3,410 research outputs found

    In-service training on teaching in the University of Granada: an answer to the teaching needs of academics

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    International Conference on Education. Bilbao, 18-20 de julio de 2013In the last years, Spanish universities have given great importance to in-service training focusing mainly on the quality of teaching. This increase, which is a clear sign of the effort done by Spanish universities to improve the professional competence of academics, must be accompanied by asp ects such as the evaluation of the given training/courses, the inclusion of different elements to be assessed, i.e. the lecturers, contents, structure of the course, number of participants, degree of satisfaction of the participants with the received training, the impact of the course on the development of teaching competences and the impact of the new skills on the teaching practice, considering, mainly, the teaching of the participants. This paper analyses the needs expressed by academics as well as the offer proposed by the University of Granada to those needs. A survey conducted in 2012/13 of more than 500 academics is used to gather informatio

    La enseñanza y el aprendizaje del patrimonio en los museos : la perspectiva de los gestores

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    En este artículo se analizan las concepciones de los gestores patrimoniales respecto al concepto de patrimonio y a su enseñanza aprendizaje en los ámbitos educativos no formales. Así, tomando como muestra de estudio 43 gestores de museos y centros de interpretación patrimonial de las provincias de Huelva, Sevilla y Cádiz, se presentan los obstáculos conceptuales detectados para el desarrollo, por parte de este colectivo, de propuestas didácticas de carácter holístico, identitario, innovador y sociocrítico. Para ello, se diseñan dos instrumentos de investigación: un cuestionario para la obtención de datos y un sistema de categorías para el análisis de la información obtenida. Como resultado, se puede destacar la alta especialización de los gestores patrimoniales respecto al concepto de patrimonio frente a su escasa formación, conceptualización e incluso interés hacia la educación patrimonial.This article analyses the notions of patrimonial managers in terms of the concept of heritage and its teaching and learning in non-formal educational areas. So, taking 43 managers of museums and patrimonial interpretation centres of the provinces of Huelva, Seville and Cadiz as our study sample, we present the conceptual obstacles detected to the development by this group of didactic proposals of a holistic, identitarian, innovating and socio-critical nature. To this end, two research instruments were designed: a data gathering questionnaire and a system of categories for analysis of the information obtained. As a result, the high degree of specialisation of the patrimonial managers is notable in terms of the concept of heritage compared with their scant training, conceptualisation and even interest in patrimonial education

    Strategies to develop the ability to learn to learn in Mathematics for ESO students

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    RESUMEN: En este trabajo vamos a realizar un análisis de la competencia aprender a aprender, daremos sus características globales y también las adaptadas a la asignatura de matemáticas. Se pondrá de manifiesto su importancia a la hora de mostrar un determinado contenido. Mostraremos cómo el informe PISA habla de esta competencia y de las fases que el alumno tiene que realizar para adquirirla. En dicho análisis, mostraremos los errores que los alumnos cometen a la hora de realizar su aprendizaje de forma autónoma y con la finalidad de trabajar esta competencia, destacando el papel que tiene la motivación a la hora de desarrollar esta capacidad en el proceso de aprendizaje del alumno y cómo puede propiciar un estímulo extra para, así, fomentar el pensamiento crítico del alumno. También veremos la forma en la que se puede solventar estos errores utilizando como recursos la contextualización y la historia de las matemáticas. Por otro lado, avanzaremos en el trabajo explicando la contextualización y la historia de las matemáticas como recursos didácticos, indicando sus características y los enfoques que pueden aportar a la hora de enseñar matemáticas. Pondremos de manifiesto las características y la importancia de las TICs y de los entornos virtuales para realizar una enseñanza en la red. Combinaremos todos estos elementos para construir una metodología sostenida por el aprendizaje basado en el pensamiento, que será la forma de trabajo que utilizaremos para elaborar una propuesta didáctica 3ºESO, creando un entorno virtual con la herramienta Schoology, indicando la posibilidad de aplicación docente en un futuro de la propuesta. Para terminar, se expondrán las conclusiones obtenidas. ABSTRACT: In this work, we will make an analysis of the learning to learn competence, we will give its global characteristics and also those adapted to the mathematics subject. We will show its importance when showing a certain content. We will show how the PISA report talks about this competence and the phases that the student has to go through to acquire it. In this analysis we will take into account the mistakes that students make when they learn autonomously and with the aim of working on this competence, highlighting the role of motivation when developing this capacity in the student's learning process and how it can provide an extra stimulus to encourage critical thinking in students. We will also see how these mistakes can be solved by using contextualization and the history of mathematics as resources. On the other hand, we will advance in the work by explaining the contextualization and history of mathematics as didactic resources, indicating their characteristics and the approaches they can provide when teaching mathematics. We will show the characteristics and importance of ICTs and virtual environments for teaching on the net. We will combine all these elements to build a methodology sustained by learning based on thought, which will be the working method we will use to elaborate a didactic proposal 3ºESO, creating a virtual environment with the tool Schoology, indicating the possibility of teaching application in the future of the proposal. Finally, the conclusions obtained will be presented

    Improving the barrier properties of thermoplastic corn starch-based films containing bacterial cellulose nanowhiskers by means of PHA electrospun coatings of interest in food packaging

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    In the present study, property enhanced thermoplastic corn starch (TPCS) nanobiocomposites containing bacterial cellulose nanowhiskers (BCNW) prepared by melt mixing were characterized in terms of morphology, mechanical, optical and barrier properties. Improved barrier to water vapour and oxygen at high relative humidity (80%) was noticed, reaching the best performance at 15 wt% BCNW loading with a maximum drop of 46% and 95% for water and oxygen permeability, respectively. In a second approach, the optimized nanobiocomposites (containing 15 wt% BCNW) were successfully hydrophobized by coating them with electrospun poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) or electrospun PHB-BCNW fibres. To this end, hybrid electrospun PHB fibres reinforced with highly dispersed crystalline BCNW in solutions concentrations up to 15 wt% were directly electrospun onto both sides of TPCS nanobiocomposites containing 15 wt% BCNW. Similar coated structures prepared without BCNW were developed and characterized for comparative purposes. The methodology used resulted in good adhesion between the layers, also leading to enhanced barrier performance. Interestingly, the incorporation of BCNW in one of the layers led to a decrease on the oxygen permeability values showing no significant differences between multilayer films incorporating BCNW whatever the layer where the BCNW were located. However, when comparing amongst the different multilayer samples containing BCNW, the greatest reduction in the water vapour permeability values was seen for multilayer structures incorporating BCNW in both, the TPCS inner layer and the PHB coating. This study has demonstrated the potential of the combination of both technologies (nanocomposites and multilayered design) in the development of food packaging materials based on corn starch with improved barrier properties.Financial support from MINECO (AGL2015-63855-C2-1project). M.J. Fabra is recipient of a Ramon y Cajal contract (RYC-2014-158) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and CompetitivenessPeer reviewe

    Gamification and Controversial Heritage: Trainee Teachers' Conceptions

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    Heritage education is configured as an ideal framework for the treatment of socio-environmental problems relevant to modern society. To this end, it is essential that teachers can develop proposals in the classroom that promote critical thinking and the eco-social education of their students, based on innovative and experiential methodologies. For this reason, initial teacher training must ensure that future teachers acquire these innovative tools. Thus, the aim of this work is to identify the conceptions of student teachers in initial teacher training regarding gamification as a teaching methodology to address controversial heritage. To achieve this, a questionnaire has been designed with questions about heritage, controversy, and educational gamification, which was given to 235 students (M = 60; F = 175) taking their primary education degrees at different Spanish universities. To guide the design of the research instrument and analyze the results, a system of categories was developed and the SPSS data processing program was used. The first results show that, even though students in initial teacher training think that they do have a predisposition to use gamification to work around controversial heritage in class, they lack the knowledge of methodological strategies and gamified educational activities, which suggests a dearth of training on these issues in the primary education degree courses.This study is linked to the R&D+i project EPITEC2 “Controversial heritage for the eco-social formation of citizenship. An investigation of heritage education in formal education” (PID2020-116662GB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50100011033/) which has made its preparation possible. The first author is the beneficiary of a Teacher Training Grant (FPU20/01886), granted by the Ministry of Universities (Spain). The second author is a beneficiary of a FPI (PRE2021-097822), granted by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the FSE+

    Controversial heritage for eco-citizenship education in Social Science didactics Implications for initial teacher education

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    This chapter includes an approach to several concepts of current relevance, such as controversial issues, ecosocial education and citizenship education because heritage education is the ideal framework to develop educational experiences for the initial training of Social Sciences teachers, and specifically of History, that integrate controversial heritages for the education of a critical, participative and democratic eco-citizenship. Based on the review of these concepts, implications for teacher training are established, in the form of examples from the different perspectives of controversial heritages, as a proposal for the teaching of history. The review addresses the basic criteria that allow the design of didactic proposals which, through heritage and based on innovative, interactive, dynamic and participatory visions, link the experimentation of good educational practices with initial teacher training in order to approach eco-citizenship education through the analysis of socio-environmental problems and controversial issues of the past and present and their possible future projections.This publication is part of R+D+i Project EPITEC 2: PID2020–116662GB-I00, f inanced by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/. R+D+i project “Educación Patrimonial para la Inteligencia Territorial y Emocional de la Ciudadanía. Análisis de buenas prácticas, diseño e intervención en la enseñanza obligatoria” (EDU2015–67953-P). R+D+i project “Patrimonios controversiales para la formación ecosocial de la ciudadanía. Una investigación de educación patrimonial en la enseñanza reglada” (PID2020–116662GB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/)

    Ab initio studies of propene epoxidation on oxidized silver surfaces

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    Producción CientíficaAb initio density functional simulations have been performed to study the adsorption of propene on partially oxidized silver surfaces and its interaction with surface oxygen. Two different adsorption conformations for propene are studied, with the molecule either intact or forming an Ag–C3H6–O oxymetallacycle (OMC) intermediate. Then, pathways for propene oxide, acrolein and propanone formation have been studied in detail, providing insight into the selectivity of the surfaces. We find that formation of acrolein must necessarily take place from OMC intermediates, requiring at least two neighbouring reactive surface oxygen anions. This suggests a strong relationship between the concentration of surface oxygen and the selectivity of these surfaces.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyect MAT2008-06483-C03-01 and MAT 2011-22781)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. A158A11-

    Heart rate recovery normality data recorded in response to a maximal exercise test in physically active men.

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    Background. Despite a growing clinical interest in determining the heart rate recovery (HRR) response to exercise, the limits of a normal HRR have not yet been well established. Purpose. This study was designed to examine HRR following a controlled maximal exercise test in healthy, physically active adult men. Methods. The subjects recruited (n=789) performed a maximal stress test on a treadmill. HRR indices were calculated by subtracting the 1st and 3rd minute heart rates during recovery from the maximal heart rate obtained during stress testing and designated these as HRR-1 and HRR-3, respectively. The relative change in HRR was determined as the decrease in HR produced at the time points 1 min and 3 min after exercise as a percentage of the peak HR (%HRR-1/HRpeak and %HRR-3/HRpeak, respectively). Percentile values of HRR-1 and HRR-3 were generated for the study population. Results. Mean HHR-1 and HHR-3 were 15.24±8.36 bpm and 64.58±12.17 bpm, respectively and %HRR-1/HRpeak and %HRR-3/HRpeak were 8.60±4.70% and 36.35±6.79%, respectively. Significant correlation was detected between Peak VO2 and HRR-3 (r=0.36; p<0.001) or %HRR-3/HRpeak (r=0.23; p<0.001). Conclusions. Our study provides normality data for heart rate recovery following a maximal ergometry test obtained in a large population of physically active men.pre-print166 K

    Reflexiones de los alumnos de Enfermería sobre el proceso de la muerte

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    One’s attitude toward and fear of death in the nursing field can determine the quality of care that a dying patient receives, which makes this topic an important one to consider and discuss.It is necessary for one to learn to perceive death as a natural process. Healthcare workers treat dying patients, interpreting the phenomenon of death as well as death itself through their own personal lens and breadth of understanding. Training in thanatology and palliative care is scarcely and irregularly included in regular academic curricula.The objective of this study is to analyze the contributions of 3rd-year nursing students on the subject of palliative care upon writing a reflective journal entry about an article that surrounds a nurse’s view on the process of dying.Phenomenology was used as a methodological instrument which intended to inductively draw up a standardized explanation of the phenomenon of death through the students’ expressed thoughts on the matter.Relating to the attitudes that nurses that work with the terminally ill have towards death, the following facts stand out as impactful: lack of preparation, ineffective coping, and personal fears, values, and beliefs. Additionally, uneasiness associated with the use of life support and the care team’s obstinate insistence on saving what cannot be saved is predominant.The results emphasize a very elevated level of the nurse’s emotional involvement in caring for a dying patient. Specific preparation geared toward a better adaptation in working with terminal patients has been identified as a fundamental pillar for nurses in this line of work. Personal interest and emphasis on occupational excellence also stand out as influential factors.It is very important to analyze the problems regarding this “environment of death” and its impact on nursing students. Qualitative research in this field could be a useful tool in detecting worries and uncertainties surrounding this matter.La actitud y el miedo a la muerte en enfermería pueden condicionar la calidad de cuidados del paciente moribundo, por lo que es importante abordar este tema.Es necesario aprender a percibir la muerte como algo natural. Los sanitarios tratan a los moribundos, interpretan el fenómeno de la muerte y la muerte misma bajo su óptica y entendimiento. La formación en tanatología y los cuidados paliativos se trata de forma escasa o al menos de forma irregular en los planes de estudio.El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las aportaciones de los alumnos de tercero de enfermería en la asignatura cuidados paliativos a la hora de escribir una reflexión sobre un artículo que trata la visión de una enfermera del proceso de la muerte.Se empleó la fenomenología como instrumento metodológico, con el que se pretendió elaborar inductivamente un marco explicativo del fenómeno estudiado a partir de las expresiones de los estudiantes.En relación a la actitud hacia el trabajo con enfermos terminales y hacia la muerte se pueden resaltar los siguientes datos: escasa preparación, afrontamiento ineficaz, miedos, valores y creencias. Predomina la inquietud relacionada con el encarnizamiento terapéutico y con la actitud obstinada del equipo de salud por salvar lo insalvable.Los resultados ponen de manifiesto un grado muy elevado de implicación emocional de la enfermera en el cuidado del paciente moribundo. Se considera como pilar fundamental una preparación específica para adaptarse mejor al trabajo con los pacientes terminales. Destaca el interés y la preocupación por la excelencia.Es muy importante el analizar los problemas en “entorno de la muerte” en los estudiantes de enfermería. La investigación cualitativa en este campo podría ser una de las herramientas útiles para detectar inquietudes y preocupacione

    Las tabletas y la gestión de los contenidos digitales en los centros escolares

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las transformaciones que se están experimentando en la enseñanza, con la sustitución de los libros de texto por dispositivos móviles como la tablet. La implantación de estas tecnologías pone el énfasis en las estrategias de gestión de contenidos y de conocimientos. A partir de este supuesto planteamos la recogida de datos en un centro público y otro concertado de la Comunidad Valenciana. Entendemos que esta variable es fundamental para comprender la naturaleza de las diferentes estrategias de innovación con estos nuevos dispositivos. Los datos los hemos recogido y tratado mediante técnicas de carácter etnográfico, previa negociación del acceso. Los primeros resultados apuntan a que la transferencia de las tecnologías móviles a las aulas significa: aumentar la autogestión del proceso de aprendizaje; el modelo es más vertical en los centros concertados que en los públicos; en ambos casos, el protocolo está orientado por los agentes e instancias de las tecnologías y no tanto por los responsables de la educación. The aim of this paper is to analyse the changes that are being experienced in teaching from replacing textbooks for mobile devices such as tablets. The implementation of these technologies emphasizes strategies for content management and knowledge. From this assumption, we proposed to collect data in a public school and in a state funded school in Valencia, understanding that this variable is fundamental for understanding the nature of innovation strategies with new devices. Data were collected and processed using ethnographic techniques, after negotiating access. Early results suggest that the transfer of mobile technologies into the classroom means an increase of self-management of the learning process and that the model is more vertical in funded than in public schools. Moreover, in both cases the protocol is guided by the agents and agencies of technologies, rather than by those responsible for education