fluorescent selectiva de *Ca2+ (*Fura-2). L'activitat dels compostos s'ha avaluat enfront de glutamat o *NMDA, mitjançant la construcció de corbes concentració-resposta inhibitòries que van permetre la definició de la seva potència com a antagonistes dels receptors *NMDA. Així mateix, s'ha avaluat la capacitat d'alguns d'aquests compostos per a evitar la mort neuronal induïda per glutamat en cultius de cèl·lules granulars de cerebel. A causa de la similitud estructural d'alguns dels compostos avaluats amb *rasagilina, *selegilina o altres inhibidors de l'enzim *monoaminooxidasa, s'ha avaluat també aquest tipus d'activitat farmacològica en una selecció d'aquests. Finalment, s'han dut a terme estudis de toxicitat aguda en alguns compostos *adamantánicos amb la finalitat d'establir el seu perfil de seguretat per a un posterior ús com a antivírics. Tot això ha permès definir de manera més precisa el perfil d'activitat de 127 compostos *investigacionales i establir la possibilitat per a un futur desenvolupament que permeti la comercialització de nous fàrmacs neuroprotectors que puguin ser d'ajuda en el tractament de les malalties neurodegeneratives, que requereixen urgentment de noves eines per al seu abordatge terapèutic. A més, es conclou que els cultius primaris de cèl·lules granulars de cerebel de rata són un excel·lent substrat biològic per al cribratge de nous fàrmacs amb activitat antagonista *glutamatérgica

    An Updated Review of Neuropathic Pain Treatm ent: State of Art and Future Prospects

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    El dolor neuropático es un tipo de dolor de difícil manejo con una prevalencia próxima al 10% de la población. Actualmente, existen varios fármacos aprobados para su tratamiento agrupados en distintas líneas. Sin embargo, la eficacia farmacológica es limitada en un número significativo de pacientes, por lo que es necesario desarrollar nuevas estrategias terapéuticas. Varias moléculas se encuentran en fases iniciales de ensayos clínicos en humanos, muchas de las cuales están demostrando resultados esperanzadores. Por otra parte, el conocimiento cada vez más preciso de las distintas vías moleculares implicadas en el dolor neuropático está promoviendo el desarrollo de nuevas moléculas con acción sobre potenciales dianas terapéuticas. Algunos de estos agentes se están ensayando en modelos animales y muestran una significativa potencia analgésica. Por último, el papel del tratamiento no farmacológico en el dolor neuropático, mediante alternativas como la radiofrecuencia, la estimulación o los bloqueos nerviosos, está cobrando una relevancia cada vez mayor en la práctica clínica. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar el statu quo del tratamiento del dolor neuropático en la actualidad, repasando los fármacos aprobados a día de hoy y sus mecanismos de acción principales, y poniendo especial interés en algunas de las moléculas más novedosas que se encuentran en ensayo clínico en humanos y en desarrollo en modelos animales. Además, se recogen algunas de las estrategias no farmacológicas más relevantes en el manejo del dolor neuropático en la actualidad.Neuropathic pain (NP) is a difficult-to-manage kind of pain that affects 10% of the population. Nowadays, there are some agents that can be used for its treatment, and they are grouped according to different lines. However, their pharmacological effectiveness is only proved on a reduced number of patients. For this reason, new therapeutic strategies need to be developed. Certain molecules currently are on the initial stages of human clinical trials, and many of them are showing encouraging results. Furthermore, there is an increasingly accurate knowledge about the different molecular pathways related to NP. This advance is promoting the development of new molecules with potential therapeutic targets. Some of these agents are being tested with animal models, and they are showing a significant analgesic potency. Finally, non-pharmacological treatment in NP is becoming more important in clinical practice through alternatives such as radio frequency, stimulation, and nerve block therapy. The aim of this work is to review the state of art of NP treatment. For that purpose, the agents approved until today and their main action mechanisms should be considered, with a special emphasis on some of the latest molecules used on human clinical trials and those which are in development with animal models. Moreover, some of the main non-pharmacological strategies used to manage pain nowadays are also reviewed

    A multiple health behaviour change intervention to prevent depression: A randomized controlled trial

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    Health behaviour; Major depressive disorders; Primary health care;Comportament de salut; Trastorns depressius majors; Atenció primària de salutComportamiento de salud; Trastornos depresivos mayores; Primeros auxiliosObjective: To examine the effectiveness of a 12-month MHBC intervention in the prevention of onset depression in primary health care (PHC). Methods: Twenty-two PHC centres took part in the cluster-randomized controlled trial. Patients were randomized to receive either usual care or an MHBC intervention. The endpoints were onset of major depression and reduction of depressive symptoms in participants without baseline depression at a 12-month follow-up. Results: 2531 patients agreed and were eligible to participate. At baseline, around 43% were smokers, 82% were non-adherent to the Mediterranean diet and 55% did not perform enough physical activity. The intervention group exhibited a greater positive change in two or more behaviours (OR 1.75 [95%CI: 1.17 to 2.62]; p = 0.006); any behaviour (OR 1.58 [95%CI: 1.13 to 2.20]; p = 0.007); and adherence to the Mediterranean diet (OR 1.94 [95%CI: 1.29 to 2.94]; p = 0.002), while this increase was not statistically significant for smoking and physical activity. The intervention was not effective in preventing major depression (OR 1.17; [95% CI 0.53 to 2.59)]; p =0.690) or reducing depressive symptoms (Mean difference: 0.30; [95% CI -0.77 to 1.36]; p = 0.726) during follow-up. Conclusions: As compared to usual care, the MHBC intervention provided a non-significant reduction in the incidence of major depression

    Occupational exposure to pesticides and endometrial cancer in the Screenwide case-control study 

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    Background: Endometrial cancer is the most common gynaecological tumour in developed countries and disease burden is expected to increase over the years. Identifying modifiable risk factors may help developing strategies to reduce the expected increasing incidence of these neoplasms. Objective: This study evaluates the association between occupational exposure to pesticides and endometrial cancer using data from a recent case-control study in Spain. Methods: The analyses included data from 174 consecutive incident endometrial cancer cases and 216 hospital controls frequency-matched by age. Data were collected through structured epidemiological questionnaires and exposure to pesticides was assessed using a Spanish job-exposure matrix (MatEmESp). Results: Overall, 12% of controls and 18% of cases were occupationally exposed to pesticides. We observed a positive association between occupational exposure to pesticides and endometrial cancer (OR = 2.08; 95% CI = 1.13-3.88 compared to non-exposed). In general, exposures that occurred farther in the past were significantly associated with endometrial cancer. Exposure to insecticides, fungicides and herbicides were positively associated with endometrial cancer (OR = 2.08; 95% CI = 1.13-3.88, OR = 4.40; 95% CI = 1.65-13.33, and OR = 5.25; 95% CI = 1.84-17.67, respectively). The agricultural, poultry and livestock activities scenario was associated with endometrial cancer (OR = 4.16; 95% CI = 1.59-12.32), while the cleaning exposure scenario was not (OR = 1.22; 95% CI = 0.55-2.67). Conclusions: Assessment of occupational exposure to pesticides assessed using a Spanish job-exposure matrix revealed a positive association with endometrial cancer. The elucidation of the role of pesticide compounds on endometrial cancer should shed a light on the aetiology of this tumour

    Evaluation of somatic mutations in cervicovaginal samples as a non-invasive method for the detection and molecular classification of endometrial cancer

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    Background The incidence of endometrial cancer is increasing worldwide. While delays in diagnosis reduce survival, case molecular misclassification might be associated with under- and over-treatment. The objective of this study was to evaluate genetic alterations to detect and molecularly classify cases of endometrial cancer using non-invasive samples. Methods Consecutive patients with incident endometrial cancer (N = 139) and controls (N = 107) from a recent Spanish case–control study were included in this analysis. Overall, 339 cervicovaginal samples (out of which 228 were clinician-collected and 111 were self-collected) were analysed using a test based on next-generation sequencing (NGS), which targets 47 genes. Immunohistochemical markers were evaluated in 133 tumour samples. A total of 159 samples were used to train the detection algorithm and 180 samples were used for validation. Findings Overall, 73% (N = 94 out of 129 clinician-collected samples, and N = 66 out of 90 self-collected samples) of endometrial cancer cases had detectable mutations in clinician-collected and self-collected samples, while the specificity was 80% (79/99) for clinician-collected samples and 90% (19/21) for self-collected samples. The molecular classifications obtained using tumour samples and non-invasive gynaecologic samples in our study showed moderate-to-good agreement. The molecular classification of cases of endometrial cancer into four groups using NGS of both clinician-collected and self-collected cervicovaginal samples yielded significant differences in disease-free survival. The cases with mutations in POLE had an excellent prognosis, whereas the cases with TP53 mutations had the poorest clinical outcome, which is consistent with the data on tumour samples. Interpretation This study classified endometrial cancer cases into four molecular groups based on the analysis of cervicovaginal samples that showed significant differences in disease-free survival. The molecular classification of endometrial cancer in non-invasive samples may improve patient care and survival by indicating the early need for aggressive surgery, as well as reducing referrals to highly specialized hospitals in cancers with good prognosis. Validation in independent sets will confirm the potential for molecular classification in non-invasive samples. Funding This study was funded by a competitive grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the projects PI19/01835, PI23/00790, and FI20/00031, CIBERESP CB06/02/0073 and CIBERONC CB16/12/00231, CB16/12/00234 (Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund. ERDF: A way to build Europe). Samples and data were provided by Biobank HUB-ICO-IDIBELL, integrated into the Spanish Biobank Network, and funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PT20/00171) and by Xarxa de Bancs de Tumors de Catalunya (XBTC) sponsored by Pla Director d’Oncologia de Catalunya. This work was supported in part by the AECC, Grupos estables (GCTRA18014MATI). It also counts with the support of the Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and grants to support the activities of research groups 2021SGR01354 and 2021SGR1112

    Human Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma Patient-Derived Xenografts and Tumoroids for Preclinical Drug Evaluation

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    Human metastatic cholangiocarcinoma; Xenografts; TumoroidsColangiocarcinoma metastàtic humà; Xenoempelts; TumoroidesColangiocarcinoma metastásico humano; Xenoinjertos; TumoroidesPurpose: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is usually diagnosed at advanced stages, with limited therapeutic options. Preclinical models focused on unresectable metastatic CCA are necessary to develop rational treatments. Pathogenic mutations in IDH1/2, ARID1A/B, BAP1, and BRCA1/2 have been identified in 30%–50% of patients with CCA. Several types of tumor cells harboring these mutations exhibit homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) phenotype with enhanced sensitivity to PARP inhibitors (PARPi). However, PARPi treatment has not yet been tested for effectiveness in patient-derived models of advanced CCA. Experimental Design: We have established a collection of patient-derived xenografts from patients with unresectable metastatic CCA (CCA_PDX). The CCA_PDXs were characterized at both histopathologic and genomic levels. We optimized a protocol to generate CCA tumoroids from CCA_PDXs. We tested the effects of PARPis in both CCA tumoroids and CCA_PDXs. Finally, we used the RAD51 assay to evaluate the HRD status of CCA tissues. Results: This collection of CCA_PDXs recapitulates the histopathologic and molecular features of their original tumors. PARPi treatments inhibited the growth of CCA tumoroids and CCA_PDXs with pathogenic mutations of BRCA2, but not those with mutations of IDH1, ARID1A, or BAP1. In line with these findings, only CCA_PDX and CCA patient biopsy samples with mutations of BRCA2 showed RAD51 scores compatible with HRD. Conclusions: Our results suggest that patients with advanced CCA with pathogenic mutations of BRCA2, but not those with mutations of IDH1, ARID1A, or BAP1, are likely to benefit from PARPi therapy. This collection of CCA_PDXs provides new opportunities for evaluating drug response and prioritizing clinical trials.This work was supported by grants from the Fundació Marató TV3 awarded to T. Macarulla, M. Melé, and S. Peiró; BeiGene research grant awarded to T. Macarulla and S. Peiró; AECC (INVES20036TIAN), Ramón y Cajal investigator program (RYC2020-029098-I), Proyecto de I+D+i (PID2019-108008RJ-I00), and FERO Foundation grant awarded to T.V. Tian; Proyecto de Investigación en Salud from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI20/00898) awarded to T. Macarulla; FIS/FEDER from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI12/01250; CP08/00223; PI16/00253 and CB16/12/00449) awarded to S. Peiró; and Ramón y Cajal investigator program (RYC-2017-22249) awarded to M. Melé. Q. Serra-Camprubí is a recipient of the Ph.D. fellowship from La Caixa Foundation (LCF/PR/PR12/51070001). A. Llop-Guevara was supported by the AECC (INVES20095LLOP) and V. Serra by the ISCIII (CPII19/00033). E.J. Arenas was funded by the AECC (POSTD211413AREN). J. Arribas is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (AC15/00062, CB16/12/00449, and PI22/00001). This publication is based upon the work of COST Action CA18122, European Cholangiocarcinoma Network, supported by the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology, www.cost.eu), a funding agency for research and innovation networks. The authors would like to thank Dr. V.A. Raker for manuscript editing and Drs. N. Herranz and J. Mateo for scientific discussions. The authors acknowledge the infrastructure and support of the FERO Foundation, La Caixa Foundation, and the Cellex Foundation

    The challenge of the digital divide and elderly in Spanish rural areas. The case of Castilla y León.

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    This article includes some reflections about the tandem between new technologies, particularly the Internet, and elderly people living in rural areas. This article combines a qualitative (personal interviews and focus groups) andquantitative methodology (analysis of demographic data), aiming to deep about the relationship between relationshipbetween the digital divide and geographical gap for elderly people living in rural areas in Castilla y León. Results obtained from this research show the existence of structural elements in these rural areas but also symbolic aspects often overlooked, which must take into account when implementing intervention projects. This study confirms theneed to attend to the territory as a variable but also the characteristics of those who have greater difficulties in useand access to ICT, and progress towards equal opportunities.El presente artículo versa sobre el binomio Nuevas Tecnologías (en especial Internet) y las personas mayores que habitan en áreas rurales. A partir de una metodología tanto cualitativa (entrevistas personales y grupos de discusión) como cuantitativa (análisis de datos demográficos), se pretende profundizar en la relación entre la brecha digital y la brecha geográfica para las personas mayores residentes en el medio rural de Castilla y León. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de elementos estructurales diferenciados en estas zonas rurales, así como otros aspectos simbólicos con frecuencia olvidados, que han de ser tenidos en cuenta a la hora de implementar proyectos de intervención. El trabajo confirma la necesidad de atender al territorio como variable, pero también a las características de unos destinatarios que tienen mayores dificultades de uso y acceso a las TIC, y avanzar así en pro de la igualdad de oportunidades

    First-in-human PeriCord cardiac bioimplant : scalability and GMP manufacturing of an allogeneic engineered tissue graft

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    Altres ajuts: La Marató de TV3 Foundation, Government of Catalonia, Catalan Society of Cardiology, "La Caixa" Banking Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Institute of Health Carlos III, and the European Regional Development Fund.Small cardiac tissue engineering constructs show promise for limiting post-infarct sequelae in animal models. This study sought to scale-up a 2-cm 2 preclinical construct into a human-size advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP; PeriCord), and to test it in a first-in-human implantation. The PeriCord is a clinical-size (12-16 cm 2) decellularised pericardial matrix colonised with human viable Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (WJ-MSCs). WJ-MSCs expanded following good manufacturing practices (GMP) met safety and quality standards regarding the number of cumulative population doublings, genomic stability, and sterility. Human decellularised pericardial scaffolds were tested for DNA content, matrix stiffness, pore size, and absence of microbiological growth. PeriCord implantation was surgically performed on a large non-revascularisable scar in the inferior wall of a 63-year-old male patient. Coronary artery bypass grafting was concomitantly performed in the non-infarcted area. At implantation, the 16-cm 2 pericardial scaffold contained 12·5 × 10 6 viable WJ-MSCs (85·4% cell viability; <0·51 endotoxin units (EU)/mL). Intraoperative PeriCord delivery was expeditious, and secured with surgical glue. The post-operative course showed non-adverse reaction to the PeriCord, without requiring host immunosuppression. The three-month clinical follow-up was uneventful, and three-month cardiac magnetic resonance imaging showed ~9% reduction in scar mass in the treated area. This preliminary report describes the development of a scalable clinical-size allogeneic PeriCord cardiac bioimplant, and its first-in-human implantation. La Marató de TV3 Foundation, Government of Catalonia, Catalan Society of Cardiology, "La Caixa" Banking Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Institute of Health Carlos III, and the European Regional Development Fund

    Clinical and Laboratory Features in Anti-NF155 Autoimmune Nodopathy

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To study the clinical and laboratory features of antineurofascin-155 (NF155)-positive autoimmune nodopathy (AN). METHODS: Patients with anti-NF155 antibodies detected on routine immunologic testing were included. Clinical characteristics, treatment response, and functional scales (modified Rankin Scale [mRS] and Inflammatory Rasch-built Overall Disability Scale [I-RODS]) were retrospectively collected at baseline and at the follow-up. Autoantibody and neurofilament light (NfL) chain levels were analyzed at baseline and at the follow-up. RESULTS: Forty NF155+ patients with AN were included. Mean age at onset was 42.4 years. Patients presented with a progressive (75%), sensory motor (87.5%), and symmetric distal-predominant weakness in upper (97.2%) and lower extremities (94.5%), with tremor and ataxia (75%). Patients received a median of 3 (2-4) different treatments in 46 months of median follow-up. Response to IV immunoglobulin (86.8%) or steroids (72.2%) was poor in most patients, whereas 77.3% responded to rituximab. HLA-DRB1*15 was detected in 91.3% of patients. IgG4 anti-NF155 antibodies were predominant in all patients; anti-NF155 titers correlated with mRS within the same patient (r = 0.41, p = 0.004). Serum NfL (sNfL) levels were higher in anti-NF155+ AN than in healthy controls (36.47 vs 7.56 pg/mL, p < 0.001) and correlated with anti-NF155 titers (r = 0.43, p = 0.001), with I-RODS at baseline (r = -0.88, p < 0.001) and with maximum I-RODS achieved (r = -0.58, p = 0.01). Anti-NF155 titers and sNfL levels decreased in all rituximab-treated patients. DISCUSSION: Anti-NF155 AN presents a distinct clinical profile and good response to rituximab. Autoantibody titers and sNfL are useful to monitor disease status in these patients. The use of untagged-NF155 plasmids minimizes the detection of false anti-NF155+ cases. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class IV evidence that anti-NF155 antibodies associate with a specific phenotype and response to rituximab

    TFG 2014/2015

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    Amb aquesta publicació, EINA, Centre universitari de Disseny i Art adscrit a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, dóna a conèixer el recull dels Treballs de Fi de Grau presentats durant el curs 2014-2015. Voldríem que un recull com aquest donés una idea més precisa de la tasca que es realitza a EINA per tal de formar nous dissenyadors amb capacitat de respondre professionalment i intel·lectualment a les necessitats i exigències de la nostra societat. El treball formatiu s’orienta a oferir resultats que responguin tant a paràmetres de rigor acadèmic i capacitat d’anàlisi del context com a l’experimentació i la creació de nous llenguatges, tot fomentant el potencial innovador del disseny.Con esta publicación, EINA, Centro universitario de diseño y arte adscrito a la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, da a conocer la recopilación de los Trabajos de Fin de Grado presentados durante el curso 2014-2015. Querríamos que una recopilación como ésta diera una idea más precisa del trabajo que se realiza en EINA para formar nuevos diseñadores con capacidad de responder profesional e intelectualmente a las necesidades y exigencias de nuestra sociedad. El trabajo formativo se orienta a ofrecer resultados que respondan tanto a parámetros de rigor académico y capacidad de análisis, como a la experimentación y la creación de nuevos lenguajes, al tiempo que se fomenta el potencial innovador del diseño.With this publication, EINA, University School of Design and Art, affiliated to the Autonomous University of Barcelona, brings to the public eye the Final Degree Projects presented during the 2014-2015 academic year. Our hope is that this volume might offer a more precise idea of the task performed by EINA in training new designers, able to speak both professionally and intellectually to the needs and demands of our society. The educational task is oriented towards results that might respond to the parameters of academic rigour and the capacity for contextual analysis, as well as to considerations of experimentation and the creation of new languages, all the while reinforcing design’s innovative potential