154 research outputs found

    Impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la salud mental

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    The purpose of the present monograph is to provide a compilation of studies that demonstrate how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the mental health of various groups of the population in Iberoamerican countries. The nine articles of this special issue analyse subjects such as isolation due to confinement, post-traumatic stress derived from exposure to the coronavirus, the differences in the level of well-being according to social class, the increase of depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation, the effect of the infection on psychological disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, the increase of anxiety symptoms and the resulting greater demand for psychological care, the effects of healthcare pressure on burnout experienced by healthcare workers, and the role of self-forgiveness and compassion in relation to personal growth and life satisfaction during the pandemic. In sum, this special issue is a sample of the scientific evidence on how this unusual crisis is affecting citizens' psychological health.El propósito del monográfico es presentar un compendio de estudios que muestran cómo la pandemia por la COVID-19 ha impactado la salud mental de diversos sectores de la población de países iberoamericanos. Nueve artículos analizan la soledad a causa del confinamiento, el estrés postraumático derivado de la exposición al coronavirus y sus consecuencias, las diferencias en el nivel de bienestar en función de la clase social, el incremento de la sintomatología depresiva y la ideación suicida, el impacto de la infección en trastornos psicológicos como el obsesivo compulsivo, el incremento de los síntomas de ansiedad y el aumento consecuente de la demanda de atención psicológica, la relación entre el ejercicio físico, pasear al perro y el estado afectivo durante el confinamiento, los efectos de la presión asistencial sobre el desgaste profesional de los trabajadores sanitarios y, finalmente, el papel del perdón a uno mismo y la compasión en relación al crecimiento personal y la satisfacción con la vida durante la pandemia. En suma, este número especial constituye una muestra de la evidencia científica acerca de cómo está afectando a la salud psicológica de la ciudadanía esta inusitada crisis

    Trastorno de estrés postraumático y dolor crónico: nexos entre psico y pato(logía)

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    The primary aim of this paper is to provide a brief review of the existing literature investigating the relationship between chronic pain and the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD). There is a growing body of research that indicates that PSTD and chronic pain frequently co-occur, and that both conditions may interact in such a way as to negatively impact the course and outcome of the treatment of either disorder. People with both health problems tend to have greater distress and impairment compared to those with only one of these conditions. In recent years, several important conceptual developments and potential mechanisms have been proposed on how and why these disorders often co-occur and how they can interact with one another. The research suggests that variables such as fear and avoidance, anxiety sensitivity, and catastrophizing, as well as general and specific psychological and biological features, may help account for the development and maintenance of both conditions.El objetivo primordial de este artículo es efectuar una breve revisión acerca de la literatura existente en torno a la investigación sobre la relación entre dolor crónico y el trastorno por estrés postraumático (TEPT). Existe un creciente cuerpo de evidencia empírica indicativo de que el TEPT y el dolor crónico co-ocurren frecuentemente, y de que ambos problemas interaccionan, de modo tal que pueden afectarse mutuamente e incidir negativamente en el curso y pronóstico del tratamiento aplicado a uno y otro. De hecho, las personas que sufren ambos problemas de salud manifiestan mayor malestar y discapacidad comparados con quienes tan sólo padecen uno de los dos trastornos. De ahí que en los últimos años se han venido proponiendo modelos conceptuales y mecanismos potencialmente explicativos sobre cómo y por qué ambos trastornos interaccionan. La investigación al respecto sugiere que variables como el miedo y la evitación, la sensibilidad a la ansiedad y el castastrofismo, así como ciertas características psicológicas y biológicas, específicas y generales, pueden contribuir a explicar el desarrollo y mantenimiento de estos problemas

    The informal social support for autonomy and dependence in pain inventory Spanish version

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    Social support plays a crucial role in the quality of life of people with chronic pain. The Informal Social Support for Autonomy and Dependence in Pain Inventory assesses two functions of received social support: the promotion of autonomy and the promotion of dependence. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to adapt this instrument for its use in the Spanish population. The sample comprised 256 individuals with chronic pain. Participants were recruited through two local associations of people with fibromyalgia, a physiotherapy unit and a hospital pain unit. The data were collected in Spain between October 2018 and January 2020. The structure of the questionnaire was analysed using confirmatory factor analysis, average variance extracted, composite reliability and internal consistency indexes, and inter-correlations between the scales. The criterion-related validity of the instrument was analysed by investigating its relationship with pain intensity, positive and negative affect, daily functioning, activity impairment, wellbeing and satisfaction with life. The structure with the best fit had four related factors: emotional social support for the promotion of autonomy; instrumental social support for the promotion of autonomy; emotional social support for the promotion of dependence and instrumental social support for the promotion of dependence. The scales showed adequate internal consistency. An association was found between higher levels of instrumental social support for the promotion of dependence and higher levels of pain-related disability and decreased daily functioning. An association was also found between the promotion of autonomy and increased satisfaction with life. The Spanish version of the inventory shows appropriate psychometric properties. In the setting of disability prevention, this instrument is useful in assessing the support relationships between people with chronic pain and their relatives.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-106086RB-I00) and the Regional Government of Andalusia (HUM-566). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA

    Pain Acceptance Creates an Emotional Context That Protects against the Misuse of Prescription Opioids: A Study in a Sample of Patients with Chronic Noncancer Pain.

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    There is solid evidence of an association between several psychological flexibility processes, particularly pain acceptance, and adaptation to chronic pain. However, there are relatively few studies on the relationship between pain acceptance and opioid misuse in chronic pain patients. Thus, the aim of the present study was to test a hypothetical model in which pain acceptance would regulate pain sensations and pain-related thoughts and emotions, which would be related to opioid misuse. The sample comprised 140 chronic pain patients attending two hospitals. All patients were receiving pharmacological treatment, including opioid analgesics. Structural equation modelling analyses showed a significant association between higher pain acceptance and lower pain intensity and catastrophizing, and lower levels of anxiety and depression. Only higher anxiety and depression were significantly associated with increased opioid misuse. The results suggest that levels of anxiety, depression, and pain acceptance must be assessed before opioids are prescribed. Pain acceptance implies a relationship with internal events that protects against anxiety and depression and thus against opioid misuse. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy appears to be particularly appropriate for these patients

    Pain Interference, Resilience, and Perceived Well-Being During COVID-19: Differences Between Women With and Without Trauma Exposure Prior to the Pandemic

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in women with non-malignant chronic pain, and to determine whether women exposed to traumatic situations prior to the outbreak would be at a higher risk of negative health impacts.Methods: A total of 365 women were divided into three subgroups according to whether or not they had experienced a traumatic event prior to COVID-19. They completed an online survey.Results: Significant differences were found between groups during lockdown: 1) more psychological abuse was experienced by the group of women who had experienced an interpersonal traumatic event prior to the pandemic than in the other subgroups; 2) physical activity levels were higher and scores on pain interference were lower in women in the non-traumatized subgroup than in the other subgroups; 3) pain interference was predicted by pain intensity, decreased social support, and resilience, whereas perceived well-being was predicted by pain interference.Conclusion: Women who had experienced a traumatic event prior to the pandemic suffered worse consequences of the COVID-19 lockdown, particularly greater pain interference, although resilience was shown to both mitigate pain interference and enhance perceived well-being

    Experiencias pedagógicas e innovación educativa. Aportaciones desde la praxis docente e investigadora

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    Este libro recoge las principales aportaciones al IV Congreso Internacional Virtual sobre Innovación Pedagógica y Praxis Educativa-Innovagogía 2018, organizado por el Colectivo Docente Internacional Innovagogía y AFOE Formación, que tuvo como preámbulo el II Seminario de Innovación Docente: nuevas perspectivas y temas emergentes, celebrado en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, de Sevilla (España). En el Congreso están implicados tanto profesionales individuales como organizaciones e instituciones de ámbito internacional, preocupadas por la innovación, la práctica educativa y formativa de calidad. Está dirigido a profesorado, personal técnico y profesionales de la Educación de cualquier etapa y en todos sus ámbitos: maestros, docentes de secundaria, bachillerato y formación profesional, profesorado universitario, profesionales del trabajo y la educación social, formación ocupacional y permanente, animación sociocultural, tiempo libre, y animación juvenil, entre otros profesionales. Los trabajos incluidos recogen reflexiones y experiencias de un total de 540 participantes de 17 nacionalidades diferentes, pertenecientes a más de 100 entidades, 78 de ellas universidades. Las líneas temáticas en las que se insertan inciden en las buenas prácticas y aportaciones docentes e investigadoras sobre la praxis educativa en los niveles universitarios y no universitarios, hablan del impacto de las Nuevas Tecnologías en la educación y la formación, así como de la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas, sostenibilidad medioambiental, cooperación para el desarrollo, estudios de género e igualdad, educación y formación de personas adultas. Estamos seguros que la amplitud, diversidad y profundización de las distintas aportaciones ofrecerá nuevas pistas y numerosas ideas para orientar la labor socio-educativa de los distintos colectivos profesionales involucrados.Facultad Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Educación y Psicología SocialVersión del edito

    Behavioral Inhibition and Activation Systems, and Emotional Regulation in Individuals With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain

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    Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory postulates two distinct neurophysiological systems that underlie thoughts, emotions, and behavior: the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) and the Behavioral Approach System (BAS). Preliminary research suggests that both systems may play relevant roles in the adjustment of individuals with chronic pain. However, there is a lack of research on the extent to which emotional regulation (i.e., cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression) mediates the associations between BIS and BAS activation and emotional responses in individuals with chronic pain. The aim of this study was to test a model of the associations between the BIS and BAS, cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression, and positive and negative affect in individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain. In total, 516 participants were interviewed. Structural Equation Modeling was used to estimate the associations between variables. The empirical model showed a good fit to the data (χ2/df = 1.95; RMSEA = 0.04; GFI = 0.99; AGFI = 0.98; CFI = 0.99). The hypothesized model received partial support. The BIS was associated with cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression; cognitive reappraisal was associated with negative and positive affect; expressive suppression was positively associated with affect; and the BAS was not associated with the emotional regulation strategies assessed. However, the BIS and BAS were both directly associated with negative and positive affect. The results suggest that individuals with chronic pain with higher BIS activation appear to use greater expressive suppression. Cognitive reappraisal strongly mediated the BIS-negative affect association. The results also suggest that BAS activation may have a weak or inconsistent association with emotional regulation approaches in individuals with chronic pain. These data provide new and relevant information on the potential role of the BIS and BAS as predictors of psychological functioning in individuals with chronic pain. They suggest that the BIS-BAS model of chronic pain may need to be modified to take into account the potential negative effects of BAS activation. The findings suggest that treatments for emotional regulation could potentially reduce the negative impact of chronic pain via BIS

    El papel de las emociones en el patrón de secuenciación de actividades: un estudio experimental

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    People with chronic pain often change the way they carry out their daily activities according to different patterns, among which are pacing strategies. Cross-sectional studies on the association between pacing and affect show contradictory results. The study aim was to experimentally test whether the induction of positive affect vs negative affect would influence the choice of the type of pacing (pacing to increase productivity or pacing to reduce pain) when the participants were exposed to pain, while controlling for the variables optimism and catastrophism. The study participants comprised a sample of 145 undergraduates. The results of multinomial logistic regression showed that there was no association between the variables. Pacing is an intervention strategy in all chronic pain intervention models, and thus it is relevant to continue investigating the role of affect in relation to pacing.Las personas con dolor crónico cambian la forma de realizar las actividades cotidianas, diferenciándose diversos patrones, entre ellos, la secuenciación de actividades (pacing). La bibliografía acerca de la relación entre pacing y afecto muestran resultados contradictorios. El objetivo de este estudio fue contrastar experimentalmente, en una muestra de 145 estudiantes, si la inducción de afecto positivo vs negativo influía en la elección del tipo de “pacing” (“pacing para aumentar la productividad” y “pacing para reducir el dolor”) cuando los participantes eran expuestos a dolor, controlando las variables optimismo y catastrofismo. Los resultados de la regresión logística multinomial no mostraron relación entre las variables. El pacing es una estrategia de intervención presente en todos los modelos de intervención en dolor crónico y, por tanto, es relevante seguir profundizando acerca del rol del afecto en relación al mismo


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    Se estudió el crecimiento y algunos parámetros somatométricos (longitud total, a la horquilla, estándar, cefálica, y de la línea lateral; altura dorsal superior, anal, y dorsal inferior; índice de condición, cefálico, de compacidad, gonadosomático, hepatosomático, digestosomático, bazosomático, grasosomático y fracción comestible), así como la composición corporal, en lubinas de un peso de 350 g mantenidas a diferentes temperaturas desde la fertilización hasta el tamaño comercial. Los dos lotes sólo presentaron diferencias significativas en el contenido en cenizas (P0,05), que fue mayor en la población cultivada a alta temperatura. Se discutieron los resultados en relación con la temperatura. Estos resultados mostraron la escasa influencia del método de cultivo, lo que puede ser de interés por su posible efecto sobre la calidad final del producto.Biometric and composition data in sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758), of commercial size cultivated at different temperatures. Some somatometric parameters (total, fork, standard, head, and lateral line length; superior dorsal, anal, and inferior dorsal height; condition, cranial, compactness, gonadosomatic, hepatosomatic, digestosomatic, spleensoomatic, perivisceral fat and dressing index) and body composition of 350 g sea bass cultured under different temperatures from fertilization to commercial size were studied. We found significative differences (P0,05) between both groups only in ash content which was higher in the fish cultivated at high temperature. The results related to temperature are discussed. These data showed that there is no influence of culture temperature on characteristics and quality of the final product and that this fact can be of interest from the point of view of the aquaculture commercialization.CICYT. Proyecto AGL2000-1738-C03-0